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提问人:网友theking 发布时间:2022-01-07

49A. In reply, Dr. Zunin would claim that a little practice can help us feel comfortable a


A. In reply, Dr. Zunin would claim that a little practice can help us feel comfortable about chan- ging our social habits.

B. Much of what has been said about strangers also applies to relationships with family members and friends.

C. In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people.

D. Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes.

E. He keeps looking over the other person&39;s shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more interest- ing in another part of the room.

F. He is eager to make friends with everyone.

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Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger, the associate director of science at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Ce
nter, made no reply to Zambia-based nun named Sister Mary Jucunda as for the significance of space exploration.

47A. In reply, Dr. Zunin would claim that a little practice can help us feel comfortable a


A. In reply, Dr. Zunin would claim that a little practice can help us feel comfortable about chan- ging our social habits.

B. Much of what has been said about strangers also applies to relationships with family members and friends.

C. In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people.

D. Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes.

E. He keeps looking over the other person&39;s shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more interest- ing in another part of the room.

F. He is eager to make friends with everyone.

48A. In reply, Dr. Zunin would claim that a little practice can help us feel comfortable a


A. In reply, Dr. Zunin would claim that a little practice can help us feel comfortable about chan- ging our social habits.

B. Much of what has been said about strangers also applies to relationships with family members and friends.

C. In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people.

D. Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes.

E. He keeps looking over the other person&39;s shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more interest- ing in another part of the room.

F. He is eager to make friends with everyone.

Dr. Joe Z Tsien is a professor of mloecular biology at Harvard.A.YB.NC.NG

Dr. Joe Z Tsien is a professor of mloecular biology at Harvard.











49A. Social support cushions stress in a number of ways.B. Social support consists of the


A. Social support cushions stress in a number of ways.B. Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties.C. Finally, other people may give us instrumental supportD. People can&39;t live without social support.E. and the absence of such support makes poor health more likelyF. Second, other people often provide us with informational support.

49A. Consequently, lack of sufficient food continues to be a most serious cause of bad hea


A. Consequently, lack of sufficient food continues to be a most serious cause of bad health in many underdeveloped regions.B. Florid rickets is now a clinical curiosity in Britain.C. Pathology is the study of disease by scientific methods.D. This is not due to an increase in human fertility but is caused almost entirely by a remarkable reduction in the death rate.E. Consequently, the concept of deficiency diseases, nutritional and endocrine, grew in the present century.F. In addition, food production must be greatly in creased by the use of high-yielding strains.

回答{TSE}题: The First Four Minutes When do people decide whether or not they want to beco
me friends?During their first four minutes together, according to a book by Dr. Leonard Zunin. In his book, "Contact: The firstfour minutes," he offers this advice to anyone interested in starting newfriendships: " 46__________A lot ofpeople's whole lives would change if they did just that. " You may have noticed that average person does not give his undividedattention to someone he as just met. 47__________Ifanyone has ever done this to you, you probably did not like him very much. When we are introduced to new people, the author suggests, we shouldtry to appear friendly and self-confident. In general, he says, "Peoplelike people who like themselves. " On the other hand, we should not make the other person think we aretoo sure of ourselves. It is important to appear interested and sympathetic, realizingthat the other person has his won needs, fears, and hopes. Hearing such advice, one might say, "But I'm not a friendly,self-confident person. That's not my nature, It would be dishonest for me to atthat way. "48__________We can become accustomed to any changes we chooseto make in our personality. "It is like getting used to a new car. It maybe unfamiliar at first, but it goes much better than the old one. " But isn't it dishonest to give the appearance of friendlyself-confidence when we don't actually feel that way? Perhaps, but according toDr. Zunin, "total nones is notalways good for social relationships, especially during the first few minutesof contact. There is a time for everything, and a certain amount of play-actingmay be best for the first few minutes of contact with a stranger. That is notthe time to complain about one's health or to mention faults one finds in otherpeople. It is not the time to tell the whole truth about one's opinions andimpressions.49 __________For a husband and wife or a parent and child, problemsoften arise during their first four minutes together after they have beenapart. Dr. Zunin suggests that these first few minutes together be treated withcare. If there are unpleasant matters to be discussed, they should be dealtwith later. {TS}The author says that interpersonal relations should be taught as arequired course in every school,along with reading, writing, andmathematics. 50__________that is atleast as important as how much we know.

A. In reply, Dr. Zunin would claim that a little practice can helpus feel comfortable about changing our social habits.

B. Much of what has been said about strangers also applies torelationships with family members and friends.

C. In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we getalong with other people.

D. Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give himyour undivided attention for four minutes.

E. He keeps looking over the other person's shoulder, as if hopingto find someone more interesting in another part of the room.

F. He is eager to make friends with everyone. 46__________

My Aunt Edith was a widow(寡妇) of 50, working as a secretary, when doctors discovered what was then thought to be a very serious heart disease.

Aunt Edith didn't accept defeat easily. She began studying medical reports in the library and found an article in a magazine about a well-known heart surgeon(外科医生), Dr. Michael DeBakey, of Houston, Texas. He had saved the life of someone with the same disease. The article said his fees were very high; Aunt Edith couldn't possibly pay them. But could he tell her of someone whose fees she could pay?

So Aunt Edith wrote to him. She simply listed her reasons for wanting to live: her three children, who would be on their own in three or four more years; her little-girl dream of traveling and seeing the world. There wasn't a word of self-pity-only warmth and humor and the joy of living. She mailed the letter, not really expecting an answer.

A few days later, my doorbell rang. Aunt Edith didn't wait to come in; she stood in the hall and read aloud:

Your beautiful letter moved me very deeply. If you can come to Houston, there will be no charge for either the hospital or the operation.

Signed :Michael DeBakey

191.Aunt Edith() when she knew she had a very serious heart disease.

A.stopped working as a secretary

B.didn't lose hope

C.stayed in the hospital

D.asked many doctors for help

192.From the story we can see().

A.Dr.Michael DeBakey was not famous at all

B.Aunt Edith could afford Dr.Michael DeBakey's fees

C.Dr.Michael DeBakey was experienced in dealing with Aunt Edith's disease

D.Aunt Edith accepted defeat easily

193.In Aunt Edith's letter to the doctor,().

A.she showed she was warm, humorous and enjoying living

B.she avoided talking about her children

C.she showed she was very sad

D.she said she had a little girl who dreamed of traveling and seeing the world

194.When Aunt Edith mailed her letter,().

A.she was determined to move the doctor

B.she expected some wonder would happen

C.she knew it would never reach the doctor

D.she didn't expect the doctor would give her a reply

195.Michael DeBakey mainly told Aunt Edith in the letter that().

A.he was going to operate on her for free

B.he thought he was unable to offer help

C.her letter was well-written

D.her disease was so serious that he couldn't cure her

She was slim and he liked her that way. So he called a lawyer. The result was a contract.
According to the document, the fresh-faced bride agreed to pay a fine for each pound she gained in weight, the money refundable upon its loss. The paper signed, and the wedding went on.

This is a prenuptial (婚前的)agreement—one more indication of the strange pass of marriage in this most transactional decade. You are welcome to marriage, contractual style, where increasingly detailed legal documents spell out everything from who's going to do the dishes to who's going to get the house when you split.

This is family planning taken to extreme. Once employed solely by the rich, second-timers and the old industrialist carrying off the latest young cookie, the prenuptial agreement—a written pact between a couple outlining the financial obligations in the event of divorce—is becoming commonplace in a litigious (爱打官司的),disillusioned and materialistic age in which one in every two marriages is projected to end in divorce.

The only question is: What about love? When asked whether anyone believes in Cupid (爱神)anymore, Dr. Michael Vincent Miller says, "Given a century that is full of sexual liberation, computer-dating services and so on, one feels tempted to reply,' only in a mood of desperate nostalgia (怀旧 )'. ""Pre-nups" (prenuptial agreements)do assume negativity. Founded on disillusionment, they cannot be separated from the high divorce rate in the United States. The result, argues Miller, is a kind of defending mentality. "We've gotten good at managing finiteness, failure and trouble with a sort of 'What' s yours is yours and what's mine is mine's realism'. We've seen it isn't all about love. We've seen there's power politics in there—a fight for control, and when you've got those things, you're halfway to lawyers and money."

In other ways, however, the compacts embody positive, even idealistic thinking about marriage, love and relations, a law scholar Isabel Marcus believes. Marcus says , "Contracts could spell the end of romantic love as salvation. They say love exists, but that it's best accompanied by good, hard thinking about equitability (平等).

By writing a contract, the couple gains control of its marriage. "What's good is it contributes to honesty; what's unfortunate is the idea that any contract can govern your emotions," says the author of the book "The Nature of Love."

The scene described in the first paragraph ______.

A.is a part of a comedy film

B.is something rare

C.is something real and becoming common daily

D.is ridiculous

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