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提问人:网友wadehua9742 发布时间:2022-01-07

According to paragraph 4, what are the improvements that EvoFIT researchers have made to t

he system except?

A.Giving witnesses a selection of face shapes to choose from before facial features are added.

B.Generating facial features after several rounds of selections.

C.Combining the images generated by different witnesses or even from a single witness.

D.Generating three-quarter angle views of the face.

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“According to paragraph 4, what are the improvements that EvoFIT researchers have made to t”相关的问题
_______ reveals the key information in a graph. A. The title B. The measurement C. Time periods

A、The title

B、The measurement

C、Time periods

D、The bars

According to the painting, ______________________ were commonly used for women’s clothes, covering the body with transparent material and not wearing underwear was unprecedented and was a reflection of the liberal atmosphere of the society.

A、silk and gauze

B、silk and linen

C、gauze and nylon

D、cotton and silk

According to BBC History Research, what has caused the problems for Titanic’s turning ability?

A、Lack of technical development.

B、Construction of the rudders on the Titanic.

C、The size of the Titanic.

D、Shortage of skilled riveters.

According to the course, although psychological barriers are ________, they can be just as impenetrable as more obvious barriers, such as language differences.





According to Leland Ryken, what are the three types of writing that predominate and are intermingled throughout the Bible ? (Lec.5, 0’18’’)

A、Theological exposition, history, and literature

B、Philosophical exposition, history, and literature

C、Psycological exposition, history, and literature

D、Anthropological exposition, history, and literature


A classification paragraph often includes examples and other supporting details that are organized according to types, categories or parts of a whole. Read the following sentences and order them in a logical way. Your answer to this question should be given in such form as 3-2-5-... People with Type B personality tend to be more tolerant of others, and they are more relaxed and reflective than Type A individuals. They were both cardiologists and developed their theory based on an observation of the patients with heart conditions in their waiting room. They experience lower levels of anxiety and display higher level of imagination and creativity. They strive toward goals without feeling a sense of joy in their efforts or accomplishments. Friedman and Rosenham first distinguished between Type A and Type B people. Type A individuals tend to be very competitive and self-critical.

Importance of Vitamins

Vitamins, which come in many different types all of which are quite diverse in chemical configuration and function, can be any of several organic substances that are separated into water-soluble and fat-soluble groups. Originally defined as organic compounds obtainable in a normal diet and capable of maintaining life and promoting growth, vitamins are differrent from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in function, as well as in the quantities in which organisms require them. So critical are vitamins to a body's essential strength and health that if they are absent from the diet or not properly absorbed by an organism, a specific deficiency disease may develop.

The term vitamin originated from "vitamine," a word first used in the early 19th century to designate a group of compounds considered vital for life (though the term "accessory food factor" sometimes is used interchangeably to refer to these substances). Like other nutrients, vitamin consumption is imperative to keep our bodies functioning properly, and if there is a lack of vitamin consumption, the body will fail to react in a way that's considered healthy. Lack of vitamin A will result in various disorders that most commonly involve the eye and the tissues around it. One of the earliest symptoms of vitamin A deficiency is nyctalopia, the medical term for night blindness, which causes a visual failure to adapt quickly from light to darkness and an inability to see in the dark. This aspect of vision is normally dependent on rhodopsin, a protein found in the eye that maintains itself only in the presence of vitamin A; in the lack of vitamin A, rhodopsin will malfunction.

These earlier symptoms are quite harmless but the side effects can become increasingly serious if not treated early on. If the deficiency is severe and persists, especially in malnourished infants and children, a condition known as xerophthalmia--when the eyes are sensitive to light, the secretion of lubricating tears is stopped, and the eyelids become swollen and develop pus -- may develop. Furthermore, the mucous surfaces of the eye may become eroded, allowing infection to set in, thus leading to ulceration and other destructive changes of the cornea and other structures of the eye, resulting eventually in blindness.

A Early signs of vitamin A deficiency may also be reflected in changes in the membranes of the mouth, throat, and respiratory and genito-urinary passages where the lining membranes become malnourished and dry and lose their cilia, the tiny hairlike projections that normally help in clearing away foreign particles. B The natural immune system is weakened and if insufficient intake of vitamin A is prolonged, the skin may become dry and rough. C Vitamin A deficiency may also result in defective bone and teeth formation and in poor general growth.D

However, an excessive intake of vitamin A can also cause severe damages to the body causing a symptom called "hypervitaminosis A", which happens when a person takes in more than 150 milligrams of vitamin A over a long period of time; the vitamins are stored in the liver and can reach dangerous level because the A vitamins are not employed to make the bodies stronger, but rather, stored as toxic material. Excessive amounts of vitamin A can cause nausea, dryness of skin, blurred vision, drowsiness, and bone pain.

Vitamin A can be found in all animal livers, in milk products, and in many yellow and green leafy vegetables which contain carotenes, chemically related substances that are converted to vitamin A in the body. There are various other vitamins that the human body needs in order to survive; the excessive intake of vitamin A, or the lack of intake of other vitamins, causes detriment to the human body--at all times, moderation is key.

According to the paragraph 2, which of the following is true of vitamins?

A.Our body's operation is dependent on vitamins, which means that the body would not function without vitamins.

B.The term "vitamin" was first used in the 19th century, and until then, they were known as the "accessory food factor".

C.Insufficient consumption of vitamins may cause out body to stop functioning properly.

D.Lack of vitamin causes night blindness as well as many disorders that involve the eye and organs related to it.

The phrase this aspect of vision refers to

A.The adeptness to see clearly without depending on proteins.

B.The aptitude to rapidly adjust to the changes in the amount of light.

C.The ability to see clearly in complete darkness.

D.The competence to rapidly adjust from natural light to artificial light.

Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. The defective mucous surfaces will have weakened resistance to bacterial invasion, and their susceptibility to various infections increases. Where would the s

A.Square A.

B.Square B.

C.Square C.

D.Square D.

Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 5?

A.Hoover was criticized and blamed for laws that he had to sign, because there was no other choice.

B.Tightening of the money supply may have been considered a befitting strategy if the circumstances were different.

C.Raising taxes and tariffs should have brought America out of the depression according to theories.

D.Modem economists view president Hoover as a victim, who was forced to make mistakes.

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