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提问人:网友sheepdog79 发布时间:2022-01-07

Since 1951 the proportion of married women who work has grown from just over a fifth to a

half. Compared with their counterparts elsewhere on the Continent, British women comprise a relatively high proportion of the work force, about two-fifths, but on average they work fewer hours, about 31 a week. There is still a significant difference between women's average earnings and men's, but the equal pay legislation which came into force at the end of 1975 appears to have helped to narrow the gap between women's and men's basic rates. As more and more women join the work force in the 1960s and early 1970s there was an increase in the collective incomes of women as a whole and a major change in the economic role of large numbers of housewife. Women's liberation looks disturbingly like the "right" to work more. Are liberated career women happier than satisfied mothers? Some think that if men are happy working, and women are happy helping them to deal with pressure, what is there to criticize?

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更多“Since 1951 the proportion of married women who work has grown from just over a fifth to a”相关的问题
Since 1951 the HWA has spread to more than ______.

听力原文:Unlike Boas, who had only suggested language as a measure of culture, Sapir propo

听力原文: Unlike Boas, who had only suggested language as a measure of culture, Sapir proposed a mutual relationship between culture and language.

When Sapir was teaching at Yale; Benjamin Lee Whorl enrolled in his class. A chemical engineers, Whorf neither sought nor obtained a higher degree in linguistics. His contribution to the science of language is nonetheless significant.

Whorf was recognized for his investigations of the Hopi language, including his authorship of a grammar and a dictionary. Even in his early publications, it is clear that he was developing the theory that the very different grammar of Hopi might indicate a different manner of conceiving and perceiving the word on the part of the native speaker of Hopi.

In 1936, he wrote his monumental work "An American Indian Model of the Universe," which explored the implications of the Hopi verb system with regard to the Hopi conception of space and time.

Whorf is probably best known for his article, "The Relation of Habitual Thought and Behavior. to Language," and for the throe articles which appeared in 1941 in the Technology Review.

In these articles, he proposed what he called the principle of "linguistic relativity," which states, at least as a hypothesis, that the grammar of a man's language influences the manner in which he understands reality and behaves with respect to it. Since the theory did not emerge until after Whorf had begun to study with Sapir, and since Sapir had most certainly shared in the development of the idea, it came to be called the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.






A software requirements specification is that () .A.a rough list of things that the propo

A software requirements specification is that () .

A.a rough list of things that the proposed software ought to do

B.a precise list of things that the proposed software ought to do

C.a formal list of things that the proposed software must do

D.an estimate of the resouroes (time, money, personnel, etc) which will be required to construct the proposed software

The Top Five longest-running outdoor theatrical productionsProduction NameOpening DateLoca

The Top Five longest-running outdoor theatrical productions

Production Name Opening Date Location

1. Abigail 1928 Landsdale, CA

2. The New Dream 1934 Los Angeles, CA

3. Bom to Shine 1947 Saratoga, NY

4. Now Until Forever 1951 Peterson, KY

5. Vem in the Hills 1956 Bradley, MO

"Vern in the Hills" 50th Anniversary Celebration, Bradley, MO

"Vern in the Hills" is celebrating its 50th year in production. A light-hearted production staged by the City Theater in Bradley, MO, "Vern in the Hills" has been performed at the Thompson Outdoor Theater each summer since it first opened on May 28, 1956. Few theaters in such small cities are able to sustain a production over a course of so many years.

"Somehow we've become a classic, and part of the fabric of the community," says artistic director David Frey, "going to 'Vern in the Hills' on a summer evening is just part of life here." Mr. Frey is only the third director the production has seen in its fifty-year history. A fact that, Mr. Frey says contributes to the play's success.

"Vern in the Hills" does seem to be part of the fabric of the community. We loved the production. We observed several families with three generations having picnics and watching the play. It was clear that most people had seen it before. If you ever have the chance to see "Vern in the Hills," you will quickly understand how it became a classic.

Where is "The New Dream" playing?

A.Peterson, KY

B.Saratoga, NY

C.Landsdale, CA

D.Los Angeles, CA

听力原文:Americans suffer from an overdose of work. Regardless of who they are or what the

听力原文: Americans suffer from an overdose of work. Regardless of who they are or what they do. Americans spend more time at work than that any time since World War II. In 1950, the US had fewer working hours than any other industrialized country.

Today, it exceeds every country but Japan where industrialized employees load 2155 hours a year compared with 1951 in the US and 1603 in the former West Germany. Between 1969 and 1989, employed Americans add an average of 138 hours to their yearly work schedules. The workweek has remained above 40 hours. But people are working more weeks each year. Specifically pay time off holidays, vacations, sick leave shrank by 50% in the 1980s.

As corporations have experienced stiff (艰难的, 严酷的) competitions and slow in growth of productivity, they have pressed employees to work longer. Cost-cutting lay-offs in the 1980s reduce the professional and managerial runs, leaving fewer people to get the job done. In lower paid occupations where wages have been reduced, workers have added hours in overtime or extra jobs to preserve their living standards. The government estimates that more than 7 million people hold a second job.

For the first time, large numbers of people say they want to cut back(削减,减少) on working hours even it means earning less money. But most employers are unwilling to let them do so. The government which has stepped back from its traditional role as a regulator of work time should take steps to make shorter hours possible.




C.The U.S.

D.The U.K.

Brazil has become one of the developing world' s great successes at reducing population gr
owth but more by accident than design. While countries such as India have made joint efforts to【61】birth rates, Brazil has had better result without really trying, says George Martine at Harvard.

Brazil' s population growth【62】has dropped from 2.99% a year between 1951 and 1960【63】1.93% a year between 1981 and 1990, and Brazilian women now have only 2.7 children on average. Martine says this【64】may have fallen still further since 1990, an achievement that makes it the envy of many other Third World countries.

Martine puts it down to, among other things, soap operas (通俗电视连续剧)and installment (分期付款) plans introduced in the 1970s. Both played an important, although indirect,【65】in lowering the birth rate. Brazil is one of the world's biggest producers of soap operas. Globo, Brazil' s most popular television network, shows three hours of soaps six nights a week, while three others show at least one hour a night. Most soaps are based【66】wealthy characters living the high life in big cities.

"Although they have never really tried to work in a message towards the problems of reproduction, they describe middle and upper class values--not many children, different attitudes towards sex, women working," says Martine "They sent this image to all parts of Brazil and【67】people conscious of other patterns of behavior. and other【68】, which were put into a very attractive pack- age. "Meanwhile, the installment plans tried to【69】the poor to become consumers. "This led to an enormous change in consumption patterns and【70】was incompatible'(不相容的)with un- limited reproduction," says Martine.






In the past thirty years many social changes have taken place in Britain. The greatest of
these have probably been in the economic lives of women.

The changes have been significant, but, because tradition and prejudice can still handicap women in their working careers and personal lives, major legislation to help promote equality of opportunity and pay was passed during the 1970s.

At the heart of women's changed role in society has been the rise in the number of women at work, particularly married women. As technology and society permit highly effective and generally acceptable methods of family planning there has been a decline in family size. Women as a result are involved in child-rearing for a much shorter time and related to this, there has been a rapid increase in the number of women with young children who return to work when the children are old enough not to need constant care and attention.

Since 1951 the proportion of married women who work has grown from just over a fifth to a half. Compared with their counterparts elsewhere on the Continent, British women comprise a relatively high proportion of the work-force, about two-fifths, but on average they work fewer hours, about 31 a week. There is still a significant difference between women's average earnings and men's, but the equal pay legislation which came into force at the end of 1975 appears to have helped to narrow the gap between women's and men's basic rates.

As more and more women joined the work-force in the 1960s and early 1970s there was an increase in the collective incomes of women as a whole and a major change in the economic role of large numbers of housewives. Families have come to rely on married women's earnings as an essential part of their income, rather than as "pocket money". At the same time social roals within the family are more likely to be shared, exchanged or altered.

The general idea of the passage is about______.

A.social trends in contemporary Britain.

B.changes in women's economic status.

C.equal opportunity and pay in Britain.

D.women's roles within the family.

"Brazil has become one of the developing world's great successes at reducing population gr
owth—but more by accident than by design. While countries such as India have made joint efforts to reduce birth rates, Brazil has had a better result without really trying," says George Martine at Harvard.

Brazil's population growth rate has dropped from 2.99% a year between 1951 and 1960 to 1.93% a year between 1981 and 1990, and Brazilian women now have only 2.7 children on average. Martine says this figure may have fallen still further since 1990, an achievement that makes it the envy of many other Third World countries.

Martine puts it down to, among other things, soap operas and installment plans introduced in the 1970s. Both played an important, although indirect, role in lowering the birth rate. Brazil is one of the world's biggest producers of soap operas. Globe, Brazil's most popular television network, shows three hours of soaps six nights a week, while three others show at least one hour a night. Most soaps are based on wealthy characters living the high life in big cities.

"Although they have never really tried to work in a message towards the problems of reproduction, they describe middle and upper class values—not many children, different attitudes towards sex, women working," says Martine, "They sent this image to all parts of Brazil and made people conscious of other patterns of behavior. and other values, which were put into a very attractive package."

Meanwhile, the installment plans tried to encourage the Ix)or to become consumers. "This led to an enormous change in consumption patterns and consumption was incompatible with unlimited reproduction," says Martine.

According to the passage, Brazil has cut back its population growth ______

A.by educating its citizens

B.by developing TV programmes

C.by careful family planning

D.by chance

Brazil has become one of the developing world's great successes at reducing population gro
wth--but more by accident than design. While countries such as India have made joint efforts to reduce birth rates, Brazil has had better result without really trying, says George Martine at Harvard.

Brazil's population growth rate has dropped from 2.99% a year between 1951 and 1960 to 1.93% a year between 1981 and 1990, and Brazilian women now have only 2.7 children on average. Martine says this figure may have fallen still further since 1990, an achievement that makes it the envy of many other Third World countries.

Martine puts it down to, among other things, soap operas and installment (分期付款)plans introduced in the 1970s. Both played an important, although indirect, role in lowering the birth rate. Brazil is one of the world's biggest producers of soap operas. Globo, Brazil's most popular television network, shows three hours of soaps six nights a week, while three others show at least one hour a night. Most soaps are based on wealthy characters living the high life in big cities.

"Although they have never really tried to work in a message towards the problems of reproduction, they describe middle and upper class values-not many children, different attitudes towards sex, women working, "says Martine. "They sent this image to all pans of Brazil and made people conscious of other patterns of behavior. and other values, which were put into a very attractive pack age."

Meanwhile, the installment plans tried to encourage the poor to become consumers. "This led to an enormous change in consumption patterns and consumption was incompatible (不相容的) with unlimited reproduction," says Martine.

According to the passage ,Brazil has cut back its population growth ______.

A.by educating its citizens

B.by careful family planning

C.by developing TV programmes

D.by chance

The blue, mystic Lake Ellsinore lies in an inland California valley, which is teeming and
steaming with hot springs. Rimmed by shaggy mountains whose forested crests are reflected in its clear waters, Lake Ellsinore is the very personification of peace--but on it rests the curse of Tondo.

The lake had a colorful history. Much of it lies buried in legend, and it is difficult to separate fact from fiction. There have been stories of underground volcanoes on the lake bottom, erupting, killing fish and discoloring the water. There have been stories of a playful sea serpent that lived in its depths.

Long noted for its scenic beauty and health-giving waters, the lake was a famous resort in the Nineties. But long before the first white man had set foot along the shore of the lake, this part of California had been the home of the Soboba Indians. Their chief was Tondo, a stern and unforgiving man.

He had a daughter, Morning Star, who was in love with Palo, son of the chief the Pales, a neighboring tribe. The Sobobas and Pales were sworn enemies. For a time the lovers met secretly. Then one day they were discovered by Tondo. His rage was terrible to behold. He forbade the lovers ever to meet again.

Morning Star tried in every way to appease her father's anger, to soften his heart toward Palo. But in time she saw that it was useless; that he would never give his consent to their marriage. Vowing that they would never be separated, the Indian maid and her lover walked hand in hand into the lake, as the dreary November sun cast long shadows on the land. They were followed by a group of orphan children whom Morning Star had befriended. All walked into the lake, singing the mournful death song of their people, while Tondo stood on the shore and cursed the lovers, cursed the blue water into which they all walked to their death.

Ever since that day it would see that a jinx has been laid over Lake Ellsinore. Old-timers tell of a great upheaval in the lake which caused water to spout into the air like a geyser and turn blood-red. Later, 'it became known that three hundred springs of boiling mud and water were born in the valley during that upheaval. The springs reeked with sulphur.

For many years after this phenomenon the lake remained peaceful. Then boats were overturned for an apparent reason, and few of their occupants ever returned to tell the story. This continued for several years. At the same time, strong swimmers dived into the lake never to reappear.

In 1833 and again in 1846, fish in the lake suddenly died.

In the spring of 1850 came the Battle of the Gnats. They bred in the water of the lake and swarmed over the land. They invaded the countryside until the harassed inhabitants called for help.

And in July 1951, the sky-blue waters of the lake vanished like mist before a noonday sun. When the bottom was laid bare there was no trace of a volcano, the bottomless pits, or the other disturbances of legend or fact.

The copious winter rains of 1951~1952 have replenished the lake. But what menace does its haunting beauty hold today? For tomorrow?

The once mighty Sobobas are few now. But the old men swear that their ancestors still haunt the lake. They nod grizzled head and murmur that the Great Tondo's curse will forever remain upon the lake. Only Time, the wise and silent one, can tell.

Which of the following statements is true of Lake Ellsinore?

A.It is considered by legend to be rich in gold.

B.It was once famous as a beautiful resort.

C.It is located in a volcanic crater in California.

D.It used to be the center of a mining village.

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