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提问人:网友13***935 发布时间:2022-01-06

When we returned from our vacation, our nextdoor neighbors were ______ a newgarage bu

A.A. having

B.B. going

C.C. making

D.D. putting

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
  • · 有3位网友选择 D,占比37.5%
  • · 有3位网友选择 C,占比37.5%
  • · 有2位网友选择 A,占比25%
匿名网友[195.***.***.199]选择了 D
匿名网友[69.***.***.222]选择了 C
匿名网友[222.***.***.246]选择了 A
匿名网友[85.***.***.208]选择了 D
匿名网友[135.***.***.53]选择了 C
匿名网友[120.***.***.126]选择了 D
匿名网友[193.***.***.36]选择了 C
匿名网友[223.***.***.39]选择了 A
更多“When we returned from our vacation, our nextdoor neighbors were ______ a newgarage bu”相关的问题
听力原文:Mr. Benedict. This is Alex Bilbo from customer service at FedEX. Unfortunately we

听力原文: Mr. Benedict. This is Alex Bilbo from customer service at FedEX. Unfortunately we are unable to complete the shipment of your package as the contents of the package are considered hazardous material and not allowed to be shipped without special approval from the U.S. Government. Your package is being returned to the FedEX outlet nearest to your business, which is 1562 Industrial Avenue, in Lachine. It will arrive in the next two days and you will be notified when it arrives. You will receive a full refund and we apologize for any inconvenience.

What is the man calling about?

A.A special service

B.A failure of shipment

C.An alternate address

D.A local branch

听力原文:When you want to know more about someone you often ask "What do you do?" This mea

听力原文: When you want to know more about someone you often ask "What do you do?" This means "What is your job?" It is a common question, and we do not think there is anything strange about it. But it is possible that in the future we will ask a different question. We might ask, "What do you play?."

Computers and such things are making jobs more automatic and less demanding. Scientists tell us that one day very few people will have to work. Our society will be run by computers. And so we will all have a great deal of free time. And then games will be more important than jobs.

Today games and play are a very important part of life. Today people are divided into social classes because of the type of work they do. To morrow they may be divided because of the types of games they play.

In the future, we may have "fun specialists", just as we now have specialists in different types of work. It would be their job to show us how to get the most fun and enjoyment out of our spare time. And our society may be made up of sub-groups, such as surfers, skydivers, joggers, skiers, etc Many of these sub-groups may rely on technology to provide the equipment fro their games.


A.What do you play?

B.What do you do?

C.What is your name?

D.What is your job?

听力原文:Tonight I' m very proud to tell you that we will be bringing the very talented so
ngwriter, Missy Waters. She has just returned directly from a very successful tour of Europe and I have no doubt Missy will dazzle you with skills as a jazz singer and songwriter. But just when you thought it could not get better, it does. Missy' s brother and renowned jazz trumpeter, Jackie Waters, will also be joining Missy on stage making it the first time the pair has played together in 25 years. On drums we will have Charlie Marker, and on the bass, we will have Boom Boom Jones. Never before have so many of the greats of modern jazz come together under one roof to entertain, dazzle and delight. So, without further ado, let' s give a very special welcome to the four.

What is the purpose of this announcement?

A.To promote a best-selling record

B.To introduce a jazz quartet

C.To promote a famous trumpeter

D.To push an upcoming concert

听力原文:When my husband was promoted, we put our house up for sale. Three weeks later, it

听力原文: When my husband was promoted, we put our house up for sale. Three weeks later, it was still in the market. I became a busy housekeeper. Every room had to be kept tidy, and dishes had to be washed and put away when used. Then one day the doorbell rang unexpectedly at 8 a.m. Sleepily, I opened the door and saw our agent standing there with a couple from New York. "There had been no time to call," he explained, "because the couple had to catch a plane home."

The three people made their way past the dirty breakfast dishes on the kitchen table and into a bedroom with unmade beds.As I returned into a bathroom to comb my hair, I heard the man say something to his wife. Then they both laughed.

Two days later, the agent phoned to tell me that the couple had bought the house. He repeated what the buyer had said when he handed over the cheek the following day: " That house has a warm, live in feeling, just like ours."


A.She wanted to move to New York.

B.Her husband had lost his job.

C.She wanted to have a cleaner house.

D.Her husband had got a higher position.

Last summer my friend Mark and I motored a boat up the Illinois River, pulling ashore
for gas in the small town of Havana, Ill. We began walking to the distant station with our empty five-gallon cans when we passed three construction workers taking a break. "You fellows coming from the river?" one asked.

"You bet. Gotta gas up," Mark said.

We had only gone a few feet past them when one of them hollered (叫喊)."Hey, take my truck." Then he pointed to the vehicle at the curb and tossed us the keys. The man didn't even know our names.

We did borrow the truck. We got our gas, returned the vehicle and talked a few minutes with the owner. His name was Bill Parsley, and he was the sort of friendly, open man who would tell a couple of strangers to take his truck.

Take my truck. It became like a mantra (祷文)to us. It represented the world as it should be.

This past February, as Mark and his son were driving near their home in St. Louis, they came upon a van barely moving. The problem was an exhaust system dragging on the ground. Sparks were flying.

A young woman was at the wheel, and she had a baby in a car seat. Mark stopped and offered to follow her to a gas station to make sure she got there safely. Then he drove her to a nearby mall, where he picked up her waiting husband and son, and returned them all to the gas station. Bad news awaited them: the mechanic couldn't get the van fixed until morning.

The husband thanked Mark and said he'd call a taxi. My friend lives near the gas station. "Take my car," he said, handing over the keys. The man was taken aback. "Do you even know my name?" he asked.

"Actually, I don't," said Mark. "Just bring the car back tomorrow."

After a few protestations, the family climbed into the car and drove away. Less than an hour later the grateful man, followed by his wife in the family's other car, returned Mark's vehicle.

As Mark watched the couple drive off, he felt good. He turned to his wife, Carol and said, "We just paid Bill Parsley back."

1.One of the construction workers offered to lend them the truck because.()

A.they came from the river and wanted to borrow a truck

B.he was friendly and the gas station was far away

C.they were carrying one big can which would be heavy if filled with gas

D.he was friendly and could get along well with any strangers

2.What was the woman doing when Mark pulled up his car and offered help to her?()

A.She was repairing the wheel.

B.She was changing the wheel.

C.She was fixing an exhaust system which dragged on the ground.

D.She was driving along very slowly.

3.It can be learned from the passage that the couple Mark helped used.()

A.one vehicle that day

B.only two different vehicles that day

C.at least three different vehicles that day

D.four different vehicles that day

4.Why was the man surprised when Mark offered him his car?()

A.Because they only had a nodding acquaintance with each other.

B.Because the man could not recall Mark's name.

C.Because Mark seemed too generous to a stranger.

D.Because the car was a real luxury.

5.What is the best title for the passage?()

A.friend in need is a friend indeed.

B.An outing.

C.Payback in kind.

D.A casual encounter.

CONDITIONS FOR HIRING PLEASURE BOATS1 Our business hours are: 10: 00 a. m. to 5: 00 p. m.


1 Our business hours are: 10: 00 a. m. to 5: 00 p. m.

2 All customers must queue up here for tickets and boats.

3 The hourly fee is 5 dollars. The further charge is made for all time in excess of one hour.

4 A deposit of 25 dollars is levied on every boat and it is returned at the end of hire.

5 No deposit is to be refunded unless the ticket is produced.

6 Any damage done to the boats and accessories should be compensated for according to the cost.

7 Customers should take care of their articles. We accept no responsibility for the loss of anything.

8 Pay attention to public hygiene, protect state property.

Boat-Hiring Office

Match 18th, 2008

When will the customers see the conditions probably?

A.After they finished their boating

B.Before their boating

C.After they lost something

D.After they damage the boat

根据下列材料,请回答下列各题 A Frenchman We:llt to stay at the best hotel in a small Itali
an town with his wife.One night.he went out for a walk alone.nle small street was dark and quiet.Suddenly he felt someone behind him.He turned his head and saw an Italian young man who quickly walked past him.The mail was nearly out of sight(看不见了)when the French—mall suddenly found that his watch was gone.He thought that it must be the Italian who had taken his watch.He decided to follow him and get back the watch. Soon the Frenchman caught up with the Italian.Neither of them understood the other’s language.The French—man frightened the Italian with his fist(拳头)and pointed at the Italian’s watch.In the end the Italian took off his watch and gave it to the Frenchman. When he returned to the hotel,the Frenchman told his wife what had happened.He was greatly surprised when his wife pointed to the watch on the table.Now he realized(意识到)that by mistake he had robbed(抢劫)thewatch and it was the Italian’s. One night the Frenchman went out for a walk __________.

A.by himself

B.with his wife

C.with all Italian

听力原文:M: I haven't seen you for a while. Have you been away?W: Yes, I just got back fro

听力原文:M: I haven't seen you for a while. Have you been away?

W: Yes, I just got back from vacation. I took a tour around the Great Lakes.

M: Was that an exciting experience?

W: Sure. Have you ever been there?

M: Oh, yes! When I was young I lived in Erie county in New York and I used to go swimming in Lake Erie all the time. We also went to Lake Ontario in Canada.

W: But I heard that Lake Erie was so polluted that almost everything living in it had died.

M: At one time Lake Erie was almost dead. There was so much algae that the oxygen supply was practically used up.

W: What on earth caused algae to grow so much?

M: It was the amount of phosphate detergents that caused the excessive growth of algae.

W: Oh, I think it's the time that we limit the use of phosphate detergents.

M: Yes, and both U.S. and Canada now have legally limited the use of phosphate detergents, there have been tremendous gains in the fight against water pollution.

W: That's good.

M: In fact all the Great Lakes will be ninety percent improved within the next generation.

W: I'm glad to hear an environmental success story at last!


A.United States-Canadian agreements.

B.Unlimited growth in population.

C.Pollution in the Great Lakes.

D.The limited supply of phosphates.

There was a man who had four sons. He hoped his sons could learn not to judge things too q

So one day he gavehis four sons a task, asking each of them to go to see a pear tree at a distance in different seasons.

The first son set out in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in autumn.

When all of them returned home, the man called them together to describe what they had seen.

The first son said the tree was ugly, bent, without leaves and therefore hopeless.

The second son said it was not like that, but the tree was covered with green buds (芽 and full of hope.

The third son disagreed, saying that it was full of flowers which smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, and that hehad never seen such beautiful scenery.

The last son disagreed with all of them, saying that the tree was filled with fruits, full of life and happiness.

The man told his four sons that all of them were correct, because they only saw the tree in one season. He told themthat they could not judge a tree or a person only by one season, and that only when all the seasons were over could theyknow a tree or a person fully.

We can learn more from this story. If we just give up in winter, we will miss the hope of spring, the beauty of summerand the harvest of autumn in our life.

The man wanted his sons not to____________

A.have a harvest too soon

B.accept a task loo quickly

C.make a conclusion too soon

D.give n description too quickly

According to the second son, the tree was————





In the eyes of the third son, the pear tree was a beautiful view.A.in spring

B.in winter

C.in autumn

D.in summer

When the youngest son saw the tree, it was a season of.A.harvest




What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.We can enjoy sweet fruits in autumn.

B.We can enjoy a beautiful view in summer.

C.We should not lose hope when we are in difficulty.

D.We should lose hope when we are feeling cold.


When he became rich, he ______ his former friends.A.broke withB.broke downC.broke away fro

When he became rich, he ______ his former friends.

A.broke with

B.broke down

C.broke away from

D.broke off

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