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提问人:网友cqf365 发布时间:2022-01-07

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

NEW YORK--Every so often, late at night, David Woodland steals away to the den of his home in Aberdeen, Washington, so that he can check stock prices on the Internet.

Mr. Woodland, a 78-year-old retired insurance salesman, delights at how with the click of a mouse, he can tap into the facts and fortunes of Wall Street. "If I get a bright idea late at night," Mr. Woodland said, "I go into the office, fire up the computer and put a buy or sell order in."

While on-line trading is popularly regarded as the province of any traders in their 20s and 30s, jumping in and ont of the market to make quick profits, it is now being invaded by millions of people like Mr. Woodland--senior investors who bring much larger accounts and more stability to this fast-growing corner of the markets,

The low cost of doing business on-line--now as little as $7 a trade--and the excitement of riding a bull market are the lures (诱惑) for many older investors--just as they are for the young. They are dismissing their full-service brokers, who offer research and advice but often charge more than $100 a trade, and instead are picking their own stocks, after downloading companies' annual reports and other research basics.

"These things are incredible tools, now in the hands of an individual investor," said Carol Potts, 56, a retired crafts designer in Santa Barbara, California. "There's no reason for me to have financial advisers. I am very analytical, and I like to get involved in research."

According to a survey this fall of 630 people over 50 by Charles Schwab & Co., many older investors say the Internet has made them more confident about their investments and more willing to trust their own judgment. But such confidence may also cause some to gamble away their retirement nest eggs, financial experts warn. "If stocks enter a bear market, it could prove disastrous for retirees, who are so dependent on their savings."

The main idea of the passage is that ______.

A.on-line trading attracts more and more retirees to get involved

B.on-line trading is more suitable for the old than for the young now

C.on-line trading enables the retirees to get rid of their advisers

D.on-line trading offers incredible tools and high profits to investors

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更多“Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som”相关的问题
Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som
Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Unfortunately sales results over the last year have failed to come up to our expectations. A number of factors have been responsible, but basically it is the result of too many companies chasing the microcomputer market which is no longer expanding as fast as it once was.

Looking at the past year in detail, it must be admitted that the sales have declined considerably over the period. Our market share in wholesales has dropped from 21% to only 10%. The lack of a good local distributor in Asia has meant that our sales of the Obec series have collapsed despite the huge jump in the microcomputer market there during the past year. Our dominance of that part of the market has been lost to Strong, but once we find a new distributor we should come back strongly.

Retail sales in general have been a problem. There has been a tendency for the big high street stores to concentrate on high volume turnover of a few fairly well-known makers. When they stopped promotion of the Obec 1500, sales slumped by 50%. We are negotiating a fresh marketing deal for the new Obec 1600. Once this is settled we expect a gradual rise in sales, which will be followed by a big TV advertising campaign at the appropriate time. What we are facing now is that we have not been able to push the Obec 1500 as much as we would have liked because of insufficient advertising.

Most of our advertising budget went on the promotion of the Obec Extra before last Christmas. Unfortunately we have failed consistently to find the proper marketing strategy for the Extra, which has not been sold to either the leisure or the business market.

The serious business market has performed worse than any other in the period under review. The main factor was the introduction of the new Legend 586 Plus, when sales reduced over a period of several months. With this background it is natural that sales of the Obec 1000 and 2000 have gone into a slide. They showed a slight upturn just after the introduction of the 586 Plus, only to crash again a few weeks later.

What purpose does this passage possibly serve?

A.A company introduction to its employees.

B.A market analysis for a specific industry to inform. a client.

C.An annual report of a company to direct its future decision.

D.A marketing strategy proposal for discussion.

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som
Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Children who watch violent television shows are at an increased risk of aggression and violent behavior. as they become young adults. That's based on a fifteen-year study published in the current issue of the research journal Developmental Psychology.

Back in the late 1970's when this study began, among the top rated shows were 'Chafiie's Angels' and 'The Six Million Dollar Man'. These were the TV shows that many of the 557 children in Raul Huseman's study were watching when they were six to ten years old. By today's standards these shows may not seem that violent, but there was a significant amount of on-screen physical violence in them. Huseman, from the University of Michigan, analyzed the types and amounts of violence in these shows and also collected other information on the kids about their home life, their friends, their school life, and importantly their levels of aggressive behavior, tike who was getting into fights, who was pushing and shoving (猛推) others, who was stealing things.

Now fast-forward 15 years: Raul Huseman was able to track down over 80% of the boys and girls from the original study. He re-interviewed them, now in their mid-twenties, and talked to their spouses (配偶) and close friends and checked their criminal records. "We found that those children back then, when they were 6, 7, 8 or 8, 9, 10, who had been watching more media violence had grown up to be more aggressive young adults as compared to the young adults who had been just as aggressive in childhood but had not watched as much violent television."

"Most at-risk children are children who watch a steady diet of violent television shows, identify with the aggressors, who sometimes the heroes and the lead-characters in those shows, and who perceive the violence as being realistic and a model for how to act in real life."

The conclusion of the fifteen-year study is that ______.

A.children born in the 1970s would display more violent behavior. than other children

B.children who like to push and shove others when fighting would develop violent behavior. quickly

C.young adults are the group of people who are most influenced by violent TV

D.young people who watched violent TV shows in childhood tend to become aggressive

Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required
Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

The more time children spend watching television the poorer they perform. academically, according to three studies published on Monday.【S1】______television viewing has been blamed for increasing rates of childhood obesity(肥胖)and for aggressive behavior, while its【S2】______on schooling have been inconclusive, researchers said.

But studies published on the topic in this month' s Archives of Pediatrics(小儿科)& Adolescent Medicine concluded television viewing【S3】______to have an adverse effect(反作用)on academic pursuits. For【S4】______, children who had televisions in their bedrooms--and【S5】______watched more TV--scored lower on standardized tests than those who did not have sets in their rooms. In contrast, the study found having a home computer with【S6】______to the Internet resulted in comparatively higher test scores.

"Consistently, those with a bedroom television but no【S7】______home computer had, on aver age, the lowest scores and those with home computer but no bedroom television had the highest scores," wrote study author Dina Borzekowski of Johns Hopkins University.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has【S8】______parents to limit children' s television viewing to no more than one to two hours per day--and to try to keep younger Children away from TV altogether.

In two other studies published in the same journal, children who【S9】______watched television before the age of 3 ended up with lower test scores later on, and children and adolescents who watched more television were less【S10】______. to go on to finish high school or earn a college degree.

A)Inadequate I)urged

B)available J)Excessive

C)regularly K)instance

D)therefore L)reception

E)access M)tended

F)likely N)Ordinary

G)impact O)Limitless



Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som
Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Misjudging someone's use of silence can take place in many contexts and on many levels. Take pausing for example. One's conversational style. may be marked by frequent pausing, thus giving room(or time) for the discourse partner to jump into the conversation by taking his or her next turn. Some speakers, however, may think that the pauses others leave for them are not long enough to claim the floor(发言权) without being rude, while it may be the feeling of the other party that longer pauses would create awkward silences. Such differences in the perception and valuation of pauses may lead to conflict. The person who does not tolerate long pauses may wonder why the other does not want to talk, whereas the person who needs longer pauses to take a turn may think of his or her partner as intolerably talkative.

What is the passage mainly about?

A.Different conversational style.



D.Misjudging someone's use of silence.

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som
Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Bombay wasn't the ideal place to get sick -- not when my doctor, family' and friends were half a world away. I was alone, quite ill and had to delay my flight home. Luckily, when booking my ticket months before, l had shelled out (支付) for travel insurance. So my illness didn't cost me a cent.

It's actually pretty simple. A lot of unforeseen things can happen to you when you're traveling. Make sure you're prepared for all of them.

A good health insurance policy will get you proper medical attention anywhere in the world outside your home province -- at the insurance company's expense. The company will send you home if it is considered medically necessary and, if you're sick enough, it will send a nurse to accompany you. If you end up in a hospital and a doctor recommends that a family member come to your bedside, the insurance company will pay for k. You may even get pocket money to make your hospital stay more comfortable.

When I was sick in Bombay, I called the insurance company collect. It paid for a doctor (who came to my hotel room), all my medication, an extra night in the hotel and all my meals.

Picture it: the day before your big trip to Vancouver, you wake up with appendicitis (阑尾炎). You have no choice -- you have to cancel your trip. Your ticket, like most, is non-refundable and you can't make any changes. You're about to lose all the money you put out for the ticket -- unless you bought cancellation insurance beforehand.

Most travel plans include some form. of non-refundable element: your deposit, your flights, your cruise, your stay at the all-inclusive resort, That non-refundable portion is what you'll lose if you have to cancel your trip in the event that you get sick and you don't have cancellation insurance.

What happened to the author when he was in Bombay?

A.He fell ill and couldn't go home as scheduled.

B.He didn't buy travel insurance.

C.He spent a lot of money on curing his illness.

D.He couldn't get in touch with his family and friends.


Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som
Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Unfortunately sales results over the last year have failed to come up to our expectations. A number of factors have been responsible, but basically it is the result of too many companies chasing the microcomputer market which is no longer expanding as fast as it once was.

Looking at the past year in detail, it must be admitted that the sales have declined considerably over the period. Our market share in wholesales has dropped from 21% to only 10%. The lack of a good local distributor in Asia has meant that our sales of the Obec series have collapsed despite the huge jump in the microcomputer market there during the past year. Our dominance of that part of the market has been lost to Strong, but once we find a new distributor we should come back strongly.

Retail sales in general have been a problem. There has been a tendency for the big high street stores to concentrate on high volume turnover of a few fairly well-known makers. When they stopped promotion of the Obec 1500, sales slumped by 50%. We are negotiating a fresh marketing deal for the new Obec 1600. Once this is settled we expect a gradual rise in sales, which will be followed by a big TV advertising campaign at the appropriate time. What we are facing now is that we have not been able to push the Obec 1500 as much as we would have liked because of insufficient advertising.

Most of our advertising budget went on the promotion of the Obec Extra before last Christmas. Unfortunately we have failed consistently to find the proper marketing strategy for the Extra, which has not been sold to either the leisure or the business market.

The serious business market has performed worse than any other in the period under review. The main factor was the introduction of the new Legend 586 Plus, when sales reduced over a period of several months. With this background it is natural that sales of the Obec 1000 and 2000 have gone into a slide. They showed a slight upturn just after the introduction of the 586 Plus, only to crash again a few weeks later.

What purpose does this passage possibly serve?

A.A company introduction to its employees.

B.A market analysis for a specific industry to inform. a client.

C.An annual report of a company to direct its future decision.

D.A marketing strategy proposal for discussion.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday. You should write a t least 100 words according to the suggestions given below in Chinese.

1. 表示欢迎

2. 提出对度假安排的建议

3. 提醒应注意的事项

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Sometimes I wish I ________ in a different time and a different place. A) be livin
Sometimes I wish I ________ in a different time and a different place.

A) be living

B) were living

C) would live

D) would have lived

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