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提问人:网友nian328 发布时间:2022-01-06

You could benefit from flipping through the pages of I Can't Believe You Asked That, a boo

k by author Phillip Milano that's subtitled, A No-Holds-Barred Q&A A bout Race, Sex, Religion, and Other Terrifying Topics.

For the past seven years, Milano—who describes himself as "a straight, white middle class married guy raised in an affluent suburb of Chicago"—as operated yforum.com, a Website that was created to get us talking. Through the posting of probing, provocative and sometimes simply inane questions and the answers they generate, people are encouraged to have a no-holds-barred exchange on topics across racial, ethnic and cultural lines. More often than not, the questions grow out of our biases and fears and the stereotypes that fuel misunderstanding among us.

As with the Web site, Milano hopes his book will be a social and cultural elixir. "The time is right for a new 'culture of curiosity' to begin to unfold, with people finally breaking down the last barrier to improve race and cultural relations" by actually talking to each other about their differences, Milano said in an e-mail message to me. Milano wisely used the Internet to spark these conversations. In seven years, it has generated 50,000 postings—many of them questions that people find hard to ask in a face-to-face exchange with the subjects of their inquiries.

But in his book, which was published earlier this month, Milano gives readers an opportunity to read the questions and a mix of answers that made it onto his Web site. "I am curious about what people who have been blind from birth 'see' in their dreams," a 13-year old boy wanted to know. "Why do so many mentally disabled people have such poor-looking haircuts and 'nerdy' clothes?" a woman asked. "How do African-Americans perceive God?" a white teenager wanted to know. "Do they pray to a white God or a black God?"

Like I said, these questions can generate a range of emotions and reactions. But the point of Milano's Web site, and his book, is not to get people mad, but to inform. us "about the lives and experiences" of others. Though many of the answers that people offered to the questions posed in his book are conflicting, these responses are balanced by the comments of experts whose responses to the queries also appear in the book.

Getting people to openly say what they are thinking about things that give rise to stereotypes and bigotry has never been easy. Most of us save those conversations for gatherings of people who look or think like us.

The purpose of the website is to

A.give people a chance to speak out.

B.prepare materials for a book.

C.get people exchanging ideas freely.

D.solve the social and cultural problems.

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“You could benefit from flipping through the pages of I Can't Believe You Asked That, a boo”相关的问题
If you don't promise to help build more houses, ordinary people().

A. will not benefit

B. would not benefit

C. should not benefit

D. could not benefit

If you don't promise to help build more houses, ordinary people().

A. will not benefit

B. would not benefit

C. should not benefit

D. could not benefit

听力原文:M: Could you tell me the advantage of deferred payment credit?W: Sure. If you ope

听力原文:M: Could you tell me the advantage of deferred payment credit?

W: Sure. If you open a deferred payment credit, you need not pay stamp duty on bill of exchange. But there will be risk on the part of the exporter since he can not receive his payment until maturity.

Q: What is the benefit of deferred payment credit?


A.No interest is charged.

B.The documents cannot be negotiated.

C.No stamp duty is paid.

D.Deferred Payment is on a "without recourse" basis.

You recently attended an exhibition and saw some equipment you think your company should buy. Write an email to your company's Purchasing Manager:

· saying what the equipment is

· suggesting how the equipment could benefit the company

· explaining why it is important to place an order soon.

Write 80 words or more.






Napping is one of the best, most underused tools for busy people. It is frowned 【C1】______
by many people and is viewing as something for the elderly and children. Mention napping and you could be seen as lazy, depressed and【C2】______ to work. The majority of people experience drowsiness in the afternoon and notice their productivity and【C3】______ starting to slip and napping will help【C4】______ this and fight the【C5】______ of fatigue such as stress and a lack of mental【C6】______ .

Research on napping is【C7】______ showing positive effects. The results suggest, for example,【C8】______ napping can make you more 【C9】______ , reduce stress and improve【C10】______ functioning compared to working all day without rest. A mid-afternoon sleep means that productivity can last long into the night.

Finding 15-30 minutes in a day can sometimes seem difficult,【C11】______ , doing so could mean a great deal to your productivity. Even 10 minutes a day will be better than nothing at all, and may give you the 【C12】______ you need to be successful. If you want to give it a try, make sure you can find a【C13】______ place before setting your head down. If you can feel secure and let go, then the nap will be even more 【C14】______ .

A lot of people who wish to start their own businesses but are currently working 9-5 will benefit【C15】______ a nap. The majority of the work on their own business will be done after 5pm and it is hard to stay【C16】______ and inspired at this time. Taking a nap during a【C17】______ at work or just after finishing work could【C18】______ increase your【C19】______ levels, allowing you to【C20】______ your own business after the 9-5 grind.






听力原文:Woman: Hello, Production Department, can I help you? Man: This is Robert Blake fr

听力原文:Woman: Hello, Production Department, can I help you?

Man: This is Robert Blake from Planning Department. Is Tom Song there?

Woman: I'm afraid he's out all day on a visit. Can I take a message?

Man: Yes, please. It's about the meeting we scheduled for Friday.

Woman: Oh yes. About the new factory site...

Man: That's right. I've just heard from the builder that he can't come on Friday. I wonder if we can change the date.

Woman: That shouldn't be a problem. I'll just look in Mr. Song's diary. Right, I've cancelled Friday's meeting.

Man: OK. Now how's he fixed on next Monday... ?

Woman: He's got a meeting at nine thirty but that should be finished by ten fifteen What time do you have in mind?

Man: Well, the two of us can come any time that morning, so could we make it 11 o'clock?

Woman: That sounds fine.

Man: We want to discuss the new production units,so could you ask Tom to bring his plans with him?

Woman: Yes, certainly.

Man: Thanks a lot, bye.

?Look at the notes below.

?You will hear a man calling to change an arrangement.


To: Tom Song

From: Robert (5) (Planning Dept)

Message: Friday's meeting with him and (6)

changed to (7) at 11 am.

Please bring (8) for the new production units.

Many Benefit from Cancer Organization1. Do you know a child who survived leukemia? Do you

Many Benefit from Cancer Organization

1. Do you know a child who survived leukemia? Do you have a mother, sister or aunt whose breast cancer was found early thanks to a mammogram? Do you have a friend or coworker who quit smoking to reduce their risk of lung cancer? Each of these individuals benefited from the American Cancer Society's research program.

2. Each day scientists supported by the American Cancer Society work to find breakthroughs that will take us one step closer to a cure. The American Cancer Society has long recognized that research holds the ultimate answers to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

3. As the largest source of nonprofit cancer research funds in the United States, the American Cancer Society devotes over $100 million each year to research. Since 1946, they've invested more than $2.4 billion in research. The investment has paid rich dividends: In 1946, only one in four cancer patients was alive five years after diagnosis; today 60 percent live longer than five years.

4. Investigators and health professionals in universities, research institutes and hospitals throughout the country receive grants from the American Cancer Society. Of the more than 1,300 new applications received each year, only 11 percent can be funded. If the American Cancer Society had more money available for research funding, nearly 200 more applications considered outstanding could be funded each year.

5. You can help fund more of these applications by participating in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, a team event to fight cancer. More funding means more cancer breakthroughs and more lives being saved. To learn more, call Donna Hood, chair with the Neosho Relay for Life of the American Cancer Society at 451-4880.

A What Could Be Done with More Money

B Establishment of the American Cancer Society

C Significance of Funded Research

D Other Sources of Funding for Cancer Research

E Benefits Achieved Through Investment

F How You Can Offer Help

Paragraph 2 ______

回答题Part BDirections:Read the texts from a magazine in which five people voice their dif

回答题Part B


Read the texts from a magazine in which five people voice their different opinions responding to an article on the issue of social networking. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each person (61 to 65) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on your AN-SWER SHEET.


I think that I have to agree with you. The idea to surround yourself with good and successful people stil rings true. The electronic age may aid contact and communication. However, it does not substitute for looking someone in the eye. One has to have that person-to-person feel to instinc- tively grasp inner character. I" m sure that a combination of the two types of interaction will lend flavor to the future.


I naturally tend to prefer face-to-face relationship building. However, having friends and busi- ness acquaintances all over the world, I find that tools such as Linkedln are quite useful. Both enable me to maintain old connections and make new connections with people I find I have something in common with. Learning how to use these vehicles is the key. I think we are presently in the process of doing just that.


Just like what you have already mentioned, there is obviously a big difference between how people meet and interact on the net and in real worlD.What the network world offers is a more re- laxed, fun, expressive place to be. I like social networking particularly because it offers me a chance to make a lot of friends. That social networking sites do not build long-lasting relationships is just a misconception.


It is all about a combination of various networking sites, and, if you want to do business, just a few e-mall exchanges. That" s how I get to know my clients. Face-to-face networking is not al- ways possible for me. I have clients around the globe, 99% of whom I" ve never met in person. People who oppose social-networking sites don" t understand the real changes that have taken place in the last decade.


Sure enough, social networks are used to reconnect with friends. But they are also a tool for getting your business recognizeD.They are great places to place ads or comments about your busi-ness, because they are open to the public to view. It can be used as a way to network with would-be consumers. It is a perfect way to promote your business to the widest range of people globally.

Now match the name of each person (61 to 65) to the appropriate statement.

Note: there are two extra statements.


Laura 查看材料A.I do not think that online friendships are short-lived.

B.Networking can make your companies better known.

C.I doubt if people could use networking vehicles properly.

D.To benefit from networking, you should learn how to use it.

E.To understand people better, you have to meet them in person.

F.Social networking reflects the new demands of the changing time.

G.In my opinion, networking has more disadvantages than advantages.

Mike 查看材料A.I do not think that online friendships are short-lived.

B.Networking can make your companies better known.

C.I doubt if people could use networking vehicles properly.

D.To benefit from networking, you should learn how to use it.

E.To understand people better, you have to meet them in person.

F.Social networking reflects the new demands of the changing time.

G.In my opinion, networking has more disadvantages than advantages.

Nick 查看材料A.I do not think that online friendships are short-lived.

B.Networking can make your companies better known.

C.I doubt if people could use networking vehicles properly.

D.To benefit from networking, you should learn how to use it.

E.To understand people better, you have to meet them in person.

F.Social networking reflects the new demands of the changing time.

G.In my opinion, networking has more disadvantages than advantages

Linda 查看材料A.I do not think that online friendships are short-lived.

B.Networking can make your companies better known.

C.I doubt if people could use networking vehicles properly.

D.To benefit from networking, you should learn how to use it.

E.To understand people better, you have to meet them in person.

F.Social networking reflects the new demands of the changing time.

G.In my opinion, networking has more disadvantages than advantages

Helen 查看材料A.I do not think that online friendships are short-lived.

B.Networking can make your companies better known.

C.I doubt if people could use networking vehicles properly.

D.To benefit from networking, you should learn how to use it.

E.To understand people better, you have to meet them in person.

F.Social networking reflects the new demands of the changing time.

G.In my opinion, networking has more disadvantages than advantages.


听力原文:M: Susan! Could I have a word with you while you are having your coffee?W: Of cou

听力原文:M: Susan! Could I have a word with you while you are having your coffee?

W: Of course, David! Let's find a quiet comer over there.

M: The manager asked me to tell you that he appreciated your efforts last year very much.

W: Thanks, David. That makes me feel a lot better. I try my best, you know. You can tell him that I am grateful for his confidence in me.

M: Yes, I'll certainly pass that on to him. Your sales figures for the last two years have been remarkably good.

W: Manchester is a good area to work in. There are a lot of businesses opening all the time. I try to make contact with the managers as soon as I know a new company is starting up. "The early bird catches the worm!" as they say.

M: I'm sure that's true, but there is more to it than that, isn't there. Susan? You seem to be very confident and this helps your sales.

W: Yes, I've been working on that for some time. I think that if I appear confident and successful, people are more likely to buy our goods.

M: Well, you certainly seem successful at that. Your sales figures prove that. I was wondering if you could give a short talk tomorrow afternoon on the idea of being confident as a sales representative. Do you think you could put together something on that topic?

W: I think I could manage. I'll work on it this evening.

M: I would be grateful if you could do that for me. I'm sure the others would benefit from that kind of talk.

W: About how long do you want me to speak for?

M: Something like 20 minutes, if that's all right?

W: And what sort of thing do you want me to talk about?

M: Oh. How to build up your confidence, present yourself to customers, that sort of thing.

W: I'll work on it later then, David.

M: Thanks, Susan...let me take your coffee cup back for you. I think it is about time we got back to the conference.


A.In Manchester.

B.In London.

C.In Birmingham.

D.In Belfast.


The high school years are a key period. The things we learn during this time really shape our lives. Liu

Changming, principal of Beijing No. 4 High School made 18 suggestions for students just starting high school

on how to get the best out of high school. Here are ten of them.

1) Read 50 books. But choose them from ten different fields.

2) Help a person. Look for a classmate, an elderly person, in fact anyone who could benefit (获益) from your

help. You'll find you benefit too!

3) Research. Research a particular area, such as science, history or art.

4) Make a foreign friend. Try to befriend someone from a foreign country. It's an ideal way to learn about a

foreign country.

5) Publish (出版) an article. Whether it appears in a newspaper, your school magazine or in your own blog,

an article will be something to look back on in pride in later years.

6) Take up a new sport. Choose one you've never played before. If you find you like it, you'll have a hobby

for life.

7) Join a club. Working hard in a club or other activities will give you a life outside of your studies.

8) Find a part-time job. Try and do the job for at least a month.

9) Find a person to learn from. Choose someone with unusual experience or special talent. Try to learn all

you can from him or her.

10) Learn to cook four Chinese dishes. Learning how to cook is not only a practical skill but a way of

building a bridge to other people.

1. According to the passage, by making a foreign friend you can ________.
A. learn about another culture

B. practice spoken English

C. discuss the international situation

D. share your happiness and sadness

2. Beside learning a practical skill, another purpose of learning to cook is ________.
A. to help your parents with housework

B. to kill time

C. to have communication with others

D. to make friends

3. Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?
A. You should read fifty books of the same field.

B. Do a part-time job for less than a month.

C. Try to publish an article to make you famous.

D. You can benefit a lot by helping others.

4. The principal made the suggestions in order for the students to ________.
A. make contributions to society

B. achieve greet progress in high school

C. love high school life

D. finish high school

Ear Discomfort When Flying By Robert James It is quite widespread to respond passengers
complaints of ear discomfort when flying or right away after takeoff. Most complaints arise in the time of takeoff or landing. The air pressure inside the passenger cabin may cause your ears to pop. This could lead, at landing or takeoff, to temporary hearing loss or simply ear discomfort. These side effects usually last only while you are flying and, after a short time, should get back to what is normal for you. They result from a difference between air pressure in the part of your ear called the "middle ear" and the atmospheric pressure of the plane. You can do a number of things to reduce the effects of flying on hearing. Yawn, chew gum, or suck on a hard candy. Keep swallowing, using a glass of water or another drink, but not alcohol. Do this regularly, every 15 to 30 seconds as necessary. Some people have reported that earplugs also help but, so far, there has been no medical study to prove that earplugs really help. You are going to benefit from postponing your flight in the event you are suffering from either infected ears or sinuses, allergies or from the feeling of a stuffed up head. If you have to travel, ask your family doctor or local pharmacist for advice and about decongestants you can use. Many doctors recommend that you use a decongestant spray about 20 minutes before you fly. It is important not to use the spray for more than five days continuously.

What is the subject of the article?

A.The side effects of some medicines.

B.The causes of hearing loss.

C.The function of the ears.

D.The effects of flying on hearing.

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