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More than one defendant ______ (be)involved in the case.

More than one defendant ______ (be)involved in the case.

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更多“More than one defendant ______ (be)involved in the case.”相关的问题
According to the passage, male marmoset and tamarin monkeys ______A.can't defend more than

According to the passage, male marmoset and tamarin monkeys ______

A.can't defend more than one female

B.practice monogamy

C.get more offspring

D.invest heavily in their partners and the young

According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE of male dik-dik?A.He can in princ

According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE of male dik-dik?

A.He can in principle defend more than one female.

B.He practices monogamy.

C.He invests heavily in his offspring.

D.He is partly monogamous and partly polygamous.

Which information about Go can NOT be inferred from the passage?A.On the board there is a

Which information about Go can NOT be inferred from the passage?

A.On the board there is a grid with 361 intersections.

B.The goal of the game is to defend one's territory.

C.Playing Go involves more calculation than playing chess.

D.Playing Go involves intuition.

Which of the following statements would provide the most of logical continuation of the fi
nal paragraph of the passage?

A.Thus Wynne — Edwards" theory raises serious questions about the constancy of animal population in a region.

B.Because Wynne- Edwards" theory is able to explain more kinds of animal behavior. than is the density-dependent theory, epideictic explanations of population regulation are now widely accepted.

C.The results of one study, for instance, have suggested that group vocalizing is more often used to defend territory than to provide information about population density.

D.Some of these studies have, in fact, worked out a systematic and complex code of social behavior. that can regulate population size.

E.One study, for example, has demonstrated that birds are more likely to use winter-roosting aggregations than group vocalizing in order to provide information on population size.

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Conventional wisdom has it that male birds are loyal and faithful because the business of feeding nestling is so demanding that it takes two to rear the clutch successfully. Cooperation is therefore the best way of ensuring reproductive success.

By contrast, most mammals have a lengthy gestation (怀孕) follower by lactation (哺乳期), which leaves males on the sidelines. With little to contribute to the rearing process, they tend to opt for polygamy (一夫多妻) in one form. or another.

Male mammals are only monogamous (一夫一妻的) under a limited number of condition. One is when females are so widely dispersed that a male would find it difficult to defend more than one at a. time. In this case, he may do well to stick with one female to make sure that no other males mate with her when she does come into estrus (发情期). The dik-dik, a diminutive African antelope, is one species that seems to live by this role.

However, many species are monogamous even when males could in principle defend several females. In these cases, it turns out that the male provides a service for the female. By investing in her and his young, the male gains more offspring in a lifetime than he does by pursuing the alternative strategy of polygamy.

In South American marmoset and tamarin monkeys, this service amounts to full responsibility for everything to do with childcare, except lactation. As a result, females manage to produce twins twice a year—if they had to do all the work alone, it is unlikely that they could do better than a single infant once a year. So, males who become monogamous and share the workload can expect to obtain around four times as many offspring as males who abandon their mates in favor of serial polygamy. A polygamous male would have to locate and mate with at least four times as many females as a monogamous one, so it pays to be monogamous.

As for humans, monogamy may have developed hand in hand with the evolution of large brains. Pair bonding could have ensured that women got enough food to raise-their big-brained, slow-growing and highly vulnerable offspring to adulthood. Our ancestors probably opted for some form. of monogamy when they began eating meat and hunting.

The passage mainly discusses _______.

A.division of labor between male and female mammals

B.how male are involved in the rearing process

C.how females choose their partners

D.factors affecting monogamy and polygamy

听力原文:Trees have a spectacular survival record. Over a period of more than 400 million

听力原文: Trees have a spectacular survival record. Over a period of more than 400 million years, they have evolved as the tallest, most massive and longest-lived organisms ever to inhabit the Earth. Yet trees lack a means of defense that almost every animal has: threes cannot move away from destructive forces. Because they cannot move, all types of living and nonliving enemies—fire, storm, micro-organisms, insects, other animals and later, humans—have wounded them throughout their history. Trees have survived because their evolution has made them into a highly compartmented organism; that is, they wall off injured and infected wood.

In that respect trees are radically different from animals. Fundamentally, animals heal: they preserve their life by making billions of repairs, installing new cells in the positions of old one. Trees cannot heal: they make no repairs, instead, they defend themselves from the consequences of injury and infection by walling off the damage. At the same time they put new cells in new positions; in effect they grow a new tree over the old one every year. The most obvious results of the process are growth rings, which are visible on the cross section of a trunk, a root, or a branch.






Illegal ImmigrationA key point in the discussion of illegal immigration (and legal immigra

Illegal Immigration

A key point in the discussion of illegal immigration (and legal immigration, for that matter) is that many of those who are vehemently opposed to illegal immigration are also opposed to large amounts of legal immigration as well. These thinly hidden agendas mean that often the debate on illegal immigration cannot be separated from the debate on legal immigration.

Americans firmly believe in tough laws against illegal immigrants and 70% of Americans want no more than 300,000 legal immigrants to enter the U.S. per year. In fact, 20% of Americans want immigration completely stopped. Taking these numbers as the truth, it is clear that America thinks that we have too many immigrants.

Such a dislike of immigration is interesting considering the success of past immigration. Many people would say that today's immigrants are somehow different than those of the past. However, the truth is that the similarities between the immigrants of today and those of the past are numerous. Their reasons for coming to this country are often similar.

When illegal immigration is not confused with legal immigration, debate can take place in a sane manner. Outlandish solutions like building a huge 2,000 mile-long fence and gathering a virtual army to defend the border from Mexicans are not the answer. Making legal immigration easier and more common is the best solution that we have now.

Which of the following solutions is the one the author will agree to?

A.Legalizing the illegal immigration.

B.Facilitating the legal immigration.

C.Building a long fence along the border.

D.Stationing a huge army defending the border.

The answer, in one word, is aggression. Chipmunk species actively defend their ecological
zones from encroachment by neighboring species. The yellow pine chipmunk is more aggressive than the sagebrush chipmunk, possibly because it is a bit larger. It successfully bullies its smaller evolutionary cousin, excluding it from the pine forests. Experiments have shown that the sagebrush chipmunk is physiologically able to live anywhere in the Sierra Nevada, from high alpine zones to the desert. The little creature is apparently restricted to the desert not because it is specialized to live only there but because that is the only habitat where none of the other chipmunk species can live. The fact that sagebrush chipmunks tolerate very warm temperatures makes them, and only them, able to live where they do. The sagebrush chipmunk essentially occupies its habitat by default. In one study, ecologists established that yellow pine chipmunks actively exclude sagebrush chipmunks from pine forests; the ecologists simply trapped all the yellow pine chipmunks in a section of forest and moved them out. Sagebrush chipmunks immediately moved in, but yellow pine chipmunks did not enter sagebrush desert when sagebrush chipmunks were removed.

The word "encroachment" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A.complete destruction

B.gradual invasion

C.excessive development


44 Which of the following is a typical feature of male badgers? A. They don’t run

44 Which of the following is a typical feature of male badgers?

A. They don’t run very quickly.

B. They defend their territory from other badgers.

C. They hunt over a very large area.

D. They are more aggressive than females.

Social psychologists arc used to hearing that their experiments are a waste of time becaus
e they just prove the obvious, and tell us what we always knew. But there is a very simple and effective riposte to this accusation. The trouble with folk-wisdom (what we always knew) is that it tends to come in pairs of statements, both of which are obviously' true, but which—unfortunately—are mutually exclusive. For example, birds of a feather flock together, but what about the attraction of opposites? Experiments may not be as much fun as intuitions, but they sometimes tell us which proverbs are actually true, or (moor often) in what circumstances which apply.

There is one other preconception to be removed before tackling the question of whom we like and love, whom we find attractive and make friends with: "Why bother to study an area in which we are all expert practitioners?" Well, ff you believe that, have a word with a marriage guidance counselor, a psychiatrist, or someone involved in industrial relations.

Research on friendship has established a number of facts, some interesting, some even useful. Did you know that the average student has 5-6 friends, or that a friend who was previously an enemy is liked more than the one who has always been on the right side? Would you believe that physically attractive individuals are preferred as friends to those less comely, and is it fair that physically attractive defendants are less likely to be found guilty in court? Unfortunately, such tidbits don't tell us much more than the nature or the purpose of friendship.

In fact, studies of friendship seem to implicate more complex factors. For example, one function friendship seems to fulfill is that it supports the image we have of ourselves, and confirms the value of the attitudes we hold. Several studies have shown that we judge them to be more like us than they (objectively) are. This suggests that we ought to choose friends who are similar to us ('birds of a feather') rather than those who would be complementary ('opposites attract'), a prediction which is supported by empirical evidence, at least so far as attitudes and beliefs are concerned. In one experiment, some developing friendships were monitored amongst first-year students living in the same hostel. It was found that similarity of attitudes (towards politics, religion, and ethics, pastimes and aesthetics) was a good predictor of what friendships would be established by the end of four months, though it had less to do with initial alliances.

The difficulty of linking friendship with similarity of personality probably reflects the complexity of our personalities. This of course can explain why we may have two close friends who have little in common and indeed dislike each other. By and large, though, it looks as though we would do well to choose friends (and spouses) who resemble us. If this were not so, computer dating agencies would have gone out of business years ago.

The main purpose of the article seems______.

A.to defend the experiments of social psychologists

B.to explain why folk-wisdom tends to come in pairs of contradictory statements

C.to discuss the many facets of friendship

D.to show the complexity of behavioral science

The sense of honour appears to be dying. Who fights duels to defend his reputation anymore
? The idea merely strikes us as odd. How often does someone resign public office as a form. of protest against his government's policies about this or that? Most of us submerge our consciences in the policies of our company or organisation (and in our own self-interest) and regard loyalty as more important than dishonour.

We had an honour code when I went to college; that was in the late 1950s. During exams no one monitored you: instructors came in, handed out the blue books, handed out the exams, and left. During the four years I was there, I can recall only one case of cheating. Students simply did not break the code.

In World War Il men died more or less willingly for the nation and the nation's honour, and they were honoured for it in return. Now we have become cynical about such things; the nation lies, fights unjustifiable wars; the nation robs the poor to give to the rich.

At my college the students used to agree to inform. on their friends rather than suffer a breach in the honour code. A sense of honour is a sense that there are standards of behaviour one must live up to, even at the cost of one's personal happiness, even at the cost of one's life. Without such a sense one has to make up one's rights and wrongs as one goes along--usually, as it happens, to one's own advantage. Morality thereby becomes a matter of expedience: nothing seems worth dying for, and life loses its beauty and some of its value.

Our recent history has deprived us of models. I cherish the story of John Stubbs, a Puritan divine of Queen Elizabeth's time who strongly opposed her projected marriage to the Duke of Alencon. Stubbs knew the penalty for doing so, which was the loss of a hand; nevertheless, he published a pamphlet against, the marriage. He was accordingly tried, convicted, and led out for public execution of the sentence. Stubbs laid his right hand on the block, the ax fell, and he rose to his feet, lifted the bloody stump high in the air, and cried out to the crowd, "Long live the queen!"

In spite of the blood and the horror, it is the beauty of such an act that stands out. A man lives up to his beliefs; he acts with courage and great style. and literally gives himself in the service of something he feels is greater than himself. We cannot help but honour him, whether we agree with his beliefs or not

The main idea of the passage is that______.

A.more students cheat on exams now than in the past

B.each era has a different concept of honour

C.there are still many individuals today who have a sense of honour

D.our society no longer values a sense of honour

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