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提问人:网友v4c3x2z1114 发布时间:2022-01-07

根据以下材料,回答题Science Fiction(1) Amongst the most popular books being written today a


Science Fiction

(1) Amongst the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction. Hundreds of titles arepublished every year and are read by all kinds of people.

Furthermore, some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories.

(2) It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature, but its ancestors can be found in books written hundreds of years ago. These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form. of ideal society, a theme which is still often found in modem stories.

(3) Most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H. G Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages.

(4) Modern science fiction writers don"t write about men from Mars(火星)or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future worlds which are a reflection of the world which we live in now. Because of this, their writing has obvious political undertones (含义) .

(5) In an age where science fact frequently overtakes (超过) science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances. Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology.

Paragraph 2 __________ 查看材料

A.A Fairly New Development

B.Classics of Science Fiction

C.Difficulty in Keeping ahead of Scientific Advances

D.Origins of Science Fiction

E.Themes of Modern Science Fiction

F.Pooularitv of Science Fiction

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根据以下材料,回答题。Science and TechnologyThere is a difference between science and tech


Science and Technology

There is a difference between science and technology. (46)Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships between observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to organize these facts and relationships;technology has to do with tools,techniques.and procedures for applying the findings of science.. (47)

Progress in science excludes the human factor.Scientists,who seek to understand the universe and know the truth within the highest degree of accuracy and certainty,cannot pay attention to their own or other peoples likes or dislikes or to popular ideas about the fitness of things.. (48)But even an unpleasant truth is more than likely to be useful;besides,we have the choice of refusing to believe it!But hardly so with technology;we do not have the choice of refusing to hear the sound produced by a supersonic(超音速的)aircraK flying overhead;we cannot refuse to breathe polluted air.. (49)The purpose of technology is to serve people——people in general,not merely some people;and future generations,not merely those who presently wish to gain advantage for themselves. (50)Many people blame technology itself for widespread pollution,resource depletion(枯竭)and even social decay in general——so much SO that the promise of technology is“obscured”.That promise is a cleaner and healthier world.If wise applications of science and technology do not lead to a better world,what else will?

请在第__(46)__处填上正确答案。 查看材料

A.Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progress in each.

B.Unlike science,progress in technology must be measured in terms of the human factor.

C.What scientists discover may shock or anger people——as did Darwin’S theory of evolution.

D.Science and technology are different.

E.We are all familiar with the improper use of technology.

F.Science is a method of answering theoretical questions;technology is a method of solving practical problems.

根据以下材料回答题 Reading is not the only way to gain knowledge of the work in the past.T


Reading is not the only way to gain knowledge of the work in the past.There is another largereservoir (知识库) which may be called experience, and the college student will find that everycraftsman (工匠) has something he can teach and will generally teach gladly to any college studentwho does not look down upon them.But the demonstration (示范) and report of what happens,and how it happens are correct even if the reports are in completely unscientific terms (术语).Presently the college student will learn, in this case also, what to accept and what to reject.

Another source of knowledge is the vast store of traditional practices handed down from fatherto son, or mother to daughter, of old country customs, of folklore (风俗).All this is very diffi-cult for a college student to examine, for much knowledge and personal experience is needed hereto separate good plants from wild grass.The college student should learn to realize and rememberhow much of real value science has found in this wide, confused wilderness.

In the last paragraph the phrase "this wide, confused wilderness" refers to __________. 查看材料

A.personal experience

B.wild weeds among good plants

C.the information from the parents

D.the vast store of traditional practices

根据以下材料,回答题Mad Scientist Stereotype OutdatedDo people still imagine a physicist as


Mad Scientist Stereotype Outdated

Do people still imagine a physicist as a bearded man in glasses or has the image of the mad scientist changed? The Institute of Physics set out to find out whether the stereotype of a physic"boffin" (科学家) still exists by conducting a survey on shoppers in London. The people were asked to identify the physicist from a photograph of a line-up of possible suspects. 98 percent of those asked got it wrong. Most people picked a white male of around 60, wearing glasses and with a white beard.

While this stereotype may have been the image of all average physicist fifty years ago, the reality is now very different. Since 1960 the number of young women entering physics has doubled and the average age of a physicist is now 31.

The stereotype of the absent-minded scientist has lasted a long time because the media and Hollywood help promote the image of men in white lab coats with glasses sitting by blackboards full of equations (等式) or working with fizzing (嘶嘶响 ) test tubes. These stereotypes are really damaging to society. Very good school children are put off studying science because they don"t see people like themselves on television or in magazines doing science. They simply don"t relate to the media"s image of the mad scientist.

This is one reason why fewer young people are choosing to do science at university. If we want to encourage more young people to study science subjects, we need to change this image of the scientist and make science careers more attractive. But we must also develop children"s interest in science.

In an attempt to change this negative image, an increasing number of science festivals are being organized. Thousands of people from secondary schools are also encouraged to take part in the internationwide science competitions of which the most popular are the national science Olympiads. Winning national teams then get the opportunity to take part in the Intemational Science Olympiads which are held in a different county every year. These events are all interesting for the young people who take part but they only involve a small proportion of students who are already interested in science. It seems that there is a long way to go before science becomes attractive as subjects like computer studies or fashion and design.

Most people have similar ideas of what a physicist looks like. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

根据以下材料回答题 Thousands of years ago man used handy rocks for his surgical operati


Thousands of years ago man used handy rocks for his surgical operations.Later he used sharpbones or horns, metal knives and more recently, rubber and plastic.In the 1960s a new tool wasdeveloped, one which was, first of all, to be of great practical use to the armed forces and indus-try, but which was also to revolutionize the art and science of surgery.

The tool is the laser and it is being used by more and more surgeons all over the world.As weall know, light is hot, and any source of light will give warmth.But light is usually spread outover a wide area.The light in a laser beam, however, is concentrated.This means that a light withno more power than that produced by an ordinary electric light bulb becomes intensely strong as itis concentrated to a pinpoint-sized beam.

Experiments with these pinpoint beams showed researchers that different energy sources pro-duce beams that have a particular effect on certain living cells.It is now possible for eye surgeonsto operate on the back of human eye without harming the front of the eye, simply by passing a laserbeam right through the eye-ball.Operations which once left patients exhausted and in need of longperiod of recovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.

The rapid development of laser techniques in the past ten years has made it clear that the futureis likely to be very exciting.Perhaps some cancers will be treated with laser in a way that makessurgery not only safer but also more effective.

Which of the following would be appropriate to describe the instruments of surgical opera-tions up until 1960s? 查看材料





根据以下材料,回答题。Electronic MailDuring the past few years,scientists all over the world


Electronic Mail

During the past few years,scientists all over the world have suddenly found themselves productively engaged in task they once spent their lives hvoiding——writing,any kind of writing,but particularly letter writing.Encouraged by electronic mail’s surprisingly high speed,convenience and economy,people who never before touched the stuff are regularly,skillfully,even cheerfullv tapping out a great deal of correspondence.

Electronic networks,woven into the fabric of scientific communication these davs. are the route to colleagues in distant countries,shared data,bulletin boards and electronic Joumals.Anyone with a personal computer, a modern and the software to link computers over teleDhone lines can sign on?An estimated five million scientists have done SO with more joining every day,most of them communicating through a bundle of interconnected domestic and foreign routes known collectively as the Internet,or net.

E-mail is starting to edge out the fax,the telephone,overnight mail,and of course.1and mail. It shrinks time and distance between scientific collaborators,in part because it is conveniently asynchronous(异步的)(Writers can type while their colleagues acmss time zones sleep;their message will be waiting.).If it is not yet speeding discoveries,it is certainly accelerating communication.

Jeremy Bernstein,the physicist and science writer,once called E-mail the Dhysicist,s umbilical cord(脐带).Later other people,t00,have been discovering its connective virtues.Physicists are using it;college students are using it;everybody is using it;and as a sign that it has come of age,the New Yorker has celebrated its liberating presence with a cartoon—an appreciative dog seated at a keyboard,saying happily,“on the Internet,nobody knows you’re a dog.”

The reasons given below about the popularity of E—mail can be found in the passage except 查看材料

A.direct and reliable

B.time—saving in delivery


D.available at any time

根据以下材料,回答题。Knowing You r Real Personality fromSleeping PositionsEveryone has got


Knowing You r Real Personality from

Sleeping Positions

Everyone has got two personalities——the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real.You don’t show your secret personality when you’re awake because you can control yourself,but when you’re asleep,your sleeping position shows the real you.In a normal night.of course,you often change your sleeping positions.The important position that best shows vour secret personality is the one that you go to sleep.

If You goto sleep。n your back,You’re a Very oPen person.You norinally trust people and you are easily influenced by new ideas.You don"t like to make people unhappy,so you never express your real feelings.You’re quite shy and you aren’t very con6dent.

If you sleep on your stomach,you are a person who likes to keep secrets.You worry a lot and you’re always easily becoming sad.You never want to change your ideas,but you are satisfied with your life the way it is.You usually live for today not for tomoITow.

If you sleep on curled up,you are probably a very nervous person.You have a low oDinion of yourself and often protect yourself from being hurt,SO you are very defensive.You,re shv and you don’t usually like meeting people.You like to be on your own.

If you sleep on your side,you have usually got a well.balanced perSonality.You know vour strengths and weaknesses.You’re usually careful.You have a confident personality.You sometimes feel worried,but you don’t ofteIl get unhappy.You always say what you think.even if it makes people angry.

You may find the passage in 查看材料

A.a science magazine

B.a guide book

C.a sports newspaper

D.a story book

根据以下材料,回答题New Understanding of Natural Silk"s MysteriesNatural silk, as we all kn


New Understanding of Natural Silk"s Mysteries

Natural silk, as we all know, has a strength that manmade materials have long struggled to match. In a discovery that sounds more like an ancient Chinese proverb than a materials science breakthrough, MIT researchers have discovered that silk gets its strength from its weakness. Or,more specifically, its many weaknesses. Silk gets its extraordinary durability and ductility from an unusual arrangement of hydrogen bonds that are inherently very weak but that work together to create a strong, flexible structure.

Most materials- especially the ones we engineer for strength- get their toughness from brittleness. As such, natural silks like those produced by spiders have long fascinated both biologists and engineers because of their light weight, ductility and high strength (pound for pound, silk is stronger than steel and far less brittle). But on its face, it doesn"t seem that silks should be as strong as they are; molecularly, they are held together by hydrogen bonds, which are far weaker than the covalent bonds found in other molecules.

To get a better understanding of how silk manages to produce such strength through such weak bonds, the MIT team created a set of computer models that allowed them to observe the way silk behaves at the atomic level. They found that the arrangement of the tiny silk nanocrystals is such that the hydrogen bonds are able to work cooperatively, reinforcing one another against extemal forces and failing slowly when they do fail, so as not so allow a sudden fracture to spread across a silk structure.

The result is natural silks that can stretch and bend while retaining a high degree of strength.

But while that"s all well and good for spiders, bees and the like, this understandingof silk geometry could lead to new materials that are stronger and more ductile than those we can currently manufacture. Our best and strongest materials are generally expensive and difficult to produce (requiring high temperature treatments or energy-intensive processes).

By looking to silk as a model, researchers could potentially devise new manufacturing methods that rely on inexpensive materials and weak bonds to create less rigid, more forgiving materials that are nonetheless stronger than anything currently on offer. And if you thought you were going to get out of this materials science story without hearing about carbon nanotubes, think again. The MIT team is already in the lab looking into ways of synthesizing silk-like structures out of materials that are stronger than natural silk—— like carbon nanotubes. Super-silks are on the horizon.

MIT researchers carry out the study to illustrate an ancient Chinese proverb. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

根据以下材料,回答题"Feed Me Better"When British TV Chef Jamie Oliver launched his "Feed Me


"Feed Me Better"

When British TV Chef Jamie Oliver launched his "Feed Me Better" campaign in 2004 in schools in the Greenwich area of London with the aim of improving the diet of British schoolchildren, some people were skeptical about the impact it would have. Oliver"s highly-publicized television campaign to improve school lunches led to dramatic changes in the meals offered to pupils in the Greenwich schools. In order to achieve his aim, Oliver needed to show schools how to swap (交换) cheap processed meals, which were high in saturated fat (饱和脂肪 ) salt, and sugar, for healthier options.

Now, research at the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) has shown that Oliver"s experiment did not only help pupils eat more healthily, it also resulted in them performing better at school in English and Science and in helping schools reduce their rates of absenteeism (缺勤). The ISER study, carried out by Michele Belot and Jonathan James, showed "substantial" positive effects, with the performance of 11-year-old pupils eating Oliver"s meals improving by up to 8% in Science and by as much as 6% in English. In addition, the number of children having

authorized absences for sickness since 2004 showed a 14% decrease.

The ISER study analyzed the academic test results of more than 13,000 children in Greenwich between 2002 and 2007 to evaluate the impact of Oliver"s healthier meals on school performance.

Pupils who sat exams in 2006-2007 had been on the new diet for at least 12 months, and the researchers found that the number of pupils reaching higher levels of achievement had clearly risen.

The study also compared the results of the schools in Greenwich with those of pupils of the same age in seven other London areas who did not eat the meals created by Oliver. The researchers were surprised by the speed of improvements in the Greenwich pupils. They could find no other explanation for the results except for the healthier and more nutritious meals created by Oliver.

Commenting on ISER"s findings, Oliver said he felt the research proved that he was right in his decision to remove fatty processed food and replace it with nutrient-rich (营养的 ) foods such as coconut (椰子), fish, and broccoli (花椰菜). He commented that "we could see that it made them calmer and therefore able to learn".

The Feed Me Better campaign targeted a healthier diet at school children. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

根据以下资料。回答题。 2010年11月份的原煤产量为()亿吨。 查看材料





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