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提问人:网友yang_qiumei 发布时间:2022-01-07

What did the Viking probably do in the box?A.The Viking stabbed into the cow and roared wi

What did the Viking probably do in the box?

A.The Viking stabbed into the cow and roared with laughter.

B.The Viking scared the people into a complete silence.

C.The Viking flung wide his arms and legs, acting like a fool.

D.The Viking went unconscious due to his fear of the rumenotomy.

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更多“What did the Viking probably do in the box?A.The Viking stabbed into the cow and roared wi”相关的问题
What did the speaker talk about yesterday?A.The construction of Viking ships.B.Viking use

What did the speaker talk about yesterday?

A.The construction of Viking ships.

B.Viking use Of the stars in navigation.

C.Ingenuity and technology in 900 AD


听力原文: I spoke yesterday about the construction of ancient Viking ships. Today I'd like
to discuss the transocean voyages that the Norse made in these open boats-voyages made without compasses or charts. Somehow the Vikings managed to get across the North Atlantic and back home again. Although the shortest distance between the coast of Norway and Green- land is about 900 miles, the Vikings preferred to take a longer route south of Iceland and there-by avoid pack-ice. This was a voyage of well over one thousand miles. How did Norse sailors find land after days of sailing out of sight of land? well, experienced sailors used the relative position of the stars to help them navigate. The sun's position could also be noted, but it moves across the sky and its position alters a little every day, so it was not easy for the Vikings to use. However, even when out of sight of land, an experienced sailor could find in- formation. As there are landmarks on land, so there are at sea. Whales gathered in large numbers to feed at an area half a day's sail south of Iceland. Migrating birds on their annual flight were also helpful because they always followed the same route. So, geese flying between Britain and Iceland were of particular use to the Vikings. One Icelander also took ravens with him, releasing them until one day they didn't return. He followed their direction and found land. In 900 A. D, ingenuity had to take the place of technology.

What is the main topic of the talk?

A.Life in Norway during Viking(海盗)times.

B.Different ocean routes taken by the Vikings.

C.Methods used in Viking navigation.

D.The importance of migrating geese in Viking navigation.

What people brought the new religion Christianity to Britain first?A.The Romans.B.The Angl

What people brought the new religion Christianity to Britain first?

A.The Romans.

B.The Anglo-Saxons.

C.The Viking and Danish.

D.The Normans.

What is included in a traditional Viking wedding, according to the fourth paragraph?A.Sett

What is included in a traditional Viking wedding, according to the fourth paragraph?

A.Setting the wedding day on Frigga"s birthday.

B.Presenting the rings by a sword.

C.Drinking wine at the beginning of the ceremony.

D.Holding hands while making vows.

What do we know about the Fulford Battlefield Society?A.It is an organization of professio

What do we know about the Fulford Battlefield Society?

A.It is an organization of professional and amateur historians.

B.It strives for preserving the Viking recycling site against potential development.

C.It assisted professional archaeologists in the excavation of the Viking recycling center.

D.It is an amateur organization cooperating closely with professional archaeologists.

What is said about today's recyclers at the beginning of this passage?A.They recycle thing

What is said about today's recyclers at the beginning of this passage?

A.They recycle things that are discovered at the Viking settlements.

B.They are as rich, bloody and brawny as their Viking ancestors.

C.They may have inherited the recycling tradition from the Vikings.

D.They recycle the same things that the Vikings recycled.

The Vikings have left many traces of their settlement which are still visible today. Archa
eology provides physical evidence of their conquests, settlement and daily life. The study of place names and language shows the lasting effect which the Viking settlements had in the British Isles, and DNA analysis provides some insights into the effect the Vikings had on the genetic stock of the countries where they settled. All of this provides valuable information, but the only reason that we have an idea of the "Vikings" as a people is their appearance in the written sources.

Unfortunately, the value of the written evidence is limited. Not a lot of evidence survives, and much of what we have is either uninformative or unreliable. Many popular ideas about Vikings are nineteenth-century inventions. Others are the result of early historians accepting sources which modern scholars now regard as completely unreliable. In Scandinavia the Viking Age is regarded as part of prehistory because there are practically no contemporary written sources. Even in western Europe, the Viking Age is often seen as part of the "Dark Ages", from which comparatively few historical records have survived.

Surviving accounts of Viking activity were almost exclusively written by clergymen (神职人员). These monastic chronicles (编年史) outline broadly what happened, at what date. There are also sources of a more directly religious nature, such as the much-quoted letters of Alcuin, and Wulfstan's famous "Sermon of the Wolf ", both of which chose to interpret the Viking raids as God's punishment on the Anglo-Saxons for their sins. Even the chronicles reflect the fact that the Vikings often attacked monasteries for their wealth, which created an obvious bias against them, and the hostile tone of these contemporary accounts has done much to create the popular image of Viking atrocities. However, modern historians have noted that the same sources show Christian rulers behaving equally unpleasantly, but without being condemned on religious grounds.

We tend to think of the Vikings as a race of Scandinavian warriors, but the reality is more complex. Raids on the British Isles and the coasts of France and Spain were the work of Vikings from Norway and Denmark. The word Viking means one who lurks in a "vik" or bay, in effect, a pirate.

The word "Viking" has come to describe a whole new age in Europe between about 800 and 1150. This is despite the fact that Vikings were not just pirates and warriors but also traders and colonists. But at the start of the Viking Age in the last decade of the 8th century, loot and adventure were the main goals of the Norwegians who raided in Scotland and Ireland and of the Danes who attacked England. Gold and silver treasures accumulated by the great monasteries could be converted into personal wealth and thus power, and captives could be sold as slaves. What better way for the young sons of good families to earn their way and see the world?

The author's analysis of the Vikings mainly based on materials from ______ .

A.limited written sources

B.physical archaeological evidence

C.report on DAN analysis

D.the study of place names and language

What is special about the village of Fulford?A.It is near the city of York but was not inc

What is special about the village of Fulford?

A.It is near the city of York but was not included in the city in history.

B.A battle took place here in 1066 after which the Viking recycling center was built to reprocess weapons.

C.The Vikings defeated the English army twice here in the year 1066.

D.It was the location of the battle between King Harold II and Duke of Normandy.

What had archaeologists known about Viking recycling before the weapon recycling center wa
s discovered?

A.The Vikings recycled metal and other materials for daily use.

B.The Vikings only recycled metals because they were precious.

C.The Vikings were the only people at that time who used alloys in reprocessing weapons.

D.Recycling centers were usually found behind the battlefields.

Peoples of BritainIntroductionThe story of early Britain has traditionally been told in te

Peoples of Britain


The story of early Britain has traditionally been told in terms of waves of invaders displacing or annihilating(消灭) their predecessors. Archaeology suggests that this picture is fundamentally wrong. For over 10,000 years people have been moving into—and out of—Britain, sometimes in substantial numbers, yet there has always been a basic continuity of population.

The gene pool of the island has changed, but more slowly and far less completely than implied by the old "invasion model", and the notion of large-scale migrations, once the key explanation for change in early Britain, has been widely discredited.

Before Roman times "Britain" was just a geographical entity, and had no political meaning, and no single cultural identity. Arguably this remained generally true until the 17th century, when James I of England sought to establish a pan-British monarchy.

Throughout recorded history the island has consisted of multiple cultural groups and identities. Many of these groupings looked outwards, across the seas, for their closest connections—they did not necessarily connect naturally with their fellow islanders, many of whom were harder to reach than maritime neighbors in Ireland or continental Europe.

It therefore makes no sense to look at Britain in isolation; we have to consider it with Ireland as part of the wider "Atlantic Archipelago", nearer to continental Europe and, like Scandinavia, part of the North Sea world.

First Peoples

From the arrival of the first modern humans—who were hunter-gatherers, following the retreating ice of the Ice Age northwards—to the beginning of recorded history is a period of about 100 centuries, or 400 generations. This is a vast time span, and we know very little about what went on through those years; it is hard even to fully answer the question, "Who were the early peoples of Britain?", because they have left no accounts of themselves.

We can, however, say that biologically they were part of the Caucasoid(高加索人种) population of Europe.

The regional physical stereotypes familiar to us today, a pattern widely thought to result from the post-Roman Anglo-Saxa and Viking invasions—red-headed people in Scotland, small, dark-haired folk in Wales and lanky blondes in southern England—already existed in Roman times. Insofar as they represent reality, they perhaps attest the post-Ice Age peopling of Britain, or the first farmers of 6,000 years ago.

Before Rome: the "Celts"

the end of the Iron Age(roughly the last 700 years B.C., we get our first eye-witness accounts of Britain from Greco-Roman authors, not least Julius Caesar who invaded in 55 and 54 B.C. These reveal a mosaic of named peoples(Trinovantes, Silures, Cornovii, Selgovac, etc.), but there is little sign such groups had any sense of collective identity any more than the islanders of AD 1000 all considered themselves "Britons".

However, there is one thing that the Romans, modern archaeologists and the Iron Age islanders themselves word all agree on: they were not Celts. This was an invention of the 18th century; the name was not used earlier. The idea canto from the discovery around 1700 that the non-English island tongues relate to that of the ancient continental Gauls, who really were called Celts. This ancient continental ethnic label was applied to the wider family of languages. But "Celtic" was soon extended to describe insular monuments, art, culture and peoples, ancient and modern: island "Celtic" identity was born, like Britishness, in the 18th century.

Archaeologists widely agree on two things about the British Iron Age: its many regional cultures grew out of the preceding local Bronze Age, and did not derive from waves of continental "Celtic" invaders. And secondly, calling the British Iron Age "Celtic" is so misleading that it is best abandoned.




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