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提问人:网友xxhacker 发布时间:2022-01-06
The sad condition of women working as domestics around the world received much media atten

The sad condition of women working as domestics around the world received much media atten

tion earlier this year in several______(high)publicized cases.

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When spring comes, these (5) disappear. Researchers have called this condition SAD -- seasonal affective depression.
The sad condition of women working as house servants around the world received much me
dia_____early this year.

A .importance

B. attention



We can learn from the passage that SAD is______.A.a common condition among peopleB.a term

We can learn from the passage that SAD is______.

A.a common condition among people

B.a term referring to the winter dumps

C.a term not being totally understood

D.a term of evolutionary biology

OverviewLike many people, you may experience cabin fever during the winter months. Or, you


Like many people, you may experience cabin fever during the winter months. Or, you may tend to eat more and sleep more when the temperature drops. But, seasonal affective disorder(SAD)goes well beyond those symptoms. SAD is much more than the winter blahs. It's a type of depressive disorder.

If you have SAD, winter's short days and long nights may induce feelings of depression, lethargy(嗜睡), fatigue, cravings for sweets and starches(淀粉类食物), headaches, sleep problems and irritability. Exactly how many people have SAD isn't really known, but it's estimated that about 6 percent of Americans suffer from winter SAD, and another 10 percent to 20 percent may experience mild SAD symptoms. The disorder usually begins when you're a young adult. It's also more common in women than in men.

What causes SAD is unclear, but it may have to do with the amount of sunlight you receive. Although SAD can affect people anywhere, it becomes more common the farther north you live--perhaps because these areas of the planet experience decreased daylight for months at a time. In some people, however, recurring episodes of depression may occur in the summer rather than in the winter.

Although there's no cure for SAD, there are treatments to help you successfully manage the condition so that you can go through the seasons of the year in relative comfort.

Signs and symptoms

SAD is a cyclic, seasonal condition, which means signs and symptoms are present only during a particular season of the year and then go away. Most of the time, the signs and symptoms of SAD appear during the winter and recede during the spring and summer.

But there are some exceptions to the rule. Some people have worsened signs and symptoms of depression in the spring. Other people--about one in 10--experience periods of mania(躁狂)or hypo- mania, a less intense form. of mania, during the summer. This is sometimes referred to as reverse SAD. Characteristics of mania may include persistently elevated mood, inflated self-esteem, hyperactivity and unbridled enthusiasm out of proportion to the situation.

If you regularly experience the following signs and symptoms when the seasons change, you may have SAD:

Winter SAD


Loss of energy

Social withdrawal

Increased sleep and sleepiness

Loss of interest in sex

Overeating, especially foods high in carbohydrates

Weight gain

Difficulty concentrating and processing information, especially in the afternoon

Summer SAD




Weight loss

Decreased appetite


Doctors don't know the causes of SAD, but heredity, age and your body's chemical makeup all seem to play a role. So can the availability of sunlight. Researchers suspect that reduced sunlight may disrupt circadian rhythms that regulate your body's internal clock, which lets you know when it's time to sleep and when it's time to wake up. This disruption may cause depression. For example, winter depression is more common in people living in more northern latitudes, such as in Alaska, where the lengths of days and nights are more variable during the various seasons.

Some scientists have theorized that melatonin, a sleep-related hormone that's also linked to depression, might be the cause. Production of melatonin increases during the long nights of winter.

Other research suggests that lack of serotonin, a brain chemical(neurotransmitter)that seems to be triggered by sunlight, is the reason for winter depression. People who are depressed are known to have decreased levels of serotonin in their brains.

When to seek medical advice

Most people experience some d




Some people feel sad or depressed during the winter months in northern areas of the world.
They may have trouble eating or sleeping. They suffer【C1】______a condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD.

【C2】______of SAD【C3】______its effects during the short, dark days of【C4】______. The problems are most【C5】______in the months when there are fewer hours of daylight. When spring arrives, these signs【C6】______and SAD victims feel【C7】______again.

The National Mental Health Association reports that SAD can【C8】______anyone. The group says young people and women are【C9】______the highest risk for the disorder. It says that an estimated twenty-five percent of the American population suffers from some form. of SAD. About five percent suffer from a severe form. of the【C10】______.【C11】______, many people in other parts of the world also have the condition.

To treat the disorder, victims of SAD do not need to wait until【C12】______. Experts know that【C13】______affected individuals【C14】______bright light each day【C15】______the condition.【C16】______, there are other things people can do to ease the problem. They can【C17】______the sunlight in their homes and workplaces. They can spend【C18】______time outdoors in the fresh air during the day.

One study found that walking for an hour in winter sunlight was as【C19】______as spending two-and-one-half hours in【C20】______light indoors.






Depression: The Hidden EpidemicFelt down? Got the blues? You're not alone. Everyone gets s

Depression: The Hidden Epidemic

Felt down? Got the blues? You're not alone. Everyone gets sad (yes, everyone you've ever met). Some people have sad feelings just pretty often. More than half of teenagers go through a sad period at least once a month and plenty of younger kids do, too.

When you're in a sad mood, it may feel like it will last forever, but usually feelings of sadness don't last very long — a few hours, or maybe a day or two. A deeper, more intense kind of sadness that lasts a lot longer is called depression. Each year millions of people are estimated to .suffer from depression, a condition so widespread that it has been dubbed "the common cold of mental illness."

Types of Depression

For some people, depression can be intense and occur in bouts that last for weeks at a time. For others, depression can be less severe but can linger at a low level for years.

Doctors who treat depression distinguish between these two forms, diagnosing the more severe, short-lasting form. as major depression, and the longer-lasting but less severe form. as dysthymia.

A third form. of depression that may be diagnosed is called adjustment disorder with depressed mood. It refers to a depressive reaction to a specific life event (such as a death, divorce, or other loss) when the adjustment to the loss takes longer than the normally expected time frame. or is more severe than expected and interferes with the person's daily activities.

Bipolar disorder (also sometimes called manic depressive illness) is another depressive condition that involves periods of major depression mixed with periods of mania. Mania is the term for abnormally high mood and extreme bursts of unusual activity or energy. Mental health experts divide Bipolar disorder into four types because the symptoms of bipolar disorder show up differently in different people.

What Are the Symptoms of Depression?

Depression is associated with many symptoms and not everyone has the same ones. Some people have many symptoms, while others may only have a few. The symptoms below may signal that you or someone you love may be depressed:

1. Appearance — sad face, slow movements, unkempt look

2. Unhappy feelings — feeling sad, hopeless, discouraged, or listless

3. Negative thoughts — "I'm a failure," "I'm not good," "No one cares about me."

4. Reduced activity — "I just sit around and mope," "Doing anything is just too much of an effort."

5. Reduced concentration

6. People problems — "I don't want anybody to see me," "I feel so lonely."

7. Guilt and low self-esteem — "It's all my fault," "I should be punished."

8. Physical problems — Sleeping problems, weight loss or gain, decreased sexual interest, or head-aches

9. Suicidal thoughts or wishes — "I'd be better off dead," "I wonder if it hurts to die."

Why Do People Get Depressed?

The exact cause of depression remains unclear. The most probable explanation is that it is an imbalance in neurotransmitters in the brain. But what triggers it in the first place?

First, genetic factors. There is growing interest in genetic approaches to understanding a variety of diseases and depression is no exception. Some people certainly seem to be more vulnerable to depression than could make individuals susceptible to the disease. Some studies have shown that people who have relatives with depression have a one in four chance of developing it themselves, compared with only one in 14 for the general population.

Secondly, external triggers. In most cases just having these genes is probably not enough-to cause depression on its own. Depressi




One cowardly person came to a master of martial arts(武术)to learn bravery. The master loo

One cowardly person came to a master of martial arts(武术)to learn bravery. The master looked at him and said: " I will teach you only on one condition, if for one month you will live in a big city and to every passing person on the street you will loudly, openly and looking straight into the eyes tell that you re a coward." The person got really sad, because this task seemed scary to him. For a couple of days he was very sad, but to live with his cowardice(胆小)was so unbearable that he travelled to the city to accomplish his mission. At first, when meeting the passers, he lost his speech. But he needed to finish the master s task, so he began to overcome himself. When he came up to his first passer to tell about his cowardice, it seemed to him that he would die from fear. But each time, his voice sounded louder and more confident. And then a moment came when the man caught himself thinking that he was not scared anymore, and the further he continued doing the task, the more convinced he was that the fear was abandoning him. That way a month had passed. The person came back to the master and said: "Thank you, teacher. I finished your task. Now I m not afraid anymore. But how did you know that this strange task will help me?" "The thing is," the master smiled, "that cowardice is only a habit. And by doing the things that scare us, we can destroy the stereotypes. And now you know that bravery is the same habit. To make it a part of yourself, you need to move forward into the fear. And then the fear will retreat, and bravery will take its place."

What task did the master ask the person to finish?

A.To live with strangers for one month.

B.To travel to a big city and talk to strangers.

C.To tell strangers about his own weakness.

D.To ask strangers for help with his problem.

Don't Let Depression Ruin a Good ThingFeeling down? Got the blues? You're not alone. Every

Don't Let Depression Ruin a Good Thing

Feeling down? Got the blues? You're not alone. Everyone gets. sad (yes, everyone you've ever met). Some people have sad feelings just once in a while, and others may have sad feelings pretty often. More than half of teenagers go through a sad period at least once a month and plenty of younger kids do, too.

When you're in a sad mood, it may feel like it will last forever, but usually feelings of sadness don't last very long a few hours, or maybe a day or two. A deeper, more intense kind of sadness that lasts a lot longer is called depression. Each year millions of people are estimated to suffer from depression, a condition so widespread that it has been dubbed "the common cold of mental illness. "

Symptoms of Depression

Depression is associated with many symptoms and not everyone has the same ones. Some people have many symptoms, while others may only have a few. The symptoms below may signal that you or someone you love may be depressed:

Appearance—sad face, slow movements, absent-minded look

Unhappy feelings—feeling sad, hopeless, discouraged, or listless

Negative thoughts—"I'm a failure," "I'm no good," "No one cares about me. "

Reduced activity—"I just sit around and mope," "Doing anything is just too much of an effort."

Reduced concentration.

People problems—"I don't want anybody to see me," "I feel so lonely."

Guilt and low self-esteem—"It's all my fault," "I should be punished."

Physical problems—Sleeping problems, weight loss or gain, decreased sexual interest, or headaches.

Suicidal thoughts or wishes—"I'd be better off dead," "I wonder if it hurts to die."

Causes of Depression

The exact cause of depression remains unclear. The most probable explanation is that it is an imbalance in neurotransmitters (神经传递素) in the brain. But what triggers it in the first place?

First, genetic factors. There is growing interest in genetic approaches t6 understanding a variety of diseases and depression is no exception. Some people certainly seem to be more vulnerable to depression than others and there is growing evidence that some genes could make individuals susceptible to the disease. Some studies have shown that people who have relatives with depression have a one in four chance of developing it themselves, compared with only one in fourteen for the general population.

Secondly, external triggers. In most cases just having these genes is probably not enough to cause depression on its own. Depression can be triggered by a number of factors such as unemployment, bereavement (丧亡), social isolation or even a severe physical illness.

Victims of Depression

Anyone may suffer from depression, regardless of age, gender, race and belief. It is "normal" for certain people to feel depressed-such as women, older people, employees with work-related stress, or people with chronic illness.

Women are more than twice as' likely as men to experience depression. Although the reasons for this difference are not known, research suggests that biological differences in women such as hormonal(荷尔蒙) changes and genetics-may contribute to depression. Additionally, social reasons, such as greater stresses from work and family responsibilities, and even the increased rates of sexual abuse and poverty among women, may lead to higher rates of clinical depression.

Depression affects employees at all levels of the corporate ladder. One in every 20 employees experiences the illness. An estimated 200 million workdays are lost each year due to employee depression. Depression tends to affect people in their prime working years and if left untreated may last a lifetime.

Clinical Depression and




听力原文: The Asian elephant is one of the world's rarest animals. Unfortunately, its sad
condition has not been as well publicized as that of the African elephant. This is because Asian elephant's ivory supplies only a small percentage of the world ivory trade. In fact, we know very little about the Asian elephant. They live in the remote forests of southern Asia and it is therefore very difficult to study them. Most knowledge of Asian elephants is from those that have been captured, or tamed, Asian elephants are easier to tame than African elephants. The elephants you see in the circuses and zoos are nearly always Asian. the major reason for the decline of Asian elephants is the harm to their forests. The huge increase in the human population has caused the destruction of the Asian forest for human population. As a result, the Asian elephants are compelled to scatter indifferent areas. Originally they lived all over the continent, but now there are only small isolated populations left. These isolated elephant populations are vulnerable to extinction.

While Asian elephants are threatened by illegal capture and detaining, they are also killed for ivory and skin. In July 1990, a British wildlife group uncovered a black market for elephant skin. Elephants are shot it the forest along the border between Thailand and Burma, and their skin was sold to factories in Bangkok. Their skin is made into shoes, belts, suitcases, wallets, etc. , to sell to tourists.

What's the difference between the Asian elephant and the African elephant?

A.The Asian elephant is easier to tame.

B.The Asian elephant's skin is more valuable.

C.The Asian elephant is less popular with tourists.

D.The Asian elephant produces ivory of a better quality.

SECTION BPASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to th


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: The Asian elephant is one of the world's rarest animals. Unfortunately, its sad condition has not been as well publicized as that of the African elephant. This is because Asian elephant's ivory supplies only a small percentage of the world ivory trade. In fact, we know very little about the Asian elephant. They live in the remote forests of southern Asia and it is therefore very difficult to study them. Most knowledge of Asian elephant is from those that have been captured or tamed. Asian elephants are easier to tame than African elephants. The elephants you see in the circuses and zoos are nearly always Asian.

The major reason for decline of Asian elephants is the harm to their forests. The huge increase in the human population has caused the destruction of the Asian forest. As a result, the Asian elephants are compelled to scatter in different areas. Originally they lived all over the continent, but now there are only small isolated populations left. These isolated elephant populations are vulnerable to extinction. While Asian elephants are threatened by illegal capture and detaining, they are also killed for ivory and skin. Elephants are shot in the forest along the border between Thailand and Burma, and their skin was sold to factories in Bangkok where the skins were made into shoes, belts, suitcases, wallets, etc., and then sold to tourists.

What's the difference between the Asian elephant and the African elephant?

A.The Asian elephant is easier to tame.

B.The Asian elephant's skin is more valuable.

C.The Asian elephant is less popular with tourists.

D.The Asian elephant produces ivory of a better quality.

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