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提问人:网友lzzyok 发布时间:2022-01-06

is a complex consisting of two or more connected computing units, it is used for the

purpose of data communication and resource sharing.

A.Computer network

B.Computer device

C.Computer processor

D.Computer storage

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“is a complex consisting of two or more connected computing units, it is used for the”相关的问题
According to the passage, which of the following sentences doesn't correctly describe most
of" backward languages" ?

A.They consist largely of grunts and groans.

B.They are extremely complex, delicate, and ingenious pieces of machinery for the transfer of ideas.

C.They fall behind our Western languages in their vocabularies.

D.They don't possess the machinery for vocabulary expansion.

二、FILL IN: (20 points, 1point for each) 1. Any pi...

二、FILL IN: (20 points, 1point for each) 1. Any piece of DNA which replicates as a single unit is called a (). 2. Almost all RNA start sites consist of a () residue. G is more common at the transcription start site than A. 3. RNA Pol III synthesizes the precurssors of () rRNA, tRNA and other () and cytosolic RNAs. Like RNA Pol II, it is located in the (). 4. The tRNA () adds the sequence 5’-CCA-3’ to the 3’-end to generate the mature 3’-end of the tRNA in tRNATyr processing of eukaryotes. 5. The replicase in prokaryotes is (), while in eukaryotes is (). 6. The major force involved in maintaining the secondary structure of protein is () bond. 7. In NER,an endonuclease () cleaves the DNA a precise number of bases on either side of the lesion. In E.coli, the gap is filled by () and the final phosphodiester bond made by (). 8. Enzymes exist which regulate the level of supercoiling of DNA molecules, these termed (). 9. The () factor is not required for transcription elongation and is released from the transcription complex after initiation. The remaining enzyme, which translocates along the DNA, is known as the () enzyme. 10. The assembled ribosome has two tRNA-binding sites. These are called the A- and P-sites, for () and () sites. 11. Alternative splicing includes the following items: alternative selection of (), alternative selection of poly(A), retention of an () and () skipping.

Imagine you found out that ideas invented by a computer were rated higher by independent e
xperts than ideas created by a group of humans asked to perform. the same task. Would you praise the designer of the "creative computer" for a great achievement or would you question why human talent -- usually so potent in coping with complex cognitive challenges -- created such poor ideas? Or maybe you would question your view of the notion of creativity. In fact, such a scenario was played out when we used a simple computerized routine to generate ideas and compared them as superior to human ideas when they performed the same task?

Creativity is considered the ultimate human activity, a highly complex process, difficult to formalize and to control. Although there is a general agreement regarding the distinctive nature of the creative product(idea, painting, poem, and so on). there is a controversy over the nature of the creative process. Some researchers hold that the creative thinking process is qualitatively different from "ordinary" day-to-day thinking, and involves a leap that cannot be formulated, analyzed, or reconstructed -- the creative spark. Others adopt a reductionism view that creative products and the outcome of ordinary thinking, only quantitatively different from everyday thinking.

Because creative ideas are different from those that normally arise, people often believe that such ideas require conditions dramatically different from the usual. The notion goes that, in order to overcome mental barriers and reach creative ideas, total freedom is necessary -- no directional guidance, constraints, criticism, of thinking within bounded scope. Then ideas can be drawn and contemplated from an infinite space during the creativity process. This view prompted the emergence of various idea-generating methods: brainstorming, synectics, lateral thinking, random stimulation, and so on, all of which consist of withholding judgement and relying on analogies from other members in the group of on randomly selected analogies. This family of methods relies on the assumption that enhancing randomness, breaking rules and paradigms, and generating anarchy of thought increase the probability of creative idea emergence.

Do these methods work? A number of researchers indicate that they do not. Ideas suggested by individuals working alone are superior to ideas suggested in brainstorming sessions and the performance of problem solvers instructed to "break the roles, get out of the square, and change paradigms" was not better than that of individuals who were not given any instruction at all.

The failure of these methods to improve creative outcomes has been explained by the unstructured nature of the task. Reitman observed that many problems that lack a structuring framework are ill-defined in that the representations of one or more of the basic components -- the initial state, the operators and constraints, and the goal -- are seriously incomplete, and the search space is exceedingly large. Indeed, many ill-defined problems seem difficult, not because we are swamped by the enormous number of alternative possibilities, but because we have trouble thinking even of one idea worth pursuing.

According to this passage, ideas invented by a computer ______.

A.are never superior to human ideas

B.tend to be superior to human ideas

C.are not necessarily superior to human ideas

D.can no doubt to be invented by human subjects

Our memories are fantastically complex, but anyone who has ever used a personal computer h
as a ready-made model with which to compare them. The computer model is not perfect, however. For a start, the largest mainframe. (主计算机)in the world can not compete with the potential brain power of human beings. Packed into even the thickest of human skulls are some 1,000 billion cells, or neurons, and each one can connect with thousands of its neighbors. Each connection represents a 'bit' of information and, in theory, we can carry more bits than there are atoms in the known universe.

There are two quite distinct types of memory-short-term and long-term. Our short-term memories are those which we hold on to for just as long as we need them. The vast majority of our everyday thoughts, sights and impressions are registered in the short-term memory only. They take the form. of patterns, or linked pathways, created by circulating currents of electrical energy. So long as the current is buzzing around its little route, the memory that it represents stays in the mind. But once the current dies down, the memory, too, starts to fade. While short-term memories consist of active electrical circuits, long-term memories are quite literally etched (铭刻) into our brains. It seems that if the pathways taken by a particular electrical current are well-trodden, or if the current passing along them is strong enough, the cells along the way change, so that the route or pattern is permanently marked.

Events which have strong meaning for us are particularly likely to be upgraded into the long-term memory. Part of the reason is probably that we go over and over these memories, keeping the pathways stimulated and the electrical current high. It's also likely that certain chemicals come into play, too. When we are excited, very happy, or frightened, our glands pump out chemicals such as adrenaline. One theory has it that some of these chemicals stimulate the neurons to alter their structure and forge permanent connections with each other.

It follows, then, that a memory formed when we are 'up' is more likely to stick than one registered when we are down. Several experiments seem to bear this out. In one, a group of students was first shown an exciting film, then given a list of words to memorize. Another group was shown a miserable film, then given the same learning task. Next day the group who watched the happy film could remember 20% more words than the other group.

About the memory in comparison with the computer the writer says that ______.

A.neither of them is completely reliable all the time

B.the memory is more complicated than the computer

C.the computer operates in a more organized way than the memory

D.neither of them is used to its fullest capacity all the time

What does the Sales & Marketing Department consist of?





English vowels consist of 12 monophthongs and 8 diphthongs.





Firecrackers consist of either black powder or flash powder.A.YB.NC.NG

Firecrackers consist of either black powder or flash powder.




【判断题】A stem may consist of one or more than one roots.
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