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提问人:网友smallc 发布时间:2022-01-07

听力原文: A new survey shows family-owned businesses are flourishing despite a sagging U.S

. economy. Their resilience is part of ingenuity, part of hard work, and all in the family.

A family business can be anything from a comer kiosk selling newspapers and phone cards to a giant corporation, like Mars, the candy bar maker, or Marriott, the hotel chain. A new survey looks at the middle ground, a cross-section of 1,000 family businesses that are at least 10-year-old, and do at least $1 million a year in business. The survey was conducted by Mass Mutual Financial Group, a group of affiliated financial services firms.

A family business can be anything but ______.

A.selling candy bars

B.hotel chains

C.pass down from generations

D.run by the state

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更多“听力原文: A new survey shows family-owned businesses are flourishing despite a sagging U.S”相关的问题
听力原文:M: What's the feedback on our new line of women's wear? I hope our customers are
happy with it.

W: Well, the survey says that our brand is considered expensive. I think we have to review our pricing.

M: Hmm, let's do that next week, after the sales figures for April arrive.

What are the speakers discussing?

A.Brand image.

B.Customer response.

C.Marketing strategy.

D.Sales figures.

听力原文:Car Buyers magazine's automobile reliability survey reached a milestone this year

听力原文: Car Buyers magazine's automobile reliability survey reached a milestone this year: more than 6 million people responded to our survey. This is the highest number of responses we've ever received and reinforces our standing as the most authoritative source for information about new automobiles. The survey asks consumers about any problems they've had with their car in the past year. The results are sure to open some eyes. Of the 30 cars that received top rating, 29 were . Japanese. That means people purchasing Japanese-vehicles had the fewest complaints, a detail that is Jikely to catch the attention of auto makers in Europe and the U.S.

Who conducted the survey?

A.A magazine

B.A university

C.A marketing firm

D.An automobile manufacturer

听力原文:Continuing our survey of the 19th century, let's take a look now at Harriet Beech

听力原文: Continuing our survey of the 19th century, let's take a look now at Harriet Beecher Stowe. (32) Now Stowe is best known for her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, a book that details the harshness of plantation life in the south. The book was extremely popular in the United States as well as in other countries. Ironically though, for the attention given to Uncle Tom's Cabin, it is far from Stowe's best work. She did write one other novel about life in the south. But much of her best work has nothing to do with the south at all. (33) In fact, Stowe's best writing is about village life in the New England's states in the 19th century. In reference to the customs of the villages she wrote about, Stowe claimed that her purpose was to reflect the images as realistically as possible. (34) She usually succeeded, for her settings were often described actually and in detail. In this sense, she was an important forerunner to the realistic movement that became popular later in the 19th century. She was one of the first writers to use local dialect for her characters when they spoke. And she did this thirty years before Mark Twain popularized the use of local dialect. It makes sense that Stowe would write about New England life, (35) since she was born in Connecticut. As a young woman there, she worked as a teacher. The teaching job helped lead to her first published work, a geography book for children. Later, when she was married, her writing helped support her family financially. Throughout her life, she wrote poems, travel books, biographical sketches and children's books as well as novels for adults.

32. What is Stowe best known for according to the passage?

33.What is Stowe's best writing mainly about?

34.Why was Stowe an important forerunner to the realistic movement?

35.Why did Stowe write about New England life?


A.A novel named Uncle Tom's Cabin.

B.The harshness of the plantation life.

C.Works about the south.

D.Works about the village life.

听力原文:Host:In New York today, a prestigious business research group announced the resul

听力原文:Host: In New York today, a prestigious business research group announced the results of the first

ever Consumer Internet Barometer, a survey that assesses what Americans do online. Since the

Internet came into the mainstream, the number of people accessing it has grown exponentially.

Today, nearly 150 million people use it in the United States alone. But what are all of these

people doing in cyber-space?

Lynn Franco of the Conference Board, the New York-based center for business research that

carried out the survey, says the first report yields a clear answer.

Voice: The main driver to the Intemet really is personal communication and personal research. Those

are the top two reasons why people use the Internet.

Host: Ms. Franco says that much of the research people do leads to online purchases, which continue

to increase. More consumers than ever are shopping on the information highway--but, she

says, not without reservations.

Voice: Almost two thirds of all consumers have been online, and you know that only a third have

never gone online. And that while we see an increase in the level of satisfaction now among

users, trust is really a hovering at a low rate, and still remains an issue.

Host: Online consumers remain concerned that their transactions and personal information might

be intercepted by a malicious third party. Still, Ms. Franco says, the percentage of consumers

spending more than $250 online per quarter is up three percent from last year. The Consumer

Internet Barometer is based on a survey of 10,000 U.S. households, and will be published


What do Americans mainly do on Internet?

A.Purchase new products.

B.Watch movies.

C.Personal communication and research.

D.To interpret other people's information.

听力原文:W: Sam, could you review the results of the survey on leisure sporting activities
again? We need to plan out our proposal for this Friday's business meeting.

M: Sure, Mary. I've summarized the results in the handout, broken down by consumer age groups and sporting activities. The survey was administered to 550 men and women between the ages of 18 and 55 years old, and the results have been compiled in the following age groups: 18 to 26, 27 to 35, 36 to 45, and 46 to 55. According to the results, the most active group involved in spotting activities are those between 18 and 26 years old, followed by those 36 to 45 years old.

W: Okay.

M: As fur as particular sports are concerned, people in these two groups cited jogging as their favorite recreational sport followed by skiing, tennis, swimming, and cycling.

W: Hmm. Based on what you have said, I think we should consider targeting the 18 to 26-yeur-old-age group more in the future. I also feel we should consider expanding our line of athletic shoes, particularly jogging and tennis footware. We also have to come up with a more appealing slogan aimed at this age group.

M: I see what you mean. However, when these results are compared with the survey carried out three years ago, we can see a growing trend among older consumers. I believe this trend will continue, so we should focus on this group instead.

W: I see your point. Well, let's meet again on Wednesday to iron out more of the details of this proposal.

What is the result of the survey on leisure sporting activities used for?

A.For Friday's business meeting.

B.For the plan.

C.For their new products.

D.For a new proposal.

听力原文:Today we're going to talk about shyness and discuss recent research on ways to he

听力原文: Today we're going to talk about shyness and discuss recent research on ways to help children learn to get along with others socially.

Many people consider themselves shy. In fact, forty percent of people who took part in our survey said they were shy--that's two out of every five people. And there are studies to indicate that the tendency toward shyness may be inherited. But certain timid children doesn't mean that they are bound to be shy forever. There is something parents, teachers, and the children themselves can do to overcome this tendency--and even to prevent it.

Our researchers found that if parents gently push their shy children to try new things, they can help these children become less afraid and less inhibited. Another way to help shy children is to train them in social skills. For example, there are special training programs where children are taught things like looking at other children while talking to them, talking about others' interests, and even smiling.

These groups have been very successful in giving shy children a place to feel safe and accepted, and building up their self-esteem.


A.Showing children how to behave.

B.Helping children overcome shyness.

C.Several causes of children's shyness.

D.How timid children become shy adults.

听力原文: One of the main complaints of city residents, surprisingly, is the number of str
ay dogs and cats roaming the streets. It has been estimated by Friends of Animals, Inc. , a nationwide agency, that over 30 million dogs and cats are wandering through the streets and alleyways of the nation's cities. Each year, approximately a fifth of these animals are destroyed.

A survey of 41 cities by Friends of Animals reports that as much as 15 million dollar is spent annually to capture and kill strays. One city alone, Chicago, spends $1 million a year to control its animal population.

New York, on the other hand, which spends large amounts of money in other programs, does not give appropriate tax money to animal control. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a non-governmental agency, deals wit the problem in New York.

About how many dogs and cats are destroyed each year?

A.6 million.

B.15 million.

C.30 million.

D.1 million.

听力原文:Mike confirmed the survey data, didn't he?(A) There is nothing wrong with this mi

听力原文:Mike confirmed the survey data, didn't he?

(A) There is nothing wrong with this microphone.

(B) No, he's been busy with something else lately.

(C) When do you need it?





听力原文: Who gets to be a millionaire? People say that it is the students who get straigh
t A's and go to Ivy League colleges. Or maybe it is the children born into wealthy families with brilliant connections. But the fact is, neither mentioned above is typical. According to a survey of 1,300 millionaires made by Thomas Stanley for his new book, The Millionaire Mind, the average millionaire got B's and C's in college. In fact, most millionaires were told they were not intellectually gifted, not smart enough to succeed. Then, how did they later become millionaires? Instead of relying on natural genius, they choose careers that match their abilities. They may not have great analytic intelligence, but they are creative and practical. They focus on a goal, take calculated risks and then work harder than most people. None of them credit their success to being smart. They say the keys to success are being honest and disciplined, getting along with other people, having a supportive spouse and working hard. Somehow they figured out what they were good at

They all said, "I will be the best at this. This is what I really, really love to do."

According to a survey, who may have a better chance to be millionaires?

A.Top students at school

B.Ivy League College graduates

C.Children with rich connections

D.Less intellectually gifted students with creative and practical minds

听力原文:W: Let's look at the survey on drug use and health we conducted yesterday.How rel
iable are these figures?

M: They have a 3% margin of error.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?


A.Newly-launched products.

B.Drug users.

C.Survey results.

D.Public figures.

听力原文:Outrageous shopping bills are a familiar nightmare for many compulsive shoppers.
And contrary to popular opinion, men suffer that nightmare nearly as often as women. A new survey finds that both genders are almost equally likely to suffer compulsive buying disorder, a condition marked by uncontrollable, unnecessary and unaffordable shopping sprees. Researchers used to estimate that between 2 and 16 percent of the US population suffered compulsive buying disorder, and that 90 percent of sufferers were female. But a 2004 telephone survey of more than 2,500 American adults found that 6 percent of women and about 5.5 percent of men are compulsive shoppers; that's more than 1 in 20 adults. The sexes do not shop at the same aisles though. Experts say that women are more likely to binge-buy things like clothes or gifts for other people while men tend to buy expensive electronics. This survey is the first to find such a high number of compulsive shoppers in the general population. Study authors hope that this finding can convince doctors of how many people are hurt by the disorder, so they can make finding a cure a priority.

How many people of US population suffered compulsive buying disorder?

A.2 to 60 percent.

B.2 to 16 percent.

C.20 to 60 percent.

D.16 to 20 percent.

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