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提问人:网友zhangying 发布时间:2022-01-06

The idea of an hour without TV is NOT radical becauseA.TV is very popular among people for

The idea of an hour without TV is NOT radical because

A.TV is very popular among people for only twenty-five years.

B.TV is an electronic baby-sitter.

C.we might get better shows.

D.radio involves the listener' s imagination.

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“The idea of an hour without TV is NOT radical becauseA.TV is very popular among people for”相关的问题
Please choose one appropriate answer to complete the sentence below. _______________, Eart
h Hour is a message of hope and a message of action, and we should believe that everyone can make a difference.

A、In my idea

B、On my opinion

C、In my opinion

D、In my side

听力原文:W: I have to go to the other side of the town, but it's the rush hour now.M: Driv

听力原文:W: I have to go to the other side of the town, but it's the rush hour now.

M: Driving is not the idea] way. I always take the subway at this time of the day.

Q: According to the man, what is the better way to go to the other side of the town?


A.Driving a car.

B.Taking a taxi.

C.Going by train.

D.Taking the subway.

Woman: What a pleasant surprise! Last week we bumped into each other here too!Man: You and
I must share the idea that the only way to beat the crowds when you do weekend shopping is to be here at the morning opening hour.Question: What does the man imp

A.There is a far bigger crowd in the shop on weekdays.

B.You can get bargains when you do shopping at opening hour on weekends.

C.You can avoid the crowd when you do shopping at an earlier hour on weekends.

D.At opening hour on weekends the shop is usually swamped with people.

Why are Colorado ski resorts opposed to the bill introduced by Senator Greg Brophy?A.Beca

Why are Colorado ski resorts opposed to the bill introduced by Senator Greg Brophy?

A.Because the bill will place Colorado on a one.year trial of permanent DST.

B.Because some outdoorsy population like to ski in the morning

C.Because people there don’t like the idea of having an extra hour of darkness.

D.Because the bill would probably cut an hour off their daily operations.

听力原文:W: I heard you just got back from a weekend trip to Santa Fe I have been thinking
of going there How did you like it?

M: Santa Fe is one of the nicest towns I have been to in the U.S. I had no idea there was so much m see there! And I love the southwestern look. All the buildings are built to resemble the adobe architecture of the Pueblo Indians.

W: Wow, that sounds beautiful! Did you get a chance to meet some of the locals while you were there?

M: Yeah, I went to the Indian market in town to shop for some arts and crafts While I was there, I met a fascinating old woman from a pueblo just outside the city. She was selling beautiful stone jewelry which she had carved herself. She really was an amazing artist. We talked for over an hour, and she told me all about her life on the reservation.

W: Were there many Indian people in Santa Fe?

M: There are a lot of native American people in New Mexico, especially in Santa Fe. Most of the people at the market were Indian, and they represented several different tribes from all over the state: Pueblo Indians, Zuni, Ute, Apache, and even some Navajo and Hopi from Arizona. I also drove to the Tans Pueblo, which is about an hour north of Santa Fe. Did you know that Tans is one of the oldest towns in America? The Pueblo has been continuously inhabited for almost a thousand years.

W: I had no idea that there were any towns that old in the U.S.


A.It's next to Pueblo.

B.It's in the southwest of the U.S.

C.It's a city of India.

D.It's outside the city Pueblo.

听力原文:W: I heard you just got back from a weekend trip to Santa Fe. I have been thinkin
g of going there. How did you like it?

M: Santa Fe is one of the nicest towns I have been to in the U.S. I had no idea there was so much to see there! And I love the southwestern look. All the buildings are built to resemble the adobe architecture of the Pueblo Indians.

W: Wow, that sounds beautiful! Did you get a chance to meet some of the locals while you were there?

M: Yeah. I went to the Indian market in town to shop for some arts and crafts. While I was there, I met a fascinating old woman from a pueblo just outside the city. She was selling beautiful stone jewelry which she had carved herself. She really was an amazing artist. We talked for over an hour, and she told me all about her life on the reservation.

W: Were there many Indian people in Santa Fe?

M: There are a lot of native American people in New Mexico, especially in Santa Fe, Most of the people at the market were Indian. and they represented several different tribes from all over the state: Pueblo Indians, Zuni, Ute, Apache, and even some Navajo and Hopi from Arizona. I also drove to the Taos Pueblo. which is about an hour north of Santa Fe. Did you know that Tans is one of the oldest towns in America? The Pueblo has been continuously inhabited for almost a thousand years.

W: I had no idea that there were any towns that old in the U.S.


A.It's next to Pueblo.

B.It's in the southwest of the U.S.

C.It's a city of India.

D.It's outside the city Pueblo.

阅读理解Most of us can find 15 minutes or half an hour each day for some specific regu
lar activity.It may be a free period or a regular wait, say in the queue for a bus or meal --- even while eating breakfast.One famous surgeon always made it a rule to spend at least 15 minutes on general reading before he went to sleep each night.Whether he went to bed at 10 pm or 2:30 am made no difference.Even if you cannot keep to this kind of discipline, it is a good idea to make sure you always have a general interest book in your pocket.Don’t forget it should be a book which entertains you and the English must not be too difficult for you.

Nearly all “speed reading” courses have a “pacing” element --- some timing device which lets the student know how many words a minute he is reading.You can do this simply by looking at your watch every 5 or 10 minutes and noting down the page number you have reached.Check the average number of words per page for the particular book you are busy reading.Well, this is difficult at first.A friend can help by timing you over a set period, or you can read within hearing distance of a public clock which strikes the quarter hours.Pace yourself every three or four days, always with the same kind of easy, general interest book.You should soon notice your habitual w.p.m.rate creeping up.

6.The passage recommends setting aside for reading practice().

A.two hours a day

B.one hour a day

C.15 minutes or half an hour a day

D.three minutes a day before meal

7.One famous surgeon always made it a rule to read() .

A.15 minutes at 10 pm each night

B.for at least 15 minutes at bedtime

C.no matter it was early or late

D.whenever he had a spare moment

8.It is a good idea always to carry in your packet ().

A.a book you will never forget

B.a serious book

C.several books of various kinds

D.an easy and interesting English book

9.According to the passage, a “pacing” device() .

A.measures a student’s reading speed

B.is not included in most speed reading courses

C.is an aid to vocabulary learning

D.should be used whenever we read alone

10.Looking at your watch every 5 or 10 minutes ().

A.avoids the need for reading faster

B.is not the same as pacing

C.is not easy at first

D.helps you to remember the page number you were at last time

听力原文:M: Do you have any idea where Samuel is now? It's already 10: 30. This is the thi
rd time this week he's not on time. Didn't I make it clear that all waiters and waitresses must be at work by 10, an hour before the dining room opens?

W: You did, Chris. I understand you're upset now but Samuel works in the early mornings, too, mowing lawns until 9. I think that's why he's been late so many times.

M: Then he should have mentioned that earlier. I can understand that. Why didn' t he tell me?

W: Wait a minute, today' s Friday, right? Wasn't Samuel supposed to take this Friday off?

Why is Chris upset at first?

A.He thinks Samuel is late again.

B.Samuel has been late three days in a row.

C.Samuel has to cut lawns in the morning.

D.Samuel doesn' t have much experience.

It doesn't matter when or how long a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay a
live. That's what all doctors' thought, until they heard about Jercy Page. Jercy Page, it was said, never slept. Could this be true? The doctors decided to see this strange man by themselves.

Jercy Page was ninety years old when the doctors came to his home in New Jersey. They thought for sure that he got some sleep of some kind. So they stayed with him and watched every movement he made. But they were surprised. Though they watched him hour after hour and day after day, they never saw Jercy Page sleeping. Actually, he did not even own a bed. He never needed one.

The only rest that Jercy Page got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers. The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness. They asked him many questions, hoping to find an answer. They found only one answer that might explain his condition. Page remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he was born. But that was alt. Was this the real reason? No one could be sure.

The main idea of this passage is that______.

A.large numbers of people do not need sleep

B.a person was found who actually didn't need any sleep

C.everyone needs some sleep to stay alive

D.people can live longer by trying not to sleep

听力原文:M: How come David is always so full of energy?W: He has a strange but highly effe

听力原文:M: How come David is always so full of energy?

W: He has a strange but highly effective way of sleeping.

M: What is that?

W: He takes a short sleep for an hour every six hours and has a total of four hours of sleep each day.

M: Where did he get that strange idea?

W: He read flora a book which said it was the best way for human beings, and he believed it.

M: How many hours do you sleep a day?

W: I need at least seven hours. I once tried to follow David's example, but it never worked out for me.

M: If I sleep during the day, I can never wake up.

W: Not everyone is a David I guess.

How does the man feel about David's way of sleeping?

A.It's effective.

B.It's strange.

C.It's the best.

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