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提问人:网友xqhpx001 发布时间:2022-01-06

Sometimes matters may result in surprisingly large effects.A.predictableB.bigC.trivialD.im

Sometimes matters may result in surprisingly large effects.





简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“Sometimes matters may result in surprisingly large effects.A.predictableB.bigC.trivialD.im”相关的问题
In moral matters, parents should ______.A.observe the rules themselvesB.be aware of the ma

In moral matters, parents should ______.

A.observe the rules themselves

B.be aware of the marked difference between adults and children

C.forbid things which have no foundation in morality

D.consistently ensure the security of their children

In the last paragraph of the essay, the author tells us that sometimes it is only after___
___ that one regains a new view on life: what matters are not material things, but the spiritual comforts.

Which of the following arguments does the author want to make?[A] Money is all that ma

Which of the following arguments does the author want to make?

[A] Money is all that matters in our life.

[B] The richer we are, the happier we'Il be.

[C] Money makes a difference to the quality of our lives.

[D] True happiness is achievable from good relationships.

(c) Your firm has provided financial advice to the Pholey family for many years and this h

(c) Your firm has provided financial advice to the Pholey family for many years and this has sometimes involved your

firm in carrying out transactions on their behalf. The eldest son, Esau, is to take up a position as a senior

government official to a foreign country next month. (4 marks)


Identify and comment on the ethical and other professional issues raised by each of these matters and state what

action, if any, Dedza should now take.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three situations

Women The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower it is in arriving at ma


The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower it is in arriving at maturity. A man reaches the maturity of his reasoning powers and mental faculties hardly before the age of twenty-eight; a woman at eighteen. And then, too, in the case of woman, it is only reason of a sort--very niggard in its dimensions. That is why women remain children their whole life long; never seeing anything but what is quite close to them, cleaving to the present moment, taking appearance for reality, and preferring trifles to matters of the first importance. For it is by virtue of his reasoning faculty that man does not live in the present only, like the brute, but looks about him and considers the past and the future; and this is the origin of prudence, as well as of that care and anxiety which so many people exhibit. Both the advantages and the disadvantages which this involves, are shared in by the woman to a small extent because of her weaker power of reasoning. She may, in fact, be described as intellectually shortsighted, because, while she has an intuitive understanding of what lies quite close to her, her field of vision is narrow and does not reach to what is remote; so that things which are absent, or past, or to come, have much less effect upon woman than upon men.

This is the reason why women are more inclined to be extravagant, and sometimes carry their inclination to a length that borders upon madness. In their hearts, women think it is men's business to earn money and theirs to spend it--if possible during their husband's life, but, at any rate, after his death. The very fact that their husband hands them over his earning for purposes of housekeeping, strengthens them in this belief.

However many disadvantages all this may involve, there is at least this to be said in its favor; that the woman lives more in the present than the man, and that, if the present is at all tolerable, she enjoys it more eagerly. This is the source of that cheerfulness which is peculiar to women, fitting her to amuse man in his hours of recreation, and, in case of need, to console him when he is borne down by the weight of his cares.

According to the author, the major difference between a man's and a woman's intellect is that ______.

A.men mature much later than women

B.men have a broader view of things

C.women are more cheerful than men

D.man's intellect is nobler than that of woman

听力原文:Woman: All right, now. Before you step up to the tee, take one practice swing. Ma

听力原文:Woman: All right, now. Before you step up to the tee, take one practice swing.

Man: I know. And keep my eye on the ball. I remember everything you've told me.

Woman: Good. And don't throw your club. That won't help matters at all. If you miss the ball, just stay calm and try again. You don't want to lose your concentration, so it's really important to stay calm.

Man: All right, all right. I get it. Will you be quiet now so I can try hitting the ball?

Where are the speakers?

A.At a tea party.

B.At a night club.

C.At a golf course.

D.At a bowling alley.

听力原文:Student: Excuse me, Mr. Ma, I am doing a survey for a social study of English Tea
chers in our school. Would you mind answering a few questions?

Mr. Ma: No, not at all. What do you want to know?

Student: How long have you been teaching English?

Mr. Ma: 20 years.

Student: Wwa! 20 years! That's almost as old as I am! What kind of mining have you had?

Mr. Ma: I graduated from a four-year-teacher's college about 20 years ago. I learned both English and pedagogy during my college years.

Student: Have you been to an English speaking country?

Mr. Ma: Yes. Last summer I was awarded a study-abroad scholarship in Canada.

Student: What did you do in Canada?

Mr. Ma: A Canadian college ran a teacher's training program for us Chinese teachers. We learned how to organize English classes. The program was very successful.

Student: What is your most significant accomplishment in teaching English?

Mr. Ma: One of my students won first prize in National Competition of English Skills five years ago.

Student: Competition of English Skills? What was that?

Mr. Ma: It was a competition that included speaking, listening, creating an English web page and writing English subtitles for drawings.

Student: That must have been very challenging.

Mr. Ma: Yes, I was very proud of my students. And I was very proud of myself.

Student: Are you bothered by any problems in your teaching?

Mr. Ma: Yes, of course, I am sometimes frustrated when I see the poor scores of my students in a class quiz or examination. Sometimes I don't know how to help them move forward in their studies.

Student: What is your plan to help your students get better scores in the future?

Mr. Ma: I hope to try some new interactive ways of teaching in my next term.

Student: Thank you very much for answering my questions. I have learned a lot from this interview.


A.It is about English teachers in a school.

B.It is about teachers' accomplishments.

C.It is about teachers' frustrations.

D.It is about training of English teachers.

听力原文:W: Eric Schurenberg is the managing editor of Money Magazine in this August issue
, in which this quiz about money personality types appears. Why is it so important to come up with your money personality type?

M: Well, people are just not rational about their money.

W: So after taking this quiz, you should find out if you're a guardian, that is, discipline is the key to security. Is guardian the best type to be?

M: Well, it's the one that most Americans are. You have a lot of self-discipline if you're a guardian. Financial security matters a lot to you. [19] On the other hand, you are likely to be too conservative. Sometimes you have to take risks to get ahead.

W: And if your answers are mostly Cs to our short pop quiz there, you are a guardian. [20] The next personality type is an idealist. I think that's probably what I am, because money just isn't the top priority.

M: That's right. You are more concerned with helping other people, and that's a good thing too for lots of reasons, and doing fun stuff matters a lot too.

W: So, if your answers are mostly Bs, you are an idealist. What's next?

M: Artisans.

W: So if your answers are mostly As, you are an artisan. What's an artisan?

M: [21] Artisans are people who are willing to take risks. They go on instinct a lot.

W: That's a pretty good thing.

M: If you are willing to take risks, you may buy a lot of stocks. It works out for you in the long run. On the other hand, artisans are not the type to do a series of long-term financial plans. So sometimes they have to put things into place like automatic savings plans so that they can get a regular financial planning going.


A.They often take risks.

B.They're too conservative.

C.They have no sense of security.

D.They have no self-discipline.

听力原文:Our culture is concerned with matters of self-esteem. Self-respect, on the other

听力原文: Our culture is concerned with matters of self-esteem. Self-respect, on the other hand, may hold the key to achieving the peace of mind we seek. The two concepts seem very similar but the differences between them are crucial.

To esteem anything is to evaluate it positively and hold it high regard, but evaluation gets us into trouble because while we sometimes win, we also sometimes lose. To respect something, on the other hand, is to accept it.

The word acceptance suggests to some readers that our culture does indeed deal with this idea of self-respect; after all, don't we have the concept that it is important to accept our limitations? Aren't many of us encouraged to change the things we can change, accept the things we cannot change and know the difference between the two?

The person with self-respect simply likes herself or himself. This self-respect is not dependent on success because there are always failures to contend with. Neither is it a result of comparing ourselves with others because there is always someone better. There are techniques usually employed to increase self-esteem. Self-respect, however, is a given. We simply like ourselves because of who we are and not because of what we can or cannot do.

My recent research, with Judith White and Johnny Walsh at Harvard University, points to the advantage of self-respect. Compared to those with high self-esteem who are still caught in an evaluative framework, those with self-respect are less prone to blame, guilt, regret, lies, have secrets and stress.

Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. What do we learn about self-esteem?

30. What do we learn about people with self-respect?

31. What does the speaker mean by saying "Self-respect is a given"?

32. What's the purpose of the passage?


A.It is the same as self-respect.

B.It is totally different from self-respect.

C.It is to evaluate positively and hold high regard.

D.It is to think only the positive even when we lose.

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