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提问人:网友Dume2021 发布时间:2022-01-07

- Why don't we go get coffee somewhere?-().

A.That's a good idea.

B.I've lost a lot of weight.

C.We used to go there very often.

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更多“- Why don't we go get coffee somewhere?-().”相关的问题
Speaker A: Fred is frequently late, but this is ridiculous. Why dont we go inside? Speaker
B: ______

A.Let"s give him another five minutes.

B.Yes, you are right. He has been late for several times.

C.Don"t be in such a hurry. Remember: more haste, less speed.

D.I think he should call to tell us that he has decided not to come.

一 Why don't we go and get coffee somewhere?—____.A.No,let’s go to the coffee shop

一 Why don't we go and get coffee somewhere?


A.No,let’s go to the coffee shop on the corner.

B.I’d like to,but l’ve got to get to the bank before it closes.

C.Are you doing anything on Saturday?

听力原文:Why can't we go to the island today?(A)Because they were isolated that time.(B)We

听力原文:Why can't we go to the island today?

(A) Because they were isolated that time.

(B) We are expecting heavy rain today.

(C) That' s why we couldn' t get there on time.





听力原文:Narrator Now listen to a conversation between two students. Sarah Hi, Bob. Bob
Hi, Sarah. Sarah How is your history paper coming? Bob Not so great. Sarah Why? What happened? I thought you were almost finished last night. Bob Well, the paper is written, but it is not typed yet. Sarah Didnt you have time? Bob No. Because all the computers at the computer center are taken. I have no choice, just wait, wait and wait. And it is due this afternoon. I dont know what Im gonna do. Sarah The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago on an economics project. Every time I went to the center, all the computers were being used. And I have a lot of graphs and charts that had to be done on the computer. Because I have to finish my homework on time, I ended up doing them by hand. Bob There are so few computers for all the students here. Sarah Yes , I agree. Bob And they are always breaking down too. Sarah I know. But another problem is that they close so early. Around 9:30. Bob I know. I came back last night at about 9:15 thinking the crowd might have thinned up by then. A guy at the door told me they were going to close in a few minutes. I couldnt believe it! Sarah We should try to do something about this. Bob Ill go along with you on this point. Sarah Why dont we write a letter to the campus newspaper about that problem? Bob I think we should write directly to the dean. You know, we could explain the problem and make an official request that the school add more computers and that the computer rooms stay open longer. Sarah Maybe it would be a good idea to get other students signatures. I am sure a lot of others feel the same way we do. And that would carry more weight. Bob That is true. Do you want to get together to write the letter tonight? Sarah Sure. But I have a study group meeting at 7:30. Bob OK. Lets meet earlier in the dining hall at 6:30. It shouldnt take us long to write. We can start collecting signatures tomorrow at lunch. Sarah See you then. Good luck with your paper. Bob See you. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 1. What problem does the man have? 2. What did Sarah have to do in order to finish her economics project? 3. Why will Bob and Sarah write a letter to the dean about the computer center? 4. What are the two main problems about the computer center? 5. What does Sarah mean when she says this? Sarah Maybe it would be a good idea to get other students signatures. I am sure a lot of others feel the same way we do. And that would carry more weight.Narrator Listen to a conversation between two students. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What problem does the man have?

A.He found the computer center closed early.

B.He has not finished his paper yet.

C.He had to stay up late typing his paper.

D.His computer is not working.

-Why don't we go and get coffee somewhere? -________. A.No, let's go to the coffee

A.A.No, let's go to the coffee shop on the corner.

B.B.I'd like to, but I've got to get to the bank before it closes.

C.C.Are you doing anything on Saturday?

听力原文:Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and her tutor. Amy Morning,
Dr. Carter. Im sorry to disturb you. But may I speak to you about my course? Dr. Carter Yes, come in, Amy. But anyway, I havent got long, because I have to give a lecture in half an hour. Amy Alright. I would just like to finish talking about the problem I have with you. I think it wont take a long time. Dr. Carter Sure. Whats the problem? Sit down. Amy Well, Im having problems with one of my subjects economics. Im not doing very well and Im a bit concerned about it. Dr. Carter You havent been doing too well, thats true. I think you failed your last assignment, didnt you? Amy Ive failed the last one and the one before and I only just scraped through the first one. The problem is that Im not very interested in economics. I think thats why I dont really try and then... Dr. Carter So what are you saying, Amy? Amy I really feel that I should drop economics and pick up Spanish again. Dr. Carter And have you ever dealt with Spanish? Amy Yeah, I did first year Spanish last year, and I got really good marks. Dr. Carter So here, I really dont understand why you took up economics this year then. Amy Well, everyone told me that economics was more important than a language and I felt itd be really useful for further study. Dr. Carter It seems to not be your interest. And are you studying Spanish by yourself? Amy Well, at first I thought I could keep up my Spanish on my own with a private teacher. The problem is that I just dont seem to have time to do everything. Dr. Carter Surely Spanish isnt too time consuming. Amy No, it wouldnt be except that I urn, Ive got a part-time job in a restaurant three nights a week...I cant give that up because I really need the money. I just urn, cant fit it all in. Dr. Carter Oh, you must have spent a lot on that. Do you think such a part-time job puts too much pressure on your curricular performance? Amy To some extent, it does definitely. Dr. Carter We could offer you extra help with the economics if you are willing to stick to it. Amy No, really Dr. Carter, I dont think it would be any good. I want to change. Dr. Carter Yes, I can see that your mind is made up. Well, I have no objection, especially as you have a background in Spanish, but youll have to go and see Dr. Brown in the Spanish Department and see whether hell accept you or not. Amy Ok, Ill go and see him first. Would you be able to have a word with him about it as well, Dr. Carter? Dr. Carter You can tell him to phone me for a reference if he wants to. I must get to my lecture now. Let me know how you get on. Amy Thanks, Dr. Carter. I will. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 1. Why did Amy go to see Dr. Carter? 2. How many assignments has Amy failed? 3. Why did Amy take up economics? 4. Amy is not studying Spanish at present. What does she lack? 5. What does Dr. Carter promise to help Amy?Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and her tutor. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

Why did Amy go to see Dr. Carter?

A.She was unwell.

B.She was worried.

C.She was stressed.

D.She was depressed.

听力原文:Sarah Hi, Bob. Bob Hi, Sarah. Sarah How is your history paper coming? Bob
Not so great. Sarah Why? What happened? I thought you were almost finished last night. Bob Well, the paper is written, but it is not typed yet. Sarah Didnt you have time? Bob No. Because all the computers at the computer center are taken. I have no choice, just wait, wait and wait. And it is due this afternoon. I dont know what Im gonna do. Sarah The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago on an economics project. Every time I went to the center, all the computers were being used. And I have a lot of graphs and charts that had to be done on the computer. Because I have to finish my homework on time, I ended up doing them by hand. Bob There are so few computers for all the students here. Sarah Yes, I agree. Bob And they are always breaking down too. Sarah I know. But another problem is that they close so early. Around 9:30. Bob I know. I came back last night at about 9:15 thinking the crowd might have thinned up by then. A guy at the door told me they were going to close in a few minutes. I couldnt believe it! Sarah We should try to do something about this. Bob Ill go along with you on this point. Sarah Why dont we write a letter to the campus newspaper about that problem? Bob I think we should write directly to the dean. You know, we could explain the problem and make an official request that the school add more computers and that the computer rooms stay open longer. Sarah Maybe it would be a good idea to get other students signatures. I am sure a lot of others feel the same way we do. And that would carry more weight. Bob That is true. Do you want to get together to write the letter tonight? Sarah Sure. But I have a study group meeting at 7:30. Bob OK. Lets meet earlier in the dining hall at 6:30. It shouldnt take us long to write. We can start collecting signatures tomorrow at lunch. Sarah See you then. Good luck with your paper. Bob See you.Narrator Listen to a conversation between two students. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What problem does the man have?

A.He found the computer center closed early.

B.He has not finished his paper yet.

C.He had to stay up late typing his paper.

D.His computer is not workin

听力原文:M: Why don't we call a babysitter, get dressed up and go downtown this evening?W:

听力原文:M: Why don't we call a babysitter, get dressed up and go downtown this evening?

W: Darling, that sounds great, but can we afford it?

Q: What does the man want to do?


A.Put on expensive costumes.

B.Leave the city for the night.

C.Ask his younger sister to be the babysitter.

D.Have a night out with his wife.

听力原文:M: I have been tired of working and need a change. So Im just making plans to go
away during Spring Festival. W: Really? Where are you going? M: Im planning to visit Tibet. W: My brother and I had a vacation there last year and we had a great time. M: Did you get into Lhasa? W: Sure. Thats the first stop. No one would miss Lhasa. M: Is the Potala Palace magnificent? W: You bet. And dont forget the Barkhor Street. That place is full of treasures, I mean, all the exotic paintings and handicrafts, and the hand-made jewelries. M: Well, as there is so much there waiting for me, I guess I should stay longer. W: Definitely. M: I heard that the weather there is great. W: Well, that depends on how you define "great". No humidity, but it could be extremely cold in winter. Besides, you do need to be careful about high altitude. M: What should I do about that? W: Oh, just take it easy for a few days. Dont exercise too vigorously. Just do everything gradually. M: Im sure I will be fine. And I will let you know all about my trip when I come back. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. Whats the main purpose of the mans trip? 10. Why does the woman know so much about Tibet? 11. What can be inferred about the weather in Tibet during Spring Festival? 12. According to the woman, what may cause the man the most problems in Tibet?9.

A.Because she lives there.

B.Because her brother lives there.

C.Because she has a close friend there.

D.Because she has been there before.

Mr. Mike Smith: It wasn t an easy decision, but we ve been asking for a decent wage for ye
ars. Now at last people are beginning to listen to us. We re only asking for a 25 percent increase in our wages. 250dollars a week, that s all. It s a pity so many people have to be inconvenienced by our strike. But please dont blame us. Blame the government for refusing our claim. Mr. Tom Brown: It s totally unreasonable to demand so much money when we are trying desperately to control inflation. If wages go up, so do prices. If we gave in to the electricity workers, all the other unions would want more, with the inevitable result that the crisis would become uncontrollable. What were trying to impress upon everybody is that inflation hurts everybody, especially the poor people. We offer the electricity workers a 10 percent increase. And that s already too much. My stand at this meeting will be to persuade the Union to see reason. Mr. Bob Davis: Everybody will be hurt by this strike, including the electricity workers themselves. The economy will be destroyed and many people will lose their jobs. Already people are saying that the big union shave too much power and shouldn t be allowed to strike. Of course the electricity workers want to get more money. Dont we all? Mrs. Baker: My opinion is "Get the Army in". All the power stations should be managed by the army. The strikers should be thrown into prison. That s what this country needs. Why must we all suffer just because a few men are greedy? If they don t like their jobs, nobody s forcing them to work. They should try and live on 50 dollars a week like I have to. Perhaps they d keep their mouths shut then .Miss Siater: Let s face it. It s neither here nor there. The electricity workers are in a strong position. Per-haps we can t do anything about it. What I say is: let them have their 250 dollars so we can return to work. I mean, the government wastes the taxpayers money all the time on trivial things. How can anyone say 250 dollars is "too much" ? Pop singers get more. Nurses get less. It s just one of those things. Now match each of the persons (下列各)to the appropriate statement .Note: there are two extra statements. Statements Mr. Mike Smith

A.A 10% increase is already too much, and I m here to persuade the Union to see reason.

B.I hope that strikes should be banned in all sectors relating to the nations security and stability.

C.We will never go back to work until our goals are achieved.

D.I think that the government should give in to the electricity workers demands.

E.I strongly suggest that all the power stations should be run by the army and that the strikers should be put into prison.

F.I must make you clear that strikes will destroy the economy and that many people will lose their jobs.

G.We are forced to call a strike because the government rejected our wage claim.

听力原文:Amy Morning, Dr. Carter. Im sorry to disturb you. But may I speak to you about m
y course? Dr. Carter Yes, come in, Amy. But anyway, I havent got long, because I have to give a lecture in half an hour. Amy Alright. I would just like to finish talking about the problem I have with you. think it wont take a long time. Dr. Carter Sure. Whats the problem? Sit down. Amy Well, Im having problems with one of my subject—economics. Im not doing very well and Im a bit concerned about it. Dr. Carter You havent been doing too well, thats true. I think you failed your last assignment, didnt you? Amy Ive failed the last one and the one before and I only just scraped through the first one. The problem is that Im not very interested in economics. I think thats why I dont really try and then... Dr. Carter So what are you saying, Amy? Amy I really feel that I should drop economics and pick up Spanish again. Dr. Carter And have you ever dealt with Spanish? Amy Yeah, I did first year Spanish last year, and I got really good marks. Dr. Carter So here, I really dont understand why you took up economics this year then. Amy Well, everyone told me that economics was more important than a language and I felt itd be really useful for further study. Dr. Carter It seems to not be your interest. And are you studying Spanish by yourself? Amy Well, at first I thought I could keep up my Spanish on my own with a private teacher. The problem is that I just dont seem to have time to do everything. Dr. Carter Surely Spanish isnt too time consuming. Amy No, it wouldnt be except that I um, Ive got a part-time job in a restaurant three nights a week...I cant give that up because I really need the money. I just um, cant fit it all in. Dr. Carter Oh, you must have spent a lot on that. Do you think such a part-time job puts too much pressure on your curricular performance? Amy To some extent, it does definitely. Dr. Carter We could offer you extra help with the economics if you are willing to stick to it. Amy No, really Dr. Carter, I dont think it would be any good. I want to change. Dr. Carter Yes, I can see that your mind is made up. Well, I have no objection, especially as you have a background in Spanish, but youll have to go and see Dr. Brown in the Spanish Department and see whether hell accept you or not. Amy Ok, Ill go and see him first. Would you be able to have a word with him about it as well, Dr. Carter? Dr. Carter You can tell him to phone me for a reference if he wants to. I must get to my lecture now. Let me know how you get on. Amy Thanks, Dr. Carter. I will.Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and her tutor. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

Why did Amy go to see Dr, Carter?

A.She was unwell.

B.She was worried,

C.She was stressed.

D.She was depresse

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