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提问人:网友elenson 发布时间:2022-01-07

Both Israel and Palestine claim Jerusalem as their capital. However, neither claim is widely recognized internationally.

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更多“Both Israel and Palestine claim Jerusalem as their capital. However, neither claim is widely recogni…”相关的问题
Which of the following is INCORRECT?A.Casualties both in Israel and Hamas are increasing.B

Which of the following is INCORRECT?

A.Casualties both in Israel and Hamas are increasing.

B.Israel says a Hamas commander was killed by ground fire.

C.Palestinian medical sources say hundreds of people have been killed in Gaza.

D.13 Israelis soldiers have died in this war.

Why has the US made a 20-million-dollar plan to increase the security force of Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas?

A.To force Israel to agree to open the Rafah Crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip at planned periods over the next month.

B.To support Mr. Abbas and his Fatah party in its effort to gain power over the militant group Hamas.

C.To postpone the meeting with top officials from both sides.

D.To gain agreement from Israel to lift some restrictions on the Palestinians.

听力原文:United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan is on his way to the Middle East in a

听力原文: United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan is on his way to the Middle East in an effort to end 8 months of violence between Israel and the Palestinians. A UN spokesman said Mr. Annan will discuss the situation with area leaders during the week-long trip. He said Mr. Annan will meet in Cairo Tuesday with Egyptian President Hosni Mubaraki Foreign Minister Ahmed Maherel Sayyab and Arab League Secretary-general Amr Moussa. In Jerusalem, American Intelligence official George Tenet met with Palestinians and Israeli security officials. Both Israel and the Palestinians say they generally support an American plan to end the violence. But they accuse each other of trying to block a permanent peace.

Q: How long will Mr. Annan's Middle East trip last?


A.Two weeks.

B.One week.

C.Three weeks.

听力原文:American officials say an Israeli accusation against the Palestinian authority co

听力原文: American officials say an Israeli accusation against the Palestinian authority could be true. Israel says the Palestinian authority was involved in an attempt to illegally take weapons to Palestinian territories. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has opened an Investigation into the Israeli claims. Last week, Israel seized a ship carrying weapons in the Red Sea. The Palestinian head of the crew said the weapons were being taken to the Gaza Strip. An Israeli cabinet minister has said Iran was sending the weapons to Palestinian fighters. The Iranian government and Mr. Ararat both have denied links to the seized weapons.

Q: What has Yasser Ararat done to Israeli accusation?


A.Arafat has opened an investigation into the Israeli accusation.

B.Arafat seized a ship carrying weapons in the Red Sea last week.

C.Arafat has offered India all possible assistance to fight terrorism.

Study prefixes of numbers in the text. Complete th...

Study prefixes of numbers in the text. Complete the sentences with an italicized word listed in an appropriate form. one—uni/mono e.g. monochromatic, unity two—di/bi e.g. diad, bicycle three—tri e.g. triad, triangle four—tetra/quadra e.g. tetrad, quadrangle five—penta e.g. pentagon six—sex e.g. sexfoil seven—sept e.g. septilateral eight—octo e.g. octopus nine—nov/non e.g. novena, nonary ten—deca e.g. decade half—semi/hemi e.g. semi-neutral, semispherical, hemisphere 1. A __________ color scheme uses colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel. It tends to be quite vibrant, even if you use pale or unsaturated versions of your hues. 2. In Vincent van Gogh’s self-portrait (1890), both the figure and the background are so overwhelmingly soaked in a pale cornflower blue that the painting is almost a __________ study of dull, cerulean emotion. 3. This emotional aspect of the arrangement of the __________ reflects Goethe's concern that the emotional content of each color be taken into account by artists. 4. The timer is about the size of a hockey puck, with a disk-shaped face, and is composed of a stainless steel ring with a Plexiglas over and set on a flattened, __________ base. 5. After years of research, Swedish designers have released the “Hövding,” an innovative __________ helmet design in which an airbag is housed within a stylish collar and engineered to inflate and encompass a cyclist’s head during a collision. 6. The __________ color scheme uses four colors arranged into tow complementary pairs. This rich color scheme offers plenty of possibilities for variation.

Since the September 11 attack, US President George W. Bush has【21】______ himself as a supe

Since the September 11 attack, US President George W. Bush has 【21】______ himself as a superpower leader of hard resolve, tolerating no 【22】______ to his goals-until he came up against Israel.

【23】______ the past week he has faced a dramatic 【24】______ to his international authority from the Jewish state. Israel is the chief US ally in the Middle East and 【25】______ of the largest chunk of US foreign aid.

Stung by 【26】______ Israeli defiance, Bush on Monday urged Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon publicly, 【27】______ the third time, to withdraw his forces "without delay" 【28】______ Palestinian areas. A bloody offensive has been 【29】______ there for 11 days. He sent envoy Anthony Zinni to deliver the message personally as Secretary of State Colin Powell 【30】______ a new US initiative to 0chieve an Israeli-Palestinian cease-fire. Israel Radio reported later on Monday that the army began pulling out of two West Bank cities within hours. 【31】______ there was no 【32】______ that a full withdrawal might follow.

Some analysts 【33】______ the standoff as an unprecedented and 【34】______ damaging 【35】______ between the United States and Israel, which annually receives US $3 billion in US aid. The US administration has sent enough 【36】______ messages to suggest Bush may not be 【37】______ rigid as his words appear.

Until recently, Bush, conducting his war on terrorism around the world, had given. Sharon a 【38】______ free hand to go after Palestinian militants following a wave of suicide bombings that killed scores of Israelis. Powell's peace mission began in Morocco and will land him in Israel on Friday. Analysts say this will give Sharon time to finish his crackdown.

Analysts said Bush could be sincere in wanting Israel to withdraw but was trying to have it both ways—continuing to give Israel some flexibility while 【39】______ US credibility with Arabs by talking tough to Sharon. Powell's mission got off to a frosty start on Monday, 【40】______ , when Morocco's King Mohammed asked him why be had not headed first to Jerusalem.






5. The origin of Sunday In the first centuries, Su...

5. The origin of Sunday In the first centuries, Sunday, being made a festival in honor of Christ's resurrection, received attention as a day of religious services and recreation, but seventh-day Sabbath rest (based on the Jewish Shabbat, because the earliest Christians were all Jews) was still observed by "almost all churches". Often first-day worship (Sunday morning or Saturday night) was practiced alongside observance of seventh-day Sabbath rest and was a widespread Christian tradition by the 2nd century, attested in patristic writings of the 2nd century; over time, Sunday thus came to be known as Lord's Day. These early Christians believed that the resurrection and ascension of Christ signals the renewal of creation, making the day on which God accomplished it a day analogous to the first day of creation when God made the light. Some of these writers referred to Sunday as the "eighth day". The 1st-century or 2nd-century Epistle of Barnabas or Pseudo-Barnabas on Is. 1:13 stated "Sabbaths of the present age" were abolished in favor of one millennial seventh-day Sabbath that ushers in the "eighth day" and commencement of a new world. Accordingly, the eighth-day assembly (Saturday night or Sunday morning) marks both the resurrection and the new creation. Thus first-day observance was a common regional practice at that time. By the mid-2nd century, Justin Martyr wrote in his apologies about the cessation of Sabbath observance and the celebration of the first (or eighth) day of the week (not as a day of rest, but as a day for gathering to worship): "We all gather on the day of the sun" (τῇ τοῦ ῾Ηλίου λεγομένη ἡμέρᾳ, recalling both the creation of light and the resurrection). He argued that Sabbath was not kept before Moses, and was only instituted as a sign to Israel and a temporary measure because of Israel's sinfulness, no longer needed after Christ came without sin. Curiously he also draws a parallel between the Israelite practice of circumcision on the eighth day, and the resurrection of Jesus on the "eighth day". 9. Which of the following statement about Sunday is NOT TRUE?

A、Sunday is the festival in honor of Christ’s resurrection.

B、Some of these writers referred to Sunday as the "eighth day".

C、Justin Martyr argued that Sabbath was kept before Moses.

D、The eighth-day assembly (Saturday night or Sunday morning) marks both the resurrection and the new creation.

After yuppies and dinkies, a new creature from adland stalks the block. The NYLON, an acro
nym linking New York and London, is a refinement of those more familiar categories such as jet-setters and cosmocrats (cosmopolitan aristocrats do keep up). Marketing professionals have noted that (1)_____ the demise of Concorde, a new class of high-earner increasingly (2)_____ his or her time shuttling (3)_____ the twin capitals of globalisation And NYLONS prefer their home comforts (4)_____ tap in both cities. Despite the impressive (5)_____ of air miles, they are not adventurous people.

As (6)_____ from Tom Wolfe's Masters of the Universe of the 1980s. NYLONS have done more than well (7)_____ the long boom and new economy of the last ten years. They are DJs. chefs, games designers. Internet entrepreneurs, fashionistas, publishers and even a (8)_____ band of journalists and writers. They are self-consciously trendy and some are even able to (9)_____ houses in both cities. Others will put up. (10)_____ a house in one, and a view (11)_____ a room m the (12)_____. Of course, their horizons do (13)_____ beyond just New York and London. For many, Los Angeles is an important shopping mall.

More significantly for adland, NYLONS provide some useful marketing savings. Campaigns no longer have to differ very much in the two Cities, (14)_____ NYLONS bring them ever closer together. The restaurants are the same, with Nobu now in London and Conran in New York. Many plays (15)_____ in both cities at the same time, and DJs shuttle between the two. (16)_____ the same garage to the same people in (17)_____ clubs. Time Out and Wallpaper are the magazines of (18)_____. All this is fine for NYLONS. But not so much (19)_____ for everybody else watching Notting Hill turn (20)_____ a pale imitation of Greenwich Village.

A.regardless of

B.even though



After yuppies and dinkies, a new creature from adland stalks the block. The NYLON, an acro
nym linking New York and London, is a refinement of those more familiar categories such as jet- setters and cosmocrats (cosmopolitan aristocrats...do keep up). Marketing professionals have noted that【1】the demise of Concorde, a new class of high-earner increasingly【2】his or her time shuttling【3】the twin capitals of globalization. And NYLONS prefer their home comforts【4】tap in both cities. Despite the impressive【5】of air miles, they are not adventurous people.

As【6】from Tom Wolfe's Masters of the Universe of the 1980s, NYLONS have done more than well【7】the long boom and new economy of the last ten years. They are DJs, chefs, games designers, Internet entrepreneurs, fashionistas, publishers and even a(n)【8】band of journalists and writers. They are self-consciously trendy and some are even able to【9】houses in both cities. Others will put up【10】a house in one, and a view【11】a room in the【12】. of course, their horizons do【13】beyond just New York and London. For many, Los Angeles is an important shopping mall.

More significantly for adland, NYLONS provide some useful marketing savings. Campaigns no longer have to differ very much in the two cities,【14】NYLONS bring them ever closer together. The restaurants are the same, with Nobu now in London and Conran in New York. Many plays【15】in both cities at the same time, and DJs shuttle between the two,【16】the same garage to the same people in【17】clubs. Time Out and Wallpaper are the magazines of【18】. All this is fine for NYLONS. But not so much【19】for everybody else watching Notting Hill turn【20】a pale imitation of Greenwich Village.


A.regardless of

B.even though



Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: Heredity is not the only thing that influences our color. Where and how we live after we are born is important too. For instance, our skin color greatly depends on how much sunshine we get.

Centuries ago, most people in Europe were peasants and had to work in the fields all day. On the other hand, noblemen did not have to work. They stayed indoors and remained pale. You could always tell a nobleman from a peasant because the peasant had a tan. As a result, noblewomen did their best to keep their skins as light as possible. A skin so pale was considered a mark of great beauty and nobleness.

During the Industrial Revolution, farmers left their fields and went to work in factories, mines and mills. Working for long hours in those dark places makes their skins pale. Wealthy people, however, could afford to travel to sunny countries. They lay around on the beaches and got a tan, which became a sign of wealth. In Western Europe and North America pale skin is no longer desirable. The desire for a quick tan has led to the invention of pills that darken the skin without exposure to sunlight.

So there are three answers to the question “Where does our color come from?”—It comes from the genes we inherit. It comes from the conditions in which we live. And it can come from a bottle that we buy at the drugstore on the corner.


A.They ere born to be pale.

B.They did not like traveling in sunny countries.

C.They wanted to be different from the peasants.

D.They thought light color was the color of health.

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