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提问人:网友caigener666 发布时间:2022-01-07

Scientific evidence links 'happy associations with weather' to human mood.A.真B.假C.NOT GI

Scientific evidence links 'happy associations with weather' to human mood.




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更多“Scientific evidence links 'happy associations with weather' to human mood.A.真B.假C.NOT GI”相关的问题
Think about the situations where we are likely to hear the question: “Why don’t you close the door?” .The husband always leaves the bathroom door open after he uses it. The wife is saying this to her husband, which means______.
Before Venter's study, it was thought that ______.

A.nutrient levels depended on the number of organisms that eat carbon.

B.certain viruses keep microbe levels under control.

C.bacteria might be responsible for climate change.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.

Do You Look Your Age?

It can be hard to guess someone's exact age. A range of factors may leave marks on our appearance', how much sleep we've had--even the way we dress and our view of ourselves. The good news is that just as these factors can add years on to your appearance, it follows that they can also take years off, We don't always have control over some of those social factors that can make us look younger, but there are other steps we can take to try to stop the ravages of age.


Last month the University of Southern Denmark published a report, The Influence of Environmental Factors on Facial Ageing, which showed that how we live can affect how old we look. In it, 1828 twins were photographed and then ten female nurses aged between 25-46 years were asked to guess how old the "models" were. The results were intriguing. They showed that belonging to a high social class can make us look up to four years younger and many other lifestyle. factors were shown to affect the way we look, Having children was found to make men look a full year younger, though it had no effect on women, and having four or more children cancelled out the benefit.

Depression and sun exposure were the biggest factors in making you look old before your time. Depression added up to three and a half years to a woman's perceived age (and 2.4 years for men). Sun exposure piled on at least an extra year. Smoking put on six months for a woman and a year for a man. Meanwhile, having a high BMI (body mass index) was found to take a whole year off for both men and women. "If you are not depressed, not a smoker and not too skinny, you are basically doing well," says Professor Kaare Christensen (married, three children, non-smoker), one of the report's authors. Professor Christensen's report concluded that it was more dangerous for our health to look a year older, than to actually be a year older.


This is possibly the biggest change we can make fairly easily. There are four main factors that prematurely age us: smoking, too much alcohol, lack of fresh fruit and vegetables and insufficient protein intake. You can immediately tell a smoker. It's not just the lines around the mouth and eyes, but smoking is dehydrating to the body. Every time you inhale on a cigarette you're taking toxins into the body which have to be diffused and detoxified by the liver and kidneys and they're dependent on plenty of fresh water To carry toxins away. Most smokers don't drink anywhere near enough water,

The really big, quick-fix, though, is eating more fresh fruit and vegetables. You can see if someone doesn't eat enough, or any, fresh fruit and veg in a minute. The skin lacks a freshness and translucency. This is because the skin is the last organ to benefit from the nutrients you eat--the likes of the brain, heart and lungs all get first share. If someone's diet is lacking in fruit and veg, the skin will become dehydrated, This is a sign that sufficient nutrients aren't being delivered, so from an anti-ageing point of view, it's important to have live, fresh food and raw food is vital. If you have to cook, steaming will retain at least some of the vitamins and minerals.

The other really important thing and one we tend to miss out on in our diet-obsessed culture, is adequate intake of essential fatty acids, from oily fish, nuts and seeds, EFAs are vital for prolonging life expectancy because every cell in the body has a phospholipid bilayer that protects it, but they also give the skin a dewy, "bouncy", youthful feel. One of the worst things you can de in terms of looking old is to go on a low-fat diet. Stress is another big one for adding years. We can help support the adrenal and thyroid glands, which take a hammering when we're stressed, by eating plenty of

A.Having more than four children.

B.Having a high BMI.

C.Spending a long time in the sun.

Publishers are unhappy with Google because ______.

A.Google is only publishing extracts, not complete books.

B.they think Google is in breach of copyright.

C.Google is co-operating with leading research libraries.

Questions 9-13

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?

TRUE——if the information in the text agrees with the statement

FALSE——if the information in the text contradicts the statement

NOT GIVEN——if there is no information on this

The Nile perch was introduced in to Lake Victoria as a source of food for local people.




______ are trying hard to prove that chocolate can be good for you.




Questions 11-13

Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet.

How many pollutants currently exceed WHO guidelines in all megacities studied?






You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-27 which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.


The suffragette movement, which campaigned for votes for women in the early twentieth century, is most commonly associated with the Pankhurst family and militant acts of varying degrees of violence. The Museum of London has drawn on its archive collection to convey a fresh picture with its exhibition The Purple, White and Green: Suffragettes in London 1906-14.

The name is a reference to the colour scheme that the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) created to give the movement a uniform, nationwide image. By doing so, it became one of the first groups to project a corporate identity, and it is this advanced marketing strategy, along with the other organisational and commercial achievements of the WSPU, to which the exhibition is devoted.

Formed in 1903 by the political campaigner Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters Christabel and Sylvia, the WSPU began an educated campaign to put women's suffrage on the political agenda. New Zealand, Australia and parts of the United States had already enfranchised women, and growing numbers of their British counterparts wanted the same opportunity.

With their slogan 'Deeds not words', and the introduction of the colour scheme, the WSPU soon brought the movement the cohesion and focus it had previously lacked. Membership grew rapidly as women deserted the many other, less directed, groups and joined it. By 1906 the WSPU headquarters, called the Women's Press Shop, had been established in Chafing Cross Road and in spite of limited communications (no radio or television, and minimal use of the telephone) the message had spread around the country, with members and branch officers stretching to as far away as Scotland.

The newspapers produced by the WSPU, first Votes for Women and later The Suffragette, played a vital role in this communication. Both were sold throughout the country and proved an invaluable way of informing members of meetings, marches, fundraising events and the latest news and views on the movement.

Equally importantly for a rising political group, the newspaper returned a profit. This was partly because advertising space was bought in the paper by large department stores such as Selfridges. and jewellers such as Mappin & Webb. These two, together with other likeminded commercial enterprises sympathetic to the cause, had quickly identified a direct way to reach a huge market of women, many with money to spend.

The creation of the colour scheme provided another money-making opportunity which the WSPU was quick to exploit. The group began to sell playing cards, board games. Christmas and greeting cards, and countless other goods, all in the purple, white and green colours. In 1906 such merchandising of a corporate identity was a new marketing concept.

But the paper and merchandising activities alone did not provide sufficient funds for the WSPU to meetorganisational costs, so numerous other fundraising activities combined to fill the coffers of the 'war chest'. The most notable of these was the Woman's Exhibition. which took place in 1909 in a Knightsbridge ice-skating rink. and in 10 days raised the equivalent of' £250.000 today.

The Museum of London's exhibition is largely visual, with a huge number of items on show. Against a quiet background hum of street sounds, copies of The Suffragette, campaign banners and photographs are all on display, together with one of Mrs Pankhurst's shoes and a number of purple, white and green trinkets.

Photographs depict vivid scenes of a suffragette's life: WSPU members on a self-roclaimed 'monster' march, wearing their official uniforms of a white frock decorated with purple, white and green accessories: women selling The Suffragette at street corners, or chalking up pavements with details of a forthcoming meeting.

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A.the role of the Pankhurst family in the suffrage movement

B.the violence of the movement's political campaign

C.the success of the movement's corporate image

D.the movement's co-operation with suffrage groups overseas

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