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提问人:网友lixin080108 发布时间:2022-01-07

When shouldn’t you argue with your boss according to the passage()

A.Your boss is in high spirits

B.At 10:00 in the morning

C.You can express yourself clearly and have your solution advice

D.Your boss has little time to get his work done

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更多“When shouldn’t you argue with your boss according to the passage()”相关的问题
A.She isnt sure. when Prof. Bloom will be back.B.The man shouldnt be late for h

A.She isnt sure. when Prof. Bloom will be back.

B.The man shouldnt be late for his class.

C.The man can come back sometime later.

D.She can pass on the message for the man.

Gundberg believes that when remodeling a kitchen, people shouldnt use white subway tile ba
cksplash,but large format glass tile in similar shapes.

You shouldnt change jobs constantly, or people will become suspicious of your ability to__
____any job.





听力原文:W: Hey, Dave! I havent seen you for ages. How have you been? M: Oh, Im doing oka
y, but school has been really busy these days, and I havent had time to relax. W: By the way, whats your major anyway? M: Hotel Management. W: Well, what do you want to do once you graduate? M: Uh...I havent decided for sure, but I think Id like to work for a hotel or travel agency in this area. How about you? W: Well, when I first started college, I wanted to major in French, but I realised I might have a hard time finding a job using the language, so I changed my major to computer science. With the right skills, landing a job in the computer industry shouldnt be as difficult. M: So, do you have a part-time job to support yourself through school? W: Well, fortunately, I received a four-year academic scholarship that pays for all of my tuition and books. M: Wow. Thats great! W: Yeah. How about you? Are you working your way through school? M: Yeah. I work three times a week at a restaurant near the campus. W: Oh. What do you do there? M: Im a cook. W: How do you like your job? M: Its okay. The other workers are friendly, and the pay isnt bad. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. What does the man want to do after he graduates? 10. What is the woman majoring in? 11. How does the woman pay for college? 12. Where does the man work part-time?10.



C.Computer Science.

D.Hotel Management.

Discussion topic:TransportExample Questions:&8226;Which types of transport do you think ar

Discussion topic:


Example Questions:

&8226;Which types of transport do you think are better for short journeys and which are better for long ones?

&8226;Is flying a common form. of transport in your country?

&8226;How do people in your country usually travel when they go on holiday?

&8226;Do you think that the use of cars should be limited by law?

&8226;In what ways do modem transportation methods make our lives easier?

听力原文:W: Oh, Dan. Come on in. Ive just graded the midterm exams for your class. You had
one of the highest scores. So, what can I do for you? M: Dr Wilson, Im really worried about the paper due tomorrow — you know that case study. So far I havent done a thing beyond gathering the data, and I have two more midterms tomorrow morning. I was hoping youd give me an extension till Friday. W: Well, Dan, when I assigned the paper during the first week of the semester, I emphasised that late papers would be punished. Youre free to turn in your case study late, but Ill have to lower your grade for it. If I gave you extension, it wouldnt be fair to the other students. Youre a good writer, Dan. It shouldnt take that much time to turn your data into a solid report. M: But I havent even made my outline yet, and Im having a hard time with the computer analysis of the data. W: It sounds to me like youre just putting it off. M: I really am working on it, but I just cant get it finished and Ive got to study for two other tests by tomorrow afternoon! But I might be able to get it done after class...maybe...by midnight tomorrow. W: Hmm…I didnt specify what time the paper was due. But Im leaving campus at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow, and they lock this building at 11:00 p.m. M: Still, if its under your door when you get in Thursday morning, you cant say I turned it in late, right? W: Right. Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 13. What does Dan want Dr Wilson to do? 14. What is one reason Dan gives for his problem? 15. What work has Dan already completed on the paper?13.

A.His computer isn"t working.

B.He has to study for exams.

C.He didn"t understand the assignment.

D.He won"t be on campus until Thursday.

You shouldnt have asked the boy to run across the street to buy cigarettes; he______by a p
assing car.

A.may be knocked down

B.should have been knocked off

C.might have been knocked down

D.will have been knocked down

下列各 Instinctively, the first thing we want to know about a disease is whether it is go
ing to kill us. Twenty-five years ago, tiffs was the only question about AIDS we couJd anwer with any certainty; now, it is the only question we really camaot answer well at all. By now, those of us in the AIDS business long term have cared for thousands of patients. No one with that kind of personal experience can doubt for a moment the deadly potential of H. I. V. or the life-saving capabilities of the drugs developed against it. But there are also now htmdreds of footnotes and exceptions and modifications to those two facts that make the big picture ever murkier (扑朔迷离). We have patients scattered at every possible point: men and women who cruise on their medications with no problems at all, and those who never become stable on them and die of AIDS; those who refuse them until it is too late, and those who never need them at all; those who leave AIDS far behind only to die from lung cancer or breast cancer or liver failure, and those few who are killed by the medications themelves. So, when we welcome a new patient into our world, one whose fated place in this world is still unclear, and that patient asks us, as most do, whether this illness is going to kill him or not, it often takes a bit of mental stammering (口吃 ) before we hazard an answer,Now, a complete rundown of all the news from the front would take hours. The statistics change almost; hourly as new treatments appear. It is all too cold, too mathematical, too scary to dump on the head of a sick, frightened person. So we simplify. "We have good treatments now, we say. "You should do fine. " Once, not so long ago, we were working in another universe.Now we have simply rejoined the carnival (嘉年华) of modern medicine, noisy and encouraging, confusing and contradictory, fueled by the eternal balancing of benefits and risks. You can.win big, and why shouldnt you, with the usual fall-safe combination of luck and money. You have our very best hopes, so step right up: we sell big miracles but, offer no guarantees. What does the author say about AIDS?

A.It is definitely deadly twenty-five years ago.

B.The patients want to know everything about it.

C.We can answer anything about it with certainty now.

D.We could not answer questions about it well before.

听力原文: Sex education is a serious scientific subject, which is as important as the o
ther sciences and arts subjects, even if it is not included in the exams, especially the college entrance examination. It shouldnt be overlooked or banned in school curriculums. Instead of being regarded as a sinful subject, it should be treated with the right attitude. In China, for thousands of years, people have felt shy and embarrassed when talking about sex, which becomes a mysterious thing in peoples view. Affected by this cultural tradition and social customs, people hold a negative attitude towards it. That is why sex education is never allowed to enter schools in an open and broad manner. As a result, few people have a correct and scientific knowledge about sex. Many teenagers know very little about sex. Driven by the forces of instinct or curiosity, they commit many crimes because of ignorance, e.g. illegal teen pregnancy, taking drugs, contracting sexual diseases. They become the innocent victims due to lack of sex education. Cant this be said to be the tragedy of our education and nation? Sex education is not new in the schools of Western countries, beginning as early as kindergarten and continuing into high school. Comprehensive sex education programmes generally cover the biology of reproduction, the psychology of relationships, and the sociology of the family. These courses leading to straight talk about a variety of subject have neither produced many negative impacts on the mental, physical and psychological development of the teenagers, nor resulted in many social troubles. It is clear that the teachers and parents cant perpetuate myths that could prevent childrens healthy sexual development. Under the proper guidance of the teachers and experts, students will grow into healthy-minded citisens and decrease the chances to see psychological doctors. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 23. Why do Chinese people hold a negative attitude towards sex education? 24. What can we infer from the passage? 25. What is the main topic of the passage?23.

A.Many people will still regard sex education as embarrassing.

B.Proper sex education is mentally helpful for teenagers" growth.

C.Teenagers" chances to see psychological doctors have increased.

D.Without the proper guidance of the teachers, no teenagers will grow healthily.

阅读材料,回答题。Some psychologists(心理专家) maintain that mental acts such as thinking ar


Some psychologists(心理专家) maintain that mental acts such as thinking are not performedin the brain alone, but that one&39; s muscles also participate. It may be said that we think with ourmuscles in somewhat the same way that we listen to music with our bodies.

You surely are not surprised to be told that you usually listen to music not only with your ears butwith your whole body. Few people can listen to music without moving their body or, more specifically,some part of their body. Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio, he is attracted todirect the orchestra (乐队) even though he knows there is a good conductor on the job.Strange as this behavior. may be, there is a very good reason for it. One cannot derive all pos-sible enjoyment from music unless he participates, so to speak, in its performance. The listener"feels" himself into the music with more or less noticeable motions of his body. The muscles of the body actually participate in the mental process of thinking in the same

way, but this participation is less obvious because it is less noticeable.

Some psychologists think that thinking is__________ 查看材料

A.not a mental process

B.more of a physical process than a mental action

C.a process that involves our entire bodies

D.a process that involves the muscles as well as the brain

I dont get five good, genuine,personal letters a year. The time is coming when the lette
r written with penand ink and sent as a personal message from one person to another will be as muchof a rarity as the gold pocket watch carried on a chain. Its a shame.

There is something special abouta personal letter. Its better than a phone call, no matter what the telephonecompany says. A phone call disappears into the air as soon as the receiver is putback on the hook. A good letter can last a lifetime.

Some of my most preciouspossessions are letters that have been written to me sometime in the past. Idont have a single memorable phone call stored in a box in my attic() or basement. Ivenever thrown away a good letter and, like any real treasure, I dont even haveto look at them to enjoy having them. I know I have them. The telephone callscome and go. They make no permanent impression on me and have no place in mymemory.

A personal letter is a good thingbecause you say things you cant say in a crowd and might not even say to theperson face to face. If you feel like it, a letter allows you to take yourselfand your thoughts more seriously than you would dare take them in conversation.And you can say things without interruption.

A good letter is, in many ways,the exact opposite of a political speech. A politician addressing a crowd hasto talk so broadly and generally about the issues in order not to offendanyone of the thousands of people listening that he usually ends up sayingnothing. A letter can be specific, and if the writer has some bias orprejudice, he can even reveal his true self by letting this show. Writing afriend, you shouldnt have to be careful. Abraham Lincolns letter to hisstep-brother telling him he wasnt going to loan him the eighty dollars heasked for tells you more about Abraham Lincoln than the Gettysburg Addressdoes.

Some of our best history has comethat way, from personal letters of famous people that scholars have dug up. Youget a better idea of what someone is really like from a personal letter theywerent expecting you to read than you get from a carefully considered publicstatement theyve made. We say real things in letters.

36.What is a shame according to the author?

A. People sometimes write letters with pen and ink.

B. People hardly carry a gold pocket watch.

C. People never receive anypersonal letters.

D. People rarely send any personal letters.

37.Whats the main idea of paragraphs 2 and 3?

A. What a good personal letter is.

B. What advantage personal letters have.

C. Why people dont write personal letters.

D. Why writing personal letters is so special.

38.What do “issues” in paragraph 5 mean? .

A. The key points of a political speech.

B. The speakers bias and prejudice.

C. Problems that the audiences have.

D.Questions thatarise for discussion.

39.Why does the author use Abraham Lincolns example?

A. To show that a political address has to be general.

B. To show that letter writing sometimes offends people.

C. To show that people say real things in personal letters.

D. To show that even a great man has his dark side.

40.Whats the best word to describe the tone of the author?

A. Objective

B. Persuasive

C. Humorous

D. Ironic

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