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提问人:网友sootma 发布时间:2022-01-07

Wht’s the best summry for this pssge New eductionl theories will revolutionize theWht’s th

e best summry for this pssge New eductionl theories will revolutionize the wy our children lern. B.The influence of new methodology will spred worldwide. C.Personl vlues like self-esteem will become predominnt for school children in the future D.Current eduction trends my jeoprdize the prospects of future genertions.

A.New educational theories will revolutionize the way our children learn.

B.The influence of new methodology will spread worldwide

C.Personal values like self-esteem will become predominant for school children in the future

D.Current education trends may jeopardize the prospects of future generations.

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The Planning Commission asserts that the needed reduction in acute care hospital beds can best be accomplished by closing the smaller hospital, mainly voluntary and proprietary. This strategy follows from the argument that closing entire institutions saves more money than closing the equivalent number of beds scattered throughout the health system.

The issue is not that simple. Larger hospitals generally are designed to provide more complex care. Routine care at large hospitals costs more than the same care given at smaller hospitals. Therefore, closure of all the small hospitals would commit the city to paying considerably more for inpatient care delivered at acute care hospitals than would be the case with a mixture of large and small institutions. Since reimbursement rates at the large hospitals are now based on total costs, paying the large institutions a lower rate for routine care would simply raise the rates for complex care by a comparable amount. Such a reimbursement rate adjustment might make the charges for each individual case more accurately reflect the actual costs, but there would be no reduction in total costs.

There is some evidence that giant hospitals are not the most efficient. Service organizations – and medical care remains largely a service industry – frequently find that savings of scale have an upper limit. Similarly, the quality of routine care in the very largest hospitals appears to be less than optimum. Also, the concentration of all hospital beds in a few locations may affect the access to care. Thus, simply closing the smaller hospitals will not necessarily save money or improve the quality of care.

Since the fact remains that there are too many acute care hospital beds in the city, the problem is to devise a proper strategy for selecting and urging the closure of the excess beds, however many it may turn out to be.

The closing of whole buildings within large medical centers has many of the cost advantages of closing the whole of smaller institutions, because the fixed costs can also be reduced in such cases. Unfortunately, many of the separate buildings at medical centers are special use facilities, the relocation of which is extremely costly. Still, a search should be made for such opportunities.

The current lack of adequate ambulatory care facilities raises another possibility. Some floors or other large compact areas of hospitals could be transferred from inpatient to ambulatory uses. Reimbursement of ambulatory services is chaotic, but the problem is being addressed. The overhead associated with the entire hospital should not be charged, even prorated to the ambulatory facilities. Even if it were, the total cost would probably be less than that of building a new facility. Many other issues would also need study especially the potential over centralization of ambulatory services.

(1)、This passage is mainly about ________________.

A、ways to protect small hospitals

B、methods of selecting qualified hospitals

C、solutions to the shortage of hospital beds

D、economic consideration in closing small hospitals

(2)、It seems that the author thinks that the claim made by Planning Commission is ________________.





(3)、The closure of all small hospitals would lead to ________________.

A、a reduction in total costs

B、a reduction in the number of patients

C、an increase in the cost of inpatient care

D、an increase in the number of large hospitals

(4)、The author agrees with all the following statements EXCEPT that ________________.

A、access to medical care is an important issue

B、big hospitals are not necessarily more efficient

C、large hospitals provide better and more complex care than smaller ones

D、the same routine medical care costs more at large hospitals than at smaller ones

(5)、According to the author, the best way to reduce costs in the health system is ________________.

A、to make full use of the existing facilities

B、to update the entire medical service

C、to close most giant hospitals

D、to close all small hospitals

More colleges     next yer for more students to get good eduction.will be set upB.will set upCMore colleges ____ next yer for more students to get good eduction.will be set up B.will set up C.re setting up D.were set up

A.will be set up

B.will set up

C.are setting up

D.were set up

It is surprising for them to complete _____ work in _____.

[    ]

A. so little…such a short time

B. so much… so short time

C. such little…so short a time

D. so much…such a short time


Where do good ideas come from? For centuries, all credit for these mysterious gifts went to faith, fortune and some fair muses. But to assume creativity is some lofty trait enjoyed by the few is both foolish and unproductive, argues Jonah Lehrer in his book Imagine: How Creativity Works. Drawing from a wide array of scientific and sociological research—and everything from the poetry of W.H. Auden to the films of Pixar—he makes a convincing case that innovation cannot only be studied and measured, but also nurtured and encouraged. 3M Company is ranked as the third-most innovative in the world, selling more than 55,000 products, from streetlights to computer touch-screens. But when Mr. Lehrer visits, he finds employees engaged in all sorts of frivolous activities, such as playing pinball and wandering about the campus. These workers are actually pushed to take regular breaks, because interrupting work with a relaxing activity lets the mind turn inward, where it can subconsciously puzzle over subtle meanings and connections (the brain is incredibly busy when daydreaming). But this is just one reason for 3M's creative output. The company also encourages its employees to take risks, not only by spending masses on research (nearly 8% of gross revenue), but also by expecting workers to spend around 15% of their time pursuing speculative ideas. Most of these efforts will fail, but some, such as masking tape, an early 3M concept, will generate real profit for the company. The reason why this approach works is because many breakthroughs come when people venture beyond their area of expertise. Often it takes an outsider to ask the kind of dumb questions that may yield an unconventional solution. This is why young people tend to be the most innovative thinkers in nearly any field, from physics to music. The ignorance of youth “comes with creative advantages,” writes Mr. Lehrer, as the young are less jaded by custom and experience. Still, he reassures readers that anyone can stay creative as long as he works “to maintain the perspective of the outsider” by considering new problems at work (3M regularly rotates its engineers from division to division), travelling to new countries or simply spending more time staring “at things we don't fully understand”. Mr. Lehrer concludes with a call for better policy to “increase our collective creativity”. He also warns that the it demands a lot of time, sweat and grit. Or as Albert Einstein put it: “Creativity is the residue of time wasted.” 8. Why do young people tend to be the most innovative thinkers in nearly any field?

A、The ignorance of young people may yield an unconventional idea.

B、Young people always ask some dumb questions.

C、Young people are more jaded by custom and experience.

D、The ignorance of young people cannot come with creation.

In width of scope, Yeats far exceeds any of his contemporaries. He is the only poet since the 18th century who has been a public man in his own country and the only poet since Milton who has been a public man at a time when his country was involved in a struggle for political liberty. This may not seem an important matter, but it is a question whether the kind of life lived by poets for the last two hundred years or so has not been one great reason for the drift of poetry away from the life of the community as a whole, and the loss of touch with tradition. Once the life of contemplation has been divorced from the life of action, or from real knowledge of men of action, something is lost which it is difficult to define, but which leaves poetry enfeebled and incomplete. Yeats responded with all his heart as a young man to the reality and the romance of Ireland's struggle but he lived to be completely disillusioned about the value of the Irish rebellion. He saw his dreams of liberty blotted out in horror by "the innumerable clanging wings that have put out the moon". It brought him to the final conclusion of the futility of all discipline that is not of the wlaole being, and of "how base at moments of excitement are minds without culture". But he remained a man to whom the life of action always meant something very real.

The title below that best expresses the main idea of this paragraph is ______.

A.The Basis of True Poetry

B.The Necessity of Culture

C.Action Versus Contemplation

D.Yeats as a Poet and Patriot

Write a summary of the passage Anne ’ s Best Friend based on the six factors. Who is the main character? When did the story happen? Where did the story happen? What happened to Anne and her family? Why did Anne and her family hide away? How did Anne spend her lonely and frightened life ? What did Anne describe in one of her diaries?

地理信息系统()试设计一项应用GIS的课题研究项目。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

对于交通性气胸患者,采用胸腔闭式引流治疗时,错误的说法是液气胸患者可选腋前线第4~5肋间,或在对于交通性气胸患者,采用胸腔闭式引流治疗时,错误的说法是液气胸患者可选腋前线第4~5肋间,或在X线透视下选择适当部位 B.插管部位多取锁骨中线外侧第2肋间 C.导管另一端应置于水封瓶水面下1~2cm D.水封瓶玻璃管中液面不再波动时,即证明肺已全部复张,可拔除导管 E.导管水封瓶水面下过深气体引流不完全





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