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提问人:网友snowCrystal 发布时间:2022-01-07

Bats emit sounds and generally use the echoes of these sounds highly efficiently to detect

, locate, and catch their prey. However, it is claimed that the characteristic efficiency of this process is reduced by moths able to hear the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats. Which of the following statements, if true, best supports the claim above?

A.Those moths that cannot hear the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats live longer on the average than those that can hear such sounds when both kinds of moth are in an environment continuously free of such bats.

B.Those moth species that cannot hear the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats are among the species of insects that are most likely to be caught by such bats.

C.When a moth changes its speed or direction of flight, there is a change in the sound pattern generated by the moth"s wing movements.

D.Moth species that can hear the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats are less likely to be caught by such bats than are moth species that cannot hear these sounds.

E.Moths that are capable of hearing the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats differ in their abilities to use evasive action to escape capture by such bats.

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更多“Bats emit sounds and generally use the echoes of these sounds highly efficiently to detect”相关的问题
Echolocating bats emit sounds in patterns — characteristic of each species — that contain
both frequency-modulated (FM) and constant-frequency (CF) signals. The broadband FM signals and the narrowband CF signals travel out to a target, reflect from it, and return to the hunting hat. In this process of transmission and reflection, the sounds are changed,and the changes in the echoes enable the bat to perceive features of the target.

The FM signals report information about target characteristics that modify the timing and the fine frequency structure, or spectrum, of echoes --for example, the target's size, shape, texture, surface structure, and direction in space. Because of their narrow bandwidth, CF signals portray only the target’s pre, nee and, in the case of some bat species, its motion relative to the bat's. Responding to changes in the CF echo's frequency, bats of some species correct, their course in flight for the direction and velocity of their moving prey.

Which of the following is TRUE of CF echoes?

A.They enable the bat to determine the size of the target.

B.They help identify the range of widely spaced targets.

C.In some species, they enable the bat to judge whether it is closing in on its target.

D.In some species, they help the bat to tell the shape of the target.

Not all sounds made by animals serve as language, and we have only to turn to that extraor
dinary discovery of echolocation (回声定位) in bats to see a case in which the voice plays a strictly practical role.

To get a full appreciation of what this means we must turn first to some recent human inventions. Everyoneknows that if he shouts near a wall or a mountainside, an echo will come back. The further off this solid obstacle, the longer time it will take for the return of the echo. A sound made by tapping on the main body of a ship will be reflected from the sea bottom, and by measuring the time interval between the taps andthe receipt of the echoes the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated.So was born the echo-sounding equipment, now in general use in ships. Every solid object will reflect a sound, varying according to the size and nature of the object. A shoal of fish will do this. So it is a comparatively simple step fromlocating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish. With experience, and with improved equipment, it is now possible not only to locate fish but to tell if it is herring, cod, or other well-known fish, by the pattern of its echo.

A few years ago it was found that certain bats emit squeaks (吱吱声) and by receiving ’he echoes they could locate and steer clear of obstacles--or locate flying insects on which they feed.This echolocation in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar.@@@@@@@ Choose correct answers to the question:

The main purpose of this passage is to ______.

A.describe that animals can make different sounds

B.prove that animals’ voices can play practical roles

C.inspire the readers to make more inventions

D.startle the readers with some shocking facts

The discovery of echolocation may help with all of the following EXCEPTA.measuring the depth of the sea

B.distinguishing different kinds of fish

C.improving the functions of radar

D.varying the size and nature of an object

By saying "A shoal of fish will do this"(Lines 6-7, Para 2), the author means ________.A.only one special kind of fish can reflect sounds

B.only one special kind of fish can be used to help locate a ship

C.a large group of fish can reflect sounds

D.a large group of fish can be used to help locate a ship

As it is discussed in the passage, the squeaks of bats can be functionally compared with ________.A.human languages

B.a mountainside

C.a shoal of fish

D.taps on a ship

Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?A.Animals are more intelligent than humans.

B.Humans are more intelligent than animals.

C.Animals are often compared with human inventions.

D.Humans are often inspired by animals.

Not all sounds made by animals serve as language, and we have only to turn to that extraor
dinary discovery of echolocation (回声定位) in bats to see a case in which the voice plays a strictly practical role.

To get a full appreciation of what this means we must turn first to some recent human inventions. Everyoneknows that if he shouts near a wall or a mountainside, an echo will come back. The further off this solid obstacle, the longer time it will take for the return of the echo. A sound made by tapping on the main body of a ship will be reflected from the sea bottom, and by measuring the time interval between the taps andthe receipt of the echoes the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated.So was born the echo-sounding equipment, now in general use in ships. Every solid object will reflect a sound, varying according to the size and nature of the object. A shoal of fish will do this. So it is a comparatively simple step fromlocating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish. With experience, and with improved equipment, it is now possible not only to locate fish but to tell if it is herring, cod, or other well-known fish, by the pattern of its echo.

A few years ago it was found that certain bats emit squeaks (吱吱声) and by receiving ’he echoes they could locate and steer clear of obstacles--or locate flying insects on which they feed.This echolocation in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar.@@@@@@@ Choose correct answers to the question:

The main purpose of this passage is to ______.

A.describe that animals can make different sounds

B.prove that animals’ voices can play practical roles

C.inspire the readers to make more inventions

D.startle the readers with some shocking facts

The discovery of echolocation may help with all of the following EXCEPTA.measuring the depth of the sea

B.distinguishing different kinds of fish

C.improving the functions of radar

D.varying the size and nature of an object

By saying "A shoal of fish will do this"(Lines 6-7, Para 2), the author means ________.A.only one special kind of fish can reflect sounds

B.only one special kind of fish can be used to help locate a ship

C.a large group of fish can reflect sounds

D.a large group of fish can be used to help locate a ship

As it is discussed in the passage, the squeaks of bats can be functionally compared with ________.A.human languages

B.a mountainside

C.a shoal of fish

D.taps on a ship

Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?A.Animals are more intelligent than humans.

B.Humans are more intelligent than animals.

C.Animals are often compared with human inventions.

D.Humans are often inspired by animals.


In these days of technological triumphs,it is well to remind ourselves from time to ti
me that living mechanisms are often incomparably more efficient than their artificial imitations.There is no better illustration of this idea than the sonar (声纳) system of bats.Ounce for ounce,and watt for watt,it is billions of times more efficient and more sensitive than the radars and sonars contrived (发明) by man.Of course,the bats have had some 50 million years of evolution to refine their sonar.Their physiological mechanisms for echo location,based on all this accumulated experience,therefore merit our thorough study and analysis.To appreciate the precision of the bats‘ echo location,we must first consider the degree of their reliance upon it.Thanks to sonar,an insect-eating bat can get along perfectly well without eyesight.This was brilliantly demonstrated by an experiment performed in the late eighteenth

century by the Italian naturalist Lazzaro Spallanzani.He caught some bats in a bell tower,blinded them,and released them outdoors.Four of these blind bats were recaptured after they had found their way back to the bell tower,and on examining heir stomachs‘ contents,Spallanzani found that

they had been able to capture and gorge themselves with flying insects.We know from experiments that bats easily find insects in the dark of night , even when the insects emit no sound that can be heard by human ears.A bat will catch hundreds of soft-bodied,silent-flying moths or gnats in a single hour.It will even detect and chase pebbles or cotton spitballs tossed into the air.

16.According to the author,the sonar system of bats is an example of the idea that.()

A.this is the age of technological triumphs

B.modern machines are inefficient

C.living mechanisms are often more efficient than man-made


D.artificial imitations are always less efficient than living


17.The author suggests that the sonar system of bats ().

A.was at the height of its perfection 50 million years ago

B.is better than man-made sonar because it has had 50 million years to be refined

C.would have been discovered by man many years ago

D.is the same as it was 50 million years ago

18.The fact that“blind bats”will detect and chase cotton spitballs as well as insects is remarkable because.()

A.bats do not eat spitballs

B.cotton is harder to track

C.Spitballs make no sounds audible to human ears

D.there is purpose in the flight of insects

19.This passage was written to illustrate().

A.the deficiencies of man-made sonar

B.the dependence of man upon animals

C.that we are living in a machine age

D.that the sonar system of bats is remarkable

20.Which of the following is the main point of the passage?()

A.A bat will catch hundreds of gnats in a single hour

B.Here is a perfection in nature which sometimes cannot be matched by man‘s creative efforts

C.The phrase“blind as bat”is valid

D.director of NIH learned of the abuse

Adair points out that his theory can't be applied to aluminum bats because ______.A.the "p

Adair points out that his theory can't be applied to aluminum bats because ______.

A.the "ping” sound is too vague for a fielder to catch

B.with the aluminum bats the batter always hits the ball stronger

C.they don' t produce different sounds of "crack" and "clunk"

D.the sounds they produce may interfere with the fielder's judgment

Those who were left alone in the cave knew better than the others ______sounds bats flying
about in the dark made.

A.that frightening

B.which frightening

C.what frightening

D.how frightening

Which of the following statements best summarizes the main idea of this passage?A.Hitting

Which of the following statements best summarizes the main idea of this passage?

A.Hitting the ball to produce different sounds is not an easy matter.

B.The sound of the bat may give fielders more chances to catch the ball.

C.Aluminum bats are inferior to the wooden ones.

D.The study of Robert Adair shocks the Acoustical Society of America.

听力原文: Objects that are vibrating make sounds. Rhythmic sound vibrations produce sound
waves which travel in every direction. The frequency of a sound is the number of waves that pass a given point each second. [29] The more rapid, an object vibrates, the greater the frequency of sound it makes. Frequency is measured in hertz. One hertz equals one sound wave per second. The frequency of sound determines the degree of highness or lowness of the sound. A high-pitched sound has a higher frequency than a low-pitched sound. [30] Humans hear sounds that have frequencies from about 20 hertz to 20,000 hertz. Sound with a frequency higher than 20,000 hertz is called ultrasound which is too high-pitched for humans to hear. However, many animals can hear ultra sound. Bats can hear higher sounds than any other animal. Some can hear up to 210,000 hertz. Bats send out lots of high-pitched squeaks and then listen to the echoes bouncing off things like insects. The shorter the time interval between the squeak and the echo, the closer they are to the insect. [31]Using sound to find or "see" things is called echolocation. Another animal that uses ultrasound is the dolphin. Dolphins can hear sounds up to about 150,000 hertz. Dolphins use sound waves to find food underwater. [31] They make clicking sounds that hit whatever is around them and then bounce back to the dolphins. Dolphins can send as many as 2,000 clicks per second. Dolphins' ultrasound ability is so sensitive that they can detect small fish from l0 feet away.


A.The quicker it vibrates, the greater the frequency of sound it produces.

B.The slower it vibrates, the higher the frequency of sound it produces.

C.The quicker it vibrates, the lower the frequency of sound it produces.

D.The frequency of sound it produces is not in proportion to the speed it vibrates.

Blind people usually possess one advantage over other people who can see: their sense of h
earing is far more acute. Sounds which most others would miss can carry a great deal of information to a sightless person. For instance, teams of blind children can enjoy fast-moving games of soccer with a bell inside the ball and a new hand-held ultrasonic device to guide them. And that sound-location system could help to build up an even more complete sound picture of a blind person's surroundings.

Bats, whose sight is poor, use a sound-location system to help them avoid obstacles in the dark. They send out pulses of sound waves, pitched at 50,000 cycles per second, far above the limits of the human ear, which can hear sounds up to frequencies of about 20,000 cycles per second. As the echoes bounce back off obstacles such as trees and walls, the bats are able to take appropriate action.

The first steps to help blind people to see with sound are based on exactly the same principle. The sound is emitted by an ultrasonic torch, shaped like a double-barreled version of a normal electric torch. It works in a similar Way to a sonar u nit on a warship or submarine.

The unit’s transmitter sends out pulses of ultrasonic waves at the same frequency as the bat, and the receiver picks up the returning echoes. Because these are still above the frequency at which the human ear can pick them up, the echoes are filtered through circuits which turn them into clearly audible ' bleeps' before passing them into headphones.

This means that a person holding the torch can point it ahead of him and ‘scan’the area for obstacles over a range of about 25 ft. ff there are no return echoes coming through the headphones, then there is nothing in the way.

If echoes do come back, then the closer the obstruction, the faster the succession of bleeps and the deeper the pitch of each bleep. With practice the torch could help a blind person to lead a more normal life -- without needing a constant companion to guide him. Experienced operators of the torch system claim they can distinguish grass from bushes, trees, pests and curbstones.

But before blind people can be helped to feel really independent, the system needs to be more streamlined. At pres ent, the experimental ultrasonic torch requires a shoulder bag to carry the batteries, cables for the power supplies and earphones, in addition to the torch itself. But miniaturization of electronic equipment is making such rapid progress that it should not be long before the whole set-up can be reproduced in a form. small enough to fit into a pair of spectacles.

The transmitter and power supplies, with all the circuitry, would be packed into the bridge-piece above the nose. The sending and receiving sensors would be in the ' lenses'. And the filtered bleeps would be passed on to the wearer through the earpieces, as with present-day hearing-aid spectacles.

This would mean that scanning one’s surroundings would become instinctive. The wearer would face in the direction he wanted to check, and lift or lower his head just as a sighted person would.

How do blind children play soccer?

A.They listen to the sound of the ball bouncing.

B.They ask an adult to guide them.

C.They hold a bell in their hands.

D.They put a bell inside the ball.

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

The majority of small tooth whales are called dolphins. Most dolphin species are about 6 ft in length, the males averaging 4 to 8 in. longer than females. The largest is the killer whale, which can be

ft long and weigh between 8000—10000 lbs. The smallest species is the buffeo, found in the Amazon River. The buffeo rarely grows over 3.9 ft in length and 66 lbs in weight.

Dolphins once were hunted commercially, especially for the small quantity of valuable oil extracted from palls of the head and used to lubricate delicate watch mechanisms. Cheaper oils have now been found from other sources, and dolphins are no longer hunted for this reason. Many dolphins, however, become accidentally trapped and drowned in tuna nets. Between the years 1959 and 1972, an estimated 4.8 million dolphins died this way. Because of the pressure from animal rights activists and the United States consumers, both domestic and international tuna canners have refused to accept shipments from fishing fleets that do not protect dolphins.

Dolphins are extremely and almost constantly vocal. They are capable of two kinds of sounds. A specialized mechanism in the nasal passage just below the blow-hole enables them to emit short, pulse-type sounds. These sounds, called clicks, can be produced in such rapid succession as to sound like a buzz or even a duck-like quack. The clicks are used as a form. of sonar, in which echoes of sounds from surrounding objects enable the animals to detect obstacles, other dolphins, fish, and even tiny bits of matter in the water. The military use dolphins and this ability to help find water mines.

Deeper in the respiratory system-presumably in the larynx-dolphins produce another type of sound: a high pitched whistle of squeal, which is capable of rapid pitch changes. The whistles differ from the clicks in being essentially single tones. Apparently dolphins use the whistles to communicate a particular emotional state and thus influence the behaviour of other dolphins. Typically, the squeals denote alarm or sexual excitement.

From the first paragraph, we can learn that______.

A.dolphins and whales belong to the same animal family

B.the buffeo is very small

C.female dolphins are heavier than males

D.most whales are dolphins

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