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提问人:网友chxljtt 发布时间:2022-01-07

Man has been storing up useful knowledge about himself and the universe at the rate which

has been spiraling upward for 10,000 years.

The 【21】______ took a sharp upward leap with the invention of writing, but even 【22】______ it remained painfully slow for several centuries. The next great leap forward 【23】______ knowledge acquisition did not occur 【24】______ the invention of movable type in the 15th century by Gutenberg and others. 【25】______ to 1500, by the most optimistic 【26】______ Europe was producing books at a rate of 1000 titles per year. This means that it 【27】______ a full century to produce a library of 100,000 titles. By 1950, four and a half 【28】______ later, the rate had accelerated so sharply that Europe was producing 120,000 titles a year. 【29】______ once took a century now took only ten months. By 1960, a 【30】______ decade later, the rate had made another significant jump, 【31】______ a century's work could be finished in seven and a half months. 【32】______ , by the mid-sixties, the output of books on a world 【33】______ , Europe included, approached the prodigious figure of 900 titles per day.

One can 【34】______ argue that every book is a net gain for the advancement of knowledge. Nevertheless we find that the accelerative 【35】______ in book publication does, in fact, crudely 【36】______ the rate at which man discovered new knowledge. For example, prior to Gutenberg 【37】______ 11 chemical elements were known. Antimony, the 12th, was discovered 【38】______ about the time he was working on his invention. It was fully 200 years since the 11th, arsenic, had been discovered. 【39】______ the same rate of discovery continued, we would by now have added only two or three additional elements to the periodic table since Gutenberg. 【40】______ , in the 450 years after his time, certain people discovered some seventy additional elements. And since 1900 we have been isolating the remaining elements not at a rate of one every two centuries, but of one every three years.






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更多“Man has been storing up useful knowledge about himself and the universe at the rate which”相关的问题
2,Depending upon the context, the rate has two different definitions and usages. First, the *** rate refers to the interest rate charged to the commercial banks and other financial institutions for the loans they take from the Federal Reserve Bank through the discount window loan process, and second, the *** rate refers to the interest rate used to determine the present value of future cash flows.
In the following sentence, from which following aspects does the sentence extend the definition? “An endangered species is a species (a population) of animals, plants or other organisms that is in danger of becoming extinct. This could happen because there are few of that animal left, its predators have grown in number, or the climate that it lives in is changing, or the places it lives in have been destroyed.”




D、Working principles.

The story starts with a Mitty’s daydream and ends with another. This structure tells the reader something about the character. Which is probably NOT indicated?

A、Mitty’s wish to escape from the life he is living.

B、Mitty’s desperation in search for an alternative reality.

C、Mitty’s inability to tell the difference between reality and fantasy.

D、Mitty’s habit of compulsive fantasizing.


1. Read through the following introductory paragraph of “What is the Better Purchase: LCD TV or Plasma TV”, and analyze its four elements: Comparability, Main points to be compared, Purpose of comparison, and Coherence and cohesion. We live in a world of choice. In each moment, we are presented with the opportunity to choose from an array of options. The truth is, though, that we do not always make our choices consciously. Sometimes, instead of choosing what is best for our personal requirements, we fall in the trap of commercial tricks and purchase a product we do not need. When we want to make a choice based on facts and objective reasoning exclusively, we need to methodically analyze and compare each product based on the criteria we value. In this essay, I will try to do that when choosing between the two most popular types of TVs: LCD and plasma. When entering the technical department of any supermarket or a high-tech store, many people ask themselves whether a LCD TV is better than a plasma TV, or vice versa. To answer this question, we need to compare the two products based on several relevant technical criteria. (source:https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/compare-contrast/lcd-vs-plasma.html) 1) Comparability: __________________________________________________ 2) Main points to be compared: _______________________________________ 3) Purpose of comparison: __________________________________________ 4) Coherence and cohesion: __________________________________________

The following statements offer interpretations of some of the parables, analogies, or examples used by Jesus in his teaching. All of them sound plausible or reasonable EXCEPT______.

A、Jesus used the parable of “The Rich Fool” who was obsessed with accumulating earthly wealth to demonstrate the point that those who are preoccupied with amassing material possessions and neglect their duty to God are in spiritual poverty.

B、Jesus advised that people should invite the poor, the helplessness, the lame and the blind—instead of their rich friends or neighbors— to a feast, for these underprivileged people lacked the means to return their favor. By this advice, Jesus intended to let the people know that good deeds should be performed without the expectation of being recognized and reciprocated.

C、Jesus used the parables of “The Lost Sheep”, “The Lost Piece of Money” and “The Parable of the Prodigal Son” to make the point that if people strayed away from God, they would be eventually crushed by their alienation and sin, and therefore would be beyond redemption.

D、Jesus gave the example of people unleashing their animals and taking them to a water source to let them drink on the Sabbath day to justify that his healing of a hunchbacked woman on the Sabbath day was not a violation of the Jewish law.

Which of the following statements about the lean approach and JIT is false?

A、JIT tends to focus on product movement from manufacturer to retailer

B、organizations should give careful consideration before adopting a lean philosophy

C、the lean approach views inventory as waste

D、trucking is an important mode of transportation in JIT systems

Which of the following statement(s) describe(s) a difference between RNA and DNA. Select all that apply.

A、RNA can exit the nucleus

B、RNA is single stranded

C、RNA is less stable than DNA

D、RNA contains the nucleobase guanine(G)

阅读理解。???Among the most popular books being wri...
Among the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science

fiction. Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people. Furthermore,

some of the most successful films in recent years have been based on science fiction stories. 

It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature, but it can be found in

books written hundreds of years ago. These books were often concerned with the presentation of some

form of ideal society, a theme which is still often found in modern stories.

Most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last one hundred years.

Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H. Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been

translated into many languages. Modern science fiction writers don't write about men from Mars or space

adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society

and the human mind or in imagining future world which results the world we live in now. Because of this

their writing has obvious political undertones. 

In an age where science fact frequently overtakes science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances.Those who see the future clearly can teach us how to master new technology

and live in a rapidly changing world.

1. You can find science fiction ______.
A. only in modern literature

B. only in books written for children

C. in books written today and hundreds of years ago

D. as a new development in literature

2. Modern science fiction writers are interested in ______.
A. writing about men from Mars

B. writing about everything but politics

C. imagining future world with the results of technical developments

D. writing space adventure stories

3. It can be concluded that modern science fiction____________.
A. reflects social political reform

B. shows the writer's viewpoints

C. is not as good as that in the past

D. is better than other literary forms

4. Science fiction writers may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems of ______.
A. conflict used by different political theories

B. adopting new technology and adapting quickly to its effect on society

C. conflict caused by different religious beliefs

D. space adventure

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Science fiction often overtakes science fact.

B. Writers may find it hard to keep ahead of scientific advances.

C. Some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories.

D. Those writers who can see clearly the way we are going will give us valuable instructions.

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