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提问人:网友kenaky 发布时间:2022-01-07

听力原文:Presenter: Welcome to our programme on Indian Youth. Are young Indians different

from their elders? Smarter? Lazier? Less obedient? We have invited an Indian sociologist, Mr Singh, to share his views with us. Mr Singh, many Indians complain that the new generation of Indians is too Westernised and has lost touch with its culture. What's your opinion on that?

Mr. Singh: Whenever a country modernises there is speculation that the new generation will be dramatically different from those that preceded it, in particular more Westernised. Much of that speculation is based on superficial observations regarding rock music and the like. However most studies show that new generations retain much, though not all, of the core values of their culture. Cultures change very slowly. What is changing quickly is the environment in which they live, their living standards, opportunities for advancement, and self-fulfilment. Young Indians certainly have more opportunities today.

Presenter: Where does your information come from?

Mr Singh: I have two children in their early twenties. I see their generation at close quarters. I often travel to both rural and urban places in India, and I see the young people there. The current generation has. by and large, rejected politics as a primary concern. They have grown up with a TV and a telephone either at home or in the vicinity. They have watched MTV but they still go the temple, and most of them seriously believe that God exists. Regarding the opportunities that Mr Singh mentioned, for the first time, it is acceptable in India for a kid to say that he or she wants to be an actor, a singer, a fashion designer, a writer, a cricket player as a profession without parents losing sleep. It also means that they have many choices of role model. When I look at young people around me, I see more hope than helplessness.

Presenter: Mr Singh, what is the main advantage that young people in India have?

Mr Singh: The biggest advantage the youth of India have is mobility. It is very easy for them to move about the country and follow opportunities--an edge the Chinese youth, for example, do not currently have. Also, young Indians are quickly adapting to new technologies, and English is now being more widely accepted and spoken than ever before. India's youth have a very unique advantage, a combination of mobility, language and knowledge of technology. Add to that a country that has an entrepreneurial spirit and a very clear intent to adapt to Western culture.

Presenter: Are there any problems, as far as you can see?

Mr Singh: I think that the biggest overall problem is with infrastructure, but as far as things that directly affect the younger generation are concerned, I think that the main problem is that parents from the growing middle class are pushing their children ever harder at academic activities. They believe this is the only way to stand out and survive in a system which is cutthroat because of the exploding population and as education becomes more and more accessible to the masses. However, many parents are granting their children more choice, particularly in the area of choosing their own careers. The youth of today are definitely more aware of the choices available to them.

Presenter: Do you think that competition is a problem?

Mr Singh: Not at all. It leads to creativity. The younger generation is more creative. Competition ensures that creativity is likely to be the best way to get ahead. Though it is largely believed that the culture-and-value-system-torch-bearing youth are losing their way, I still believe that relates to a small percentage. The combination of the Indian value system and the Western approach is a winning one and if the Indian youth can manage to achieve the fight balance, global organisations will want their skills.

Presenter: Mr Singh, you sound very confident?

Mr Singh: I am. Every generation will experience change. This will be more dramatic especia

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更多“听力原文:Presenter: Welcome to our programme on Indian Youth. Are young Indians different”相关的问题
听力原文:Can I help you?(8)A.How are you.B.Thanks, please show the red shoe.C.You are welc

听力原文:Can I help you?


A.How are you.

B.Thanks, please show the red shoe.

C.You are welcome.

听力原文:Thanks for teaching me how to surf on the Internet.(3)A.That's easy.B.You're welc

听力原文:Thanks for teaching me how to surf on the Internet.


A.That's easy.

B.You're welcome.

C.You're clever.

D.You are wrong.

听力原文:Peter, Can you tell me who won the soccer game?(4)A.I know.B.I see.C.You' re welc

听力原文:Peter, Can you tell me who won the soccer game?


A.I know.

B.I see.

C.You' re welcome.

D.Our team.

听力原文:The British broadcaster and jazz musician Humphrey Lyttelton has died at the age

听力原文: The British broadcaster and jazz musician Humphrey Lyttelton has died at the age of 86. Known to millions of radio listeners as the urbane presenter of panel games, like "I am sorry I haven't a clue", Humphrey Lyttelton first came to fame as a trumpet player and band leader in the 1940s.In 1956, his Bad Penny Blues was the first British jazz record to enter the top 20. Although broadcasting claimed more of his time from the 1970s onwards, Humph, as he was generally known, continued recording and touring with his band until well into his 80s.

According to the news, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Humphrey Lyttelton is known to the radio listeners as a weather broadcaster.

B.Humphrey Lyttelton sought his fame as a guitar player and band leader in the 1940s.

C.Humphrey Lyttelton produced his fast British jazz record which entered the top 20.

D.Humphrey Lyttelton continued recording and touring with his band until 1970s.

听力原文:Many interesting sites have come up on the Internet in recent years, but one of t
he most successful sites has been "oldfriends. com". Like all good ideas, this one is very simple. It's just a database of schools that you can add your name and e-mail address or phone number to, so that old friends can log on, find your details and contact you. In the studio today, we have two guests Mark Sorenson, a sociologist who has been investigating this phenomenon and Dr. Julie Arnforth, a psychologist who has recently produced a study of how and why friendships from the past can become very important to us in later life.

Who is speaking?

A.A sociologist

B.An old friend

C.Dr. Julie Arnforth

D.A radio or TV presenter

听力原文:Good evening. You are listening to Pop World of BCD International. I'm Susan Welc

听力原文: Good evening. You are listening to Pop World of BCD International. I'm Susan Welch. Today, we are going to hear several current hits of the world's most popular artists.

Well, first, I would like to say a few words to my dear listeners who are not very familiar with this program.

Since many people want to listen to and understand pop songs, radio producers at BCD International have made hundreds of programs over the years. We not only have access to the stars of the music world, but we also have a vast library of golden oldie" classics, as well as the "latest releases".

For those of you who like a bit of background with your favorite music--there's The History of Pop or The Road to Music. These two series bring you the language of pop music and information about the periods and the artists.

If you want to hear from the artists themselves, there's a new series called About the Big Hits. This is based on interviews with popular singers and songwriters. They talk to us about the meaning and ideas behind their songs.

If you want to understand the words to the big music hits, Pop Words is the program for you. After all, it's hard enough for native English speakers to understand most pop songs, so if English isn't your first language, you shouldn't be surprised if the words to many songs leave you in the dark. It was to address exactly this problem that BCD International started broadcasting Pop Words just over 23 years ago.


A.Interviews with radio producers

B.A variety of classic and pop songs

C.Latest news of the music library

D.Stories about the good old days

听力原文:W: So,you'll be getting dressed up later--before you go to the BBC television stu

听力原文:W: So, you'll be getting dressed up later--before you go to the BBC television studios.

M: Yes, but to tell you the truth, Mary, I prefer working in radio.

W: You prefer radio?

M: That's right. You can dress down in a radio studio.

W: What do you mean?

M: You can dress down. You can wear something casual. There's no need to get dressed up.

W: Well, I always try to make an effort to look smart!

M: Yes, of course, you always look fantastic, Mary. But you don't have to dress up for radio. The audience can't see you.

W: Ah, I see what you mean. In TV the audience can see you, so you have to look your best.

M: Exactly. You have to dress up. You put on something smart so you look the part.

W: Yes. I suppose if you're on TV, you have to look like a TV presenter; you have to be dressed right.

M: But in radio, the listeners can't see you so we can dress down if we want to.

W: Yes. That's why I sometimes wear jeans to work.

M: Exactly. On radio, I can take off my tie! I can even take off my shoes!

W: I don't think so! You don't have to wear your tie--you can take that off if you want to, but please don't take off your shoes!


A.To a radio studio.

B.To the television studio.

C.To a party.

D.To a fashion show.

听力原文: Presenter: Welcome to this presentation ...

听力原文: Presenter: Welcome to this presentation on scholarships and funding. If you are hoping for help with funding your studies in the UK, you need to get working on this as soon as you can—it is almost impossible to make arrangements for financial support once you have left your own country. Start by enquiring with your own Ministry of Education or Department of Education. Your local British Council office can provide details of awards available including those offered by UK institutions themselves. You'll also find information and a scholarships database on their website. The main scholarship schemes available for international students include British Education Scholarships, Commonwealth Scholarships, Foreign Office Scholarships and Overseas Students Research Awards.

British Education Scholarships are prestigious awards enabling talented

international students to study in the UK at postgraduate level. Only students Q31

studying for at least one academic year are eligible. About 2000 new

scholarships are currently awarded each year and there are plans to expand

the programme further. There are three types of scholarship. The first is a full

award, where all the fees, a living allowance and travel to and from the UK

are paid for. Then there is a fees-only award, where all or part of the fees are Q32

paid. Finally, there is a partial award, where a combination of the fees and

the allowances are paid. The value of the scholarship will vary, depending

on the type of award, the length of the course and the country from which

the student comes, but it is up to a maximum of £20000. Contact the British Q33

Council or the British Embassy in your own country for details. You must be

resident in your home country when you apply.

Commonwealth Scholarships are awards mainly for postgraduate study,

although funding for undergraduate study may be possible if there are no

suitable undergraduate courses in your home country. You must be a citizen

of a Commonwealth country, including the UK. A university degree, or

equivalent, is usually required. Apply to the British Council office in your Q34

country. You must be resident in your own country when you apply. About

3000 of these scholarships are awarded each year and their value ranges from

£5000 to £15000. Q35

Foreign Office Scholarships are a joint initiative by the Foreign Office

and certain UK higher education institutions. The awards are normally given

for taught postgraduate courses. In rare cases, an award may be made for Q36

undergraduate study if the course is not available at an institution in your

home country. They are funded by the Foreign Office and participating UK

higher education institutions. You must normally be under 35 of age. You

must be resident in a developing country, and you must not be currently

employed by your government or by an international organisation. You Q37

should be planning to study a subject related to development and be fluent Q38

in English. Apply directly to one of the participating institutions. You can

ask for a list of participating institutions from the British Embassy in your

country or your local British Council office. Only about 500 of these awards

are made each year and their value ranges from £7000 to £12000.

Overseas Students Research Awards are awards for full-time

postgraduate study, for a period of one year. They make up the difference

between home and overseas students' fees. They are funded by the Ministry Q39

of Education. You mus

听力原文:Presenter: Welcome to this presentation on our online course, An Introduction to

听力原文: Presenter: Welcome to this presentation on our online course, An Introduction to Electronics, which runs over 10 weeks and starts on 8th May. Let me just say at the beginning that if you cannot make this date, please send me an email about the next course and I will send you a list of future dates. My email is the front of your brochures.

Now, let me tell you something about the course. Based upon our popular two-day Overview of Electronics course, this new online course will introduce you to the basic ideas behind electronic circuits. The course will consist of ten units each of which will involves around five hours of study. The course is designed to act both as an introductory course and as a refresher course. After taking the course you should have a good idea of how electronic systems work and how they are made. In particular, the course focuses on the design of a Hi-Fi amplifier. The course is limited to "analogue electronics" where signals are represented by continuously variable voltages and will not cover "digital electronics" where signals are represented by discrete numbers.

Students should normally have a reasonable proficiency in school Maths and Science. Study to GCSE-level is sufficient for most of the course, though study to A-level will enable a full understanding of the more advanced topics. Students on the course will be supplied with a copy of Terry Fit's "Fundamentals of Electronics". This will be used for directed reading, assignments and further study. It also serves as a useful reference source. The student should have PC available and a basic knowledge of Windows in order to use the simulation software from the CD-ROM that comes with this book.

Now, who is this course designed for? This course is intended for individuals with little prior knowledge of electrical or electronic engineering who want to get a feeling for the subject and for individuals whose knowledge is "rusty" or out of date. A previous exposure to basic science and maths at school will be assumed; maximum benefit will accrue to those who have attended higher education in a technical subject or who have experience in a related area. Typical attendees may include those in jobs which bring them into contact with electronics, such as drafts persons, PCB designers, production and assembly personnel and software designers, those working with electronic products, such as managers and sales persons, those coming into electronics from a related field, such as scientists or mathematicians, and those simply curious to find out about this all-pervasive technology.

The benefits of this course are that, first, it gives you a quick insight into modem electronics. It also puts emphasis on practical devices and systems. Unlike many other courses, no prior knowledge is assumed, but previous exposure to school-level science and maths is assumed. Fourthly, it can be used as a refresher course. Fifth, there is the benefit of getting hands-on simulations and, finally, all delegates completing the course will receive a University of Oxford Certificate of Completion.

The course will be presented by Brian Williams, who started his career working as an electronic engineer for British Aerospace. Brian then became a lecturer and has taught electronics at Oxford University & Jesus College for longer than he cares to admit. He is also an active consultant and researcher. Brian is a dynamic lecturer and particularly enjoys teaching introductory-level courses and interacting with students.

Now, finally, let me just quickly go through the course content. Please remember that this course is intended for individuals with limited prior knowledge of electrical or electronic engineering.

Unit 1 looks at electronic systems, including an introduction to the idea of signals represented by voltages; wires used to transfer signals and voltage from one pla

听力原文:Presenter: Good morning, everyone. My name is William Clarke and I'm here to tell

听力原文: Presenter: Good morning, everyone. My name is William Clarke and I'm here to tell you about my survey of the six highest paying jobs in the United States at the moment. First, I'd just like to give you an overview of the six jobs, before going into more detail. Bear in mind that commanding the highest salaries often comes at a price. Most of these high paying jobs require considerable schooling and being able to handle considerable stress and responsibility.

First on the list are doctors. If you were to separate them out, anaesthesiologists,

general internists, obstetricians and gynaecologists, psychiatrists,

and surgeons all make over $145,600 a year, while family and general practitioners

make $140,000 and paediatricians earning an average of $136,000 Q31

yearly—are at the bottom of the medical pay scale. All that money comes at

a price: doctors must go through four years of undergraduate schooling, four Q32

years of medical school, and then 3 to 7 or more years in residencies before

being able to practice on their own.

Second on the list are dentists. Specialists like orthodontists, prosthodontists Q33

and oral or maxillo-facial surgeons all make over $145,000 annually. Meanwhile,

general dentists average $125,000 a year. Like doctors,

dentists and dental specialists must go through four years of college, four

years of medical school and then residencies before they can practice.

Third, perhaps surprisingly to many of you, we have chief executives.

CEOs make an average of $142,400 a year, and the highest paid earn many

millions. You may think that is rather low, but remember that the chief executives

of Microsoft are not typical chief executives! Though a college education

is not always required for this position, especially if you are CEO of

your own company, two-thirds of CEOs have a bachelor's degree or higher, Q34

often in business or public administration. CEOs are highly paid for their

skills, knowledge, and ability in a wide variety of areas. Therefore, people Q35

are usually expected to have substantial work experience before they can become CEOs.

Fourth, we have airline pilots, co-pilots, and flight engineers. Airline

pilots and their supporting personnel make an average of $138,200. Traditionally Q36

, the military has been an important source for recruiting commercial pilots.

However, people may become pilots and flight engineers by attending FAA-certified

flight schools. Nearly four out of five pilots has a bachelor's degree, Q37

and this number is expected to grow in coming years. The highest paying pilots

work on large passenger planes, but ones working as crop dusters, test pilots,

cargo pilots, rescue crews, etc, can command good salaries as well.

Fifth, there are air traffic controllers. Air traffic controllers have an

average yearly salary of $107,600. The competition for the 24,000 openings

is stiff, but job security is excellent once someone has been hired. To be eligible Q38

to be an air traffic controller, a person must have four years of college

or three years of work experience, making it one of the highest paying jobs

where college is not strictly necessary. Would-be air traffic controllers should

like learning, though, as applicants must go through 12 weeks of schooling, Q39

and then receive continuing education once hired.

Sixth—the final job on this list—we have astronomers. Yes, at $104,700

a year, astronomers are among the highest paid professionals, but they are

also among the rarest: the


B.General practitioner.


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