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提问人:网友caicaic 发布时间:2022-01-07

The red worms have been fed with various types of _______________ waste.

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更多“The red worms have been fed with various types of _______________ waste.”相关的问题
Creatures of the Thermal Vents(海底热泉区)The three-person submersible Alvin sank through

Creatures of the Thermal Vents(海底热泉区)

The three-person submersible Alvin sank through the cold, dark waters of the Pacific Ocean for more than an hour, finally touching down on the sea floor more than 8,000 feet below the surface. It was December 1993, and the scientists inside the sub had come to this stretch of the East Pacific Rise, an underwater mountain range about 500 miles southwest of Acapulco, Mexico, to inspect a recently formed hydrothermal vent—a fissure(裂缝) in the ocean bottom that leaks scalding(滚烫的), acidic water.

Peering out through the sub's tiny windows, the visitors were astonished to see thickets of giant tube worms, some four feet tall. The tail ends of the worms were firmly planted on the ocean floor, while red plumes on the other ends swayed like a field of poppies. Alvin had brought researchers to the same spot less than two years earlier, when they had seen none of these strange creatures. Previous measurements showed that individual tube worms could increase in length at a rate of 33 inches per year, malting them the fastest-growing marine invertebrates. That means tube worms can grow more rapidly than scientists once thought.

The giant tube worm is one of the most conspicuous members of a diverse community that forms around hydrothermal vents. Scientists once thought that no living thing could survive the harsh combination of toxic chemicals, high temperatures, high pressures, and total darkness at these vents. But in 1977, researchers diving in Alvin discovered tube worms and other bizarre organisms thriving at a vent off the Galapagos Islands. Similar communities have since been found at several hundred hot spots around the world. These creatures are like nothing else on Earth.

Vents form. where the planet's crystal plates are slowly spreading apart and magma(岩浆) is welling up from below to form. mountain ranges known as mid-ocean ridges. As cracks form. at these spreading centers, seawater seeps a mile or two down into the hot rock. Enriched with minerals leached from the rock, the water heats and rises to the ocean floor to form. a vent. Vents are usually clustered in fields, underwater versions of Yellowstone's geyser(间歇泉) basins. Individual vent openings typically rage from less than a half inch to more than six feet in diameter. Such fields are normally found at a depth of more than a mile. Most have been discovered along the crest of the Mid-Oceanic Ridge, a 46,000-mile-long chain of mountains that wraps around Earth like the seams on a baseball. A few vents have also been found at seamounts(海底山), underwater volcanoes that are not located at the intersection of crystal plates.

Hydrothermal vents provide habitat for many creatures that are not found anywhere else in the ocean. Water pouring out of vents can reach temperatures up to about 400℃; the high pressure keeps the water from boiling. However, the intense heat is limited to a small area. Within less than an inch of the vent opening, the water temperature drops to 2℃. Most of the creatures that congregate around vents live at temperatures just above freezing. Thus, chemicals are the key to vent life, not heat. The most prevalent chemical dissolved in vent water is hydrogen sulfide(硫化氢), which smells like rotten eggs. This chemical is produced when seawater reacts with sulfate in the rocks below the ocean floor. Vent bacteria use hydrogen sulfide as their energy source instead of sunlight. The bacteria in turn sustain larger organisms in the vent community.

The clams(蛤), mussels, tube worms, and other creatures at the vent have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria. The giant tube worms, for example, have no digestive system—no mouth or gut. The worm depends virtually solely on the bacteria for its nutrition and both partners benefit. The brown, spongy tissue filling the inside of a tube worm is packed with bacteria—about 285 billion bacteria pe




Fossils are the remains and traces of ancient plant and animal lives that are more than 10
,000 years old. They range in size from microscopic structures to dinosaur skeletons and complete bodies of enormous animals. Skeletons of extinct species of human are also considered fossils.

An environment favorable to the growth and later preservation of organisms is required for the occurrence of fossils. Two conditions are almost always present: The possession of hard parts, either internal or external, such as bones, teeth, scales, shells, and wood; these parts remain after the rest of the organism has decayed. Organisms that lack hard parts, such as worms and jelly fish have left a meager geologic record. Quick burial of the dead organism, so that protection is afforded against weathering, bacterial action, and scavengers.

Nature provides many situations in which the remains of animals and plants are protected against destruction. Of these, marine sediment is by far the most important environment for the preservation of fossils, owing to the incredible richness of marine life. The beds of former lakes are also prolific sources of fossils. The rapidly accumulating sediments in the channels, floodplains, and deltas of streams bury fresh-water organisms, along with land plants and animals that fall into the water. The beautifully preserved fossil fish from the Green River soil shale of Wyoming in the western Unit- ed States lived in a vast shallow lake.

The frigid ground in the far north acts as a remarkable preservative for animal fossils. The woolly mammoth, a long-haired rhinoceros and other mammals have been periodically exposed in the tundra of Siberia, the hair and red flesh still frozen in cold storage.

Volcanoes often provide environments favorable to fossil preservation. Extensive falls of volcanic ash and coarser particles overwhelm and bury all forms of life, from flying insects to great trees. Caves have preserved the bones of many animals that died in them and were subsequently buried under a blanket of clay or a cover of dripstone. Predatory animals and early humans alike sought shelter in caves and brought food with them to the eater, leaving bones that paleontologists have discovered.

The passage primarily concerns which of the following?

A.Types of fossils found in different climates.

B.Some physical character of fossils.

C.Conditions favorable to the preservation of fossils.

D.How fossils are preserved.

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

Fossils are the remains and traces (such as footprints or other marks) of ancient plant and animal life that are more than 10,000 years old. They range in size from microscopic structures to dinosaur skeletons and complete bodies of enormous animals. Skeletons of extinct species of humans are also considered fossils.

An environment favorable to the growth and later preservation of organisms is required for the occurrence of fossils. Two conditions are almost always present: (1) The possession of hard parts, either internal or external, such as bones, teeth, skulls, shells, and wood; these parts remain after the rest of the organism has decayed. Organisms that lack hard parts, such as worms and jellyfish, have left few geologic records. (2) Quick burial of the dead organism, so that protection is afforded against weathering, bacterial action, etc.

Nature provides many situations in which the remains of animals and plants are protected against destruction. Of these, marine sediment is by far the most important environment for the preservation of fossils, owing to the incredible richness of marine life. The beds of former lakes are also productive sources of fossils. The rapidly accumulating sediments in the channels, floodplains, and deltas of streams bury fresh-water organisms, along with land plants and animals that fall into the water. The beautifully preserved fossil fish from the Green River oil shale of Wyoming in the western United States lived in a vast shallow lake.

The arctic ground in the far north acts as a remarkable preservative for animal fossils. The woolly mammoth, a long-haired mammal, and other mammals have been periodically exposed in the area of Siberia, the hair and red flesh still frozen in cold storage.

Volcanoes often provide environments favorable to fossil preservation. Extensive falls of volcanic ash and coarser particles overwhelm and bury all forms of life, from flying insects to great trees.

Caves have preserved the bones of many animals that died in them and were subsequently buried under a blanket of clay or a cover of dripstone. Predatory animals and early humans alike sought shelter in caves and brought food to them to be eaten, leaving bones that have been discovered.

Which of the following is true of the environments in which fossils are found?

A.Very different environments can favor fossilization.

B.There are few environments in which fossils are protected.

C.Environments that favor fossilization have similar climates.

D.Environments that favor fossilization support large populations of animals.

The government's new cyber-security officials yesterday asked telecommunications companies
for help in building at government computer network that would have "no risk of outside penetration" — a task some computer security consultants say is nearly impossible. Plans for the private network, called Govnet, hinge on whether a reliable network infrastructure can be built at an affordable price, officials said. Computer system consultants said they could not estimate how much the network would cost because of the government's enormous size and security needs. Richard Clarke, who was appointed special adviser to the president for cyberspace security this week, said he believes a more reliable system can be built. Ninety percent of available fiber-optic space is unused and fairly inexpensive to obtain, he said.

Govnet is part of a plan Clarke announced earlier this week "to secure our cyberspace from a range of possible threats, from hackers to criminals to terrorist groups, to foreign nations, which might use cyber-war against us in the future". Govnet would be completely independent from the Internet to help keep out hackers and viruses, according to the government's plan. The request from the General Services Administration asks that telecommunications companies submit proposals about how the network could be built, how much it would cost, and how long it would take to construct.

This year, the current network has been breached by hackers, computer worms and viruses. The system was also roughed up by the "Code Red" computer worm and an attack program called "I Love You". The viruses affected thousands of government computers. Last year a report by the General Accounting Office, an internal government watchdog, found weaknesses in the computer network that could allow terrorists or hackers to "severely damage or disrupt national defense or vital public operations or steal sensitive data". Clarke said the government's current virtual private network is vulnerable to viruses and denial of service attacks that Govnet would make more difficult to execute.

An internal network, such as the Govnet proposal, is worth investigating but will probably fall to sophisticated hackers, said Amit Yoran, chief executive of the security-services company Riptech Inc. and a former information-security program director at the Defense Department. "It is probably more feasible to implement and strongly enforce global security postures and practices rather than go out and purchase new assets," Yoran said. "Once someone is able to get in, they will find a weak link. When you have a network the size of the government's there will be weak links. Someone will get in."

What is the Govnet?

A.A reliable network infrastructure that can be built at an affordable price.

B.A government computer network that may prove immune to penetration.

C.A national security system to be developed by the government.

D.A private national security system to be developed against outside invasion.

Red wine, cheeses, and other products have become ______with France.





I have six colored pencils; one is blue, another is red, and _____ are green.




D.the others

(41~45) Researchers have found that drugs used to treat human seizures can delay aging in

(41~45) Researchers have found that drugs used to treat human seizures can delay aging in worms by as much as 50 percent. The roundworms used for the study are similar to humans in their molecular makeup, raising the

possibility that the drugs could also extend the life span of humans。

第41题:“By finding a class of drugs that delays aging we have found a relationship between the function of the nervous system and aging that was not well understood, ” said Kerry Komfeld, a geneticist at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. The findings are detailed this week in the journal Science。 The discovery came out of the thesis work by one of Komfeld’s graduate students, Kimberley Evason. About four years ago, Evason began exposing groups of the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans to commercially available drugs to see if the drugs would delay aging or promote longevity。

A. But Komfeld said scientists will not know about the applicability of the drugs in humans until a similar study is done on humans. “What’s very encouraging is that these drugs were developed to treat humans, and they are well understood, because they’ve been used for a long time, ” he said。

B. Later the scientists discovered that two related anticonvulsant drugs also lengthened the lives of the worms-in the case of one drug, by almost 50 percent. “This was a big surprise to use, Komfeld said. ”“We didn’t think anticonvulsant drugs had any particular relationship to aging. That connection was completely unexpected. ”

C. Roundworms are a poor subject for experiments, because they are not like humans, even though their molecules are similar. For example, they have no bones, nor do they show emotions, making it difficult to know how exactly human subjects would react to these drugs in large quantities. However, using the worms allows experiments to be conducted quickly, because they do not live for long。

D. “Somehow the neural activity seems to regulate the aging of all of the body the skin, musculature, and reproductive tract, ” Kornfeld said. “Somehow the nervous system coordinates the progress of all these tissues, evidently, though the life stages. But we don’t know how it does that. ”

E. The discovery may also shed light on the little-understood aging process. Since the drugs act on the neuromuscular systems of both humans and worms, the findings hint at a link between neural activity and aging。

F. Unlike vertebrates, the worms are ideal subjects for the study of aging because of their short life spans, which last only a couple of weeks in a laboratory. The worm is well known in genetics, and the worm’s genome has been sequenced。

G. Use of this drug has been permitted by law since 1998 and wider use is now expected as a result of the studies. “We can clearly link this drug with human aging, but we still need to find proof, says Kornfeld optimistically. ”

The Irish claim that they have been making wine () for anywhere between 1000 and 1600 years.



C.red wine

D.white wine

A Dream of the Red Chamber is said ________ into dozens of languages in the last de

A) to have been translated

B) to translate

C) to be translated

D) to have translated

We went fishing the first morning. I fell the same damp moss covering the worms in the bai
t can, and saw the dragonfly alight on the tip of my rod as it hovered a few inches from the surface of water. It was the arrival of this fly that convinced me beyond any doubt that everything was as it always had been, that the years were a mirage and that there had been no years. The small waves were the same chucking the rowboat under the chin as we fished at anchor, and the boat was the same boat, the same color green and the ribs broken in the same places, and under the floorboards the same freshwater leavings and debris—the wisps of moss, the rusty discarded fishhook, the dried blood from yesterdays catch. We stared silently at the tips of our rods, at the dragonflies that came and went. I lowered the tip of mine into the water, tentatively, pensively dislodging the fly, which darted two feet away, poised, darted two feet back, and came to rest again a little farther up the rod. We would be tired at night and lie down in the accumulated heat of the bedrooms after the long hot day and the breeze would stir almost imperceptibly outside and the smell of the swamp drift in through the rusty screens. Sleep would come easily and in the morning the red squirrel would be on the roof, tapping out his gay routine.

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