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提问人:网友lixin080108 发布时间:2022-01-07

— You’re a new student, aren’t you — _______.My name is Billy

A.No, I am

B.Yes, I am.

C.This is my sister.

D.Nice to meet you.

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“— You’re a new student, aren’t you — _______.My name is Billy”相关的问题
______ youre college student,you should lern to be independent of your prents’ help.Now th
t______ youre college student,you should lern to be independent of your prents’ help.Now tht B.While C.Unless D.Even though

A.Now that



D.Even though

Youre beautiful today and look much younger than before.A Chinese student said to an A
merican lady, who was not happy at all about the compliment.The problem lies in().

A.the former part of the compliment

B.the latter part of the compliment

C.the use of the word beautiful

D.the use of the word much

根据以下内容,回答下列各题。 Six Steps to Tackling Your Student Loans [A] Any payment is a
good debt payment, but a strategy can be useful too-even if your strategy means opening the envelope. Open the envelope [B] This is the hardest thing to do. The bills come with the "Sallie Mae" or "Discover" logo on them and you toss them aside, hoping to deal with them when you feel less besieged (围攻). You know you started owing some amount- $20,000, $50,000, $100,000—and that the interest is piling up, but you dont know exactly how much or how. When faced with heavy debt, many people try to avoid seeing the numbers. [C] This doesnt work, even psychologically. Anyone who has let credit-card bills or mortgage bills pile up, 1reopened, knows that avoiding the envelope does not reduce your anxiety; it increases it. As those envelopes multiply, they take over your psychological state. In horror movies, its like the monster in the room behind the door. You dont know what it looks like, but it keeps you scared and immobile. So, open the envelope. [D] Or, even better, log in online. All student loan providers have a web site where you can see what you owe, your interest rates, and your payment schedules. SallieMae. com is no-frills, but still allows you to see your loans on one screen, including your interest rates. Discover. corn also has a pretty basic site. Citibank has a more complex site. Get used to logging into these sites pretty often; ff you need motivation, think of it as visiting your money while its in prison. [E] The websites all have one thing in common: they let you see how much you owe, and what your interest is, and they make it easy to pay-but they dont let you see how much your debt load is growing. This is a major motivating factor in paying down your loans. Identify your loans [F] Are your loans held by the federal government--usually through Sallie Mae--or through "private" lenders like Citibank or Discover? if you dont know who holds your loans, you can find out here, at the National Student Loan Data System. [G] Why do you need to know who holds your loans? This will make a difference to your payment options and your interest rates, if you have a federal loan, for instance, your interest rate is probably very low, around 32% ; ff you have private loans, the interest rates are likely to be much higher, around 48%. Federal loans also give you options like requesting forbearance (延期还贷) ff youre out of work or if your income is too low-handy for the times when youre down on your luck. Start seeing your debt in new ways [H] The websites of lenders are often limited and only have basic information. To really tackle your student loans, it can often be useful to visualize how much progress youre making. There are several ways to do that. [I] One really useful new free site is Tuition. io, which gathers information for all your loans in one place. You can see your debt in colorful charts, play around with repayment plans, and, once you start paying your loans, you can see the numbers start to fall. That can be very motivating. [J] For the same effect that you can customize yourself, try a Google Docs spreadsheet. Theres a template that already exists for paying down loans; it has the unpromising title of "Loan amortization schedule by Vertex42. corn" but it has very handy calculators built in so that you can tweak your monthly payments to see how much progress you can make if you increase or decrease your payments in any given month. If you dont like that template, just create a Google Docs spreadsheet with the categories you need: date; loan name/number; loan interest rate; starting loan amount (including how much you owe on that date) ; payment amount you made on that date; ending loan amount after that payment. After you have enough entries, you can start creating graphs; there are few things more satisfying than seeing that graph move downward as you pay off your debt. [K] If you want to see your loans in a larger context of your whole financial picture, LearnVest is a great mobile app for iPhone. It gathers all your information income, loans, credit card debt by linking to your accounts. It serves up useful graphs on your net worth, comparing your assets to what you owe -and theres nothing more motivating than seeing a "minus" sign next to your financial picture. LearnVest "also lets you track your spending, which may make it easier to see where to cut down on expenses so that you can put more into your loan payments. LearnVest also has a good website full of useful advice .Dont be afraid to scare yourself [L] Student loans can often be scary and thats Why you should slay them. The more you see how much you owe, and how fast your interest is rising, the more motivated you can be to fight back by paying those loans. One staffer, after she saw how much money she was wasting on interest payments, increased her student loan payments by $ 75 a month. [M] It can also be tempting to believe that your student debt is so big that nothing you do can ever make a dent in it. Thats completely untrue. Only paying your loans will shrink them. It will take years, true. It will take even longer if you dont pay, or pay the minimum. Theres only one outcome of shirking your loans: ending up with bigger loans. Then youre in an even bigger bind. No one is going to save you from student loans. Action counts. Choose a strategy [N] Any payment is a good payment, but a strategy can be very useful too. There are two aspects to loans :principal and interest .Principal is how much youve borrowed ,and the interest is what youre paying every month for the privilege of having borrowed that money. Your goal is to pay down as much of the principal as possible. Your chief enemy here is interest: it grows fast, and makes the principal recede more distantly. [O] So make sure you know the rank of your loans, in order from smallest to largest, and lowest interest to highest interest. Do whatever is possible to reduce the interest; as our columnist Helaine Olen points out, Sallie Mac offers you a 0. 25% reduction in your loan interest if you sign up for an automatic debit (借方 ) plan--just make sure the money is always going to be in your account. If you dont want to do that, follow Helaines other piece of advice: youre smarter to pay off the loans with the higher interest rate flint. This will create the biggest impact. Another popular strategy is the "snowball" method, where you pay the most on the smallest debt owed. So if you have a $20,000 loan and a $10,000 loan, the "snowball" method means you will start paying more towards the $10,000 loan. Youll see it disappear faster. These two methods dont always go together; so try what feels comfortable. The important thing is to see and track your progress. [P] If your income isnt enough, consider other methods of producing money: side projects, odd jobs, or selling things you dont need on eBay or Craigslist. For those whose parents can afford it, working out a joint payment plan can make sense. One graduate we know struck a savvy (精明的) deal with his parents: if he made the minimum student loan payment every month, they would contribute $100 toward his student loans. Thats $100 he doesnt have to cut from his own budget. As a benefit, making bigger payments will help you pay down the principal of the loan, since the minimum payments often only end up reducing your interest, which balloons back later. Even $ 50 more a month can help. [Q] Heres an example: if you have a $ 20,000 loan, with a 4.2% interest, rate, you will end up paying an extra $ 2,814 in interest alone over six and a half years. If you increase your payment by only $ 50 a month, youll cut that interest by $ 500 ; ff you can find a way to pay $ I00 more a month, youll save nearly $ 800 in interest. Thats $ 800 more in the bank, and $ 800 less wanted on pointless interest payments. Take it in stride [R] Most Americans owe some form. of debt; learning how to handle it is a lifelong process. Most of all, dont beat yourself up if youre not perfect at paying down your loans. Some of the savviest financial players struggled for years with their own finances. We all learn in our own time and we rind what works for us and what doesnt. Accept your own progress. If you have a federal loan, you are allowed to pay back the loan later when you are fired.

Questions下列各are based on the following passage. Call it the "learning paradox" : the
more you struggle and even fail while youre trying to learn new information, the better youre likely to recall and apply that information later. The learning paradox is at the heart of "productive failure," a phenomenon identified by researcherManu Kapur. Kapur points out that while the model adopted by many teachers when introducing studentsto new knowledge--providing lots of structure and guidance.early on, until the student show that theycan do it on their own--makes intuitive sense, it may not be the best way to promote learning. Rather, itsbetter to let the learners wrestle (较劲) with the material on their own for a while, refraining from givingthem any assistance at the start. In a paper published recently, Kapur applied the principle of productivefailure to mathematical problem solving in three schools. With one group of students, the teacher provided strong"scaffolding"--instructional support--andfeedback. With the teachers help, these pupils were able to find the answers to their set of problems,Meanwhile, a second group was directed to solve the same problems by collaborating with one another,without any prompts from their instructor. These students werent able to complete the problems correctly. But in the course of trying to do so, they generated a lot of ideas about the nature of theproblems and about what potential solutions would look like. And when the two groups were tested onwhat theyd learned, the second group "significantly outperformed" the first. The apparent struggles of the floundering (挣扎的) group have what Kapur calls a "hidden efficacy":they lead people to understand the deep structure of problems, not simply their correct solutions. Whenthese students encounter a new problem of the same type on a test, theyre able to transfer the knowledgetheyve gathered more effectively than those who were the passive recipients of someone elses expertise.In the real world, problems rarely come neatly packaged, so being able to discern their deep structureis key. But, Kapur notes, none of us like to fail, no matter how often Silicon Valley entrepreneurs praisethe beneficial effects of an idea that fails or a start-up company that crashes and burns. So we need to"design for productive failure" by building it into the learning process. Kapur has identified threeconditions that promote this kind of beneficial struggle. First, choose problems to work on that "challengebut do not frustrate. " Second, provide learners with opportunities to explain and elaborate on whattheyre doing. Third, give learners the chance to compare and contrast good and bad solutions to theproblems. And to those students who protest this tough-love teaching style. youll thank me later. Why does the author call the learning process a paradox?

A.Pains do not necessarily lead to gains.

B.What is learned is rarely applicable in life.

C.Failure more often than not breeds success.

D.The more is taught, the less is learnt.

听力原文:Narrator Listen to a conversation between a foreign student and a professor. St
udent Professor, could you spare a few minutes to answer some questions, please? Professor Of course! Whats on your mind? Student Professor, I have been in the United States for three months now, and I have found my vocabulary is so limited. Would you give me some advice on how to expand my vocabulary? Professor OK. The thinking is that if you read more, write more, and speak more, your vocabulary will increase naturally. Student How should I begin? Professor Learning vocabulary is more complex than it first appears and it is a lifelong process— you should never stop learning new vocabulary. Student Yeah. I know. And learning vocabulary is not exactly a piece of cake. Professor In addition, the kind of vocabulary you will select is directly related to your purpose of building an English word-base. I would suggest you construct a plan for your vocabulary learning. Student How can I construct a plan? Professor You can decide what kinds of words are most important for you to learn according to your purpose for learning. Student How should I put my purpose and plan to work? Professor For instance, if your purpose is to become more familiar with current English used in television news programs, you might begin with a list of single words you hear more than once on those programs headings or written segments of newscast. Also take note of pairs of words that seem to occur together. Student So, you mean Id better make a proper word list for learning current English? Professor Right! Listen to the same news broadcast often, daily if possible, and begin charting the vocabulary you recognize. As you learn to anticipate the segments and the vocabulary, you will gain confidence by understanding the program. Student Thats really what I want! But how about learning vocabulary for certain majors? Professor If your purpose is to be able to read major field texts, it is necessary to assemble the most frequently used words in, for instance, mechanical engineering. Often these words are specialized terms and phrases used specifically by majors in the field. Student What other strategies are successful? Professor One key to remembering vocabulary is to use the new words in different settings. Student What do you mean by this? Professor You know, words learned in context are best remembered for long-term use. You can make your own individualized vocabulary word cards; use them on a daily basis. Student What is your overall advice for building a large, useful vocabulary? Professor First, be patient; expanding your vocabulary takes time, energy, and focus. Second, enjoy your acquisition of new words. Collection and building is a satisfying activity that can take place anytime, and learning the similarities and differences among words is much like solving a puzzle. Student OK. Thank you very much, professor. Youve really helped me a lot. I will remember and follow all your advice in my vocabulary learning. Professor Youre welcome. I hope you can make great progress in building your vocabulary. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 6. What is the conversation mainly about? 7. According to the professor, which are true expressions for vocabulary learning? 8. What is NOT mentioned for vocabulary learning according to the professor? 9. If one wants to learn current English used in television news programs, which way is NOT correct according to the professor? 10. Why does the professor mention "mechanical engineering"?Narrator Listen to a conversation between a foreign student and a professor. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What is the conversation mainly about?

A.The importance of vocabulary learning.

B.The size of vocabulary.

C.Vocabulary learning styles.

D.Vocabulary building strategies.

Man: Isnt that a new brand of computer youre working at? Woman: Oh, Bill, this isnt the fi
rst time you asked me about it. Question: What does the woman imply?

A.The man is a forgetful person.

B.The computer is not new.

C.The man can have the computer later.

D.The man misunderstood her.

听力原文:W: I her youre moving to newprtment soon.M: Yes, my present roommte ply听力原文:W
: I her youre moving to newprtment soon. M: Yes, my present roommte plys the pinoll nightnd I cn’t study. Why is the mn moving Becuse he likes to ply the pino. B.Becuse he needs quieter plce. C.Becuse the newprtment is cheper. D.Becuse the presentprtment is too smll.

A.Because he likes to play the piano.

B.Because he needs a quieter place

C.Because the new apartment is cheaper.

D.Because the present apartment is too small.

听力原文:M: Hi. Srh. Comend hve lookt my new MP3 plyer.W: It’s wonderful. Did yo听力原文:M
: Hi. Srh. Comend hve lookt my new MP3 plyer. W: It’s wonderful. Did you get it from your prentss birthdy gift M: My mom bought me this,nd my fther gve me pir of sporty shoes. W: How lucky youre! Wht did the boy’s fther give hims birthdy gift CD plyer. B.n MP3 plyer. C. pir of shoes.

A.A CD player.

B.An MP3 player.

C.A pair of shoes.

听力原文:Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between two students. Student A Hello
, I am a new student here. Student B Hello, what can I do for you? Student A Can you tell me what the Student Union does? Student B Well, were part of the National Union of students, which represents students interests across the country. We provide services for all students at this college. Student A What kind of services? Student B There are advisors and welfare staff, entertainment, sports clubs, union societies, meetings, campaigns, and special interest groups. We offer everything from ballroom dancing to karate, jazz, and political debates. Student A Sounds great. But do we need to pay for the services? Student B No, actually. Were a non-profit organization and we dont charge any fees for our services. Student A Thats terrific! How can you help overseas students? Student B As Ive said, we have welfare officers who are used to the sort of problems overseas students may have. They know where to get advice on a particular situation, or basically give whatever help is asked for. Student A I am from the Philippines and I hope I can meet other Filipino students who are here. I play chess and many sports, especially badminton, basketball and wrestling. Please tell me how to find out about these things? Student B There is a Filipino society at the college. It is made up of Filipino students and other students who have an interest in the Philippines. Student A So, what kind of activities do they have? Student B They hold regular meetings and have lots of social activities, such as meals, plays and dances. Student A So wonderful! And what about the sports? Does the Union offer the ones Im interested in? Student B Yes, we do. There are basketball and wrestling teams. If you want to play in one of the college teams, you have to go to training sessions and compete for a place. For badminton, you can either go to the Badminton Club or book a court to play with friends Student A Is there also a chess club or team? Student B No, Im afraid not. Student A Oh, its a pity. But I do like playing chess very much. Do you know any way I can find some players to play with? Student B Um...You might try putting a notice up on our notice board and see if you can find some other players. Student A Ah...that sounds good! So, I just write a notice reading "Chess player wanted" and then put it up on the notice board? Student B Yeah, you can do it like that. But Im afraid youll have to give your notice to a Union office first, so that its fair for everyone who wants to use the notice board. Student A Ok, I think Ill do it later. Well, thank you very much for your help. Student B Youre welcome. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 30. Where does the conversation most probably take place? 31. Which office helps overseas students with their particular problems? 32. What kind of sport is NOT mentioned in the conversation? 33. Where can the student find his compatriots at the college? 34. Which of the following can be inferred when the man says this? Student B ...youll have to give your notice to a Union office first, so that its fair for everyone who wants to use the notice board.Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between two students. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a student dorm.

B.At a Student Union office.

C.In a classroom.

D.At a student club.

A.He did not receive the New Student Packet.B.He did not read through the New Student

A.He did not receive the New Student Packet.

B.He did not read through the New Student Packet.

C.The City Metro did not send an advertisement to him.

D.He did not join the student union.

He first welcomed the new student and then explained college regulations. (go on)

He first welcomed the new student and then explained college regulations. (go on)

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