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提问人:网友qllovezc 发布时间:2022-01-07

The new trend in artificial intelligence research stems from ______.A.the shift of the foc

The new trend in artificial intelligence research stems from ______.

A.the shift of the focus of study on to the recognition of the shapes of objects

B.the belief that human intelligence cannot be duplicated with logical, step-by-step programs

C.the aspirations of scientists to duplicate the intelligence of a ten-month-old child

D.the efforts made by scientists in the study of the similarities between transistors and brain ceils

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更多“The new trend in artificial intelligence research stems from ______.A.the shift of the foc”相关的问题
The new trend in artificial intelligence research stems from ______.A.the shift of the foc
The new trend in artificial intelligence research stems from ______.

A.the shift of the focus of study on to the recognition of the shapes of objects

B.the belief that human intelligence cannot be duplicated with logical, step-by-step programs

C.the aspirations of scientists to duplicate the intelligence of a ten-month-old child

D.the efforts made by scientists in the study of the similarities between transistors and brain cells

Visual heighten audience interest, shift attention away from the speaker, and give the speaker greater confidence in the presentation as a whole.
There are a great many careers in which the increasing emphasis is on specialization. You find these careers in engineering, in production, in statistical work, and in teaching. But there is an increasing demand for people who are able to take in a great area at a glance, people who perhaps do not know too much about any one field. There is, in other words, a demand for people who are capable of seeing the forest rather than the trees, of making general judgement. We can call these people "generalists". And these "generalists" are particularly needed for positions in administration, where it is their job to see that other people do the work, where they have to plan for other people, to organize other people’s work, to begin it and judge it.

The specialist understands one field; his concern is with technique and tools. He is a "trained" man; and his educational background is properly technical or professional. The generalist -- and especially the administrator deals with people; his concern is with leadership, with planning, and with direction giving. He is an "educated" man; and the humanities are his strongest foundation. Very rarely is a specialist capable of being an administrator. And very rarely is a good generalist also a good specialist in a particular field. Any organization needs both kinds of people, though different organizations need them in different proportions. It is your task to find out, during our training period, into which of the two kinds of jobs you fit, and to plan your career accordingly.

Your first job may turn out to be the right job for you--but this is pure accident. Certainly you should not change jobs constantly or people will become suspicious of your ability to hold any job. At the same time you should not look upon the first job as the final job; it is primarily a training job, an opportunity to understand yourself and your fitness for being an employee.

There is an increasing demand for _______.

A.people whose job is to organize other people’s work

B.generalists whose educational background is either technical or professional

C.all-round people in their own fields

D.generalists whose chief concern is to provide administrative guidance to others

Sociology is defined as the study of human groups. In the broadest sense, sociology is concerned with understanding patterns of human relationships, their causes and their effects. Unlike psychology, sociology does not attempt to explain the behavior. of a particular individual under certain circumstances. Rather, sociology focuses on social trends or other influences that affect whole groups or categories of people. Thus, while a psychologist might counsel an individual who feels worthless after retiring from a long and successful career, a sociologist would be more likely to examine societal attitudes that may contribute to the loss of self-esteem experienced by many retired persons in our society.

The emphasis that sociology places on human groups rather than individuals stems directly from the work of Emile Durkheim, a pioneering sociologist of the nineteenth century. Durkheim likened the nature of a social group to bronze, a unique metal that is formed when the metals tin, copper, and lead are melted and mixed together. Durkheim noted that bronze is much harder than any of its component metals. In the same way, he reasoned, the characteristics of a social group viewed as a whole cannot be determined simply by examining the characteristics of its individual members. Nor can individuals be understood strictly in terms of the individuals themselves; when people come together as members of a particular group, the group exerts considerable pressure on the individual to conform. to what it considers acceptable ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

Besides developing a theoretical foundation for the study of social groups, Durkheim also conducted research de- signed to corroborate his theoretical work. Using landmark research methods, Durkheim collected and analyzed data from a number of countries that kept records on suicides. He wanted to show that social environment may have a profound effect even on those behaviors we consider most personal. The results of his study showed that suicide rates do indeed vary according to specific social characteristics. For example, Durkheim found that members of religions with strong prohibitions against suicide are less likely to commit suicide than are members of religious groups with weaker prohibitions. He also found a lower incidence of suicide among married persons than among persons who were single or divorced. Taken together, the findings of Durkheim' s study provided convincing evidence that social groups do indeed exert pressures that control or regulate the behavior. of individuals, including deeply personal behaviors.

Durkheim's rigorous research methods captured the attention of sociologists around the world, and were perhaps even more important to the future development of sociology than any specific research results could be. Within a short time, his specific approach to formulating and testing social theory became a model that guided the work of nearly all sociologists. This assured Emile Durkheim a lasting place as one of the key figures in the history of sociology.

Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the selection?

A.Both the social group theory and the scientific research methods developed by Durkheim have contributed much to the field of sociology.

B.Durkheim believed that individual members of a group strongly influence the group' s ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

C.The research study conducted by Durkheim provided strong evidence that suicide rates vary among members of different social groups.

D.Through his research, Durkheim made great strides in distinguishing sociology from psychology.

______ man can now create radioactive elements, there is nothing he can do to reduce their radioactivity.




D.Now that

His parents never intended ______ together with him though they hoped to see him often.A.l
His parents never intended ______ together with him though they hoped to see him often.



C.to have lived

D.to be living

We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always ______ his principles.A.lives onB
We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always ______ his principles.

A.lives on

B.lives up to

C.lives down

D.lives with

The millions of calculations involved, ______ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.

A.had they been done

B.having been done

C.they had been done

D.they were done

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