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提问人:网友connie119 发布时间:2022-01-07

Changing Lifestyles and New Eating Habits

1 Americans today have different eating habits than they had in the past. There is a wide selection of food available. They have a broader knowledge of nutrition, so they buy more fresh fruit and vegetables than ever before. At the same time, Americans purchase increasing quantities of sweets, snacks, and sodas

2 Statistics show that the way people live determines the way they eat. American lifestyles have changed. They now include growing numbers of people who live alone, single parents and children, and double-income families. These changing lifestyles are responsible for the increasing number of people who must rush meals or sometimes skip them altogether. Many Americans have less time than ever before to spend preparing food. Partly as a consequence of this limited time, 60% of all American homes now have microwaveovens. Moreover, Americans eat out nearly four times a week on the average

3 It is easy to study the amounts and kinds of food that people consume. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the food industry 一 growers, processors marketers, and restaurateurs一 compile sales statistics and keep accurate records. Thisinformation not only tells us what people are eating, but also tells us about the changes in attitudes and tastes. Red meat, which used to be the most popular choice for dinner, is no longer an American favorite. Instead, chicken, turkey, and fish have become more popular. Sales of these foods have greatly increased in recent years. This is probably a result of the awareness of the dangers of eating food that contains high levels of cholesterol, or animal fat. Doctors believe that cholesterol is a threat to human health

4 According to a recent survey, Americans also change their eating patterns to meet the needs of different situations. They have certain ideas about which foods will increase their athletic ability, help them lose weight, make them alert for business meetings, or put them in the mood for romance. For example, Americans choose pasta, fruit, and vegetables, which supply them with carbohydrates, to give them strength for physical activity, such as sports. Adults choose foods rich in fiber, such as bread and cereal, for breakfast, and salads for lunch to prepare them for business appointments. For romantic dinners, however, Americans choose shrimp and lobster. While many of these ideas are based on nutritional facts, some are not

5 Americans' awareness of nutrition, along with their changing tastes and needs, leads them to consume a wide variety of foods 一 foods for health, for fun, and simply for good taste

Questions 31-35 are based on Passage

31. Why do Americans have different eating habits today?

32. How have American lifestyles changed?

33. What have Americans learned about cholesterol in food?

34. How has the awareness of the danger of cholesterol changed what people eat?

35. What would Americans most probably choose to eat for romantic dinners?

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For many of us, pets have come to occupy critical roles in our lives. The loneliness and i

For many of us, pets have come to occupy critical roles

in our lives. The loneliness and isolation in some lifestyles

can be softened with a pet as a companion, because they are

so faithful and loving.

People living alone say that, although before they dreaded 【M1】______

returning home after work to a lonely house or apartment,

with a dog, it's now a welcome respite. Always faithful,

the dog is awaiting by the door, ready to give that welcome 【M2】______

lick and a greeting with a wagged tail at the end of the 【M3】______

day. And in a world of complex human relationships

resulting in divorce, the blending of families, and pressures to the 【M4】______

working family, the demanding simplicity of the love offered 【M5】______

or required by a pet can be a welcome contrast. According to

Veterinarian Carol Osborne, he runs Vet Smart Care Clinics,

Inc. in Cleveland, Ohio, the "pet craze" that's going on with 【M6】______

these days is a reaction in our stressful lives. "The world is 【M7】______

going so fast, and everything's changing," she says. "But

when you come home, no matter what problems you have or

what you look like, no matter you got the job or lost the job,

one constant in our lives that aren't changing is that simple 【M8】______

conditional love that is given to us by our pets," she points 【M9】______

out. Pet owners agree that animals do so many things for us

and ask for nothing in turn but love. 【M10】______


听力原文:The traditional role of women in the United States has changed a great deal in re

听力原文: The traditional role of women in the United States has changed a great deal in recent years. More and more women have decided to leave their homes and housework to return to school or to join the work force. Their interests and pursuits have spread to all aspects of society. In the process, they have become more independent and self-confident. Today, American women are a major political, social, and economic force in the United States.

Will their changing role change our social system? Most analysts agree that it has already affected the U. S. society dramatically. Above all, it has affected the traditional role of men.

Although some men, and women, still have not accepted these changes in roles, the changes are a reality. Moreover, many people have found the majority of these changes beneficial. Today's lifestyles are more flexible and this flexibility has given both men and women a wider variety of choices. For many, this has meant happier and more satisfying lives.


A.To stop doing housework and go to work.

B.To get to know all aspects of society.

C.To become independent economically.

D.To show their great strength in politics.

Changing our Understanding of Health AThe concept of health holds different meanings for d

Changing our Understanding of Health


The concept of health holds different meanings for different people and groups. These meanings of health have also changed over time. This change is no more evident than in Western society to day, when notions of health and health promotion are being challenged and expanded in new ways.


For much of recent Western history. Health has been viewed in the physical sense only. That is, good health has been connected to the smooth mechanical operation of the body, while ill health has been attributed to a breakdown in this machine. Health in this sense has been defined as the absence of disease or illness and is seen in medical terms. According to this view, creating health for people means providing medical care to treat or prevent disease and illness. During this period, there was an emphasis on providing clean water, improved sanitation and housing.

In the late 1940s the World Health Organization challenged this physically and medically oriented view of health. They stated that "health is a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being and is not merely the absence of disease" (WHO, 1946). Health and the person were seen more holistically (mind/body/spirit) and not just in physical terms.


The 1970s was a time of focusing on the prevention of disease and illness by emphasizing the importance of the lifestyle. and behavior. of the individual. Specific behaviors which were seen to increase risk of disease, such as smoking, lack of fitness and unhealthy eating habits, were targeted. Creating health meant providing not only medical health care, but health promotion programs and policies which would help people maintain healthy behaviors and lifestyles. While this individualistic healthy lifestyles approach to health worked for some (the wealthy members of society), people experiencing poverty, unemployment, underemployment or little control over the conditions of their daily lives benefited little from this approach. This was largely because both the healthy lifestyles approach and the medical approach to health largely ignored the social and environmental conditions affecting the health of people.


During the 1980s and 1990s there has been a growing swing away from seeing lifestyle. risks as the root cause of poor health. While lifestyle. factors still remain important, health is being viewed also in terms of the social, economic and environmental contexts in which people live. This broad approach to health is called the socio-ecological view of health. The broad socio-ecological view of health was endorsed at the first International Conference of Health Promotion held in 1986, Ottawa, Canada, where people from 38 countries agreed and declared that:

The fundamental conditions and resources for health are peace, shelter, education, food, a viable income, a stable eco-system, sustainable resources, social justice and equity. Improvement in health requires a secure foundation in these basic requirements. (WHO, 1986)

It is clear from this statement that the creation of health is about much more than encouraging healthy individual behaviors and lifestyles and providing appropriate medical care. Therefore, the creation of health must include addressing issues such as poverty, pollution, urbanization, natural resource depletion, social alienation and poor working conditions. The social, economic and environmental cont




Older people must be given more chances to learn if they are to contribute to society rath
er than be a financial burden, according to a new study on population published recently.

The current approach which 【C1】______ on younger people and on skills for employment is not 【C2】______ to meet the challenges of demographic(人口结构的) change, it says. Only 1% of the education budget is 【C3】______ spent on the oldest third to the population.

The 【C4】______ include the fact that most people can expect to spend a third of their lives in 【C5】______ , that there are now more people 【C6】______ state pension age.

"【C7】______ needs to continue throughout life. Out historic concentration of policy attention and resources 【C8】______ young people cannot meet the new 【C9】______ ", says the report's author, Professor Stephen Mcnair.

The major 【C10】______ of our education budget is spent on people below the age of 25. 【C11】______ people are changing their jobs, 【C12】______ , partners and lifestyles more often than 【C13】______ , they need opportunities to learn at every age. 【C14】______ , some people are starting new careers in their 50s and later.

People need opportunities to make a "midlife review" to 【C15】______ to the later stages of employed life and to plan for the transition(过渡) 【C16】______ retirement which may now happen 【C17】______ at any point from 50 to over 90, says McNair.

And there should be more money 【C18】______ to support people in establishing a 【C19】______ of identity and finding constructive 【C20】______ for the "third age", the 20 or more years they will spend in healthy retired life.






Women are a force change in Australian society. The pride of placesiren to men as almost t

Women are a force change in Australian society. The pride of place

siren to men as almost the sole shapers of Australian history is being


Today husbands more often not share household chores and more 【S1】______.

men are finding women alongside them in the workplace. It may be

some time before there is a woman Prime Minister of Australia, but the 【S2】______.

need for women at the top -- and their fight to be there -- is now widely


The growing role of women in the Australian work force is both a

cause or a consequence of changing attitudes and lifestyles in Australian 【S3】______.


In offices, laboratories and factories, in social and politics 【S4】______.

organizations, women are making their presence feel. There are few 【S5】______.

remaining legal barriers against women in Australia in jobs, commercial

contracts, politics and social life. The barriers that exist mainly stem

from traditional attitudes built into society and is not easily changed by 【S6】______.

new laws.

Women have brought about the most significant change in the

Australian work force simply by entering it in thousands, and for 【S7】______.

seeking which before were assumed to be suitable for women only. 【S8】______.

There are now women in Australia drive buses, trams, taxis, racing cars 【S9】______.

and 50-tonne trucks. They are race-horse jockeys. They are apprentice

electricians and mechanics. They are air-traffic controllers. They shear

sheep and working as laborers. They are judges and Members of 【S10】______.



回答{TSE}题: The Changing Middle Class The United States perceives itself to be a middle-c
lass nation,However, middle class is not a real designation,nor does it carry privileges.It is more of a perception, which probably was as true as it ever could be rightafter World War II. The economy was growing,more and more people owned theirown homes,workers had solid contracts with the companies that employed them,and nearly everyone whowanted a higher education could have one. Successfulpeople enjoyed upward social mobility. They may have started out poor,but theycould become rich. Successful people also found that they had greatergeographic mobility. In other words,they found themselves moving to and livingin a variety of places. The middle class collectively holds several values and principles.One strong value is the need to earn enough money to feel that one candetermine one's own economic fate. In addition,middle class morality embracesprinciples of individual responsibility, importance of family, obligations toothers,and believing in something outside oneself. But in the 1990s those in the middle class found that there was aprice for success. A U. S. News & World Report survey in 1994 indicatedthat 75 percent of Americans believed that middle class families could nolonger make ends meet. Both spouses now worked,as did some of the children;long commutes became routine; the need for child care put strains on the family;and public schools were not as good as they once were. Members of the middleclass were no longer financing their lifestyles through earnings but were usingcredit to stay afloat. The understanding of just what middle class meant was changing. {TS}The information in this passage deals with

A. an individual

B. a social and economic group

C. a political organization

D. government


The Changing Middle Class

The United States perceives itself to be a middle-class nation. However, middle class is not a real designation, nor does it carry privileges. It is more of a perception, which probably was as true as it ever could be right after World War II. The economy was growing, more and more people owned their own homes, workers had solid contracts with the companies that employed them, and nearly everyone who wanted a higher education could have one. Successful people enjoyed upward social mobility. They may have started out poor, but they could become rich. Successful people also found that they had greater geographic mobility. In other words, they found themselves moving to and living in a variety of places.

The middle class collectively holds several values and principles. One strong value is the need to earn enough money to feel that one can determine one&39;s own economic fate. In addition,middle-class morality embraces principles of individual responsibility, importance of family,obligations to others, and believing in something outside oneself.

But in the 1990s those in the middle class found that there was a price for success. A U. S.News & World Report survey in 1994 indicated that 75 percent of Americans believed that middle-class families could no longer make ends meet. Both spouses now worked, as did some of the children;long commutes became routine; the need for child care put strains on the family; and public schools were not as good as they once were. Members of the middle class were no longer financing their lifestyles through earnings but were using credit to stay afloat. The understanding of just what middle class meant was changing.

The information in this passage deals with__________. 查看材料

A.an individual

B.a social and economic group

C.apolitical organization


听力原文:Lifestyle. is the way a person lives; it includes work, leisure time, hobbies, ot

听力原文: Lifestyle. is the way a person lives; it includes work, leisure time, hobbies, other interests, and personal philosophy. (29)One person's lifestyle. may be dominated by work, including few social activities. Another's may involve hobbles, recreational activities, or personal philosophy.

There is little doubt that lifestyle. are changing and that these changes will have an influence on the way business operates in the years ahead. Several factors are causing lifestyle. changes in US society.

First, there is more leisure time than ever before. (30)The workweek is now less than forty hours, as compared to seventy hours a century ago. Some experts believe it will be twenty-five hours or less before the year 2000. Several firms have adopted four-day workweeks with more hours per day. Others have cut the number of hours worked each week. Reduced work schedules mean increased leisure time.

Second, families have fewer children than before and young couples are postponing childbirth instead of having their children early in the marriages. (31)This trend has forced many businesses to modify their competitive strategies. Gerber Products Company used to advertise "babies are our business--our only business." Now Gerber products include infant clothing, stuffed animals, and accessories such as bottles, baby's carriages, and baby powder.

Third, people are better educated and more prosperous now than they were earlier. These advantages bring with them the freedom to question current lifestyles and examine new ones. Inquiries of this nature have sometimes led to personal lifestyle. changes.


A.The changes of life styles have no influence on business.

B.Different people may have completely different life styles.

C.It's doubtful what life styles are changing.

D.Life styles of different people are the same.

听力原文: Lifestyle. is the way a person lives; it includes work, leisure time, hobbies, o
ther interests, and personal philosophy. (29)One person's lifestyle. may be dominated by work, including few social activities. Another's may involve hobbies, recreational activities, or personal philosophy.

There is little doubt that lifestyle. are changing and that these changes will have an influence on the way business operates in t he years ahead. Several factors are causing lifestyle. changes in US society.

First, there is more leisure time than ever before. (30)The workweek is now less than forty hours, as compared to seventy hours a century ago. Some experts believe it will be twenty-five hours or less before the year 2000. Several firms have adopted four-day workweeks with more hours per day. Others have cut the number of hours worked each week. Reduced work schedules mean increased leisure time.

Second, families have fewer children than before and young couples are postponing childbirth instead of having their children early in the marriages. (31)This trend has forced many businesses to modify their competitive strategies. Gerber Products Company used to advertise "babies are our business-our only business." Now Gerber products include infant clothing, stuffed animals, and accessories such as bottles, baby's carriages, and baby powder.

Third, people are better educated and more prosperous now than they were earlier. These advantages bring with them the freedom to question current lifestyles and examine new ones. Inquiries of this nature have sometimes led to personal lifestyle. changes.


A.The changes of life styles have no influence on business.

B.Different people may have completely different life styles.

C.It's doubtful what life styles are changing.

D.Life styles of different people are the same.

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