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提问人:网友lixin080108 发布时间:2022-01-07

The disaster was seen ____ a judgement from on high.





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  • · 有5位网友选择 C,占比62.5%
  • · 有2位网友选择 B,占比25%
  • · 有1位网友选择 A,占比12.5%
匿名网友[247.***.***.169]选择了 C
匿名网友[142.***.***.61]选择了 C
匿名网友[171.***.***.119]选择了 C
匿名网友[99.***.***.253]选择了 B
匿名网友[93.***.***.166]选择了 B
匿名网友[151.***.***.174]选择了 C
匿名网友[77.***.***.89]选择了 A
匿名网友[176.***.***.65]选择了 C
更多“The disaster was seen ____ a judgement from on high.”相关的问题
The main idea of the final paragraph is that ______.A.in an emergency all the technical al

The main idea of the final paragraph is that ______.

A.in an emergency all the technical alternations should be studied

B.expert should be specially trained to determine the exact difference between detergent and chalk

C.we ought to decide what measures to take before a disaster occurs

D.technical experts should be examined and tested to see whether they are capable of selecting the right course of action in a future emergency

The main idea of the final paragraph is that______.A.in an emergency all the technical alt

The main idea of the final paragraph is that______.

A.in an emergency all the technical alternations should be studied

B.experts should be specially trained to determine the exact difference between detergent and chalk

C.we ought to decide what measures to take before a disaster occurs

D.technical experts should be examined and tested to see whether they are capable of selecting the right course of action in a future emergency

There are a number of domains in which loT is enabling human life and work in a noteworthy

way.including automation,transportation, health-care and disaster management. ioT enables an object to listen, hear, see and communicate at the same time, loT thus transforms the devices from being smart by incorporating its pervasive and ubiquitous computing, communication technologies, embedded devices and many other applications to influence and revolutionize human life. Looking into the future, the Internet will no Jonger be considered a network of computers, Instead it will consist billions of smart objects along with embedded devices, As a result of this, the application of internet of Things (IoT) will exponentially rise both in scope and size, providing new opportunities as well as challenges, A number of countries have developed long term national strategies for the implementation of loT For instance, broadband access in Japan is facilitating the communication between people, things and things, and people and things.

97、IoT enables an object()。

A.to listen

B.to see

C.to communicate


98、Looking into the future, the Internet ()。

A.will still be considered a network of computers

B.wil no longer be considered a network of computers

C.will be considered a network of things

D.will no longer be considered a network of things

99、The application of Internet of Things (IoT) will exponentially rise(),providing new opportunities as well as challenges.

A.in scope

B.in size

C.both in scope and size

D.in deep

100、This paragraph mainly explains()。

A.the Internet of Things

B.the Internet

C.the smart object

D.the communication between people and things

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)Directions: In this part, you will hav

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Preparing for Computer Disasters

Fires, power surges, and floods, they're all facts of life. We read about them in the morning paper and see them on the evening news. We sympathize with the victims and commiserate over their bad luck. We also shake our heads at the digital consequences—melted computers, system failures, destroyed data. Yet, somehow, many of us continue to live by that old mantra of denial: "It won't happen to me." Well, the truth is, at some point you'll probably have to deal with at least one disaster. That's just how it goes, and in most aspects of our lives we do something about it. We buy insurance. We stow away provisions. We even make disaster plans and run drills. But for some reason, computer disaster recovery is a blind spot for many of us. It shouldn't be. Home computers contain some of our most important information, both business and personal, and making certain our data survives a disaster should be a priority. Moreover, even the smallest disaster can be a serious disruption. Personal computers have become an integral part of the smooth-running household. We use them to communicate, shop, and do homework, and they're even more vital to home office users. When home office computers go down, many small businesses grind to a halt. Fortunately, taking steps to recover from disasters and minimize their effects is quite straightforward. With a good offsite storage plan and the right tools, you can bounce back quickly and easily from minor computer disasters. And, should a major calamity strike, you can rest assured your data is safe.

Offsite Storage: Major Disasters

House fires and floods are among the most devastating causes of personal computer destruction. That's why a solid offsite backup and recovery plan is essential. Although many home users faithfully back up their hard drives, many would still lose all their data should their houses flood or burn. That's because they keep their backups relatively close to their computers. Their backup disks might not be in the same room as their computers—tucked away in a closet or even the garage—but they're not nearly far enough away should a serious disaster strike. So, it's important to back up your system to a removable medium and to store it elsewhere.

There are many ways to approach offsite storage. It starts with choices of backup tools and storage medium. Disaster situations are stressful, and your recovery tools shouldn't add to that stress. They must be dependable and intuitive, making it easy to schedule regular backups and to retrieve files in a pinch. They must also be compatible with your choice of backup medium. Depending on your tools, you can back up to a variety of durable disk types—from CDs to Jazz drives to remote network servers. Although many of these storage media have high capacity, a backup tool with compression capabilities is a big plus, eliminating the inconvenience of multiple disks or large uploads.

Once you select your tools and a suitable medium, you need to find a remote place to store your backups. The options are endless. However, no matter where you choose, be sure the site is secure, easily accessible, and a good distance away from your home. You may also want to consider using an Internet-based backup service. More and more service providers are offering storage space on their servers, and uploading files to a remote location has become an attractive alternative to conventional offsite storage.

A.take steps to recover from them

B.call the computer company

C.buy insurance

D.stow away provision

I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a freight yard in At
lantic City and landing on my head. Now I am thirty-two. I can vaguely remember the brightness of sunshine and what color red is. It would be wonderful to see again, but a disaster can do strange things to people. It occurred to me the other day that I might not have come to love life as I do if I hadn't been blind. I believe in life now. I am not so sure that I would have believed in it so deeply, otherwise. I don't mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the loss of them made me appreciate the more what I had left.

Life, I believe, asks a continuous series of adjustments to reality. The more readily a person is able to make these adjustments, the more meaningful his own private world becomes. The adjustment is never easy. I felt helpless and afraid. But I was lucky. My parents and my teachers saw something in me--a potential to live, you might call it--which I didn't see, and they made me want to fight it out with blindness.

The hardest lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself. That was basic, If I hadn't been able to do that, I would have collapsed and become a chair rocker on the front perch for the rest of my life. When I say belief in myself I am not talking about simply the kind of self-confidence that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. That is part of it. But I mean something bigger than that: an assurance that I am, despite imperfections, a real, positive person; that somewhere in the sweeping, intricate pattern of people there is a special place where I can make myself fit.

It took me years to discover and strengthen this assurance. It had to start with the most elementary things. Once a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was making fun of me and I was hurt. "I can't use this," I said. "Take it with you," he urged me, "and roll it around." The words stuck in my head. "Roll it around!" By rolling the ball I could hear where it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought impossible: playing baseball. At Philadelphia's Overbrook School for the Blind I invented a successful variation of baseball. We called it ground ball.

All my life I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to learn my limitations. It was no good to try for something I knew at the start was wildly out of reach because that only invited the bitterness of failure. I would fail sometimes anyway but on average I made progress.

The disaster that happened when the writer was 4 years old ______.

A.makes him believe in life more deeply than the other people.

B.makes him appreciate the value of the rest of his faculties.

C.makes him prefer going without his eyes.

D.strengthens his memory of the color of red.

Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: To most foreigners, especially those from the eastern world, such as Chinese and Japanese, cricket seems a dreadfully boring game. But English people think the sound of a wooden cricket ball striking a wooden cricket bat is just about the most beautiful sound in the town.

The all-England cricket team is the most important one. Its players, who may be either amateur or professional, are chosen from the country cricket teams. The most important international matches are those played between England and Australia, and are held one year in one country, the next year in the other. While these matches are being played, if an Englishman says; "The news is terrible", he does not mean that an international disaster has occurred--but merely that England is not doing well at cricket.

But to see real English cricket, a visitor should go to watch a village team. On Saturday and Sunday summer afternoons, on driving into any village; he is certain to hear the crack of a bat hitting a ball. Then presently he will come to a field or village green. All around it, sitting on the ground, on benches, or in their cars, are the people of the neighborhood. They are not saying much, but their eyes are fixed on the cricket pitch.


A.Country cricket teams.

B.University cricket teams.

C.High school cricket teams.

D.Winner teams in the national matches.

Decades after Marilyn Monroe's death, there was a burst of speculation about what she migh
t have been doing if (and it is a very big if) she had not met a premature end from an overdose in 1962, at the age of 36. The American writer Joyce Carol Oates, whose recent novel Blonde is a fictionalized version of Marilyn's life, thinks she might have left Hollywood for a successful career in the theatre. The feminist commentator Gloria Steinem, who has also written a book about the actress, imagines her living in the country and running an animal sanctuary. I have to say that these imaginary careers, and many other things that have been suggested about Marilyn in recent years, fall into the category of rescue fantasies. The point about her life is that it went hideously and predictably wrong, with self-destruction always a more likely outcome than a revival of her acting career as an interpreter of Chekhov or an early conversion to the animal-rights movement.

This is not to denigrate the woman herself, whose story seems to me genuinely tragic. Hers is a dreadful catalogue of abandonment, abuse and a desperate re-invention of the self in terms that successfully courted fame and disaster in just about equal measure①. Fragile egos often invited other people's projections and Marilyn came to see herself, in her own words, as "some kind of mirror instead of a person". This is half-perceptive, in that what she actually became in her lifetime was a blank screen on which men could project their fantasies and anyone who wants to understand what kind of fantasies they were has only to look at Norman Mailer's creepy biography, with its drooling images of Marilyn as a vulnerable child, incapable of saying no②.

What she is unlikely to have anticipated is that, four decades later, thoughtful women would look at her image and see, perversely, a reflection of themselves. Ms Steinem has been reported as saying that she thinks Marilyn's experiences might have pushed her into embracing the women's movement. But Marilyn was a male-identified woman, a product of a virulently misogynist culture that was erotically stimulated by the pairing of beauty and brains—but only as long as women did the beauty while men got to direct movies, write plays and run the country. That Marilyn played this role to perfection, then loathed it and rebelled against its limitations, hardly needs saying.

The author implies at the beginning that ______.

A.Marilyn's tragic death was difficult to avoid

B.Marilyn could have died earlier than 1962

C.people are no longer interested in how Marilyn died

D.Marilyn was to be blame for her death

Decades after Marilyn Monroe's death, there was a ...

Decades after Marilyn Monroe's death, there was a burst of speculation about what she might have been doing if (and it is a very big if) she had not met a premature end from an overdose in 1962, at the age of 36. The American writer Joyce Carol Oates, whose recent novel B/on& is a fictionalized version of Marilyn's life, thinks she might have left Hollywood for a successful career in the theatre. The feminist commentator Gloria Steinem, who has also written a book about the actress, imagines her living in the country and running an animal sanctuary. I have to say that these imaginary careers, and many other things that have been suggested about Marilyn in recent years, fall into the category of rescue fantasies. The point about her life is that it went hideously and predictably wrong, with self-destruction always a more likely outcome than a revival of her acting career as an interpreter of Chekhov or an early conversion to the animal rights movement.

This is not to denigrate the woman herself, whose story seems to me genuinely tragic. Hers is a dread/ul catalogue of abandonment, abuse and a desperate re-invention of .the self in terms that successfully courted fame and disaster in just about equal measure. Fragile egos often invited other people's projections and Marilyn came to see herself, in her own words, as "some kind of mirror instead of a person". This is half-perceptive, in that what she actually became in her lifetime was a blank screen on which men could project their fantasies and anyone who wants to understand what kind of fantasies they were has only to look at Norman Mailer's creepy biography, with its drooling images of Marilyn as a vulnerable child, incapable of saying no.

What she is unlikely to have anticipated is that, four decades later, thoughtful women would look at her image and see, perversely, a reflection of themselves. Ms. Steinem has been reported as saying that she thinks Marilyn's experiences might have pushed her into embracing the women's movement. But Marilyn was a male-identified woman, a product of a virulently misogynist culture that was erotically stimulated by the pairing of beauty and brains -- but only as long as women did the beauty while men got to direct movies, write plays and run the country. That Marilyn played this role to perfection, then loathed it and rebelled against its limitations, hardly needs saying.

The author implies at the beginning that

A.Marilyn's tragic death was difficult to avoid.

B.Marilyn could have died earlier than 1962.

C.people are no longer interested in how Marilyn died.

D.Marilyn was to be blamed for her death.

Preparing for Computer DisastersA: Summary: When home office computers go down, many small

Preparing for Computer Disasters

A: Summary: When home office computers go down, many small businesses grind to a halt. Fortunately, taking steps to recover from disasters and minimize their effects is quite straightforward.

B: Fires, power surges, and floods, they&39;re all facts of life. We read about them in the morning paper and see them on the evening news. We sympathize with the victims and commiserate over their bad luck. We also shake our heads at the digital consequences—melted computers, system failures, destroyed data. Yet, somehow, many of us continue to live by that old mantra of denial: "It won&39;t happen to me." Well, the truth is, at some point you&39;ll probably have to deal with at least one disaster. That&39;s just how it goes, and in most aspects of our lives we do something about it. We buy insurance. We stow away provisions. We even make disaster plans and run drills. But for some reason, computer disaster recovery is a blind spot for many of us. It shouldn&39;t be. Home computers contain some of our most important information, both business and personal, and making certain our data survives a disaster should be a priority. Moreover, even the smallest disaster can be a serious disruption. Personal computers have become an integral part of the smooth-running household. We use them to communicate, shop, and do homework, and they&39;re even more vital to home office users. When home office computers go down, many small businesses grind to a halt. Fortunately, taking steps to recover from disasters and minimize their effects is quite straightforward. With a good offsite storage plan and the right tools, you can bounce back quickly and easily from minor computer disasters. And, should a major calamity strike, you can rest assured your data is safe.

Offsite Storage: Major Disasters

C: House fires and floods are among the most devastating causes of personal computer destruction. That&39;s why a solid offsite backup and recovery plan is essential. Although many home users faithfully back up their hard drives, many would still lose all their data should their house flood our burn. That&39;s because they keep their backups in relatively close to their computers. Their backup disks might not be in the same room as their computers—tucked away in a closet or even the garage—but they&39;re not nearly far enough away should a serious disaster strike. So, it&39;s important to back up your system to a removable medium and to store it elsewhere.

D: There are many ways to approach offsite storage. It starts with choice of backup tools and storage medium. Disaster situations are stressful, and your recovery tools shouldn&39;t add to that stress. They must be dependable and intuitive, making it easy to schedule regular backups and to retrieve files in a pinch. They must also be compatible with your choice of backup medium. Depending on your tools, you can back up to a variety of durable disk types—from CDs to Jaz drives to remote network servers. Although many of these storage media have high capacity, a backup tool with compression capabilities is a big plus, eliminating the inconvenience of multiple disks or large uploads.

E: Once you select your tools and a suitable medium, you need to find a remote place to store your backups. The options are endless. However, no matter where you choose, be sure the site is secure, easily accessible, and a good distance away from your home. You may also want to consider using an Internet-based backup service. More and more service providers are offering storage space on their servers, and uploading files to a remote location has become an attractive alternative to conventional offsite storage. Of course, before using one of these services, make certain you completely trust the service provider and its security methods. Whatever you do, schedule backups regularly and store them far away from your home.

Come What May: Handling the Garden Variety Computer Crisis

F: Not all home computer damage results from physical disaster. Many less menacing problems can also hobble your PC or destroy your information. Systems crash, kids "rearrange" data, adults inadvertently delete files. Although these events might not seem calamitous, they can have serious implications. So, once again, it&39;s important to be prepared. As with physical disasters, regular backups are essential. However, some of these smaller issues require a response that&39;s more nuanced than wholesale backup and restoration. To deal with less-than-total disaster, your tool set must be both powerful and agile. For example, when a small number of files are compromised, you may want to retrieve those files alone. Meanwhile, if just your settings are affected, you&39;ll want a simple way to roll back to your preferred setup. Yet, should your operating system fail, you&39;ll need a way to boot your computer and perform. large-scale recovery. Computer crises come in all shapes and sizes, and your backup and recovery tools must be flexible enough to meet each challenge.

The Right Tools for the Right Job: Gearing up for Disaster G: When disaster strikes, the quality of your backup tools can make the difference between utter frustration and peace of mind. Symantec understands this and offers a range of top quality backup and recovery solutions. Norton GoBack is the perfect tool for random system crashes, failed installations, and inadvertent deletions. With this powerful and convenient solution, it&39;s simple to retrieve overwritten files or to bring your system back to its pre-crash state. Norton Ghost is a time-tested home office solution. Equipped to handle full-scale backups, it&39;s also handy for cloning hard drives and facilitating system upgrades. A favorite choice for IT professionals, it&39;s the ideal tool for the burgeoning home office. You can buy Norton Ghost and Norton GoBack separately, or get them both when you purchase Norton System Works.

H: Life&39;s disasters, large and small, often catch us by surprise. However, with a little planning and the right tools, you can reduce those disasters to bumps in the road. So, don&39;t wait another day. Buy a good set of disaster recovery tools, set up an automatic backup schedule, and perform. a dry run every now and again. Then, rest easy.

1. You should take steps to recover from computer disasters so as to minimize their effects.

2. For some reason, computer disaster recovery is always ignored by many of us.

3. You can bounce back quickly and easily minor computer disasters with the help of a good offsite storage plan and the right tools.

4. The most devastating causes of personal computer destruction includes house fires and floods.

5. It&39;s necessary for us to back up our systems to some transferable medium and to put it somewhere else.

6. You should find a distant place to store your backups after selecting your tools and a suitable medium.

7. Not only physical disaster can damage your computer.

8. The backup and recovery tools must be flexible enough to deal with various computer crises.

9. The quality of your backup tools determines whether you are frustrated or have a peaceful mind when disaster strikes.

10. You should prepare for your computer disasters now and again.

听力原文:Where do you see the greatest growth opportunities?You're going to see the US, Eu

听力原文:Where do you see the greatest growth opportunities?

You're going to see the US, Europe, and Japan stabilizing at around the 2002 level. I'm not expecting a big increase in these markets, because they have reached a decent level.

When you are at 17 million cars and trucks in the US, obviously you can say it can go up to 18 million. Personally, I don't think so. There has already been a lot of stimulation of incentives they can hardly go higher. In December the average incentive for the Big Three was nearly $4,000. For companies making an average of $300 to $400 per car, you're at the end game here. So there is going to be some kind of relief from maximum incentive games.

Do you see any big changes in the relative strength of the global producers?

The existing balance in the car industry is not stable. Some 'car manufacturers are making a lot of money, some hardly any. This is okay for one year, two years, but for five years, it doesn't stand. If it is a recurring phenomenon, it is going to trigger, in my opinion, another wave of consolidation, regrouping, alliances whatever — because you can't have the same industry for long time business systems with a high level of discrepancy in the results.

What are the winning strategies in China?

For the moment, any strategy in China is a winner for the simple reason that there is under capacity. You can't say who is going to lose and who is going to win, because everybody is going to win. Little by little, you are going to come to a situation of overcapacity, which is a normal situation of the industry. The challenge right now is not to get carried away too much by your present results. Don't believe in your present success. Prepare yourself for when we come to overcapacity and cars will not be a rare commodity in China. So if you are sleeping on your laurels now and saying, "I'm doing fine in China," and you are not working on quality or cost or efficiency or speed, you are going to have problems.

What about other growth markets?

Mercosur is going to be a better market — it has been a disaster the last three years, particularly with Argentina collapsing and Brazil at a low level. Southeast Asia is going to continue to recuperate. And you are going to continue to see the resurgence and development of markets like India and the Middle East. The Middle East market should be much more flourishing than it is today, particularly if the US President succeeds in bringing economic development, because that is the key to peace in the Middle East.

Your views on alternative fuels are controversial.

Hybrid is not a good business proposition. I know a lot of people say they are making a lot of money on hybrids. I'm skeptical. But I think hybrid has the potential to become a good business proposition in that the value you provide to consumers is higher than the cost you are going to ask them to pay for it.

I still think gasoline over the next ten years is going to represent a majority of the cars sold. But you are going to see more hybrids; you are going to see the first fuel-ceil car; you are going to see more diesel in the category of light-duty trucks and SUVs. Where you are going to have a battle is between diesel technology, mainly developed by the Europeans, and hybrid technology, developed by the Japanese. We're in a market in which value is very important. Even though people talk about technology and sophisticated principles, when they make a decision they go for the most commonsense decision. Gasoline engines represent the most commonsense decision in any market. I'm not expecting a revolution; there will be an evolution.

You are due to leave Japan next year to take over Renault in Paris. What do you think your legacy will be?

The Nissan story is probably going to be one of the most significant stories of the auto industry. It is not a common story. It is about Japan, it is about alliances, it is about the auto industry, it is about globalizat

A.there are chances to go higher.

B.there will be a period of relative stability or even slowdown in production.

C.there will be a great regression.

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