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提问人:网友yanweiwei55 发布时间:2022-01-07

阅读理解:Letter 1December 1, 2009Dear Mr. John Campbell,We have received your letter of


Letter 1

December 1, 2009

Dear Mr. John Campbell,

We have received your letter of November 20, 2009 about your latest model of mountain bikes, in which we are very much interested. We believe that they will sell well here in the U.S.A. Please send us further details of your prices and terms of sales. Your favorable quotation (报价) will be appreciated. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Loftus

Marketing Manager

Letter 2

December 4, 2009

Dear Mr. Robert Loftus,

Thank you for your letter of December 1st inquiring about our latest model of mountain bikes. We are pleased to send you the catalogue (产品目录) and price list you asked for. You will find our quotation reasonable with attractive terms of sales. We are looking forward to receiving your order at the earliest time.

Very truly yours,

John Campbell

Sales Manager

41. What product is inquired about in the first letter?

The latest model of ___________________________________.

42. What information of the product does Mr. Robert Loftus ask for?

Further details of the prices and _________________________.

43. What is enclosed with the second letter?

The catalogue and ____________________________________.

44. Who writes the second letter?

John Campbell, ________________________________ manager.

45. What does Mr. John Campbell say about the quotation of the product?

He says it is __________________ with attractive terms of sales.

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更多“阅读理解:Letter 1December 1, 2009Dear Mr. John Campbell,We have received your letter of”相关的问题
第二节 短文理解2阅读短文,从各题所给的三个选项中选出最佳答案。One day an old man went into t

第二节 短文理解2


One day an old man went into tile post office. He wanted to post (寄) a letter. He had never posted a letter be forcer Fie bought a stamp (邮票) and gave it together (一起) with his letter to the girl at the desk. "Oh. no? tile girl said. "You must slick (贴) the stamp on yourself. " He didn't know where to slick the stamp. so again he asked the girl. "You may Slick it on yourself. " the girl answered again. Then the man stuck the stamp on the body and went away.

The old man went to the post oflqee th order to ______

A.post a letter

B.buy a stamp

C.see the girl

阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。A letter of invita


A letter of invitation is written to invite people for a business event or personal occasion. The letter should be short and clear. A soft and polite tone should be used. An invitation letter should have the date, time and the event. Always send the letter of invitation in advance. You need to let people know about at least a week before the event so that they can plan to come to the event.

Let's take a look at some steps that will help you outline a letter of invitation:

Begin the letter with name and address of sender and receiver. Note the date.

Start the main body of the letter with salutations, a word like“Dear”followed by the receiver's name.

Give the event in the first paragraph.

Put relevant facts like date, time and place of the event in the beginning.

Make that the receivers know the way to the place.

Let the receivers know that they have to notice the inviters whether they will join the event or not before a certain date. The letter will note with the details of a contact person to confirm their attendance for the event.

1. What's the purpose of writing a letter of invitation? {A、B、C}

A. To invite people for a business event.

B. To invite people for a personal occasion.

C. Either A or B.

2. Which is not necessary when writing a letter of invitation?{A、B、C}

A. date

B. weather

C. place

3.The letter of invitation should not be {A、B、C}.

A. short

B. easy

C. clear

4. Why should we send the letter of invitation in advance? {A、B、C}

A. Because the invitation is important.

B. Because the receiver will need to plan to come to the event.

C. Because the receiver will forget to come to the event.

5.Which might be the title of the whole passage? {A、B、C}

A. How to write a letter of invitation

B. The importance of writing a invitation letter

C The purpose of writing a invitation letter

阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。An annual report of a co


An annual report of a company provides information about its business performance for certain people. These people include the investors, potential investors and other stakeholders. From the report, people can understand the company’s business scope, recent situation and future development. The main parts of an annual report usually include chairman’s letter, financial statements and operation analysis.


Usually, an annual report should contain a letter from the chairman. The letter should provide details about the successes and the challenges of the past year. It should also include the future outlook for the company.


The operation analysis is an overview of the business in the past year. It usually includes new hires and new product introductions. At the same time, it will introduce business acquisitions and other important issues.


The financial statements are very important for an annual report. People can know the company’s performance in the past from the statements. It usually consists of the following three aspects. The first one is the profit and loss statement. The second one is the balance sheet. And the third one is the cash flow statement.

1. An annual report of a company provides some information about its business performance for certain people.{T、F}

2. People can know everything of the company from the annual report.{T、F}

3. An annual report usually includes chairman’s letter, financial statements and operation analysis.{T、F}

4. A chairman’s letter should include the strategic direction moving forward.{T、F}

5. This passage is mainly about the main parts of an annual report.{T、F}

阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误。WHAT DO YOU SAY IN A COVER LETTER?A cover letter is a let



A cover letter is a letter of introduction sent along with a résumé or curriculum vitae (CV). How do you write a successful cover letter? Bear these points in mind, and you'll always make a great impression.

Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. Writing more than one page is usually unnecessary. If it is sent in an email, writing three short paragraphs is quite sufficient.

Explain why you are sending a résumé. Don't make the reader guess what you are asking for.

Tell specifically how you learned about the position or the organization – a flyer posted in your department, a web site, a family friend who works at the organization, etc.

Convince the reader to look at your résumé. The cover letter will be seen first. Therefore, it must be very well written and targeted to that employer.

Call attention to your background – education, leadership, experience – that is relevant to the position you are seeking.

Provide any information specifically requested in the job advertisement that might not be covered in your résumé, such as availability date, or references.


1. A cover letter is a letter of introduction sent along with a résumé.{T; F}

2. The cover letter is usually more than one page.{T; F}

3. There is no need to explain why you are sending a résumé.{T; F}

4. The cover letter must be very well written.{T; F}

5. Education background is irrelevant to the position you are seeking.{T; F}

第二节 短文理解1阅读下面短文,从[A](Right)、[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn't Say)三个判断中选择一个正

第二节 短文理解1

阅读下面短文,从[A](Right)、[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn't Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。

Morison and Philip were classmates. They lived in the same town. After they left school, Morison became the manager(经理) of a flower shop and Philip became a doctor in a hospital.

Philip made a girlfriend. He bought a rod rose for her each day to show his love. The flowers made her very happy. Sometimes he took the rose to her himself. But when he was busy in the hospital, he asked Morison to give the rose to her instead of him.

One afternoon, Philip came into the flower shop and said to Morison. "1'!1 go to another town to work today. I have no time to give the letter and the flowers to my girlfriend. Please give her the letter and twenty-four roses. "

In the evening, when Morison was closing the door of the shop, Philip came. "Morison, how many roses did you give my girlfriend this morning?" asked Philip angrily.

"I gave her thirty, "answered Morison.

"Why did you do that?" asked Philip.

"I thought you often bought roses for her in my shop. I want to give her six roses as the gifts (赠品). Six is a good number, you know, "said Morison.

"How foolish you are!" He threw his letter on the table. "Read it!"

Morison picked it up and began to read:

Dear Mimi,

I love you very much. Today is your birthday. Please accept my present--some roses. One rose is a year. And the number of the roses is your age.



"She returned them to me, "cried Philip, "you must go and explain it to her. "

Philip and Morison had different jobs after school.



C.Doesn't say.

第二节 短文理解1阅读下面短文,从[A](Right)、[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn't Say)三个判断中选择一个正

第二节 短文理解1

阅读下面短文,从[A](Right)、[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn't Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。

In order to study efficiently (高效率地), you need to have a place that is always, and only, used for studying. This should be your own desk in your own room. Your desk should be free from anything that may interrupt (打断) your study, such as photos, letters, newspapers, or a radio. All the things you need for study should be put at your hand: textbooks, notebooks, dictionaries, pens and pencils. On the left of your desk(or on your right if you are left-handed) should be a good lamp (台灯) to light up your work. Because your desk is your own place of study, it should not be used for anything else. Even for reading the newspaper or an important letter, go somewhere else. When you come to your desk, you should think of nothing but your study.

However, your place of study, at home or in the classroom, may sometimes be noisy. Many students, therefore, would like to study in the library. There they are not often interrupted.

This text is most probably written for students.



C.Doesn't say.

第三部分 阅读理解阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A.B .C和 D)中 ,选出最佳选项 ,并在答

第三部分 阅读理解

阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A.B .C和 D)中 ,选出最佳选项 ,并在答题卡,上将该项涂黑。


Is staring at a big, white wall during class making you feel dull? If you have ever walked past math teacher Mr. Kelley' s room, you may have noticed how cheerful it is throughout the year. One thing that makes his classroom so much fun is the celebrity (名人) pictures on his front wall. Kelley ' s students have been writing to celebrities from across the nation asking for a photo and a few words of advice. "It really takes a lot of time and money," Kelley said. First, Kelley and his students make a list of all the celebrities to whom they want to write. Once a student picks a star, Kelley looks them up in his book of addresses to see if he can write to that person.

Writing to the stars takes a lot of time because he has personalize each letter, print them out, and address them. In the letter, Kelley asks the celebrity to send his classes a picture with some advice he or she would give to today' s youth.

Kelley takes up a collection in all of his classes and asks each student to contribute (捐) a dollar to pay for the postage. Once Kelley mails off all the letters, the fun really begins. So far he has gotten back about 20 letters and pictures. "The only thing that isn' t cool is when the celebrity sends the picture back with no advice on it, which is my entire purpose in doing this, " said Kelley. When he gets at least three pictures retumed, he lets his classes guess who the three stars are. He keeps score of how many celebrities each class has guessed. Jason Bryant, a student, said, "It' s become a contest (竞赛) between the classes to see who can guess the most stars, and it' s really fun. "

56. What is the text about?

[ A] Celebrities sending photos to Kelley.

[ B ] Celebrities giving advice to students.

[ C] Kelley and his classes writing to celebrities.

[ D] Kelley inviting celebrities to his classes.

阅读理解:Thank you for your interest in Calibre Cassette (盒式录音带) library. This le

阅读理解:Thank you for your interest in Calibre Cassette (盒式录音带) library. This letter tells you about our service. With it we are sending you an application form, so that you can join if you would like to try it. Calibre library aims to provide the pleasure of reading to anyone who cannot read ordinary printed books because of sight problems. We currently have over 7,000 books available for reading for pleasure, including 1,000 specially for children. All our books are recorded cover-to-cover on ordinary cassettes and can be played on any cassette players. They are sent and returned by post, free of charge

When we receive your application, we will send you a book and an information tape. They will explain how to use the service. The easy way to use Calibre library is to tell us what sorts of books you like, and we will keep you supplied with books we think you will enjoy. Or you can send us a list of books you would like to read, and we will then send you books from this list whenever possible. In that case you will need to use our website, or buy one or more of our catalogues (目录).

21. According to the first paragraph, the library sends the application form. to the readers so that they can ________.

A) read ordinary books

B) order cassette players

C) buy Calibre cassettes

D) use the library service

22. Calibre library provides service mainly for people who suffer from ________.

A) hearing difficulties

B) mental illnesses

C) sight problems

D) heart troubles

23. The service of sending and returning books by post is ________.

A) not available to children

B) paid by the users

C) free of charge

D) not provided

24. The easy way to use the library service is to ________.

A) inform. the library of your name and address

B) tell the library the sorts of books you like

C) buy the catalogues of the library

D) ask the library to buy the books

25. The main purpose of this letter is to ________.

A) introduce the library’s service to readers

B) recommend new books to the readers

C) send a few catalogues to readers

D) express thanks to the readers

阅读理解THE RIGHT WAY TO MOTIVATE EMPLOYEESIt's important for a CEO to be passionate



It's important for a CEO to be passionate and enthusiastic, but there's a line of professionalism that must always be maintained.

According to a report from the technology website Venture Beat, PayPal CEO David Marcus wrote a critical letter to his employees blaming them for not using PayPal products and encouraging them to leave if they didn't have the passion to use the products they work for.

According to the website, part of the leaked letter reads:

“It's been brought to my attention that when testing paying with mobile at Cafe 17 last week, some of you refused to install the PayPal app, and others didn't even remember their PayPal passwords. That's unacceptable to me, and the rest of my team, everyone at PayPal should use our products where available. That's the only way we can make them better, and better.”

“In closing, if you are one of the folks who refused to install the PayPal app or if you can't remember your PayPal password, do yourself a favor, go and find something that will connect with your heart and mind elsewhere.”

While not obvious at first, the letter reveals a problem of morale and culture at PayPal. As an executive, you certainly want your employees to use and promote your products. However, when faced with a situation where staff isn't embracing what they make, you need to investigate the root of the problem -- not threaten.

When faced with internal problems, good executives start by asking “why”. They reach out to their executive team first and then to the entire staff to find the root of a problem and how to fix it. Sending out a one-sided note about the problem is not leading, it's retreating.

Leadership starts by listening. Good executives need to get out among the staff and ask questions and listen without judgment or reaction. The fact that company employees are not embracing and using its products is a failure of leadership that Marcus needs to address by self-reflection. At the end of the day, if his employees have to be forced to use the app, how can he expect consumers to want to willingly pay to use it? Marcus should have focused on three questions:

Why are you not using the app?

What is it that we can do to ensure you use our app?

What do you need from me?


1. A CEO only needs to be passionate and enthusiastic.{T; F}

2. It is not professional that PayPal CEO blames his employees not to use PayPal or forget PayPal passwords.{T; F}

3. “A one-sided note” refers to the root of PayPal's problem.{T; F}

4. When faced with internal problems, good executives find the root of a problem in their executive team first.{T; F}

5. Good executives need to give feedback immediately when they are listening to the staff.{T; F}

阅读下面的程序,当程序在执行时,如果输入的是 ’a’ ,则输出结果为 。 #include void main(); } }

A.abother letter

B.bbother letter

C.bother letter

D.abother letterb

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