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提问人:网友陈珊 发布时间:2022-01-07

She is running about as if she________mad.



C.had been


简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
  • · 有3位网友选择 B,占比33.33%
  • · 有2位网友选择 C,占比22.22%
  • · 有2位网友选择 D,占比22.22%
  • · 有2位网友选择 A,占比22.22%
匿名网友[135.***.***.190]选择了 D
匿名网友[196.***.***.10]选择了 D
匿名网友[220.***.***.6]选择了 B
匿名网友[45.***.***.146]选择了 A
匿名网友[113.***.***.216]选择了 C
匿名网友[98.***.***.102]选择了 B
匿名网友[250.***.***.206]选择了 C
匿名网友[179.***.***.14]选择了 B
匿名网友[173.***.***.22]选择了 A
更多“She is running about as if she________mad.”相关的问题
Why hsnt the womn bought present for Jim She is running out of money.B.She’s thinkinWhy hs
nt the womn bought present for Jim She is running out of money. B.She’s thinkingbout sending himn old iron. C.She wnts to knit sweter for him. D.She hopes to choose specil gift.

A.She is running out of money.

B.She’s thinking about sending him an old iron.

C.She wants to knit a sweater for him.

D.She hopes to choose a special gift.

听力原文:Taking her first step towards running for the White House next year, Hilary Clint
on was confident to victory. "I am in to win." she wrote on her website. The former First Lady and New York senator today set up an exploratory committee, allowing her to raise money and hire staff for a full presidential bid.But while she is the front runner for the democratic nomination, she faces strong competition, as Keme Nzerem reports from Washington.

Which description about Hilary Clinton is not true according to the passage?

A.The former First Lady.

B.The front runner of the republic nomination.

C.The front runner of the democratic nomination.

D.New York senator.

听力原文:W: Well, Mr. Steve, we have had an interesting discussion about your work. Now, t
ell us something about your afar work activities.

M: I guess not much different from everyone else. I'm fond of sports, and I run about 3 miles every day. I particularly enjoy cross-country running, where you have to run across fields, jump over streams and so on. While I'm running I think about all kinds of things, and I can become more healthy. Next year I'm going to try the London Marathon. It's a long, hard race—26 miles, or 42 kilometers and you have to be tough to finish, but I want to do it very much. I worry a bit about getting old, and I'd like to prove to myself that I'm still almost as well as I was twenty years ago. I'm interested in climbing as well as running. I'll never become an expert climber, but I know what I'm doing in the mountains. I successfully completed a course in snow and ice climbing when I was younger, and I've done a lot of easy climbs in the Alps during the last few years. My wife doesn't share my interest in mountains. She agreed to go climbing with me once, but she found that she felt sick as soon as she reached above 1,000 meters, so we decided to follow different hobbies.

W: You certainly seem to enjoy various types of recreation. All right, Mr. Smith. Thanks for your interesting talk.

What are the man's hobbies?

A.Running and thinking.

B.Running and jumping.

C.Running and climbing.

D.Running and skiing.

听力原文:W: Well, Mr. Smith, we have had an interesting discussion about your work. Now, t
ell us something about your after-work activities.

M: I guess I'm not much different from everyone else. I'm interested in sport, and I run about 3 miles every day. I particularly enjoy cross- country running, where you have to run across fields, jump over streams and so on. While I'm running I think about all sorts of things, and at the end of a run I'm sometimes surprised to find that I've managed to solve a problem that was on my mind. Next year I'm going to try the London Marathon. It's a long, hard race--26 miles, or 42 kilometers--and you have to be tough to finish, but I very much want to do it. I worry a bit about getting old, and I'd like to prove to myself that I'm still almost as fit as I was twenty years ago. I'm interested in climbing as well as running. I'll never become an expert climber, but I know what I'm doing in the mountains. I successfully completed a course in snow and ice climbing when I was younger, and I've done a series of easy climbs in the Alps during the last few years. My wife doesn't share my interest in Mountains. She agreed to go climbing with me once, but she found that she felt ill as soon as she got above 1,000 meters, so we decided to follow different hobbies.

W: You certainly seem to enjoy various types of recreation. All right, Mr. Smith. Thanks for your interesting talk.

What are the man's hobbies?

A.Running and thinking.

B.Running and jumping.

C.Running and climbing.

D.Running and skiing.

StatementsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. Th


Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper, so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

听力原文:Alice kept getting the run-around every time she called the store manager about the digital camera she got the other day.


A.Alice met the manager of a goods store when running around.

B.The manager never got a call from Alice about the digital camera.

C.Alice never got a satisfactory response from manager.

D.The manger was running around the store when Alice took pictures.

听力原文:Lisa was running late. She had a lot to do at work, plus visitors on the way: her

听力原文: Lisa was running late. She had a lot to do at work, plus visitors on the way: her parents were coming in for Thanksgiving from her hometown. But as she hurried down the subway stairs, she started to feel uncomfortably. Lisa felt weak and tired — maybe it hadn't been a good idea to give blood the night before, she thought.

Several yards away, Frank, 33, and his girlfriend, Jennifer, found a spot close to where the front of the train would stop. They were deep in discussion about a house they were thinking of buying. But when he heard the scream, followed by someone yelling, "Oh, my God, she fell in!" Frank didn't hesitate. He jumped down to the tracks and ran some 40 feet toward the body lying on the rails. "No! Not you!" his girlfriend screamed after him. The train was about 20 seconds from the station. It was hard to lift her. She was just out. But he managed to raise her four feet to the platform. so that bystanders could hold her by the chin and drag her away from the edge. That was where Lisa briefly regained consciousness, felt herself being pulled along the ground, and saw someone else holding her purse. Lisa thought she'd been robbed. A woman held her hand and a man gave his shirt to help stop the blood pouring from her head.

Police and fire officials soon arrived, and Frank told the story to an officer. Jennifer said her boyfriend was calm on their 40-minute train ride downtown — just as he had been seconds after the rescue, which made her think about her reaction at the time. "I saw the train coming and I was thinking he was going to die," she explained.

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. What was the most probable cause for Lisa's weakness?

27. How did Frank save Lisa?

28. When did Lisa become conscious again?

29. Why did Jennifer try to stop her boyfriend?


A.She had run a long way.

B.She felt hot in the subway.

C.She had done a lot of work.

D.She had donated blood the night before.

听力原文:W: Well, Mr. Steve, we have had an interesting discussion about your work. Now, t
ell us something about your after work activities.

M: I guess not much different from everyone else. I'm fond of sports, and I run about 3 miles every day. I particularly enjoy cross-country running, where you have to run across fields, jump over streams and so on. While I'm running I think about all kinds of things, and I can become more healthy. Next year I'm going to try the London Marathon. It's a long, hard race—26 miles, or 42 kilometers and you have to be tough to finish, but I want to do it very much. I worry a bit about getting old, and I'd like to prove to myself that I'm still almost as well as I was twenty years ago. I'm interested in climbing as well as running. I'll never become an expert climber, but I know what I'm doing in the mountains. I successfully completed a course in snow and ice climbing when I was younger, and I've done a lot of easy climbs in the Alps during the last few years. My wife doesn't share my interest in mountains. She agreed to go climbing with me once, but she found that she felt sick as soon as she reached above 1,000 meters, so we decided to follow different hobbies.

W: You certainly seem to enjoy various types of recreation. All right, Mr. Smith. Thanks for your interesting talk.

What are the man's hobbies?

A.Running and thinking.

B.Running and jumping.

C.Running and climbing.

D.Running and skiing.

听力原文:W: Well, Mr. Steve, we have had an interesting discussion about your work. Now, t
ell us something about your after work activities.

M: I guess not much different from everyone else. I'm fond of sports, and I am about 3 miles every day. I particularly enjoy cross-couray running, where you have to run across fields, jump over streams and so on. While I'm running I think about all kinds of things, and at the end of a run I'm sometimes surprised to find that I've managed to solve a problem that was on my mind. Next year I'm going to ay the London Marathon. It's a long, hard race— 26 miles, or 42 kilometres and you have to be tough to finish, but I very much want to do it. I worry a bit about getting old, and I'd like to prove to myself that I'm still almost as well as I was twenty years ago. I'm interested in climbing as well as running. I'll never become an expert climber, but I know what I'm doing in the mountains. I successfully completed a course in snow and ice climbing when I was younger, and I've done a lot of easy climbs in the Alps during the last few years. My wife doesn't share my interest in mountains. She agreed to go climbing with me once, but she found that she felt sick as soon as she reached above 1 000 metres, so we decided to follow different hobbies.

W: You certainly seem to enjoy various types of recreation. All right, Mr. Smith. Thanks for your interesting talk.

What are the man' s hobbies?

A.Running and thinking.

B.Running and jumping.

C.Running and climbing.

D.Running and skiing.

Out of Africa

1 When Tegla Loroupe returned home to Kenya from winning the New York City Marathon in 1994, she was presented with nine cattle, 16 sheep and some land by the grateful people of her hometown. But it was the words of the ordinary womenfolk which Loroupe valued the most. "You did a good job," they told her. "You showed us that women can be successful just like men. We are not useless"

2 In a country where most people think women are supposed to stay home and care for the kids, Loroupe, s victory meant a lot. It was the first time a black African woman had ever won a major marathon, and the triumph provided her independence, both financially and culturally. It also gave her the opportunity to stand up for herself and her Kenyan sisters

3 Male athletes have made Kenya synonymous with success in long-distance running, but women are discouraged from competing beyond the age of 16, when they are expected to start a family. Most people think that if a woman goes out of the dountry, she will be spoiled, that she will learn more than the others, and that when they tell her to do something, she will say no. Due to this situation, Kenyan male runners have gained international success, while the female runners have been left at home

4 The Kenyans' success in distance running began at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City, where Kep Keino captured the gold in the 1,500-meters. The domination by Kenyan men across all distance running, from road races to cross-country, stems from youngsters running many miles to school each day, a nutritious diet, the benefits of living at high altitude and having no diversions from other sports

5 Loroupe, now 25, recalls her early running days and the discouragement she received from others. When she ran to school, the men in her tribe would tell her she was

wasting her time. "They didn't want me to do sports," she said. But Loroupe, from a town called Kapenguria on the Ugandan border, about 400 miles from Nairobi, began running for the same reason most of the men did 一 to avoid being late for school. "If you were late, they beat you," she said

6 One of seven children, Loroupe, s was a traditional family, and her parents took a

long time to be convinced that she was not wasting her life. They wanted their daughter to give up the i dea of finishing school so she could stay at home and look after her younger siblings. But she insisted on going and continuing to run even though, as a child, she developed problems with her lungs

7 Loroupe' a family is a member of the Bokot tribe, nomads who once drove their cattle across the plains of Kenya. Now they graze them on ranches like the one Loroupe grew up on. As a child, Loroupe used to chase the family's cattle herd for up to 12 miles, and looking back on it now, she says it was great training. The more she ran however, the more distance Loroupe put between herself and the expectations of her society. And having been overlooked four times by the Kenya Amateur Athletics Association for major championships both nationally and internationally, she eventually had to travel abroad for opportunities. It was in Germany that Anne Roberts, the elite-athlete coordinator of the New York City Marathon, first discovered Loroupe, s huge talent

8 The launching pad for her success began in 1994 when Roberts invited Loroupe to take part in the New York City Marathon. Winning it gave her the determination and courage to pursue her dreams, despite the problems back home. Roberts has marvelled at Loroupe,5determination to succeed, and the obstacles she has overcome. "I think she has a very strong sense of what' s fair and what isn ' t," she said. "When you' re running everywhere, to school, to get the cows in, all over the thousand acres of farm, and yQu, re running with your brothers and you're beating them" . she fought long and hard to get out of the country to compete"

9 Her victories m New York and Rotterdam have smoothed wrink!ed relationships back home. In April 1997, Loroupe won the New York Central Park City Marathon. in October of the same year, she won the World Half Marathon in Slovakia, setting a world championship record of 1 hour, 8 minutes and 14 seconds. Although Loroupe developed a knee injury from over use during the fall of 1997, she recovered, and in April 1998 she set a world record of 2 hours, 20 minutes, 47 seconds in the Women's Marathon in Rotterdam. Now many people expect Loroupe to go further and become the first woman to run under 2:20:00 一 a barrier only broken by a male marathon runner in 1953, when Britain Jim Peters clocked 2,18,40. These world records and her promising future have changed the attitudes of Kenyan people

10 Loroupe now lives in Germany where she shares a house with Tanzanian and Ethiopian male runners, as well as other Kenyans. These days Loroupe is showing confidence about her career in running, but is taking it step by step. She trains 100 miles per week, while many of her rivals log 180 miles. At 25 years of age, she realizes that she is still young and inexperienced, and knows there is plenty of time. As a Kenyan woman, she knows the meaning of the words patience and strength, especially patience

Questions 1-10 Directions:

Read Passage 1 and find which the underlined woid (s) in each of the follow 吨 sentences refer 恤

1. When Tegla Loroupe returned home to Kenya from winning the New York City

Marathon in 1994, she was presented with nine cattle, 16 sheep and some tand by the

grateful people of her hometown. (paragraph 1)

2. "You did a good job," they told her. (paragraph 1)

3. it also gave her the opportunity to stand up for herself and her Kenyan sisters

(paragraph 2)

4. Most people think that if a woman goes out of the country, 业 will be spoiled,.

(paragraph 3)

5. "They didn't want me to do sports," she said. (paragraph 5)

6. Now they graze them on ranches like the one Loroupe grew up on. (paragraph 7)

7. As a child, Loroupe used to chase the family's cattle herd for up to 12 miles, and

looking back on it now, she says it was great training. (paragraph 7)

8. Winning 丝 gave her the determination and courage to pursue her dreams, despite the

problems back home. (paragraph 8)

9. '1 think she has a very strong sense of what' s fair and what isn' t," she said

(paragraph 8)

10. These days Loroupe is showing confidence about her career in running, but is taking it step by step. (paragraph 10)

听力原文: W: Well, Mr. Steve, we have had an interesting discussion about your work. Now,
tell us something about you after work activities.

M: I guess not much different from everyone else. I'm fond of sport, and I run about 3 miles every day. I particularly enjoy cross-country running, where you have to run across fields, jump over streams and so on. While I'm running I think about all kinds of things, and at the end of a run I'm sometimes surprised to find that I've managed to solve a problem that was on my mind.

Next year I'm going to try the London Marathon. It's a long, hard race--26 miles, or 42 kilometres and you have to be tough to finish, but I very much want to do it. I worry a hit about getting old, and I'd like to prove to myself that I'm still almost as well as I was twenty years ago.

I'm interested in climbing as well as running. I'll never become an expert climber, but I know what I'm doing in the mountains. I successfully completed a course in snow and ice climbing when I was younger, and I've done a lot of easy climbs in the Alps during the last few years. My wife doesn't share my interest in mountains. She agreed to go climbing with me once, but she found that she felt sick as soon as she reached above 1, 000 metres, so we decide to follow different hobbies.

W: You certainly seem to enjoy various types of recreation. All right, My Smith. Thanks for your interesting talk.

What are the man's hobbies?

A.Running and thinking.

B.Running and jumping.

C.Running and climbing.

D.Running and skiing.

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