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提问人:网友ilikeme 发布时间:2022-01-07

The number of people 85 or older in the United States started increasing dramatically duri

ng the last ten years. The good health care that these people enjoyed in the United States during their vulnerable childhood years is primarily responsible for this trend. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the explanation above?

A.Seventy-five percent of the people in the United States who are 85 or older are the children of people who themselves lived less than 65 years.

B.The people in the United States who are now 85 represent an age group that was smaller in numbers at birth than the immediately preceding and succeeding age groups.

C.Thirty-five percent of the people in the United States who are 85 or older require some form. of twenty-four-hour nursing care.

D.Many of the people in the United States who are 85 or older immigrated to the United States when they were 20 years old or older.

E.Because of decreased federal funding for medical care for pregnant mothers and for children, the life expectancy of United States citizens is likely to decrease.

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更多“The number of people 85 or older in the United States started increasing dramatically duri”相关的问题
Both the number and the percentage of people in the United States involved in nonagricultural pursuit expanded rapidly during the half century following the Civil War, with some of the most dramatic increases occurring in the domains of transportation, manufacturing and trade and distribution. The development of the railroad and telegraph systems during the middle of the nineteenth century led to significant improvements in the speed, volume, and regularity of shipments and communications, making possible a fundamental transformation in the production and distribution of goods.

In agriculture, the transformation was marked by the emergence of the grain elevators, the cotton presses, the warehouses, and the commodity exchanges that seemed to so many of the nation's farmers the visible sign of a vast conspiracy against them. In manufacturing, the transformation was marked by the emergence of a "new factory system" in which plants became larger, more complex, and more systematically organized and managed. And in distribution, the transformation was marked by the emergence of the jobber(中间商), the wholesaler, and 'the mass retailer(零售商). These changes radically altered the nature of work during the half century between 1870 and 1920.

To be sure, there were still small workshops, where skilled craftspeople manufactured products ranging from newspapers to cabinets to plumbing fixtures. There were the sweatshops in city tenements, where groups of men and women in household settings manufactured clothing or cigars on a piecework basis. And there were factories in occupations such as metalwork where individual contractors presided over what were essentially handicraft proprietorships that coexisted within a single building. But as the number of wage earners in manufacturing rose from 2.7 million in 1888 to 4.5 million in 1900 to 8.4 million in 1920, the number of huge plants like the Baldwin Locomotive Works in Philadelphia burgeoned (迅速成长), as did the size of average plant. (The Baldwin Works had 600 employees in 1855, 3,000 in 1875, and 8,000 in 1900.) By 1920, at least in the northeastern United States where most of the nation's manufacturing wage earners were concentrated, three-quarters of those worked in factories with more than 100 employees and 30 percent worked in factories with more than 100 employees.

What can be inferred from the passage about the agricultural sector of the economy after the Civil War?______

A.New technological developments had little effect on farmers

B.The percentage of the total population working in agriculture declined

C.Many farms destroyed in the war were rebuilt after the war

D.Farmers achieved new, prosperity because of better rural transportation

People in the United States in the nineteenth century were haunted by the prospect that unprecedented change in the nation's economy would bring social chaos. In the years following 1820 after several decades of relative stability the economy entered a period of sustained and extremely rapid growth that continued to the end of the nineteenth century. Accompanying that growth was a structural change that featured increasing economic diversification and a gradual shift in the nation's labor force from agriculture to manufacturing and other nonagricultural pursuits.

Although the birth rate continued to decline from its high level of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries the population roughly doubled every generation during the rest of the nineteenth century. As the population grew, its make up also changed. Massive waves of immigration brought new ethnic groups into the country. Geographic and social mobility — downward as well as upward — touched almost everyone. Local studies indicate that nearly three quarters of the population in the North and South, in the emerging cities — the Northeast and in the restless rural counties of the West — changed their residence each decade. As a consequence, historian David Donald has written, "Social atomization affected every segment of society," and it seemed to many people that "all the recognized values of orderly civilization were gradually being eroded.

Rapid industrialization and increased geographic mobility in the nineteenth century had special implications for women because these changes tended to magnify social distinctions. As the roles of men and women played in society became more rigidly defined, so did the roles they played in the home. In the context of extreme competitiveness and dizzying social change, the household lost many of its earlier functions and the home came to serve as a haven of tranquility and order. As the size of families decreased, the roles of husband and wife became more clearly differentiated than ever before. In the middle class especially, men participated in the productive economy while women ruled the home and served as the custodians of civility and culture. The intimacy of marriage that was common in earlier periods was rent, and a gulf that at times seemed unbridgeable was created between husbands and wives.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.The economic development of the United States in the eighteenth century.

B.Ways in which economic development led to social changes in the United States.

C.Population growth in the western United States.

D.The increasing availability of industrial jobs for women in the United States.

文献:Lave J, Wenger E. Situated learning:Legitimate peripheral participation.[J]. Man, 1991, 29(2):167-182.以下说法正确的是:

A、该论文发表在Situated learning上




4. There are many opportunities to integrate listening with the practice of other language skills, especially at the while-listening stage.
Red blood cells in which the malarial-fever parasite resides are eliminated from a persons body after 120 days. Because the parasite cannot travel to a new generation of red blood cells, any fever that develops in a person more than 120 days after that person has moved to a malaria-free region is not due to the malarial parasite. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion above?

A.The fever caused by the malarial parasite may resemble the fever caused by flu viruses.

B.The anopheles mosquito, which is the principal insect carrier of the malarial parasite, has been eradicated in many parts of the world.

C.Many malarial symptoms other than the fever, which can be suppressed with antimalarial medication, can reappear within 120 days after the medication is discontinued.

D.In some cases, the parasite that causes malarial fever travels to cells of the spleen, which are less frequently eliminated from a person" s body than are red blood cells.

E.In any region infested with malaria-carrying mosquitoes, there are individuals who appear to be immune to malaria.

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