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提问人:网友nora7 发布时间:2022-01-06

Most women I came across in Japan were stay-at-home housewives. (翻译)

Most women I came across in Japan were stay-at-home housewives. (翻译)

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更多“Most women I came across in Japan were stay-at-home housewives. (翻译)”相关的问题
They may be one of Britain's most successful exports and among the world's most popular TV
shows, ranking alongside the World Cup Final and the Olympic Games opening ceremony in terms of audience. But, in Britain, beauty competitions are unfashionable. To most people, beauty contests seem as out-dated as bowing. Nicolas Barker, a lawyer in London, said that "As much as I think it's fine for women to do it. I don't think it's interesting and in fact. I think they're irrelevant to today." Last year, Miss World was broadcast to 142 countries, but it wasn't even shown in this country where it started in 1951.

It wasn't always this way in Britain. Once, beauty queens dated footballers, traveled the world and were guaranteed fame, fortune and fun. Now, they open new supermarkets, are sponsored by dry-cleaning companies and, if they're lucky, they get free clothes from supermarkets.

When Francesca Marchant was crowned Miss Sussex in 1969, it was something to be extremely proud of. "I came from a small town, and all my friends were green with envy when they found out I'd won. My boyfriends at the time thought it was terrific and boasted to everyone that he was going out with a beauty queen."

But the good times couldn't last. The feminist movement gathered momentum. Some women were determined to bring an end to these "cattle shows". Nowadays, saying that you were a beauty queen just doesn't sound good.

Miss World organizers claim that contestants are judged on qualities other than just their physical appearance. But, Jacqueline Gold, England's representative at this year's contest, was not chosen because of her academic record. The Miss World Website states that she "left school having gained many computer qualifications, and certificates in First Aid and Life Saving", meaning, not much of an education.

The only time the contests attract attraction now is because of the protesters. At the 1999 Miss World in Britain, around 60 demonstrators hurled flour bombs and fought with the police. They denounced the beauty contest as a "sexist cattle market". They waved banners saying "fat girls are cool" and "women's bodies are not for sale".

Beauty contests in Britain are now ______

A.bringing huge benefits for the country

B.as popular as the World Cup Final

C.no longer popular in the country

D.widely protested in the country

听力原文:W: John, you know a lot about the history of flying. And the Wright broth- ers ar
e known as the first men to fly an airplane. Can you tell us what their purposes were in the beginning?

M: I think in the beginning they were looking for a chance to be famous. I don't think they were sure about what they were able to achieve.

W: Could either of them have done it alone?

M: Neither brother could have flown alone. It was the work of two minds. Two minds that came together at some point and became one. That's what happened.

W: What did the people in the neighborhood think of the Wright brothers?

M: Most people were interested in the Wright brothers. But I think some of them were worried. You see, here are two men flying kites in the mid- dle of the day when they should be working. The men, I think, were curious about what was going on there. The children were excited to see these two men flying kites just like they were children. But I think the women were afraid.

What were the Wright brothers trying to do in the first place?

A.They wanted to attract public attention.

B.They tried to become skillful at flying.

C.They wanted to test their kites.

听力原文:Somehow the old male and female stereotypes no longer fit. Men and women in this

听力原文: Somehow the old male and female stereotypes no longer fit. Men and women in this country haven't been fulfilling their traditional roles for some time now. And there seem to be fewer and fewer differences between the sexes. For instance, even though more women than men are still homemakers without paying jobs, women have been taking over more responsibility in the business world, earning higher salaries than ever before and entering fields of work that used to be exclusively male areas At office meetings and in group discussions, they might speak up more often, express stronger opinions and come up with more creative and practical ideas than their male colleagues. Several days ago, my 23-year-old daughter came to me with some important news. Not only had she found the highest paying job of her career, but she'd also accepted a date with the most charming men she'd ever met.

"Really?" I responded," tell me about them. "

" Receptionist in an attorney's office and a welder at a construction site. " She answered in a matter-of-fact way. The interesting thing is my daughter's date is the receptionist and my daughter is the welder. The old stereotypes of men's and women's work have been changing more quickly than ever before, except perhaps in my own marriage.

"Who's going to mow the lawn?" I asked my husband this morning.

"Oh, I will," he answered politely, "That's men's work.

"What?" Irritated, I raised my voice, "That's a ridiculous stereotype. I'll show you who can do the best job on the lawn. "

The work took 3 hours and I did it all myself.


29. What is the speaker mainly talking about?

30. What might women do at office meetings nowadays according to the speaker?

31. Why did the speaker mow the Lawn herself that morning?


A.The old stereotypes about men and women.

B.The changing roles played by men and women.

C.The division of labor between men and women

D.The widespread prejudice against women.

Direction:There are five passages in this part,Each passage is followed by five questions
or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choice marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best one and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

Passage One

They may be one of Britain’s most successful exports and among the world’s most popular TV shows,ranking alongside the World Cup Final and the Olympics Games opening ceremony in terms of audience. But,in Britain,beauty competitions are unfashionable. To most people,beauty contests seems as out-dated as bowing. Nicolas Baker,a lawyer in London,said that“As much as I think it’s fine for women to do it,I don’t think it’s interesting and in fact,I think they’re irrelevant to today.”Last year,Miss World was broadcast to 142 countries,but it wasn’t even shown in the country where it started in 1951.

It wasn’t always this way in Britain. Once beauty queens dated footballers,traveled the world and were guaranteed fame,fortune and fun. Now,they open new supermarkets,are sponsored by dry-cleaning companies and if they’re lucky,they get free clothes from supermarkets.

When Francesca Marchant was crowned Miss Sussex in 1969,it was something to be extremely proud of“I came from a small town,and all my friends were green with envy when they found out I’d won. My boyfriend at the time thought it was terrific and boasted to everyone that he was going out with a beauty queen.

But the good times couldn’t last. The feminist movement gathered momentum. Some women were determined to bring an end to these“cattle shows.” Nowadays,saying that you were a beauty queen just doesn’t sound good.

Miss World organizers claim that contestants are judged on qualities other than just their physical appearance. But Jacqueline Gold,England’s representative at this year’s contest,was not chosen because of her academic record. The Miss World Website states that she“left school having gained many computer qualifications,and certificates in First Aid and Lift Saving.”meaning,not much of an education.

The only time contests attract attention now is because of the protesters. At the 1999 Miss World in Britain around 60 demonstrators hurled flour bombs and fought with the police. They denounced the beauty contest as a“sexist cattle market”. They waved banners saying“fat girls are cool”and“women’s bodies are not for sale.”

31. Beauty contests in Britain are now .

A. bringing huge benefits for the country

B. as popular as the World Cup Final

C. no longer popular in the country

D. widely protested in the country

We are scattered now, the friends of the late Mr. Oliver Offord; but whenever we chance to
meet I think we are conscious of a certain esoteric respect for each other. "Yes, you too have been in Arcadia", we seem not too grumpily to allow. When I pass the house in Mansfield Street I remember that Arcadia was there. I don't know who has it now, and don't want to know; it's enough to be so sure that if I should ring the bell there would be no such luck for me as that Brooksmith should open the door. Mr. Offord, the most agreeable, the most attaching of bachelors, was a retired diplomatist, living on his pension and on something of his own over and above; a good deal confined, by his infirmities, to his fireside and delighted to be found there any afternoon in the year, from five o'lock on, by such visitors as Brooksmith allowed to come up. Brooksmith was his butler and his most intimate friend, to whom we all stood, or I should say sat, in the same relation in which the subject of the sovereign finds himself to the prime minister. By having been for years, in foreign lands, the most delightful Englishman any one had ever known, Mr. Offord had in my opinion rendered signal service to his country. But I suppose he had been too much liked liked even by those who didn't like IT-so that as people of that sort never get titles or dotations for the horrid things they've NOT done, his principal reward was simply that we went to see him.

Oh, we went perpetually, and it was not our fault if he was not overwhelmed with this particular honour. Any visitor who came once came again; to come merely once was a slight nobody; I'm sure, had ever put upon him. His circle therefore was essentially composed of habitues, who were habitues for each other as well as for him, as those of a happy salon should be. I remember vividly every element of the place, down to the intensely Londonish look of the grey opposite houses, in the gap of the white curtains of the high windows, and the exact spot where, on a particular afternoon, I put down my tea-cup for Brooksmith, lingering an instant, to gather it up as if he were plucking a flower. Mr. Offord's drawing-room was indeed Brooksmith's garden, his pruned and tended human parterre, and if we all flourished there and grew well in our places it was largely owing to his supervision.

Many persons have heard much, though most have doubtless seen little, of the famous institution of the salon, and many are born to the depression of knowing that this finest flower of social life refuses to bloom where the English tongue is spoken. The explanation is usually that our women have not the skill to cultivate it the art to direct through a smiling land, between suggestive shores, a sinuous stream of talk. My affectionate, my pious memory of Mr. Offord contradicts this induction only, ! fear, more insidiously to confirm it. The sallow and slightly smoked drawing-room in which he spent so large a portion of the last years of his life certainly deserved the distinguished name; but on the other hand it couldn't be said at all to owe its stamp to any intervention throwing into relief the fact that there Was no Mrs. Offord. The dear man had indeed, at the most, been capable of one of those sacrifices to which women are deemed peculiarly apt: he had recognised-under the influence, in some degree, it is true, of physical infirmity that if you wish people to find you at home you must manage not to be out. He had in short accepted the truth which many dabblers in the social art are slow to learn, that you must really, as they say, take a line, and that the only way as yet discovered of being at home is to stay at home. Finally his own fireside had become a summary of his habits. Why should he ever have left it? Since this would have been leaving what was notoriously pleasantest in London, the compact charmed cluster (thinning away indeed into casual couples) round the fine old last-century chimney-piece which,





听力原文:M: What do you think of my new sweater, Tracy? W: Well, its very nice as far as
I can see, but put it on first, then Ill tell you if it suits you. M: I tried on about twenty times. This one isnt really what I wanted. W: Why did you buy it then? M: The salesman sold it to me before I realised what had happened. He just never stopped talking and he told me some stories about the latest fashion and special reductions. Before I could say anything hed wrapped it up and taken my money. W: Well, it doesnt look too bad. I think it looks good on you. M: But I went out to get a blue sweater with a V-neck, short sleeves and pattern, and I came home with a brown one with a high neck, long sleeves and no pattern. W: You must be easily taken in. Youve got to learn to stand up to these high-pressure salesmen. Theyll sell you all sorts of things you dont want if you dont watch out. M: Next time Ill send my wife. Shell probably sell something to the salesman. W: Thats a good idea. Actually women are good at shopping. Whenever my husband and I buy something important, I have the final say. M: I must admit that women have better taste in shopping. I should simply leave the whole business to them. W: Yes, I agree. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. What is the main idea of this conversation? 10. Why does the man buy a sweater which he doesnt like? 11. Which character is not true about the sweater that the man buys? 12. What is the womans suggestion?10.

A.The one he likes doesn"t suit him.

B.This sweater is on special.

C.This sweater is the most fashionable one.

D.He is tricked by the salesman.

And then she _____ the most welcome sentence I had ever heard at that mean-spirited place.

A、came across as

B、came out with

C、came up with

D、came in for

Read the following statements about the impacts of a particular book on the author, and decide which choice could serve as the author’s reflection.

A、The author, Marilyn Fridey, describes the lives of several women from the 1950's to present. Though I couldn't remember the dream, I came to a profound realization. Myra's life was my mothers.

B、Reading of Myra's evolution as a female changed the way I feel towards myself, my feelings and compassion for my mother, and provided me with a much more sensitive view towards the lives of many women in our society today.



A most()argument about who should go and fetch the bread from the kitchen was going on when I came in.





听力原文:I: Hello, Nancy. I know you are one of the few women taxi drivers in the city now
and you drive for a living. What made you want to become a taxi driver in the first place?

N: I took pride in driving well even when I was young, for I had to wait until I had a car to learn to drive. When 1 finally learned, it was something I really enjoyed and still enjoy.

I: I see. And how long have you been a taxi driver?

N: Er... altogether 12 years.

I: Mm... It has been quite some time already, hasn't it?

N: Yeah.

I: Then, what did you find the hardest about becoming a taxi driver?

N: It was scary. I did not yet know how to judge distance, and when a truck came nearer, it seemed like its wheels would just come right over me. Anyway, soon I learned it ail and stopped worrying.

I: In your opinion, what does it take to become a good taxi driver?

N: Er... besides driving well, the most important thing a taxi driver needs to know is the streets, and I knew the city well because I'd lived there for a long time. And, of course, you have to keep updating your knowledge of the streets because the city changes.

I: Now, what about annual vacation? Do you have them?

N: Oh, yes. When I first started, I had only 10 days. And now 1 have 3 weeks every year with pay.

I: Just out of curiosity, when you go on vacation to another place, do you drive there as well?

N: In most cases, not. I prefer to be driven by others if we go by car. I've had too much driving in my life. So when on holiday, I just want to relax.

I: OK. Our interview is coming to the end. Thank you for your time.

N: Pleasure.

Nancy became a taxi driver because

A.she owned a car.

B.she drove well.

C.she liked drivers' uniforms.

D.it was her dream.

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