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提问人:网友15***739 发布时间:2022-01-06

I guess I don't have much of a . Every year I plant cabbage, beans and sweet corn


B.green thumb

C.green hand

D.green power

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  • · 有4位网友选择 C,占比50%
  • · 有2位网友选择 B,占比25%
  • · 有2位网友选择 A,占比25%
匿名网友[52.***.***.210]选择了 A
匿名网友[156.***.***.4]选择了 C
匿名网友[23.***.***.109]选择了 B
匿名网友[214.***.***.104]选择了 C
匿名网友[148.***.***.187]选择了 B
匿名网友[81.***.***.142]选择了 C
匿名网友[23.***.***.123]选择了 A
匿名网友[157.***.***.123]选择了 C
更多“I guess I don't have much of a . Every year I plant cabbage, beans and sweet corn”相关的问题
听力原文:M: I have been tired of working and need a change. So Im just making plans to go
away during Spring Festival. W: Really? Where are you going? M: Im planning to visit Tibet. W: My brother and I had a vacation there last year and we had a great time. M: Did you get into Lhasa? W: Sure. Thats the first stop. No one would miss Lhasa. M: Is the Potala Palace magnificent? W: You bet. And dont forget the Barkhor Street. That place is full of treasures, I mean, all the exotic paintings and handicrafts, and the hand-made jewelries. M: Well, as there is so much there waiting for me, I guess I should stay longer. W: Definitely. M: I heard that the weather there is great. W: Well, that depends on how you define "great". No humidity, but it could be extremely cold in winter. Besides, you do need to be careful about high altitude. M: What should I do about that? W: Oh, just take it easy for a few days. Dont exercise too vigorously. Just do everything gradually. M: Im sure I will be fine. And I will let you know all about my trip when I come back. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. Whats the main purpose of the mans trip? 10. Why does the woman know so much about Tibet? 11. What can be inferred about the weather in Tibet during Spring Festival? 12. According to the woman, what may cause the man the most problems in Tibet?9.

A.Because she lives there.

B.Because her brother lives there.

C.Because she has a close friend there.

D.Because she has been there before.

听力原文:W: Im going to leave work early today. Theres a debate this evening at 6 oclock.
So Im going to get an early dinner and head over there. M: Whos debating about what? W: The two candidates for the states senate are going to answer questions from reporters. The Daily News is sponsoring the event. Members of the audience will also have a chance to ask questions, so maybe Ill speak, too. M: Oh, so youre interested in politics. Are you helping one of them? W: No, I just want to learn more about the candidates so I can make an informed decision. M: Well, I dont think Ill be voting, so I guess I wont bother with that. W: Why arent going to vote? M: Oh, My one vote doesnt matter. W: Sure it does! M: Well, besides that I dont think any of the politicians these days represent my ideas. Id like to see the government support guaranteed loans for people who start small businesses. Ive wanted to open my own bakery for years and I cant get a loan. W: You know what? Thats one of the issues theyll probably discuss tonight. One of the candidates wants tax breaks for large companies. He says that will create more jobs. The other candidate owns a restaurant. She wants to start programmes to promote more small businesses. M: Hmm. What do you know? Maybe I should show up there myself. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. Why is the woman going to the debate? 10. What reason does the man give for not voting? 11. According to the woman, what is an important issue in the upcoming election? 12. What will the man probably do?9.

A.He is too busy.

B.He is not old enough.

C.He doesn"t have transportation.

D.He feels it doesn"t make a difference.

听力原文:Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor. Student Go
od morning, Professor Thompson. I know your office hours are this afternoon, but I was wondering if you could spare me a few minutes now cause I have classes this afternoon. Professor Sure, Susan. What do you want to talk to me about? Student Well...to tell you the truth, Im not doing what I wanna do, I mean I dont like my major very much. Electrical Engineering isnt the sort of thing that attracts me. And I am at a loss what to do. What should I consider if I wanna choose another major? Professor Good Question! The most efficient way to pick a major would be to ask yourself: What do I love to do? One of my friends, for instance, started out as a microbiology major because he wanted to earn a comfortable living when he graduated. Then, in his junior year, he realized he loved history above all else, changed his major, and is now a history professor. Student Yeah, youre right, yknow, actually I was keen on Literature, but my mother, an engineer, talked me into taking this major. Professor Well, dont live someone elses dream. Its your time to be in college. Its your career in the making. Dont let someone else dictate what you should major in. My mother, a doctor, really pushed me to be a doctor. I cant think of anything Id hate more! Nothing is worse than to work for a career you dont like for your whole life! Student Yeah, but urn...um...the thing is...the thing is I am afraid of making a wrong decision again. Professor Remember, you dont have to decide right away. Go ahead and get those pesky general education requirements out of the way and, who knows- you might find something in your genned classes that you decide to major in! Most colleges dont insist that you declare a major right away, so take advantage of that. And remember, you can always change your mind. Thats my personal opinion. You can also ask other people, for example, advisors at our university whose job is to help you answer this question with their skills and expertise. You may either go to a faculty adviser who will provide ongoing advice and guidance on program selection, course registration, credit load, deadlines, and majors and minors, or to an academic adviser who can provide support, guidance, and appropriate referrals for students experiencing academic or personal difficulties while studying at our university. Student In fact, Ive already asked Dr. lasenza. But she had a different view. She said once youve chosen a major, then find the specific degree path that gets you out of school the fastest as possible. She said she knew a lot of people were going but what if I dont like it or I dont want to work in that field. Well to those questions the answer is easy: work at what you like but save as much time and money as possible on your degree. She also said that the majority of highly successful people didnt go to college, didnt finish college, or dont work in the area of their degree...so...um...it makes no sense to put any more money than necessary to obtain the degree. Once you graduate and move to your actual career that is where your real education will begin. Professor Eh...that might be reasonable, but what I want to say is: be honest with yourself. A potentially huge income in a field that...you know...will bore you or make you miserable isnt worth it. I forget who said it, but heres the best advice I can give: "Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life!" Student Ok, I see, I guess now I have to ponder what really matters. Thank you very much, Professor, for your advice. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 7. What are the speakers mainly discussing? 8. Why does the student visit the professor? 9. What does the professor imply when he says this? Professor Well, dont live someone elses dream. Its your time to be in college. Its your career in the making. Dont let someone else dictate what you should major in. 10. What can be inferred from Dr. lasenzas response to the student? Student She said...work at what you like but save as much time and money as possible on your degree. 11. What can be inferred about the professor when he says this? Professor Eh...that might be reasonable, but what I want to say is: be honest with yourself. A potentially huge income in a field that...you know...will bore you or make you miserable isnt worth it.Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between two students. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.Working in an office.

B.Finding a job.

C.Choosing a major.

D.Talking to an advisor.

I have started getting up at 5 a. m. to study but I dont know if I can keep thisA.onB.upC.

I have started getting up at 5 a. m. to study but I dont know if I can keep this





听力原文:Maggie Hey, Jim, what a coincidence to see you here! Long time no see! Jim Yea
h, me too. Hey, just as old friends, I gotta tell you...you dont look that well. Are you sick or something? Maggie Well, not really. Seems really serious? Jim Um, not that bad. But...whats wrong? Maggie Guess what? Its the same old story of an overworked undergraduate student. I am up to my neck on one project. Jim How did you end up like this? Is the timeframe. limited or its near the deadline? Maggie Actually I am working on a project that has to be done by the end of this month. Jim Oh, thats it. Cant you speak to your professor about that? Maggie About what? The project or something else? Jim Of course the project. Maybe he would allow an extension and you will then have some breathing space. Maggie Fat chance. Youve never met him, right? Jim Exactly. What is he like? Maggie You know, my professor is one of those workaholic types and he expects everyone that works with him has to be the same way. You know, sometimes he sleeps four hours a night but can still keep going during the day. Jim Wow, sounds like your professor is really nuts. I dont mind working hard, but not to the point of killing myself. Hope you can get your project done without any hitches. Maggie What about you? I heard the faculty building is being constructed on campus. A big project it seems by the looks of things, and its nearly completed, I think. Jim Well, not quite there yet. They still have not decided whether they should move there or not. Maggie Whats the Department Deans opinion? Jim He wants me to mark papers and do some administration work for them. I have to make a decision by the end of this week. Maggie That is a tough decision, isnt it? I would jump on the offer if I had one. To work with some of these academic types must be interesting. Jim Sure it is. I would not think twice if I didnt have such a heavy load this semester. Besides, my girlfriend isnt keen on me always spending time at school. Maggie I can understand how she feels. Maybe you can ask for a light load. Perhaps you should request to work only on certain days. Jim Thats true. Then I wouldnt have to work under a workaholic professor any more. Maggie Hey, Jim. Do you think I have any chance of getting some work there? Jim Hmm...are you serious about working there? I thought you were joking.Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between two students. Now get ready to answer the questions, You may use your notes to help you answer

What is the main topic of the discussion?

A.The root of Jim"s health problems.

B.The woman"s problems with her workaholic professor.

C.Jim"s relationship with his own professor.

D.Problems that Jim and the woman have with their workloads.

I dont think you have got over the serious illness after a rest, ______?A.do youB.don"t yo

I dont think you have got over the serious illness after a rest, ______?

A.do you

B.don"t you

C.have you

D.haven"t you

A:"I hope you will be ready to leave on time. "B:"Dont worry. I'll be
ready by the time the taxi ()."



C、will arrive

D、will have arrived

听力原文:M: Here is the summer vacation again. It seems that there is no new place in our
country for me to travel. W: I have an idea to make good use of our vacations. We have benefited from the society but done nothing in return. Do you want to do some local voluntary work for the society this year? M: Sounds interesting. What do you think we should do? W: Im not sure. Maybe we could offer help in the hospital for handicapped children. We could help feed the children and help look after them. M: Excellent! But Im not sure if we will be allowed to do that. I think all helpers there have to be specially trained. And we are not in the related major. W: Yeah, maybe you are right. I still have the idea of doing something for children, havent you? M: Well, maybe. And I think many old people also need help. What else did you have in mind for children? W: My other idea was to do something for the small primary school down the street. That school is too poor to provide a playground for the pupils. Children cannot do without one. Ive noticed that some land round the back of the school is not used. We could make it into a small playground. What do you think? M: Mm, its a good idea, but you are a bit too ambitious. I dont know anything about making playgrounds. And I also think that it might be too expensive to do what you suggest. W: Yes, I guess youre right. We cannot afford the big project unless someone sponsors us. Its impossible for us to find such a person. So what do you have in mind for older people? M: I think we should go round to the homes of older people and ask if there is something we can do in the house — you know, like a bit of simple decorating, washing the clothes, cleaning up the garden, even doing some shopping for them once a week. W: Mm, this sounds meaningful and practical. I quite like the idea. It wont cost us any money and Im sure we are capable of dealing with the things you mentioned. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. What are the two speakers arrangements for the coming summer vacation? 10. What can we learn about the woman from the conversation? 11. Why cant they make a playground for the pupils? 12. What are the possible identities of the two speakers?9.

A.She likes handicapped children very much.

B.She wants to do something for children.

C.She prefers children to old people.

D.She thinks a cheap playground can work for pupils.

听力原文:Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between two students. Maggie Hey, Jim
, what a coincidence to see you here! Long time no see! Jim Yeah, me too. Hey, just as old friends, I gotta tell you...you dont look that well. Are you sick or something? Maggie Well, not really. Seems really serious? Jim Um, not that bad. But...whats wrong? Maggie Guess what? Its the same old story of an overworked undergraduate student. I am up to my neck on one project. Jim How did you end up like this? Is the timeframe. limited or its near the deadline? Maggie Actually I am working on a project that has to be done by the end of this month. Jim Oh, thats it. Cant you speak to your professor about that? Maggie About what? The project or something else? Jim Of course the project. Maybe he would allow an extension and you will then have some breathing space. Maggie Fat chance. Youve never met him, right? Jim Exactly. What is he like? Maggie You know, my professor is one of those workaholic types and he expects everyone that works with him has to be the same way. You know, sometimes he sleeps four hours a night but can still keep going during the day. Jim Wow, sounds like your professor is really nuts. I dont mind working hard, but not to the point of killing myself. Hope you can get your project done without any hitches. Maggie What about you? I heard the faculty building is being constructed on campus. A big project it seems by the looks of things, and its nearly completed, I think. Jim Well, not quite there yet. They still have not decided whether they should move there or not. Maggie Whats the Department Deans opinion? Jim He wants me to mark papers and do some administration work for them. I have to make a decision by the end of this week. Maggie That is a tough decision, isnt it? I would jump on the offer if I had one. To work with some of these academic types must be interesting. Jim Sure it is. I would not think twice if I didnt have such a heavy load this semester. Besides, my girlfriend isnt keen on me always spending time at school. Maggie I can understand how she feels. Maybe you can ask for a light load. Perhaps you should request to work only on certain days. Jim Thats true. Then I wouldnt have to work under a workaholic professor any more. Maggie Hey, Jim. Do you think I have any chance of getting some work there? Jim Hmm...are you serious about working there? I thought you were joking. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 6. What is the main topic of the discussion? 7. What decision does the man need to make? 8. What would Jims girlfriend prefer him to do? 9. What can be inferred about the womans work intention? Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Maggie Hey, Jim. Do you think I have any chance of getting some work there? Jim Hmm...are you serious about working there? I thought you were joking. 10. Why does Jim say this? Jim I thought you were joking.Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between two students. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What is the main topic of the discussion?

A.The root of Jim"s health problems.

B.The woman"s problems with her workaholic professor.

C.Jim"s relationship with his own professor.

D.Problems that Jim and the woman have with their workloads.

I guess there are still some things we both have to learn together.()
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