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提问人:网友lqlq2018 发布时间:2022-01-07

When listing your education, what information should you provide?A.The courses you atten

A.A.The courses you attende

B.B.The school name and its location.

C.C.The year you graduate

D.D.The major you studied in.

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
  • · 有3位网友选择 B,占比17.65%
  • · 有3位网友选择 A,占比17.65%
  • · 有3位网友选择 B,占比17.65%
  • · 有2位网友选择 C,占比11.76%
  • · 有2位网友选择 A,占比11.76%
  • · 有2位网友选择 D,占比11.76%
  • · 有2位网友选择 C,占比11.76%
匿名网友[174.***.***.112]选择了 A
匿名网友[92.***.***.54]选择了 B
匿名网友[42.***.***.82]选择了 C
匿名网友[62.***.***.70]选择了 A
匿名网友[131.***.***.7]选择了 D
匿名网友[24.***.***.180]选择了 B
匿名网友[219.***.***.192]选择了 B
匿名网友[234.***.***.37]选择了 C
匿名网友[37.***.***.108]选择了 D
匿名网友[133.***.***.13]选择了 B
匿名网友[247.***.***.100]选择了 A
匿名网友[91.***.***.159]选择了 C
匿名网友[6.***.***.176]选择了 C
匿名网友[114.***.***.153]选择了 A
匿名网友[2.***.***.91]选择了 A
匿名网友[176.***.***.210]选择了 B
匿名网友[26.***.***.178]选择了 B
更多“When listing your education, what information should you provide?A.The courses you atten”相关的问题
When listing your publications,remember to use the bivliographic conventions of your field.
When listing your experience, it is also recommended to list only jobs held within the past years.





When listing your education, what information should you provide?A.The courses you atten

A.A.The courses you attende

B.B.The school name and its location.

C.C.The year you graduate

D.D.The major you studied in.

Describe statistical tests as f_____ as possible. Give as much information about the tests
5. Describe statistical tests as f_____ as possible. Give as much information about the tests as possible; just mentioning a t-test is not sufficient for the reader to determine if the correct statistical analysis was performed. 6. Avoid discussing the pros and cons of certain methods or results of any kind. Save evaluations for different methods for the Discussion section of your paper. 7. To save space, be concise, yet thorough, when listing the equipment you used.

When you ask ed a question like “Ma y I ask why you are thinking about buying a new car ”
and the customer responded “My husband got into a pretty bad accident last week and our car was totaled . ” What is your reaction You should say __________.

A.“ What caused the accident Did the car break down ”

B.“Oh okay, are there any specific makes or models you are interested in”

C.“Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that! Is he okay”

D.“ You should have bought this car to protect his safety.”

Is Continuing Ed for You? Continuing education is important for everyone now, in all field

Is Continuing Ed for You?

Continuing education is important for everyone now, in all fields. Almost as soon as you've completed a field of study and begun working -- new ideas, approaches and techniques will be under discussion. To stay current in your discipline and to assure work success and career progression, it's imperative you stay on top of emerging techniques and technologies that affect your work area.

Even if you have worked in the same field for years and have accumulated a rich repertoire of experience, Continuing Ed is vital. Many occupations are now adopting "skill standards" that will formally define the knowledge desired or required for that field. In order to assure your ongoing career stability, you'll want to be sure to keep current and at least meet, if not exceed, defined "skill standards".

Certification, in a wide variety of fields, is becoming more and more common these days, too. Even if you're already in the occupation -- if today's new hires are expected to be certified in particular areas, it will be to your advantage to certify yourself as well.

Ongoing education is one of the surest routes to promotion and it increases job security. It also enhances opportunity on the job market when you're seeking a new job. And, carefully planned, it can provide a good insurance policy against obsolescence. If trends indicate that your career field or industry is in a downturn, with continuing education, it's possible to acquire new skills and successfully move into another occupation or industry. Reality is: There's no way to lose with continuing education.

So, exactly what is "continuing education"? It can take many forms. For those in certain career areas (i e., legal/medical) there are certain prescribed courses one must take within a certain timeframe. in order to remain licensed. In other areas, like technology, there are new languages, new operating systems and the like released continually that may be important to learn about for your particular field or business niche. For some, achieving specific certifications is vital. But, sometimes, Continuing Ed is less specific. Sometimes it's up to you to decide what courses/new learning will benefit you in your current job or on the job market as a whole.

The reason for the necessity of continuing education is that______

A.you have to stay current in your discipline

B.new ideas and technologies are to be discussed

C.you have just completed your studies

D.you are just beginning to work

听力原文:W: Let's go in here and order some coffee while we look at your pictures.M: Good

听力原文:W: Let's go in here and order some coffee while we look at your pictures.

M: Good idem We'd both like coffee, please. OK, here's one of Ed's, my roommate. I took this picture right after we had arrived at the school this fall. We had just met, in fact. And this was our room of the dormitory while we were unpacking all our things. What a mess !

W: You certainly had a lot of boxes. How did you ever find room for everything?

M: In the beginning, we thought we'd never get all arranged but now we are very comfortable. Lucky for me, Ed keeps his things neat.

W: Do you like living in the dormitory?

M: It's not bad. Sometimes Ed turns his radio up too loud and makes too much noise. Then I get angry. Sometimes I leave my books lying around and he gets angry. But usually we get along. Here's a picture of him taken when we went to visit my family during vacation.

W: And this last one?

M: That's my dog Spot.


A.The man's brother.

B.The man's roommate.

C.A neighbor.

D.A photographer.

听力原文:W: Let's go in here and order some coffee while we look at your pictures.M: Good

听力原文:W: Let's go in here and order some coffee while we look at your pictures.

M: Good idea! We'd both like coffee, please. OK, here's one of Ed, my roommate. I took this picture right after we had arrived at school this fail. We had just met, in fact, and this is our room in the dormitory while we were unpacking all of our things, What a mess!

W: You certainly bad a lot of boxes. How did you ever find room for everything?

M: In the beginning we thought we'd never get it arranged, but now we're very comfortable. Lucky for me Ed keeps his things neat.

W: Do you like living in the dormitory?

M: It's not bad. Sometimes Ed turns his radio up too loud or makes too much noise; then I get angry. Sometimes I leave my books and clothes lying around and he gets angry. But usually we get along. Here's a picture of him taken when we went to visit my family during vacation.

W: And this last One?

M: That's my dog, Spot.

Where is this conversation most probably taking place?

A.In a classroom.

B.In a snack bar.

C.In the dormitory.

D.In a camera shop.

Part ADirections: Read the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them b

Part A

Directions: Read the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Not long ago, a mysterious Christmas card dropped through our mail slot. The envelope was addressed to a man named Raoul, who, I was relatively certain, did not live with us. The envelope wasn't sealed, so I opened it. The inside of the card was blank. Ed, my husband, explained that the card was both from and to the newspaper deliveryman. His name was apparently Raoul, and Raoul wanted a holiday tip. We were meant to put a check inside the card and then drop the envelope in the mail. When your services are rendered at 4 a. m. , you can't simply hang around, like a hotel bellboy expecting a tip. You have to be direct.

So I wrote a nice holiday greeting to this man who, in my imagination, fires The New York Times from his hike aimed at our front door, causing more noise with mere newsprint than most people manage with sophisticated black market fireworks.

With a start, I realized that perhaps the reason for the 4 a.m. —wake-up noise was not ordinary rudeness but carefully executed spite: I had not tipped Raoul in Christmases past. I honestly hadn't realized I was supposed to. This was the first time he'd used the card tactic. So I got out my checkbook. Somewhere along the line, holiday tipping went from an optional thank-you for a year of services to a Mafia-style. protection racket (收取保护费的黑社会组织)

Several days later, I was bringing our garbage bins back from the curb when I noticed an envelope taped to one of the lids. The outside of the envelope said MICKEY. It had to be another tip request, this time from our garbage collector. Unlike Raoul, Mickey hadn't enclosed his own Christmas card from me. In a way, I appreciated the directness. "I know you don't care how merry my Christmas is, and that's fine," the gesture said. "I want $ 30, or I'll 'forget' to empty your garbage bin some hot summer day."

I put a check in the envelope and taped it back to the bin. The next morning, Ed noticed that the envelope was gone, though the trash hadn't yet been picked up: "Someone stole Mickey's tip !" Ed was quite certain. He made me call the bank and cancel the check.

But Ed had been wrong. Two weeks later, Mickey left a letter from the bank on our steps. The letter informed Mickey that the check, which he had tried to cash, had been cancelled. The following Tuesday morning, when Ed saw a truck outside , he ran out with his wallet. "Are you Mickey?"

The man looked at him with scorn. "Mickey is the garbageman. I am the recycling. " Not only had Ed insulted this man by hinting that he was a garbageman, but he had obviously neglected to tip him. Ed ran back inside for more funds. Then he noticed that the driver of the truck had been watching the whole transaction. He peeled off another twenty and looked around, waving bills in the air. "Anyone else?"

Had we consulted the website of the Emily Post Institute, this embarrassing breach of etiquette (礼节) could have been avoided. Under "trash/recycling collectors" in the institute' s Holiday Tipping Guidelines, it says, " $10 to $ 30 each. " You may or may not wish to know that your pet groomer, hairdresser, mailman and UPS guy all expect a holiday tip.

The newspaper deliveryman put a blank card inside the envelope because ______.

A.he forgot to write a few words on it

B.he wanted the couple to send it back

C.he used it to ask for a Christmas tip

D.he was afraid of asking for a tip in person

听力原文:W:Jack,I'm very upset about something,Can l talk with you? I'd like your opinion.

M:What is it about? Oh,is it about Ed?

W: Yeah, sort of...

M: So, what's up?

W: What do you think of Ed, Jack?

M: What do I think of him? You know him better than I do, don't you?

W: Please, don't tease me. Just tell me.

M: Well, remember the other day when you said that Ed is a man who really shows you nothing but consideration ?

W: Uh-hunh ...

M: And remember you said that he really makes you happy?

W: Yeah. Ed is indeed a gentleman. He has wonderful manners and is respectful of me. But I'm really bothered by his past!

M: His past!? Was he an ex-con or something?

W: No, no, no. That's not what I mean. He used to have a girlfriend and he loved her very much. He almost married her if it were not for an accident.

M: Oh, I see. But why are you so bothered? That's already a history, isn't it?

W: I know. But I just can't get it off my mind.

M: Come on, Mary. You're just being a little jealous, but that's just fine. You know, when you love him, you've got to love his past, his everything ... You've got to love him as a whole.

Who is the man they are talking about?

A.Mary's friend.

B.ED's girlfriend.

C.Mary's boyfriend.

D.Jack's girlfriend.

Not long ago, a mysterious Christmas card dropped through our mail slot. The envelope was
addressed to a man named Raoul, who, I was relatively certain, did not live with us. The envelope wasn't sealed, so I opened it. The inside of the card was blank. Ed, my husband, explained that the card was both from and to the newspaper deliveryman. His name was apparently Raoul, and Raoul wanted a holiday tip. We were meant to put a check inside the card and then drop the envelope in the mail. When your services are rendered at 4 a.m., you can't simply hang around, like a hotel bellboy expecting a tip. You have to be direct.

So I wrote a nice holiday greeting to this man who, in my imagination, fires The New York Times from his bike aimed at our front door, causing more noise with mere newsprint than most people manage with sophisticated black market fireworks.

With a start, I realized that perhaps the reason for the 4 a.m. wake-up noise was not ordinary rudeness but carefully executed spite: I had not tipped Raoul in Christmases past. I honestly hadn't realized I was supposed to. This was the first time he'd used the card tactic. So I got out my checkbook. Somewhere along the line, holiday tipping went from an optional thank-you for a year of services to a Mafia-style. protection racket(收取保护费的黑社会组织).

Several days later, I was bringing our garbage bins back from the curb when I noticed an envelope taped to one of the lids. The outside of the envelope said MICKEY. It had to be another tip request, this time from our garbage collector. Unlike Raoul, Mickey hadn't enclosed his own Christmas card from me. In a way, I appreciated the directness. "I know you don't care how merry my Christmas is, and that's fine", the gesture said. "I want $30, or I'll 'forget' to empty your garbage bin some hot summer day".

I put a check in the envelope and taped it back to the bin. The next morning, Ed noticed that the envelope was gone, though the trash hadn't yet been picked up: "Someone stole Mickey's tip!" Ed was quite certain. He made me call the bank and cancel the check.

But Ed had been wrong. Two weeks later, Mickey left a letter from the bank on our steps. The letter informed Mickey that the check, which he had tried to cash, had been cancelled. The following Tuesday morning, when Ed saw a truck outside, he ran out with his wallet. "Are you Mickey?"

The man looked at him with scorn. "Mickey is the garbageman. I am the recycling". Not only had Ed insulted this man by hinting that he was a garbageman, but he had obviously neglected to tip him. Ed ran back inside for more funds. Then he noticed that the driver of the truck had been watching the whole transaction. He peeled off another twenty and looked around, waving bills in the air. "Anyone else"?

Had we consulted the website of the Emily Post Institute, this embarrassing breach of etiquette(礼节) could have been avoided. Under "trash/recycling collectors" in the institute's Holiday Tipping Guidelines, it says: "$10 to $30 each". You may or may not wish to know that your pet groomer, hairdresser, mailman and UPS guy all expect a holiday tip.

The newspaper deliveryman put a blank card inside the envelope because______.

A.he forgot to write a few words on it

B.he wanted the couple to send it back

C.he used it to ask for a Christmas tip

D.he was afraid of asking for a tip in person

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