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提问人:网友anonymity 发布时间:2022-01-06

I have two cats and I like______. A.all of them B.them both C.every one of them

A.A.all of them

B.B.them both

C.C.every one of them

D.D.them each

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
  • · 有4位网友选择 A,占比40%
  • · 有2位网友选择 C,占比20%
  • · 有2位网友选择 B,占比20%
  • · 有2位网友选择 D,占比20%
匿名网友[164.***.***.242]选择了 C
匿名网友[89.***.***.65]选择了 A
匿名网友[48.***.***.243]选择了 A
匿名网友[214.***.***.118]选择了 D
匿名网友[245.***.***.161]选择了 D
匿名网友[75.***.***.154]选择了 B
匿名网友[191.***.***.17]选择了 A
匿名网友[164.***.***.222]选择了 A
匿名网友[67.***.***.147]选择了 B
匿名网友[157.***.***.155]选择了 C
更多“I have two cats and I like______. A.all of them B.them both C.every one of them”相关的问题
Only two animals have entered the human household otherwise than as prisoners and become d
omesticated by other means than those of enforce servitude (束缚): the dog and the cat. Two things they have in common, namely, that both belong to the order of carnivores and both serve man in their capacity of hunters.

In all other characteristics, above all in the manner of their association with man, they are as different as the night from the day. There is no domestic animal which has so rapidly altered its whole way of living, indeed its whole sphere of interests, that has become domestic in so true a sense as the dog; and there is no animal that, in the course of its century-old association with man, has altered so little as the cat. There is some truth in the assertion that the cat, with the exception of a few luxury breeds, such as Angoras, Persians and Siamese, is no domestic animal but a completely wild being. Maintaining its full independence, it has taken up its abode in the house and outhouses of man, for the simple reason that there are more mice there than elsewhere. The whole charm of the dog lies in the depth of the friendship and the strength of the spiritual ties with which he has bound himself to man, but the appeal of the cat lies in the very fact that she has formed no close bond with him, that she has the uncompromising independence of a tiger or a leopard while she is hunting in his stables and barns; that she still remains mysterious and remote when she is rubbing herself gently against the leg of her mistress or purring contentedly in front of the fire.

I should no more like to be without a cat in my home than to be without the dog that trots behind me in field or street. Since my earliest youth I have always had dogs and cats about me. Business-like friends have advised me to write a dog-book and a cat-book separately, because dog-lovers dislike cats and cat- lovers frequently abhor dogs. But I consider it the finest test of genuine love and understanding of animals if a person has sympathies for both these creatures, and can appreciate in each its own special virtue.

Dogs and cats are similar in that ______.

A.people can use them for hunting

B.they are associated with man closely

C.they have the same way of living

D.they are equally liked by people

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

Only two animals have entered the human household otherwise than as prisoners and become domesticated by other means than those of enforced servilities: the dog and the cat. Two things they have in common, namely, that both belong to the order of carnivores and both serve man in their capacity of hunters.

In all other characteristics, above all in the manner of their association with man, they are as different as the night from the day. There is no domestic animal which has so rapidly altered its whole way of living, indeed its whole sphere of interests, that has become domestic in so true a sense as the dog; and there is no animal that, in the course of its century old association with man, has altered so little as the cat. There is some truth in the assertion that the cat, with the exception of a few luxury breeds, such as Angoras, Persians and Siamese, is no domestic animal but a completely wild being. Maintaining its full independence it has taken up its abode in the houses and outhouses of man, for the simple reason that there are more mice they're than elsewhere: The whole charm of the dog lies in the depth of the friendship and the strength of the spiritual ties with which he has bound himself to man, but the appeal of the cat lies in the very fact that she has formed no close bond with him, that she has the uncompromising independence of a tiger or a leopard while she is hunting in his stables and barns; that she still remain mysterious and remote when she is rubbing herself gently against the legs of her mistress or purring contentedly in front of the fire.

The purring cat is, for me, a symbol of the heart side and the hidden security, which it stands for. I should no more like to be without a cat, in my home than to be without the dog that trots behind me in field or street, since my earliest youth I have always had dogs and cats about me. Business like friends have advised me to write a dog book and a cat book separately, because dog lovers often dislike cats and cat lovers frequently abhor dogs. But I consider, it the finest test of genuine love and understanding of animals if a person has sympathies for both these creatures, and can appreciate in each its own special virtue.

Cats, according to the author, ______.

A.are not domestic animals at all

B.are fiercer than dogs

C.are both meek and independent

D.can sometimes be very hostile to people

When I found the light switch, the unshaded bulb only illuminated two small cats, sitting
on the table ______ round the inside of the empty ham tin.





听力原文:M: Hello, Winnie. It's me--David. Do you remember--from the party?W: Oh yes, of c

听力原文:M: Hello, Winnie. It's me--David. Do you remember--from the party?

W: Oh yes, of course. Hello, David.

M: Listen, Winnie, I was wondering if you were doing anything on Friday evening? Only, if not, would you like to come to the Stratford for the day? They say The Cats is really marvelous.

W: Yes, I'd love to, but wait a minute--I'll just check in my diary. I'm awfully sorry, David, but my mother's coming down from Edinburgh and I've promised to go shopping with her un Friday evening.

M: Oh, what a pity! But can't you go shopping another day?

W: No, I'm afraid not. My mother's only staying for a few days.

M: Bat do you really have to go with her? Can't she go on her own?

W: Well, she's buying a coat and wants me to go along and help her choose it. I'll have to go with her. She's been looking forward to it for weeks.

M: Ah well. Another time perhaps?

W: Yes, fine. Look, why not the weekend after next? It's still on then.

M: Yes, I think so. A week on Friday, then. I'll pick you up at about two o'clock. OK?

W: Yes, lovely. Thank you. I look forward to it.

What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Customer and agent.

B.Driver and passenger.

C.Boyfriend and girlfriend.

D.Newly-found friends.

SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Martin: Hi there, Pat. How are you?

Pat: Fine, thanks, Martin. I haven't seen you for a long time. What have you been up to?

Martin: Oh, studying. It seems that university life is much more time consuming than I originally thought. I don't even have time to read newspapers.

Pat: Really? You're so busy. You know, I read an article in yesterday's newspaper. It is very interesting.

Martin: What's it about?

Pat: It's about Post Office Cats. They are mouse hunters.

Martin: That really sounds interesting. Could you tell me something about the story now?

Pat: Yes, certainly. The Post Office has actually employed cats since 1868. That means that they have been on the official payroll of the Post Office for more than a hundred years. The loyal public servants appear on the official payroll as 'Rodent Operative'. But we would more easily recognize them under the title 'Post Office Cat', They are not employed to sort of deliver mail, of course, but to protect the mail and keep the rodent population under control.

Martin: What do you mean?

Pat: They are mouse hunters. They make sure your morning post arrives nibble-free. You know, they work unsocial hours while we sleep. They hardly ever get a Christmas bonus in their pay packets and can't bargain for better conditions. The average rate of pay is no more than a few pounds a month, just enough to pay for their food. But they are allowed to eat all the mice they can catch.

Martin: How come the Post Office had the idea to employ cats?

Pat: Usually the public had to queue inside post offices for their mail. The whole idea of the Post Office employing cats to control the rodent population goes back to the days prior to 1867. As a part of the Jubilee celebrations of Queen Victoria, it was decided that there would be a house-to-house delivery of letters by postmen. As a result, there was a huge accumulation of letters and parcels at post offices. Vast numbers of rats and mice began to hide amongst the mail and nibbled at letters and parcels.

Martin: Yes, I see. They caused great damage to the mail.

Pat: That's right. So in 1868, The Post Office Authorities decided to employ cats to keep the rodent population under control. Most of the cats they employed were females.

Martin: Why was that?

Pat: Because it was thought that females were better and more persistent hunters than the males. If the number of mice in a post office did not decline greatly after six months, then these cats were to be dismissed from their place of work. London post offices were the first to try out the experiment. Within a few months the rodent population had shrunk dramatically. Other post offices all over the country were soon using cats in the war against rats and mice. Within ten years the pay of the eats was improved from one and a half old pence a day to a six or nine pence a day. Now the average rate of pay is about a few pounds a month. Some of the hard working cats have become quite famous. Have heard of the cat named Lucky?

Martin: No. Tell me the story about her, please.

Pat: OK. Lucky became the most distinguished of all the cats. In 1980, she foiled an attempted robbery in a Worcestershire post office and she did so all on her own.

Martin: How did she do it?

Pat: As the two burglars made their way in through the window, Lucky flew at them. She sank her claws into the back of one of the men and into the neck of the other.

Martin: Oh, I see. This was a surprise attack.

Pat: Yes. This surprise attack was too much for the men and they fled empty-handed. For this heroic behavior, Lucky was awarded the first-ever P

A.In 1868.

B.In 1886.

C.In 1898.

D.In 1889.

Task 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1.The 5 questions or unfinished statements

Task 2

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.

Rome-Doctors and medical groups around the world last weekend reacted with strong opposition to the news that an Italian specialist is going in for cloning (克隆) the first human baby.

Dr. Severino Antinori, who is the head of a hospital in Rome, has been referred to in an Arab newspaper as claiming that one of his patients is eight weeks pregnant (怀孕) with a cloned baby.

Antinori refused to comment on the reports, but he said he hoped to produce a cloned embryo (卵) within two years. So far seven different kinds of mammals have already been successfully cloned, including sheep, cats and most recently rabbits.

Professor Rudolf Jaenisch said: "I find it astonishing that people do this where the result can be foretold that it will not be a normal baby. It is using humans as guinea pigs. It makes people feel sick." But Ronald Green, director of a College in the US, said it is unlikely that an eight-week-old pregnancy would lead to a birth.

So far all cloned animals have suffered from some different serious disorders, many of them dying soon after their births.

The underlined words "go in for" (Para. 1) most probably means" ______ ".

A.make up for

B.on the point of

C.in search of

D.in favor of

听力原文:W: Mr. Bacon, what is your job exactly?B: I'm a vet, looking after sheep, horses,

听力原文:W: Mr. Bacon, what is your job exactly?

B: I'm a vet, looking after sheep, horses, dogs, cats. We even have lions and tigers at the zoo.

W: What sort of pets do people bring to your clinic?

B: Mostly dogs and cats but then we have snakes and parrots and all other animals people keep as pets.

W: Snakes? Why do you think people keep snakes?

B: I quite like snakes, but I wouldn't want one as a pet. Um...some people are very keen on them.

W: Maybe they keep snakes to frighten others. All right, do you think people spend more money on their animals than their children?

B: It depends on the people. Some are very good with their animals, some treat them far better than they would their kids, and unfortunately some are cruel with the animals.

W: What experience have you had of people who treat their animals too well?

B: Lots of animals come here with lipstick marks on the head. We regard that as a specific sort of condition here.

W: Are animals good for people's health?

B: Well, they seem to help old people. These people see one person every two days, but their animal is with them all day, and it's a companion.

W: Above all, why are you interested in your job?

B: Maybe the animals sometimes attack me and there is much paper work. The thing I like best is to deliver new animals. It always amazes me one moment you have one mother and the next moment you can have a pile of animals.

According to Mr. Bacon. people keep snakes because

A.they like them as pets.

B.they are curious of them

C.they use them to frighten other people.

D.they keep them to do research.

We have two cats at home.One is named Milo and the other Mamma.Milo is a boy cat.Boy

cats are called"Toms.We think that Mamma is Milo' s mother.That is why we gave her the name Mamma.We didn' t buy Milo or Mamma.They were stray cats and didn’t have anywhere to live.They started coming into our garden.They did not look very heal thy.So we started giving them milk.Then they started coming into the house.So we adopted them.Because he didn t have a home when he was a kitten.Milo is not very fit.We have to take him to the vet once every three months for a special in jection.They have lived with us now for 5 years.

21.Sarah got the cats()

A.before she moved into her house

B.after she moved into the house

C.when she moved into the house

22.Sarah thinks()

A.Milo is a boy

B.both cats are boys

C.both cats are girls

23.Mamma was named‘ Mamma'because()

A.Sarah likes the name

B.she is a girl

C.they think she is Milo’s mother

24.Milo and Mamma were()

A.free to get

B.cheap to get

C.expensive to get

25.Milo is not very fit because()

A.he visits the vet for an injection

B.was a stray

C.he is old now

听力原文:M: Have you heard of the study of cats Dr. Li conducted?W: Study of cats? No, I d

听力原文:M: Have you heard of the study of cats Dr. Li conducted?

W: Study of cats? No, I don't like cats.

M: But have you heard the saying "A cat has nine lives"?

W: Really? What does it mean?

M: Nine of ten cats survive a fall of a high building.

W: Oh, it is so surprising! What else?

M: The study shows one cat fell from a flat on the 32nd floor and only lost a tooth.

W: Why can cats do so? Do they have anything special?

M: Cats have a well developed sense of balance. It helps them change position when falling so that they can land on their feet.

W: It's so interesting. I begin to be interested in eats.

Q8. What did Dr. Li study?






Debra: Oh! What a beautiful cat! What do you think? Donald: _____ Dogs are more loyal tha
n cats

A.I think I’d rather get a dog.

B.Yeah, it is beautiful!

C.I have no idea.

D.You have to clean after it.

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