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提问人:网友wangyu1010 发布时间:2022-01-06

The International Language: English There is no denying that English is a useful lang

The International Language: English

There is no denying that English is a useful language.The people who speak English today make up the largest speech .______1 in the world with the exception of speakers of Mandarin Chinese. Originally they were small tribes of people living in northern Europe who left their homeland and _______2 in England. Isolated in their island community, the various tribes used languages which became more and more similar to each other and less and less like the other languages of Europe.Eventually, the language had _______3 uniformity to be used by all speakers in England. The people united into a speech community through their_______4 language.In time, people moved from the small island to many parts of the _______5 , taking their language with them and thus still remaining members of the English speech community_______6 they settled.

We may say that anyone who speaks English_______7 to the English community. _______8convenience, we may _______9the speakers into two groups: one in which the speakers use English as their native_______10 , the other in which the speakers learn English as a second language for the purpose of education, commerce, and so on.In the _______11 group we, obviously, would include England, Canada, the U.S., Australia and New Zealand. Naturally, not all people in these countries speak English_______12 , but a large majority_______13 .In the latter group we would include, among many others, India, Denmark, Burma, Turkey, Ethiopia, and the Philippines. Not all these countries use English for the same purpose or_______14 the same extent, but_______15 uses English for important social and commerce activities.

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更多“The International Language: English There is no denying that English is a useful lang”相关的问题
To promote peace and cooperation among nations, Canada plays an active role in international organizations. Which of the following is the exception()。

A.the United Nations

B.the Commonwealth

C.the National Organization of Women

D.la Francophonie

Lequel des films suivants a été le premier à décrocher un prix au festival international ?

A、Chant des pêcheurs.

B、Les enfants de Chine.

C、Le Sorgho Rouge.

D、La Patrouille sauvage.

Quelle société d'origine shanghaïennne participe au projet de la Centrale solaire de Dubaï ?

A、Le Groupe Fosun.

B、Le Groupe International Holding.

C、Le Groupe Shanghai Electric.

D、Le Groupe Guangming

A propos du cinéma chinois, laquelle des propositions suivantes n’est pas correcte?

A、La Montagne Dingjun est le premier film de production chinoise.

B、La vedette Ruan Lingyu a joué dans La Divine, Trois femmes modernes et Routes croisées.

C、Le film d’animation Le Roi des singes est une adaptation du roman chinois La Pérégrination vers l’Ouest.

D、Le Festival international du film de Shanghai se déroule depuis 1993, en 2019 c’est sa 22ème édition.

A propos du cinéma chinois, laquelle des propositions suivantes n’est pas correcte?

A.La Montagne Dingjun est le premier film de production chinois


B.La vedette Ruan Lingyu a joué dans La Divine , Trois femmes modernes et Routes croisées.

C.Le film d’animation Le Roi des singes est une adaptation du roman chinois La Pérégrination vers l’Ouest.

D.Le Festival international du film de Shanghai se déroule depuis 1993, en 2019 c’est sa 22 ème édition.

A propos des compétitions internationales qui s’organisent à Shanghai, laquelle des propositions suivantes est correcte?

A、Le Marathon international de Shanghai se déroule depuis 2006.

B、Shanghai est la deuxième ville chinoise à accueillir les 3 plus fameuses compétitions sportives du monde, juste après la capitale chinoise.

C、Le Global Champion Tour de Shanghai est une compétition internationale de saut d'obstacles.

D、En 2019, le lauréat des Masters 1000 de Shanghai est un joueur allemand.

Vacationing in Mexico 在墨西哥度假Each year more travelers are finding their way to the su

Vacationing in Mexico


Each year more travelers are finding their way to the sun coasts of Mexico; where ancient civilizations once honored the sun, modern sun worshippers are discovering superb vacation destinations. Airlines now schedule weekly flights from major national and international points to a variety of sun coast resort areas.

The peninsula of Baja California provides one of the most splendid vacation sites in the Western Hemisphere. The peninsula is divided into two states: Baja California Norte and Baja California Sur, which are now connected by the Benito Ju rez Trans-peninsular Highway, so that the entire peninsula can be easily reached by car, as well as by sea and air. A chain of new hotels offer deluxe accommodations, but there are also numerous camping grounds, trailer parks and wayside inns for those who prefer casual-living vacations. At the southern end of the peninsula, La Pazi San Jos del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas offer rapidly expanding deluxe facilities to accommodate the growing influx of visitors. All have good accommodations, restaurants, sports facilities and meeting rooms. In addition, La Paz, with its duty-free zone, is a shopper's paradise.

Kino Bay, a coastal resort on the mainland near Hermosillo, is expanding and will soon offer new luxurious tourist accommodations.

South along the coast are Topolobampo and Los Mochis, the former a ferry terminus serving La Paz on the peninsula, and boasting the largest natural bay in the world; and the latter a starting point for the Chihuahua-Pacific Railway trip which goes through the breath-taking Copper Canyon to the city of Chihuahua.

Mazatlan, the sailfish capital of the world, has developed a large new resort complex to accommodate its many visitors. Famous for its jumbo shrimp and other delicious seafood, Mazatlan also offers seasonal bullfights, lively evening entertainment and big-game fishing. An international fishing tournament is held there each fall. Modem convention and sports facilities are available. Mazatlan is easily reached from other major cities by good high-ways and an international aiport.

Puerto Vallarta, once a sleepy fishing village, is now one of Mexico's fastest growing resorts. The red-tiled roofs and cobblestoned streets contrast with the luxurious new hotels. The annual temperature averages around 80°F., offering a perfect climate for parasailing, skin diving, surfing and other aquatic sports. Evening entertainment includes seafood dinners, floor shows and disco dancing that lasts until daybreak. Big-game hunting and fishing are also popular within this region of coastal Mexico.

The Sun coasts of Mexico are excellent vacation destinations where in ancient times people______.

A.worshipped the sun

B.built a pyramid to worship gods

C.built roads leading to other places

D.went fishing in waters along the coasts

四. 阅读理解并判断正误。 La grande aventure du <...

四. 阅读理解并判断正误。 La grande aventure du << Dakar >> Cette course à travers le désert créée par Thierry Sabine et qui dure vingt jours, a eu lieu pour la première fois en 1978. Pour faire ce rallye, il faut aimer l’aventure et les déserts africains mais aussi être en bonne forme physique. Les coureurs sont en voiture ou à moto et traversent l’Algérie, le Niger, le Malie et le Sénégal. Ils font au total 10000 kilomètres. Le parcours de la course change chaque année. Par exemple, en 1992, l’arrivée s’est faite au Cap, en Afrique du Sud. En 1994, la course a traversé la Guinée, un pays qui était fermé aux étrangers depuis 20 ans. Ce rallye est si dur que tous les coureurs n’arrivent pas à Dakar. En 1995, 100 coureurs sur 486 y sont arrivés. En 1986, l’avion de Thierry Sabine s’est écrasé dans le désert. L’inventeur du Dakar, le chanteur Daniel Balavoine et trois autres passagers ont disparu dans cette Afrique qu’ils aimaient tant. Les années suivantes, c’est le Père de Thierry Sabine qui a pris la direction du rallye jusqu’en 1995, et cette année-là, Hubert Auriol, qui a remporté plusieurs fois la course, est devenu le nouveau directeur du Dakar. En 1999, c’est Jean-Louis Schelesser qui a remporté la course. Notes 注释: course n.f 赛车 désert n.m 沙漠 rallye n.m 拉力赛 forme n.f 状态 remporter v.t 获得 s’écraser v.pr 撞毁 Jugez vrai ou faux (V ou F ) 1. 《Dakar 》est un rallye international inventé par Thierry Sabine en 1978. 2. Le parcours de cet évènement traverse tous les continents dans le monde, y compris l’Afrique. 3. 《Dakar 》 possède une grande tradition grâce à son parcours fixé depuis presque 30 ans. 4. Si certains coureurs ne peuvent pas arriver à Dakar, c’est parce que la compétition est difficile à accomplir. 5. L’exemple de Hubert Auriol montre que le directeur du rallye devrait remporter la compétition aussi.



Why choose Portchester? Last year we received the prestigious King's Award for excellence in Business. We have a tradition of academic excellence, with 30 years of MBA experience with a 70-year-old business school and a 200-year-old university. We offer a two-semester MBA program with the emphasis on economic analysis and rigorous thinking. Each year, 110 students from all over the world are carefully selected to do the course. We also offer a 6-week pre-MBA program for students without previous in-depth business experience.


The Exton Business School MBA, taught by experts in the field, enjoys international recognition. This program attracts high flyers from 55 countries, who contribute to the culture of excellence. This is the MBA which gets results, and it will be your passport to success in the global business community. The program lasts 21 months, starting each October. We will shortly be giving a series of presentations on our program in different cities around the world. For further details on these, please contact Janet Fairclough on the number below.


Let the University of Newhaven prepare you to meet the challenges of the global marketplace. In 23 months you will gain a Master of Business Administration degree and a Certificate in International Business. This MBA gives students the opportunity to spend 6 weeks on a placement with an international company, as well as on-going language training in the major world languages. The University of Newhaven offers a limited number of scholarships to home and international students. We also offer an Advanced Management Program for senior executives who want to strengthen their ability to meet the challenges of intensified global competition and improve their organization's results.


Keep up to date with the latest concepts in business-to-business marketing with our Advanced Industrial marketing Strategy, and gain the skills you need to outperform. the competition. We are the acknowledged leaders in the field of Industrial Marketing Strategy. The acclaimed approach developed by our MBA department includes the leading edge ECONOMIX technique adopted by top business schools around the world. At the Connaught Institute you will discover the value and application of the concepts that underpin successful marketing strategies. The program will also identify the dynamics of customer-supplier relationships, how to structure profitable appliances, and how to motivate staff.


This is an invitation to join one of Europe's leading business schools in an MSc program for people who wish to pursue a career in international management. This intensive, challenging, two-year program will provide you with a thorough grounding in the central theories and research traditions of international business, with the emphasis on international marketing. This mink-stretching experience prepares students for the challenges they will face in the world of business today. Other specifications available include marketing, strategy, and financial economics. Exchange programs with other prestigious universities in the field are also offered.

From the given information, we can know ______ requires the longest time for the postgraduate business courses.

A.University of Portchester

B.the Exton Business School

C.University of Newhaven

D.Catisfield School of Management

Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

Melbourne, with a population of over 3.5 million, is the second largest city in Australia. It is clean, safe, dynamic and exciting, and well known internationally for its universities and other educational institutions. The city has well-planned tree-lined wide streets and many beautiful parks and gardens. It has a good transport system of roads, buses, trains, and trams(电车). The La Trobe University(拉特罗布大学) campus is connected to the Central Business District by trams, express buses, and bus and train connections. Melbourne is a culturally rich city, and is home to large communities of people from all parts of Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia. The city is famous for its restaurants, theatres, music, opera, ballet, art, culture, and shops, and a lively and dynamic nightlife. Melbourne people are enthusiastic about sports, and the city hosts many famous international sports events. Near Melbourne there are beautiful coastlines with excellent beaches, national parks, forests, wineries(葡萄酒厂), winter snowfields and summer resorts. The climate is temperate and comfortable, with warm summers and cool winters. In summer, maximum daytime temperatures range from 26℃ to 36℃, and in winter from 12℃ to 18℃. The weather in Melbourne can be variable from day to day. In 2002, Melbourne was rated the world's best city to live in by the Economist Intelligence Unit.

Melbourne is well-known in the world for its ______.

A.large population

B.educational institutions

C.transport system

D.beautiful parks and gardens

Sometime in the early 1990s I was treating a woman in an intensive chemical dependency gro
up. Let s call her "Grace." Grace was a flight attendant and had been suspended from her job with a major airline due to her untreated alcoholism. After the eight week program, I suggested to her it might be a good idea to solidify her foundation in recovery before returning to work as she would be working in a high - risk environment (serving alcohol, being out of town alone, etc.). Grace, however, returned to work shortly after completing treatment. One day while she was departing from a plane at the end of long day a major craving for alcohol overpowered her. There she was, in the Los Angeles International Airport pulling her roller-bag behind her when this massive craving to drink came over her. She tried to just "think through it," or "just forget about it," but it was way too powerful. It was so powerful, in fact, that she had resigned to herself that she would just go drink. On her way to the bar in the airport, Grace had a moment of sanity. She stopped, picked up the airport paging phone and said, "Will you please page friends of Bill W.," she paused, quickly looking around for an empty gate, "to come to Gate 12?" Within minutes, over the paging system in the LA International Airport came, " Will friends of Bill W. please come to Gate 12." Most people in recovery know that asking if you are a friend of Bill W. is an anonymous way to identify yourself as a member of AA. In less than five minutes there were about fifteen people at that gate from all over the world. That brought tears of amazement, relief and joy to Grace. They had a little meeting there in that empty gate, total strangers prior to that moment. Grace discovered that two of those people had gotten out of their boarding lines and missed their flights to answer that call for help. They had remembered what they had seen on many walls of meeting rooms: "When anyone, anywhere reaches out their hand for help, I want the hand of AA to be there and for that I am responsible." Grace did not drink that day. I would venture to guess that none of the people who came to Gate 12 drank that day either.

The author of the passage is a______.



C.flight attendant

D.airline manager

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