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提问人:网友sheovi 发布时间:2022-01-07

Lab reports have the same audience as college essay writing.

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更多“Lab reports have the same audience as college essay writing.”相关的问题
The world's top marathon tournament, including six marathons:The Boston marathon, the London Marathon, the Berlin marathon, the Chicago marathon, the New York marathon, the Tokyo Marathon.
All the students in this class passed the English exam with the _____ of Li Yang.

A、A. criminal

B、B. victim

C、C. guilt

D、D. exception

Write an essay of around 300 words discussing the problem that more and more cities are surrounded by the garbage produced by their residents. You should use the problem-solution pattern to structure your essay and pay attention to the unity and coherence of your writing.

Few observers have a better view of that ocean of exchanging gossip called E-mail than Mark Sunner. The chief technology officer of E-mail management company MessageLabs, Sunner oversees a network that processes 4.5 million letters each day. Servers operated and maintained by MessageLabs manage mail delivery and routing for a number of companies, including Bank of England and Condé Nast Publications. In fact, all of MessageLabs’ customers are corporations whose daily E-mail output and inflow has soared with the growth of the Web. “E-mail usage has increased massively in the last couple of years,” he says. Indeed, MessageLabs estimates that it has gone from 10 a day per employee as recently as two years ago to more like 20 or 30 now.

The implications for Corporate America are equally huge. According to E-mail researcher and consultant David Ferris, companies can expect the volume of E-mail coursing through their servers to grow 60% to 80% in 2002. And as individual messages grow in size - they’re now more likely to contain memory - companies could end up paying 100% to 150% more just this year on systems to store and manage those messages. That’s why tech consultancy Radicati Group expects demand for soft ware that manages E-mail, such as Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes, to grow from $2.6 billion in sales today to $4.4 billion by 2005. Too much of this money will be spent in controlling pure junk. About 20% of the E-mail MessageLabs manages is unwanted, according to Sunner - who adds that about 1.25% of all the E-mail his company moves contains useless attachments. Already, the cost of handling spam(垃圾邮件)is estimated at $8.6 billion worldwide, according to a 2001 European Union study. And the barrage of pornographic spam has made some companies worried that employees might sue on grounds of disturbance arising from exposure to unwanted unpleasantness.

The first sentence of this passage “Few observers have a better view of that ocean of exchanging gossip called E-mail than Mark Sunner” most probably means ____.

A.Mark Sunner clearly know the E-mail is wasting resources

B.no one knows the fact that E-mail is gossip exchanging way but Mark Sunner

C.Mark Sunner does not know anything about the E-mail

D.the Mark Sunner always concentrated on the ocean of the junk E-mail

Which of the following is NOT true about MessageLabs?A.It is an E-mail management company.

B.All of MessageLabs’ customers are corporations.

C.Mark Sunner is the chief technology officer of MessageLabs.

D.The company puts the great emphasis on dealing with the junk E-mail.

The word “that” in the last sentence of the third paragraph most possibly means ____.A.it is expected that Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes grow from $2.6 billion in sales today to $4.4 billion by 2005

B.the junk E-mail has been overloaded in the Internet

C.the increase of individual messages needs more staff

D.the company has paid 100% to 150% for individual message storage

What is the best title for the passage?A.The E-mail Monster.

B.MessageLabs Business Introduction.

C.To Avoid E-mail Surge.

D.E-mail Destroys Everything.

The following statements about the E-mail have been mentioned EXCEPT ____.A.Sunner oversees a network that processes 4.5 million letters each day

B.according to David Ferris, companies can expect the volume of E-mail passing through their servers to grow not more than 50% in 2002

C.too much money has been spent in controlling the junk E-mail

D.some employees might take legal action in accordance with annoyance arising from exposure to some unpleasant resources


Wide World of Robots

Engineers who build and program robots have fascinating jobs. These researchers tinker (修补) with machines in the lab and write computer software to control these devices. "They&39;re the best toys out there," says Howle Choset at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Choset is a roboticist, a person who designs, builds or programs robots.

When Choset was a kid, he was interested in anything that moved--cars, trains, animals. He put motors on Tinkertoy cars to make them move. Later, in high school, he built mobile robots similar to small cars.

Hoping to continue working on robots, he studied computer science in college. But when he got to graduate school at the Califomia Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Choset&39;s labmates were working on something even cooler than remotely controlled cars: robotic snakes. Some robots can move only forward, backward, left and right. But snakes can twist (扭曲 ) in many directions and travel over a lot of different types of terrain (地形) . "Snakes are far more interesting than the cars," Choset concluded.

After he started working at Carnegie Mellon, Choset and his colleagues there bagan developing their own snake robots. Choset&39;s team programmed robots to perform. the same movements as real snakes, such as sliding and inching forward. The robots also moved in ways that snakes usually don&39;t, such as rolling.

Choset&39;s snake robots could crawl (爬行) through the grass, swim in a pond and even climb a flagpole.

But Choset wondered if his snakes might be useful for medicine as well. For some heart surgeries, the doctor has to open a patient&39;s chest, cutting through the breastbone. Recovering from these surgeries can be very painful. What if the doctor could perform. the operation by instead making a small hole in the body and sending in a thin robotic snake?

Choset teamed up with Marco Zenati, a heart surgeon now at Harvard Medical School, to investigate the idea. Zenati practiced using the robot on a plastic model of the chest and they tested the robot in pigs.

A company called Medrobotics in Boston is now adapting the technology to surgeries on people.

Even after 15 years of working with his team&39;s creations, "I still don&39;t get bored of watching the motion of my robots," Choset says.

Choset began to build robots in high school. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

While scientists focus on their new findings, students write lab reports on expected results from frequently repeated scientific experiments.
What major difference can been found in a short "informal" lab report in comparison with a formal report?

A、The memo format.

B、The part of Introduction.

C、The part of Procedure.

D、The part of Results.

What is usually included in the description of the "Procedure" or "Methods" ?

A、Equipment, materials and quantities used in the experiment.

B、Any observations in the narrative.

C、Flow charts or diagrams if necessary.

D、Any results in the narrative.

Which statements in the following correctly describe the part of Results?

A、This part describes the findings clearly and concisely.

B、Tables and other information not needed by all readers are attached separately.

C、This part presents the most important results first.

D、This part presents the results in ascending order of importance.

Students write lab reports to their professor or lab instructor to report what they have done and learned through the experiment.
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