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提问人:网友phoen_ix 发布时间:2022-01-06

France controlled Syria ______A.before the First World WarB.from 1516 until the end of the

France controlled Syria ______

A.before the First World War

B.from 1516 until the end of the First World War

C.from 1516 to Syrian independence

D.from the end of the First World War to I946

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更多“France controlled Syria ______A.before the First World WarB.from 1516 until the end of the”相关的问题
Spinrad said "I feel I know more about what's going on in the States being here than being
there," (in paragraph 5) because ______.

A.the news in France is just pitiful and pressured by the government, if not controlled

B.the news in the States is just pitiful and pressured by the government, if not controlled

C.the news in local provinces is just pitiful and pressured by the government, if not controlled

D.the news in Paris is just pitiful and pressured by the government, if not controlled

All of the following have something to do with the introduction into English of many Fren
ch military terms except that _______.

A.war played an important part in English affairs in the Middle Ages

B.the English army and navy were controlled by those who spoke French in the war between England and France

C.France invaded England in the Middle Ages and many battles were fought in England

D.much of English fighting was done in France in the war between England and France

听力原文: From 1946 until 1954, the Vietnamese had struggled for their independence from F
rance during the First Indochina War./ At the end of this war, the country was temporarily divided into North and South Vietnam./North Vietnam came under the control of the Vietnamese Communists who had opposed France and who aimed for a unified Vietnam under Communist rule./ The South was controlled by Vietnamese who had collaborated with the French./The United States became involved in Vietnam because it believed that if all of the country fell under a Communist government, Communism would spread throughout Southeast Asia and beyond./This belief was known as the" domino theory./" The U. S. government, therefore, supported the South Vietnamese government./This government' s policies led to rebellion in the South./Finally, however, the United States failed to achieve its goal,/and in 1975 Vietnam was reunified under Communist control;/in 1976 it officially became the Socialist Republic of Vietnam./


SECTION BPASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to th


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: On the eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea is the nation of Syria. In ancient times, Syria was much larger and included all the land on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It reached all the way inland to the Arabian Desert. Today Syria is bordered by Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and the Mediterranean.

The capital, Damascus, is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the entire world. In fact, it is believed that people have lived there for about four thousand years.

Damascus is located in an oasis created by the Barada River. Two other important rivers are the Euphrates and Orontes. There are two mountain ranges in the western area near the Mediterranean.

Most Syrians are Arabs, but there are a few other groups. The official language is Arabic, and all Syrians are Muslims.

Turkey controlled Syria from 1516 until the end of the First World War. From that time until Syria became independent in 1946, France controlled the country.

Which of the following is TRUE about Syria today?

A.Syria has very few Muslims.

B.Syria smaller than it was.

C.Syria lies to the west of the Mediterranean.

D.Syria reaches all the way to the Arabian Desert.

More attention was paid to the quality of production in France at the time of Ren Coty.C
harles Deschanel was then the financial minister.He stressed that workmanship and quality were more important than quantity for industrial production.It would be necessary to produce quality goods for the international market to compete with those produced in other countries.The French economy needed a larger share of the international market to balance its import and export trade.French industrial and agricultural production was still inadequate to meet the immediate needs of the people,let alone long-ranged developments.Essential imports had stretched the national credit to the breaking point.Rents were tightly controlled,but the extreme inflation affected general population most severely through the cost of food.Food costs took as much as 80 percent of the workers' income.Wages,it is true,had risen.Extensive family allowances and benefits were paid by the state,and there was full-time and overtime employment.Taken together,these factors enabled the working class to exist but allowed them no sense of security.In this precarious(不安定的)and discouraging situation,workmen were willing to work overseas for higher wages.The government was reluctant to let workers leave the country.It was feared that this migration of workers would deplete the labor force.The lack of qualified workers might hinder the improvement in the quality of industrial products produced.Qualified workers employed abroad would only increase the quantity of quality goods produced in foreign countries.Also the quantity of quality goods produced in France would not be able to increase as part of its qualified labor force moved to other countries.

1. According to the passage,the French workers were _____.

A. willing to work overseas

B. able to save more money with the increase in his wages

C. anxious to work abroad

D. often unable to find work in France

2. The French government was reluctant to let the workers leave the country,because _____.

A. it would enlarge the working force

B. it would hinder the improvement of quality in industrial production

C. it would hinder the increase in quantity of exports

D. it would damage the imports

3. Rents in France _____.

A. were extremely high

B. were tightly controlled

C. took as much as 80 percent of the workers' income

D. had doubled in two years

4. According to the passage,French production _____.

A. was inadequate to meet the needs of the French people

B. was flooding the international market with inferior products

C. emphasized industrial production at the expense of agricultural production

D. was enough for the local market

5. According to the passage the French government _____.

A. prohibited the French workers to work abroad

B. reduced taxes to fight inflation

C. paid family allowances and benefits

D. prohibited the French workers to join labor unions

More attention was paid to the quality of production in France at the time of Rene Coty. C
harles Deschanel was then the financial minister. He stressed that workmanship and quality were more important than quantity for industrial production. It would be necessary to produce quality goods for the international market to balance its import and export trade.

French industrial and agricultural production was still inadequate to meet the immediate needs of the people, let alone longranged developments. Essential imports had stretched (使…紧张) the national credit to the breaking point. Rents were tightly controlled, but the extreme inflation(通货膨胀) affected general population most severely through the cost of food. Food costs took as much as 80 percent of the workers'income. Wages, it is true, had risen. Extensive family allowances and benefits were paid by the state, and there was fulltime and overtime employment. Taken together, these factors enabled the working class to exist but allowed them no sense of security. In this precarious(危险的) and discouraging situation, workmen were willing to work overseas for higher wages.

The government was reluctant to let workers leave the country. It was feared this migration of workers would deplete (使减少、使枯竭) the labor force. The lack of qualified workers might hinder the improvement in the quality of industrial products produced. Qualified workers employed abroad would only in crease the quantity of quality goods produced in foreign countries. Also the quantity of quality goods produced in France would not be able to increase as part of its qualified labor force moved to other countries.

In the view of Charles Deschanel, ______ was significant for industrial production.

A.improving quality of products

B.increasing quantity of products

C.increasing the number of imported products

D.improving working conditions

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

More attention was paid to the quality of production in France at the time of Rene Coty. Charles Deschanel was then the financial minister. He stressed that workmanship and quality were more important than quantity for industrial production. It would be necessary to produce quality goods for the international market to compete with those produced in other countries. The French economy needed a large share of the international market to balance its import and export trade.

French industrial and agricultural production was still inadequate to meet the immediate needs of the people, let alone long-ranged developments. Essential imports had stretched the national credit to the breaking point. Rents were tightly controlled, but the extreme inflation affected general population most severely through the cost of food. Food costs took as much as 80 percent of the workers' income. Wages, it is tree, had risen. Extensive family allowances and benefits were paid by the state, and there was full-time and overtime employment. Taken together, these factors enabled the working class to exist but allowed them no sense of security. In this unstable and discouraging situation, workmen were willing to work overseas for higher wages.

The government was reluctant to let workers leave the country. It was feared this migration of workers would exhaust the labor force. The lack of qualified workers might hinder the improvement in the quality of industrial products produced. Qualified workers employed abroad would only increase the quantity of quality goods produced in foreign countries. Also the quantity of quality goods produced in France would not be able to increase as part of its qualified labor force moved to other countries.

According to the passage, the French workers were ______.

A.better paid than the workers in any other European country

B.able to save more money with the increase in his wages

C.anxious to work abroad

D.often unable to find work in France

Part ADirections: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by cho

Part A

Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

More attention was paid to the quality of production in France at the time of Rene Coty. Charles Deschanel was then the financial minister. He stressed that workmanship and quality were more important than quantity for industrial production. It would be necessary to produce quality goods for the international market to compete with those produced in other countries. The French economy needed a large share of the international market to balance its import and export trade.

French industrial and agricultural production was still inadequate to meet the immediate needs of the people, let alone long-ranged developments. Essential imports had stretched the national credit to the breaking point. Rents were tightly controlled, but the extreme inflation affected general population most severely through the cost of food. Food costs took as much as 80 percent of the workers' income. Wages, it is true, had risen. Extensive family allowances and benefits were paid by the state, and there were full-time and over-time employment. Taken together, these factors enabled the working class to exist but allowed them no sense of security. In this precarious and discouraging situation, workmen were willing to work overseas for higher wages.

The government was reluctant to let workers leave the country. It was feared that this migration of workers would deplete the labor force. The lack of qualified workers might hinder the improvement in the quality of industrial products produced. Qualified workers employed abroad would only increase the quantity of quality goods produced in foreign countries. Also the quantity of quality goods produced in France would not be able to increase as part of its qualified labor force moved to other countries.

According to the passage, the French workers were ______.

A.better paid than workers in other European countries

B.able to save more money with the increase in their wages

C.anxious to work abroad

D.often unable to find work in France

On September 7, 2001, a 68-year-old woman in Strasbourg, France, had her gall bladder (胆

On September 7, 2001, a 68-year-old woman in Strasbourg, France, had her gall bladder (胆囊) removed by surgeons' operating, via computer from New York. It was the first complete telesurgery procedure performed by surgeons nearly 4, 000 miles away from their patient.

In New York, Marescaux teamed up with surgeon Michel Gagner to perform. the historic long-distance operation. A high-speed fiber-optic service provided by France Telecom made the connection between New York and Strasbourg. The two surgeons controlled the instruments using an advanced robotic surgical system, designed by Computer Motion Inc that enabled the procedure to be minimally invasive. The patient was released from the hospital after about 48 hours and regained normal activity the following week. The high-speed fiber-optic connection between New York and France made it possible to overcome a key obstacle to telesurgery time delay. It was crucial that a continuous time delay of less than 200 milliseconds be maintained throughout the operation, between the surgeon's movements in New York and the return video (from Strasbourg) on his screen. The delay problem includes video coding, decoding and signal transmission time.

France Telecom's engineers achieved an average time delay of 150 milliseconds. "I felt as comfortable operating on my patient as if I had been in the room," says Marescaux.

The successful collaboration (合作) among medicine, advanced technology, and telecomm unications is likely to have enormous implications for patient care and doctor training. Highly-skilled surgeons may soon regularly perform. especially difficult operations through long-distance procedures. The computer systems used to control surgical movement can also lead to a breakthrough in teaching surgical techniques to a new generation of physicians. More surgeons-in-training will have the opportunity to observe their teachers in action in telesurgery operating rooms around the world.

Marescaux describes the success of the remotely performed surgical procedure as the beginning of a "third revolution" in surgery within the last decade. The first was the arrival of minimally invasive surgery, enabling procedures to be performed with guidance by a camera, meaning that the abdomen (腹部) and thorax (胸腔) do not have to be opened. The second was the introduction of computer-assisted surgery, where complicated software algorithms (计算法) enhance the safety of the surgeon's movements during a procedure, making them more accurate, while introducing the concept of distance between the surgeon and the patient. It was thus natural to imagine that this distance--currently several meters in the operating room--could potentially be up to several thousand kilometers.

The title that best expresses the main idea is ______.

A.How the Second Revolution in Surgery Comes Out

B.The Telesurgery Revolution

C.A Patient Was Saved

D.Dream Comes True

On September 7, 2001, a 68-year-old woman in Strasbourg, France, had her gall bladder (胆

On September 7, 2001, a 68-year-old woman in Strasbourg, France, had her gall bladder (胆囊) removed by-surgeons operating, via computer form. New York. It was the first complete telesurgery procedure performed by surgeons nearly 4,000 miles away from their patient.

In New York, Marescaux teamed up with surgeon Michel Gagner to perform. the historic long-distance operation. A high-speed fiber-optic service provided by France Telecom made the connection between New York and Strasbourg. The two surgeons controlled the instruments using an advanced robotic surgical system, designed by Computer Motion Inc. that enabled the procedure to be minimally invasive. The patient was released from the hospital after about 48 hours and regained normal activity the following week. The high-speed fiber-optic connection between New York and France made it possible to overcome a key obstacle to telesurgery time delay. It was crucial that a continuous time delay of less than 200 milliseconds be maintained throughout the operation, between the surgeon's movements in New York and the return video (from Strasbourg) on his screen. The delay problem includes video coding decoding and signal transmission time.

France Telecom's engineers achieved an average time delay of 150 milliseconds. "l felt as comfortable operating on my patient as if I had been in the room," says Marescaux.

The successful collaboration (合作) among medicine, advanced technology, and telecomm unications is likely to have enormous implications for patient care and doctor training. Highly skilled surgeons may soon regularly perform. especially difficult operations through long-distance procedures. The computer systems used to control surgical movement can also lead to a breakthrough in teaching surgical techniques to a new generation of physicians. More surgeons-in-training will have the opportunity to observe their teachers in action in telesurgery operating rooms around the world.

Marescaux describes the success of the remotely performed surgical procedure as the beginning of a "third revolution" in surgery within the last decade. The first was the arrival of minimally invasive surgery, enabling procedures to be performed with guidance by a camera, meaning that the abdomen (腹部) and thorax (胸腔) do not have to be opened. The second was the introduction of computer-assisted surgery, where complicated software algorithms (计算法) enhance the safety of the surgeon's movements during a procedure, making them more accurate, while introducing the concept of distance between the surgeon and the patient. It was thus natural to imagine that this distance-currently several meters in the operating room-could potentially be up to several thousand kilometers.

The title that best expresses the main idea is ______.

A.How The Second Revolution in Surgery Comes Out

B.The Telesurgery Revolution

C.A Patient Was Saved

D.Dream Comes True

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