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提问人:网友hjy273 发布时间:2022-01-06

When I first learned Lisp (表处理语言), what I liked most about it was that it considered

When I first learned Lisp (表处理语言), what I liked most about it was that it considered me______.

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更多“When I first learned Lisp (表处理语言), what I liked most about it was that it considered”相关的问题
The young man at the counter had some sort of registration problem. It is _______ in the f
irst year. The woman behind the counter clearly felt, as I did, _______ for this young man, who was _______ by his no doubt ______, but_______, father. Twenty years ago, when I first ______ university, parents did not follow their children all the way there.My parents________ me at the front door of St. Hilda’s College at the University of Toronto and drove five hours back home. I was not ready, prepared or clearly_____about what would happen over the course of the next four years, but I________.From professors and teaching assistants to registrars and student-loanofficers,I learned to________through the________ of university life. Naturally, I made mistakes, but then I still do.

听力原文:MA Have you seen Rachel today?WB Not yet. But it's only eight forty-five. I'll le

听力原文:MA Have you seen Rachel today?

WB Not yet. But it's only eight forty-five. I'll let her know you're looking for her when she gets in, which should be any minute now. Is there anything I should tell her?

MA Yes. We have an urgent situation with one of the pieces of art that was supposed to be revised for the Henderson poster. It should have been in yesterday afternoon. When I didn't see it this morning, I called the art vendor and they said they never received the revision request. This poster is supposed to go back to Henderson for confirmation today.

WB I'll let her know. But try not to worry—if the revision is minor we should be able to do it in-house first thing this morning.

What is learned about Rachel?

A.She is often late.

B.She called in sick.

C.She left for the day.

D.She will arrive soon.

Married people live "happily ever after" in fairy tales, but they do so less and less ofte
n in real life. I, like many of my friends, got married, divorced, and remarried. I suppose, to some people, I'm a failure. After all, I broke my first solemn promise to "love and cherish until death us do part." But I feel that I'm finally a success. I learned from the mistakes I made in my first marriage. This time around, the ways my husband and I share our free time, make decision, and deal with problems are very different.

I learned, first of all, not to be a clinging vine (依赖男子的妇女). In my first marriage, I felt the every moment we spent apart was wasted. If Ray wanted to go out to a bar with his friends to watch a football game. I felt rejected and talked him into staying home. ! wouldn't accept an offer to go to a movie or join an exercise class if it meant that Ray would be home amone. I realize now that we were often angry with each other just because we spent too much time together. In contrast, my second husband and I spend some of our free time apart and try to have interests of our own. I have started playing racquetball at a health club, and David sometimes takes off to go to the local auto races with his friends. When we are together, we aren't bored with each other, our separate interests make us more interesting people.

I learned not only to be apart sometimes but also to work together when it' s time to make decisions. When Ray and I were married, I left all the important decisions to him. He decided how we would spend money, whether we should sell the car or fix it, and where to take a vacation. I know now that I went along with this so that I wouldn't have to take the responsibility when things went wrong. I could always end an argument by saying, "It was your fault!" With my second marriage, I am trying to be a full partner. We ask each other's opinions on major decisions and try to compromise ff we disagree. If we make the wrong choice, we're equally guilty. When we rented an apartment, for example, we both had to take the blame for not noticing the drafty windows and the "no pets" clause in our lease.

Maybe the most important thing I've learned is to be a grown-up about facing problems. David and I have made a vow to face our troubles like adults. If we're mad at each other or worried and upset, we say how we feel. Rather than hide behind our own misery, we talk about the problem until we discover how to fix it. Everybody argues or has to deal with the occasional crisis, but Ray and I always reacted like children to these stormy times. I would lock myself in the spare bedroom. Ray would stalk out of the house, slam the door, and race off in the car. Then I would cry and worry till he returned.

I wish that my first marriage hadn't been the place where I learned how to make a relationship work, but at least I did learn. I feel better now about being an independent person, about making decisions, and about facing problems. My second marriage isn't perfect, but it doesn't have the deep flaws that made the first one fall apart.

Which of the following has contributed to the writer's divorce?

A.Her former husband went out to watch football games.

B.She started to play racquetball at a health club.

C.They spent too much time together and got bored with each other.

D.They spent so little time together that they could not talk to each other.

听力原文:Interviewer: Hello, Nancy. I know you are one of the few women taxi drivers in th
e city now and you drive for a living. What made you want to become a taxi driver in the first place?

Nancy: (1 [D]) I took pride in driving well even when I was young, for I had to wait until I had a car to learn to drive, When I finally learned, it was something I really enjoyed and still enjoy.

Interviewer: I see. And how long have you been a taxi driver?

Nancy: Err...altogether 12 years.

Interviewer: Mm…It has been quite some time already, hasn't it?

Nancy: Yeah.

Interviewer: Then, what did you find the hardest about becoming a taxi drive

Nancy: It was scary. (2[B]) I did not yet know how to judge distance, and when a truck came nearer, it seemed like its wheels would just come right over me. Anyway, soon I learned it all and stopped worrying.

Interviewer: In your opinion, what does ii take to become a good taxi driver?

Nancy: Err...besides driving well, (3[B]) the most important thing a taxi driver needs to know is the streets, and I knew the city well because I'd lived there for a long time. And, of course, you have to keep updating your knowledge of the streets because the city changes.

Interviewer: Now, what about annual vacation? Do you have them?

Nancy: Oh, yes. When I first started, I had only 10 days. And now I have 3 weeks every year with pay.

Interviewer: Just out of curiosity, when you go on vacation to another place, do you drive there as well?

Nancy: In most cases, not. (4[C])I prefer to be driven by others if we go by car. I've had too much driving in my life. So when on holiday, I just want to relax.

Interviewer: OK. Our interview is coming to the end. Thank you for your time.

Nancy: Pleasure.

Nancy became a taxi driver because ______.

A.she owned a car

B.she drove well

C.she liked drivers' uniforms

D.it was her dream

听力原文:I: Hello, Nancy. I know you are one of the few women taxi drivers in the city now
and you drive for a living. What made you want to become a taxi driver in the first place?

N: I took pride in driving well even when I was young, for I had to wait until I had a car to learn to drive. When 1 finally learned, it was something I really enjoyed and still enjoy.

I: I see. And how long have you been a taxi driver?

N: Er... altogether 12 years.

I: Mm... It has been quite some time already, hasn't it?

N: Yeah.

I: Then, what did you find the hardest about becoming a taxi driver?

N: It was scary. I did not yet know how to judge distance, and when a truck came nearer, it seemed like its wheels would just come right over me. Anyway, soon I learned it ail and stopped worrying.

I: In your opinion, what does it take to become a good taxi driver?

N: Er... besides driving well, the most important thing a taxi driver needs to know is the streets, and I knew the city well because I'd lived there for a long time. And, of course, you have to keep updating your knowledge of the streets because the city changes.

I: Now, what about annual vacation? Do you have them?

N: Oh, yes. When I first started, I had only 10 days. And now 1 have 3 weeks every year with pay.

I: Just out of curiosity, when you go on vacation to another place, do you drive there as well?

N: In most cases, not. I prefer to be driven by others if we go by car. I've had too much driving in my life. So when on holiday, I just want to relax.

I: OK. Our interview is coming to the end. Thank you for your time.

N: Pleasure.

Nancy became a taxi driver because

A.she owned a car.

B.she drove well.

C.she liked drivers' uniforms.

D.it was her dream.

听力原文:M: Hello, Nancy. I know you are one of the few woman taxi drivers in the city now
and you drive for a living. What make you want to become a taxi driver in the first place?

W: I took pride in driving well when I was young, for I had to wait until I had a car to learn to drive. When I finally learned, it was something I really enjoyed and still enjoy; I remember how smart that driver had seemed driving so well and dressed so neatly in their uniforms. And I thought I'd like to do that myself.

M: You really enjoy driving, I see. And how long have you been a taxi driver?

M: It has been quite some time already, hasn't it?

W: Yeah.

M: Then, what did you find the most difficult about becoming a taxi driver?

W: I can still remember when I was learning to drive. It was scary. I did not yet know how to judge distance, and when a truck came near. It seemed like its wheel would just coming right over me. Anyway soon I learned to judge distance. I began looking ahead, stopped worrying about the truck which was moving on either side.

M: What's the best part of your job?

W: I found that what I like the best about this job was being outdoors, seeing how the city changes from season to season, and there are places I've seen that I would probably never have seen in another job. And I love all kinds of weather. I'd like to leave the window down in a fine rain. And the beautiful sceneries, you know...


A.She owned a car.

B.She drove well.

C.She liked drivers' uniforms.

D.It was her childhood dream.

" They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started to play . . . ! " These wo
rds may be among the most successful in advertising history. Although the ad has not run for many years, the slogan is still remembered. It was written in 1925 for the V. S. School of Music, to sell home music lessons.

The ad has great appeal. It pictures a handsome man sitting at a piano in front of smiling guests. It tells the story of Jack, who has secretly learned to play the piano through a mail-order course. His friends at a party all scoff when he sits at the keyboard. But as he plays the first notes of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata, " they all amazed. When he finishes his flawless performance, the listeners shower him with applause and praise.

Jack tells his friends that he learned to play through the V. S. School of Music. He explains that he was taught through a new method, using no laborious scales and no tiresome practicing. He didn't even have a special talent for music! In the ad, others, too, could increase their popularity and gain happiness.

The writer of this ad, John Gaples, called this style. the "Walter Mitty approach." Walter Mitty is a character in a short story by James Thurber, who daydreams of taking part in great adventures. Although this ad seems old-fashioned now, many people still dream of such easy social success.

The opening sentence catches your attention by______.

A.surprising you

B.describing a humorous situation

C.ridiculing someone

D.appealing to people's dreams of personal success

II. Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions learned in Text A. 9. He found himself unable to (融入) his classmates when he first came to this school.
It can be learned from the passage that the writer, in her first marriage, ______.A.took l

It can be learned from the passage that the writer, in her first marriage, ______.

A.took less responsibility than she should for major decision

B.took the same responsibility as her husband

C.took more blame when things went wrong

D.felt equally guilty when things went wrong

When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasn't the first t
ime I had been 【B1】. Like most English children I learned French at school and I had often 【B2】 to France, so I was used 【B3】 a foreign language to people who did not understand 【B4】. But when I went to America I was really looking forward to 【B5】 a nice easy holiday without any 【B6】 problems.

How wrong I was! the misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a 【B7】 telephone to give my American friend Danny a 【B8】 and tell her I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me 【B9】 lost and asked 【B10】 he could help me. "Yes," I said, "I want to give my friend a ring." "Well, that's 【B11】 "he exclaimed. "Are you getting 【B12】 ? But aren't you a bit 【B13】 ? "Who is talking about marriage?" I replied. "I 【B14】 want to give a ring to tell her I've arrived. Can you tell me where there's a phone box?" "Oh!" he said, "There's a phone downstairs."

When at last we 【B15】 meet up, Danny 【B16】 the misunderstandings to me. "Don't worry," she said to me. "I had so many 【B17】 at first. There are lots of words which the Americans 【B18】 differently in meaning from 【B19】. You'll soon get used to 【B20】 things they say. Most of the time British and American people understand each other!"






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