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提问人:网友huifang 发布时间:2022-01-06

Why did Amy take up economics?

A.She was interested in it,

B.She felt it useful.

C.She was advised to take it.

D.She was forced to take it.

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“Why did Amy take up economics?”相关的问题
Why did Wang Lung gnash his teeth at the imperturbable god?

A、(A) Because he had no money to buy sticks of incense.

B、(B) Because the gods' clothes were tattered.

C、(C) Because the gods were small, imperturbable and powerless.

D、(D) Because the gods sat there unmoved by anything.

Why does the CEO invite Chris and his son to watch football with him?

A、He is moved by Chris’s sincere attitude.

B、He likes Chris’s son.

C、He has no companion to the football game.

D、He wants to know more about Chris’s family.

Jack didn't see the museum steps, so he ______ (fall)down.

Airline Alliances Cooperative competition. Competitive cooperation. Confused? Airline alliances have travelers scratching their heads over whats going on in the skies. Some folks view alliances as a blessing to travelers, offering seamless travel, reduced fares and enhanced frequent-flyer benefits. Others see a conspiracy of big businesses, causing decreased competition, increased fares and fewer choices. Whatever your opinion is, there are no escaping airline alliances: the marketing hype is unrelenting, with each of the two mega-groupings. Oneworld and Star Alliance promote themselves as the best choice for all travelers. And, even if you turn away from their ads, chances are they will figure in any of your travel plans. But why, after years of often ferocious competition, have airlines decided to band together? Lets just say the timing is mutually convenient. North American Airlines, having exhausted all means of earning customer loyalty at home, have been looking for ways to reach out to foreign flyers. Asian carriers are still hurting from the region—the wide economic downturn that began two years ago just when some of the airlines were taking delivery of new aircraft. Alliances also allow carriers to cut costs and increase profits by pooling manpower resources on the ground (rather than each airline maintaining its own ground crew) and code-sharing—the practice of two partners selling tickets and operating only one aircraft. So alliances are terrific for airlines—but are they good for the passenger? Absolutely, say the airlines: think of the lounges, the joint FFP (frequent flyer programme) benefits, the round-the-world fares, and the global service networks. Then there is the promise of "seamless" travel: the ability to, say, travel from Singapore to Rome to New York to Rio de Janeiro, all on one ticket, without having to wait hours for connections or worry about your bags. Sounds Utopian? Peter Buecking, Cathay Pacifics Director of Sales and Marketing, thinks that seamless travel is still evolving. "The key to seamlessness rests in infrastructure and information sharing. We are working on this." Henry Ma, spokesperson for Star Alliance in Hong Kong, lists some of the other benefits for customers: "Global travelers have an easier time making connections and planning their itineraries." Ma claims alliances also assure passengers consistent service standards. Critics of alliances say the much touted benefits to the customer are mostly pie in the sky, that alliances are all about reducing costs for the airlines, rationalizing services and running joint marketing programmes. Consumer Reports Senior Editor Jeff Blyskal says the promotional ballyhoo over alliances is much ado about nothing. "I dont see much of a gain for consumers: alliances are just a marketing gimmick. Most airlines can not even get their own connections under control, let alone coordinate with another airline. " Blyskal believes alliances will ultimately result in decreased flight choices and increased costs for consumers. Instead of two airlines competing and each operating a flight on the same route at 70% capacity, the allied pair will share the route and run one full flight. Since fewer seats will be available, passengers will be obliged to pay more for tickets. The truth about alliances and their merits probably lies somewhere between the travel Utopia presented by the players, and the evil empires portrayed by their critics. And how much they affect you depends on what kind of traveler you are. Those whove already made the elite grade in the FFP of a major airline stand to benefit the most when it joints an alliance: then they enjoy the FFP perks and advantages on any and all of the member carriers. For example, if you are a Marco Polo Club "gold" member of Cathay Pacifics Asia Miles FFP, you will automatically be treated as a valuable customer by all members of Oneworld, of which Cathay Pacific is a member. For those who havent made the top grade in any FFP, alliances might be a way of simplifying the earning of frequent flyer miles. For example, I belong to United Airlines Mileage Plus and generally fly less than 25000 miles a year. But I earn miles with every flight I take on Star Alliance member—All Nippon Airways and Thai Airways. (A)if you fly less than I do, you might be smarter to stay out of the FFP game altogether. (B)The only real benefit infrequent flyers can draw from an alliance is an inexpensive round-the-world fare. (C)The bottom lines for all the marketing hype, alliances arent all things to all people—but everybody can get some benefit out of them. (D)

According to the passage, which is the best word to describe air travelers reaction to airline alliances?





The word inexorable in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.





What does the author seem to suggest about traditional values?

A.Traditional values play an insignificant role in solving social problems.

B.Traditional values are helpful to the elderly when they sue their children.

C.Traditional values are very important in preserving Wyoming"s uniqueness.

D.Traditional values are significant in helping the Bill get approve

The author thinks that if the bill becomes law, its effect would be ______.





Which of the following groups is NOT mentioned as migrants in the passage?





What kind of relationship can be described as great events and migration?






听力原文:Academic adviser How do you do, Miss Wu? Please have a seat. Student It is very nice to see you! Thank you. Academic adviser Now then, let us look at your transcript. Student OK! Here you are! Academic adviser It is very clear and solid. You have your Bachelor of Arts in English and now you want to get your Masters in Education, right? Student Right. I got my Bachelor of Arts in English last year. Academic adviser Why do you want to get Masters in Education? Student Because I am interested in Education. But I dont know what 111 need. Academic adviser You will need 36 credit hours, of which 15 must be from the English Department and 15 from the Education Department. For the remaining six credit hours, you can either write a thesis or take two selected courses. Student You mean that 36 credit hours are the minimum? Right now, this is very confusing to me, but I am sure it will straighten out in my mind as I learn more about it. Academic adviser Let us program your courses. Since you have had English Literature, you should take American Literature and American Prose and Fiction. Your transcript. indicates that your English background is strong, so I dont think you will have any problem with it. Student OK! I loved English Literature and got an A. I am also interested in studying American Prose and Fiction. How many credits can I get for each course? Academic adviser Three. You should also take two three-credit courses in the Education Department. I suggest Educational Psychology and Audiovisual Methods and Aids. That will give you 12 hours altogether which is the minimum for a full-time student. Student Excuse me. Actually I am a part-time student. I am sorry I dont have enough time to take all the courses, although m attracted by them. So I would like to audit one course. Academic adviser Thats right. You have been appointed Assistant Head Resident at Western. How many hours do you have to work? Student Twelve hours a week. Since this is my first time in the United States, I dont want to fail any classes and would therefore prefer a somewhat lighter program. In addition, I am a part-time student, so it is very hard for me to select all the courses. In order to pass the exams smoothly, have to choose lighter ones. Academic adviser That is correct. In fact you must maintain a B average to earn your Masters. In other words, if you get a C, you will need an A to balance it out. If you get a D, it takes two As to raise it to a B average. Student Oh! My goodness! It is so complex. I definitely dont want to get any Ds or Fs. Academic adviser Yes, you are right. Student Id better go slowly but surely, like the tortoise in the fable. Academic adviser That is a good idea. Which course do you want to audit? Student American Prose and Fiction. Academic adviser Are you aware that even though you wont receive any credit for an audited course, you still pay the same for the other courses? Student Yes, I am. I know that the professor will keep track of my attendance, but I wont have to do any papers or take any exams. Academic adviser Fine. You are set now. Jim will show you to the Administration building. Good luck, and I hope you will enjoy studies here at Miami. Student Thank you. I am sure I will.Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and a academic adviser. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.The adviser directs the student on how to get a Bachelor of Arts in English.

B.The adviser gives some advice to the student about her courses.

C.The adviser explains the courses and class grades in detail.

D.The adviser instructs the student on how to pay her tuition.

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