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提问人:网友liuyang1110 发布时间:2022-01-07

Machining is the manufacturing in which the workers can remove the excess material of a part on a machine tool.

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更多“Machining is the manufacturing in which the workers can remove the excess material of a part on a ma…”相关的问题
Which is true of reasoning by example?

A、To apply a general principle to a specific instance.

B、To come to a conclusion from a number of specific cases.

C、To draw a comparison between two specific cases.

D、To reveal the cause-effect relationship between two cases.

There are two major parties in Britain today, the Conservative Party and the Labor Party, which have been in power by turns since 1945.The two—party system of Britain was formed in the course of the development of the capitalist state and the political parties. In order to strengthen the state machine, the British bourgeosie have let it come into being and exist in one form. or another form. since the 17th century. P.S. Tregidgo once said:“The more parties there are, the less likely it is that any one of them will be strong enough in Parliament to outvote all the others; but when there are only two, one of them is sure to have a majority of seats. This helps to ensure a strong and stable government.”This may be the reason why the British have the two party system.

The division into two parties grew out the establishment of a Protestant Church of England in the 16th century. Because of a purely religious difference of opinion, the Puritans were separated from the broad body of the Anglican Church. The non Puritan Anglicans were on the side of the King and Church, and their supporters were called by their opponents “Tories.”The Puritans were for Parliament and trade, and their supporters were called by the “Tories”“Whigs”. The Tories and the Whigs were in power by turns for a long time. In 1833,the Tory party split into two and its name was changed to Conservative. In the 1860s the Whigs became Liberals. From that time on, the Liberals and the Conservatives were in office by turns until 1922.The policies they put into effect were sometimes different, but they were both controlled by the rich.

The working class became more and more unwilling to follow the Conservatives and the Liberals. They wanted to have their own party. So the Labor party was formed by the trade unions. After 1922 the Labor Party gradually replaced the Liberal Party to become one of the two major parties in Great Britain.

C-25.What does “it” stand for in Para 1 with underline?

A、The two party system.

B、The state machine.

C、The Parliament.

D、The capitalist state.

C-26. We can learn from what P.S Tregidgo once said that ____.

A、if there are parties in Britain, none of them will be strong enough to have control in the government

B、the more patients there are, the more likely it is that they will have the decisive say in the government

C、the two party systems contributes to the establishment of a powerful and long lasting government

D、if there are only two parties in Britain, it will be easy for the government to control them

C-27. What can we infer from the forming of the Tory Party and the Whig Party?

A、These two parties originally believed in different religions.

B、These two parties were established under the influence of different religious believes.

C、The British King and the Parliament supported different religions because they were for the two party system.

D、The British King and the Parliament were supported by different parties for political reasons.

Party A: Brainstorming Company Limited, (the employer)

Party B: Jim (the employee)

The duty of Party A: pay the employee at the rate of US $3000 per month and, in addition, compensate him for any other expense incurred by him when he is carrying out his duties.

The duty of Party B: agree to carry out the following duties, to negotiate with American authorities about the cooperation between Brainstorming group and business circles of the USA, to arrange for the visits of Steve Wang, president, and other executive to America, to act as authorized representative in any relating to the cooperation with America and to respond to any inquires from China parties.In this employment, the employee shall act honestly, laboriously and to the best of his ability.

Validity of the agreement: on January 1st , 2009.

_______represented Yin and Earth would occupy the palace of earthly tranquility.

A、The emperor

B、The empress

C、The queen mother

D、The princess

At a rummage sale, you buy two old books and an old rocking chair; your spending on these items is not included in current GDP
阅读理解。????Any introduction to Peking Opera woul...

Any introduction to Peking Opera would not be complete without telling of Mei Lanfang.

Traditionally only men performed in Peking Opera, including the female roles. And Mei Lanfang was

the very best master of the miss. During his stage life, he combined the traditions of the past with his own

creations, shaping a style of his own and giving birth to “The Mei Lanfang School”. He was also the first

artist to introduce Peking Opera to an overseas audience, making it popular to the world. For half a century,

Mei Lanfang was a household name in China.

Mei Lanfang began his stage life at the age of 8. His teacher said he showed little hope because of his

boring eyes. To improve this, he exercised them day after day. He would fly kites and look at them moving

slowly in a blue sky. He also kept pigeons in order to look at them soaring higher and higher until they

disappeared into the clouds. Thanks to his efforts, he managed to transform his dull eyes into a pair of bright

and expressive eyes and win national fame before the age of 20, In over 50 years on the stage, Mei Lanfang

played no less than 100 differents characters in the traditional Peking Opera performance. He completely

changed both stage make-up and costumes, and enriched characters’ gestures. expressions and poses. He

also wrote many new plays, designing the dances himself. The many dances he created form part of the

greatlegacythat he left to Peking Opera.

In 1930.Mei Lanfang started on a successful US tour. There his brilliant performances fascinated the

audience, making them realize that Peking Opera was a theatrical forrn of great literary and artistic value.

1. Mei Lanfang was the first artist to introduce Peking Opera to_______.
A. China

B. Beijing

C. the world

D. schools

2. When did Mei Lanfang begin his stage life?
A. At the age of 8.

B. At the age of 20.

C. In 1930.

D. In 1950.

3. What is the meaning of the underlined word "legacy" in paragraph 3?
A. Someone well known at over the world.

B. Someone considered to be an art treasure.

C. Something traditional combined with modern dances.

D. Something valuable passed down from generation to generation.

4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The history of Peking Opera.

B. Mei Lanfang’s early stage life.

C. The creations of Peking Opera by Mei Lanfang.

D. Mei Lanfang’s great contributions to Peking Opera.

The feed is defined as the distance the cutting tool projects below the original surface of the work-piece.
As NC machines need a large capital investment, we should efficiently use them.
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