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提问人:网友duzhiwen0603 发布时间:2022-01-06

In an old town lived a merchant. He earned huge profits by fair means and foul (恶劣的).Wi

In an old town lived a merchant. He earned huge profits by fair means and foul (恶劣的).With more profits flowing in, he became more and more【C1】______. He complained when his wife wanted money to【C2】______the home. He criticized her when she prepared【C3】______dishes or bought expensive clothes. " Money doesnt grow on trees. " he【C4】______his children when they asked for money to buy books and new dresses. When his sisters, brothers and cousins came to ask for【C5】______, he drove them away. 【C6】______ he grew richer, he became more miserly (吝啬的). He【C7】______the cook, the maid and the gardener. "No,who will pay them? All of us must share the work and thus avoid【C8】______of money. " he told his wife and children. "What will you do with all this money?" they asked. But he drove them away,【C9】______," I will do【C10】______I like with my money. I earn it. I will save it. I will become the richest man in the town. Wait and see. " It【C11】______him many years to become the richest man in town. But none had a good word to say about him. The people laughed at him, " Money Bag. " They named him " King Miser. " The merchant became worried day by day【C12】______his bad name. How could he get a good name? He finally went to an elder and【C13】______ advice. "Shall I open a charitable (慈善的) hospital? 【C14】______ a school for the children of the poor? Open a chain of poor homes?" he asked. "Not a bad idea. In fact, I would normally have recommended such kind of charity. But it will cost a lot of money. " the elder【C15】______ out. "I am ready to spend some money to win name and 【C16】______ ," the merchant replied. " How can you even think of helping strangers? Should you not attend to the【C17】______of your near and dear ones first? Cant you see your wife and children going around【C18】______poor clothes? How hungry they look? Do they have even enough food every day? Listen. Do your【C19】______to your family, first. Help your brothers and sisters and other members of the family who are poor. Opening hospitals for the poor or schools for the children of the poor must come【C20】______. Charity begins at home. " saying this, the wise man sent the merchant away.






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更多“In an old town lived a merchant. He earned huge profits by fair means and foul (恶劣的).Wi”相关的问题
A very strange old man used to live in our town. He didn't do anything as the rest of peop
le did. He lived alone and didn't talk to anybody. He liked to walk in the woods where there were no roads, following the narrow paths made by animals. People were afraid of him. They thought he was crazy and might do something terrible, like hurting one of the children.

One day a little boy disappeared. His parents looked for him for hours, and finally the whole town started a search of the woods. Some people thought the strange old man bad taken the child away.

Several hours later, the boy was found, very cold and hungry, and it was the old man, who knew the woods so well, who had found him. After that, he still lived alone and walked in the woods, but no one was afraid of him any more.

The old man was very strange because ______.

A.he liked to live alone

B.people didn't like him and were afraid of him

C.he liked to walk in the woods without roads

D.he didn't do anything as the others did

听力原文:Many years ago there lived a very rich man who wanted to do something for the peo

听力原文: Many years ago there lived a very rich man who wanted to do something for the people of his town. But he wanted to find out Whether they deserved his help.

In the center of the main road into the town he placed a very large stone. Then he hid behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his COW.

"Who put the stone in the center of the road?" said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way. Another man came along and did the same thing; then another came, and another. All of them complained about the stone in the center of the road but not one of them tried to remove it. Later in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone and said:

"The night will be very dark. Some neighbor will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone."

The young man then began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his might to remove it. How great was his surprise at last when, under the stone, he found a bag of money and a piece of paper with these words: "This money is for the first honest, man who removes this stone from the road."


A.How many poor people there were in his town.

B.Whether the poor people really needed his help.

C.If the people of the town were worthy of his help.

D.Who was willing to do a seemingly thankless job.

听力原文:In the United States, many people once lived in large two-or three-story homes. T

听力原文: In the United States, many people once lived in large two-or three-story homes. Today, many people would like to live in such houses, but usually they cannot. They don't have enough money to buy them, even to make the first payment. So many people rent from month to month. But some Americans really want to live in a house of their own. So they build their own houses, or they buy a house that is situated in the area where houses are cheaper. It is better to live in the bad part of town, they say, than not to live in a house at all. They can also buy an old house and redesign it; then they decorate it with old style. furniture. Sometimes they can make the house more beautiful than a new one. Usually it is not difficult for people to find an old home to buy. Many old people decide they don't need a big home after their children leave. So they sell their house, and move into a comfortable apartment.

But when people move into a house, they sometimes have problems. Homeowners have to do their own maintenance. For example, if the roof leaks, one cannot ask the landlord to fix it. On the other hand, people can redesign their houses in any way they want without having to be afraid of being thrown out by the landlord.


A.Because they prefer small and comfortable houses.

B.Because they want to build their own apartments.

C.Because such houses are always in the bad part of town.

D.Because they cannot afford them.

听力原文:Martin is a medical student. Every summer vacation he works as a guide for a trav

听力原文: Martin is a medical student. Every summer vacation he works as a guide for a travel agency. In order to get as many customers as possible, Martin prepared a speech to attract them. On the morning of the first day, when he saw a woman coming towards the door of tire agency, he immediately opened the door for her and began to describe the tour. "The bus leaves Fairfield at 9:30. It's air-conditioned and very comfortable. We first take you down to the old harbor. From there we drive along the coast and through an old residential area. At 12:30, we go to the Park Restaurant for a first-class meal. Then we go to the zoo in the park. From 3 till 5 we show you the shops in the old town, where you can buy traditional handicrafts, jewellery and pottery. We then go to the area where you can visit the natural history museum and the art gallery. Finally we come back along 8th Avenue, past the concert hall and theaters. You can count on a really wonderful day. "At last he stopped. The woman smiled and thanked him very much. Then she said she had lived in the town all her life and thought his description was very good. However, she only wanted to know what time the next bus left for Green Valley.


A.He informed the tourists of their itinerary.

B.He tried to sell a tour.

C.He answered the questions from the tourists.

D.He talked about the scenic spots on the tour.

听力原文:Many years ago there lived a very rich man who wanted to do something for the peo
ple of his town. But first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help.

In the center of the main road into the town he placed a very large stone. Then he hid behind a tree end waited. Soon en old man came along with his cow.

"Who put this stone in the center of the road?" said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with sane difficulty he passed around the stone and continued tm his way. Another man came along and did the same thing, then another came, and another. All of them complained about the stone in the center of the road but not one of them tried to remove it. Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone and said. "The night will be very dark. Sane neighbor will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone."

The young man then began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his strength to remove it. How great was his surprise at last when, under the stone, he found a bag of money and a piece of paper with these words: "This money is for the first honest man who removes this stone from the road."


A.How many people there were in the town.

B.Whether the poor people really needed his help.

C.If the roads of the village were in need of repair.

D.If the people of the town were worthy of his help.

I am Lee, a Chinese student studying in the US. La...

I am Lee, a Chinese student studying in the US. Last week while I was getting on a bus I dropped one of my packages and a young man who was also getting on the bus picked it up for me. He seemed nice, so I chatted with him a bit. He said his name is Sam , he was 18 years old and has always lived in this town. His family also lives in town, but he lives alone in a small apartment. He just graduated from high school this year and is now a student at the local university. I asked where he was going, and he said that he was going to work-he has an evening job at a restaurant to make money to pay for university. He said that he doesn’t want to live with his family or ask them for money. I don’t understand why American young people leave home when them reach 18. Is this true for most Americans?

In a few weeks or so the wreckers will come. They will tear down the two venerable brick a
nd brown

stone mansions that have stood hard by the First Presbyterian Church in West Twelfth Street for more than

100 years.

No. 12,nearest the churchyard, was built in 1849 for James W. Phillips, son of the Rev. William Wirt Phillips ,who held the pulpit next door from 1826 to 1865. No. 14 ,built at the same time as a twin, except for the interior, was the home of Charles C. Tabers, a prosperous cotton merchant.

The two buildings are the last remaining two town houses in this city of the many designed by Alexander Jackson Davis. A modest man, he conceded that the interiors of his Twelfth street designs were "remarkable". Even in their last stages of neglect the unpracticed eye can see that. They are lovely.

The buildings had famous tenants, too, at one time or another. Thurlow Weed, nineteenth century war wick he was called that in his own day for his genius in moulding political careers lived in No. 12 from 1866 to 1882. Most of the important men and women of his time were his guests there. Down the street lived Gen. Windfield Scott.

Probably the chief feature of that old Weed house was the octagonal stairwell with the stained - glass skylight at the top. The stairwell in the other house oval, but it has the same glowing dome skylight. In both dwellings you find rich stucco molding, handsome fireplaces, magnificent woods.

Just outside the old Weed study there stood, in his lifetime, a handsome willow brought from St. Helena near the grave of Napoleon. It was uprooted long ago to make play place in the churchyard for the children of the church school. Incidently, after the old mansion come down, a new church school will rise on the spot. The Davis mansions are now a five -trap.

The most famous dweller in No. 14 was John Rogers, a nineteenth -century sculptor, a kind of Edgar Guest who worked in stone. His studio was on the second floor. It looks today pretty much as it did when he worked in it from 1888 to 1895 ,turning out such groups as "Checkers up at the Farm, "" Fetching the Doctor". A part of his work are in the church office. Each has the Twelfth Street house address worked into it.

Though church folk dislike the idea of having the old mansion torn down. and architects in town frown on the notion, too, they know they must go. The place is sorely needed for the children. So, one by one, the master works of the great architects vanish from the city Davis did preliminary sketches for the old tombs, worked on the old Custom House, on many hospitals and colleages. All that will remain of his dreaming on paper, when the Twelfth Street Mansions go down in rubble, will be a few villas up in the Hudson River Valley.

The two houses were not ______.

A.of the same style

B.designed by the same designer

C.the same looking from the outside

D.the same looking from the inside

第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳

第二节 完型填空


My father tried to interest me with a bike (Example: 0 ) I was very young. I can still remember the first time he【B1】me to a park on my new bike. I was【B2】six years old then. But I soon learnt【B3】well and grew too big for my first bike. So I bought【B4】one. My father was so proud (骄傲的) that he【B5】happy to clean it himself on Sundays. In those days,【B6】were few cars on the road【B7】the shortage of petrol (缺乏燃油), but if I lived【B8】the same town today I would be【B9】to let my own son have a bike because the number of cars【B10】grown so much.






His father has lived in the town ______ 1950.





听力原文:London in the 17th century was very attractive, like many European cities of the

听力原文: London in the 17th century was very attractive, like many European cities of the time. There was a beautiful cathedral, St. Paul's, and a magnificent Town Hall, the Guildhall. Also, there were many attractive churches and important buildings. There was one large bridge across the River Thames, and on the south side of the river there were one or two theatres, including Shakespeare's theatre, the Globe.

However, the majority of the half a million inhabitants of the city lived in small houses in narrow, dirty streets. There were no drains, so people threw their dirty water and rubbish onto the street. Because of this, there was a strong smell and there were many rats and flies. In 1665, there was a great plague in the city of London. At least 70,000 people died and many others left London and went into the country for several months. Then slowly the plague died away and people started to return from the country.

On September 2, 1666 at about three o'clock in the morning, a fire suddenly started in a baker's shop in Pudding Lane. There was a strong wind and the fire spread quickly from one street to the next. The fire lasted for three days and destroyed 13,200 homes and 88 churches, including St. Paul's Cathedral, the Guildhall and many other important buildings. This was the end of the old city of London.


A.Near Town Hall.

B.In a narrow, dirty street.

C.Behind many attractive churches.

D.On the south side of the River Thames.

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