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提问人:网友greenfirefly 发布时间:2022-01-06

The immediate risks of using antibiotics DO NOT includeA.ear infections.B.allergic reactio

The immediate risks of using antibiotics DO NOT include

A.ear infections.

B.allergic reactions.

C.severe diaper rash.

D.loose bowels.

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更多“The immediate risks of using antibiotics DO NOT includeA.ear infections.B.allergic reactio”相关的问题
The immediate risks of using antibiotics include all of the following EXCEPT______.A.ear i

The immediate risks of using antibiotics include all of the following EXCEPT______.

A.ear infections

B.allergic reactions

C.severe diaper rash

D.loose bowels

Those who take risks they regret later on______.A.will often become more cautiousB.are usu

Those who take risks they regret later on______.

A.will often become more cautious

B.are usually very aggressive

C.value immediate benefits most

D.may lose everything in the end

In the United States, there is some disagreement (to say the least) over the risks and ben

In the United States, there is some disagreement (to say the least) over the risks and benefits .of nuclear power. There can be no question that with our electrical power needs increasing rapidly, we cannot rely indefinitely on the earth's remaining fossil fuel supply. The question is, can we safely shift our reliance to nuclear fission power plants—considering the present state of our knowledge and technology? The American public has, in the past few years, developed a rather strong consensus regarding this question. Nuclear power has fallen into disfavor. The risks seem too great, the reward too small—at least for the immediate future.

It is not likely that an explosion of the type produced by atomic bombs can occur in the kinds of nuclear reactors being used today. However, we still don't know how close we came to a major tragedy at Three Mile Island. A far greater tragedy occurred at a nuclear plant at Chernobyl, in the Soviet Union's Ukraine in 1986. The risks associated with nuclear power, however, are not always so spectacular. Some are of a far subtler nature. For example, radioactivity could be released into the environment from activities related to mining and processing nuclear fuel, from the transportation and recycling of the fuel and from storage of the radioactive wastes. We frequently hear of steam or gas leaks from the reactors themselves. ;And even the safest reactors normally leak small amounts of radiation into their immediate environment. (The problem with this is that there are no "safe" levels of radioactivity--only "acceptable" levels. )

We could probably greatly reduce the risks associated with nuclear power by simply exercising more care and common sense. There are numerous published accounts that attest to our carelessness, however. For example, it has been revealed that the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in California was built on an earthquake fault line. At the WNP-2 plant in Washington State, the concrete contained air bubbles and pockets of water as well as shields that had been incorrectly welded. In 1981, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission inspected forty-three plants that were under construction and rated seven "below average" and thirty-six "average". None were rated even "above average".

Completely apart from the possibility of accidents, there is the unsolved problem of what to do with the radioactive wastes generated in the course of normal nuclear plant reactions. The problem is a tough one since such wastes can only be rendered safe by the passage of time. The waste radioactivity is .generated in the fuel system of the reactors because only a part of the fuel is fissionable and, for technical reasons, not all of the fissionable elements are spent. Much of the spent fuel materials removed from the reactor can be reused. However, some of the radioactive fuel in the spent elements cannot be removed, and this material adds to the radioactive waste.

We have already generated over 10,000 tons of nuclear waste, with another 47,000 tons expected by 19951 Most of the waste is in the form. of fuel rods which are, for now, stored in baths filled with a solution of neutron-absorbing boric acid. The problem is that these are only temporary repositories and,' unless new space is found, existing plants must begin closing for lack of space. The rods can be reprocessed, but the technology could lead to the fuel for nuclear weapons.

The reprocessing also leaves "high-level liquid waste" that must be stored. The prevailing idea at the moment is to dry the liquid and mix it with molten glass that, when it hardens, can be stored in tanks. Suggestions range from burying it in the Antarctic to sending it into space.

Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the selection?

A.Numerous risks and problems have made nuclear power an unpopular energy source.

B.There are fewer risks associated with nuclear power than the public believes exists.

C.Explosions of the type produced by atomic bombs are unlikely.

D.The primary problem at nuclear power plants is structural defects.

听力原文:Americans will go to great lengths to protect themselves from medical risks, even

听力原文: Americans will go to great lengths to protect themselves from medical risks, even when the level of risk is unclear or unproven. The threat of mad cow disease, for instance, drives some people to boycott beef, pesticide concerns lead others to eat only organic foods, and fears about vaccine safety prevent some parents from immunizing their children. Ironically, some of these same people fail to act against serious, and well-documented, medical risks. For example, one in every three women ignores the screening recommendations for breast cancer.

Cost is one reason. When people are feeling well, it's hard to persuade them that they should pay for a test that might not find a problem.

Physicians bear some responsibility also. Increasingly pressed for time, they're forced to prioritize what they do during an office visit. Preventive interventions typically take a back seat to more immediate problems.

Further, doctors and patients have lacked clear-cut evidence about which preventive tests and services are most cost-effective and which provide the most health benefits. Recently, a study released in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine offers a plan of action to anyone who strives for good health but doesn't know where to begin.

"We've tried to identify the most important things patients can get from their doctors," says Ashley Coffield, a member of the research group.

For children, immunizations top the list. Currently licensed vaccines have proved highly protective and, despite alarmist messages to the contrary, the risks associated with their use are quite small.

For adults, discussing daily aspirin use with their physician is rated one of the most beneficial. Among men 40 and older and women 50 and older, low-dose aspirin therapy can dramatically reduce the risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attacks.

What is this talk mainly about?

A.The importance of preventive actions against medical risks

B.Americans' misunderstanding of preventive actions against medical risks.

C.The reasons why some Americans fail to react against some medical risks.

D.An investigation about Americans' attitudes toward medical risks and some suggestions.

Radioactive radon gas emanating from rock such as granite puts inhabitants of houses built
on such rock at greater risk of lung cancer the longer the inhabitants are exposed. Protective steps should be taken if radon measurements exceed 4 pic-ocuries per liter; this recommendation is based on 70 years of occupancy by any one person. If a 65-year-old homeowner concludes from the information above that radon testing for the new home she has purchased will not be necessary, then each of the following, if true, weakens the homeowners argument EXCEPT:

A.Houses in which the homeowner previously lived were in an area where elevated radon levels have been found.

B.Houses near the homeowner"s new home have radon levels much higher than the 4 picocuries per liter threshold, levels that require immediate action to reduce exposure to any occupants.

C.The homeowner"s granddaughter, who is eventually to inherit the new house, now lives there with her children.

D.The homeowner smokes cigarettes, and smoking increases the radon-exposure risks over those given in the information.

E.The strata underlying the homeowner"s new home are known to be of rock different from the kinds from which radon emanates.

根据以下资料,回答{TSE}题。 Up until a few decades ago, our visions of the future were larg
ely - though by no means uniformly - glowingly positive.Science and technology would cure all the ills of humanity, leading to lives of fulfillment and opportunity for all. Now utopia has grown unfashionable, as we have gained a deeper appreciation of the range of threats facing us, from asteroid strike to epidemic flu and to climate change.You might even be tempted to assume that humanity has little future to look forward to. But such gloominess is misplaced.The fossil record shows that many species have endured for millions of years - so why shouldn't we? Take a broader look at our species' place in the universe, and it becomes clear that we have an excellent chance of surviving for tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of years .Look up Homo sapiens in the "Red List" of threatened species of the International Union for the Conversation of Nature (IUCN) ,and you will read: "Listed as Least Concern as the species is very widely distributed, adaptable, currently increasing, and there are no major threats resulting in an overall population decline." So what does our deep future hold? A growing number of researchers and organisations are now thinking seriously about that question.For example, the Long Now Foundation has its flagship project a medical clock that is designed to still be marking time thousands of years hence . Perhaps willfully , it may be easier to think about such lengthy timescales than about themore immediate future.The potential evolution of today's technology, and its social consequences, is dazzlingly complicated, and it's perhaps best left to science fiction writers and futurologists to explore the many possibilities we can envisage.That's one reason why we have launched Arc, a new publication dedicated to the near future. But take a longer view and there is a surprising amount that we can say with considerable assurance.As so often, the past holds the key to the future: we have now identified enough of the long-term patterns shaping the history of the planet, and our species, to make evidence-based forecasts about the situations in which our descendants will find themselves. This long perspective makes the pessimistic view of our prospects seem more likely to be a passing fad.To be sure, the future is not all rosy.But we are now knowledgeable enough to reduce many of the risks that threatened the existence of earlier humans, and to improve the lot of those to come. {TS}Our vision of the future used to be inspired by

A. our desire for lives of fulfillment

B. our faith in science and technology

C. our awareness of potential risks

D. our belief in equal opportunity

请根据短文的内容,回答题。 Climate Change Poses Major Risks for Unprepared CitiesA new exam


Climate Change Poses Major Risks for Unprepared Cities

A new examination of urban policies has been __________ (51) recently by Patricia Romero Lankao. She is a sociologist specializing in climate change and __________ (52) development. She warns that many of the world&39;s fast-growing urban areas, especially in developing countries, will likely suffer from the impacts of changing climate. Her work also concludes that most cities are failing to __________ (53) emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse __________ (54). These gases are known to affect the atmosphere. "Climate change is a deeply local issue and poses profound threats to the growing cities of the world," says Romero Lankao. "But too few cities are developing effective strategies to __________ (55) their residents."<br>

Cities are __________ (56) sources of greenhouse gases. And urban populations are likely to be among those most severely affected by future climate change. Lankao&39;s findings highlight ways in which city-residents are particularly vulnerable, and suggest policy interventions that could offer immediate and longer-term __________ (57).<br>

The locations and dense construction patterns of cities often place their populations at greater risk for natural disasters. Potential __________ (58) associated with climate include storm surges and prolonged hot weather. Storm surges can flood coastal areas and prolonged hot weather can heat __________ (59) paved cities more than surrounding areas. The impacts of such natural events can be more serious in an urban environment. For example, a prolonged heat wave can increase existing levels of air pollution, causing widespread health problems. Poorer neighborhoods that may __________ (60) basic facilities such as drinking water or a dependable network of roads, are especially vulnerable to natural disasters. Many residents in poorer countries live in substandard housing __________ (61) access to reliable drinking water, roads and basic services.<br>

Local governments, __________ (62), should take measures to protect their residents." Unfortunately, they tend to move towards rhetoric __________ (63) meaningful responses, Romero Lankao writes," They don&39;t impose construction standards that could reduce heating and air conditioning needs. They don&39;t emphasize mass transit and reduce __________ (64) use. In fact, many local governments are taking a hands off approach." Thus, she urges them to change their __________ (65) policies and to take strong steps to prevent the harmful effects of climate change on cities.<

_________ 查看材料

A.carry along

B.carried away

C.carried out

D.carried back

There are many factors that determine if you succeed in career. For you to be a star in

your company, you need to have pride, passion and belief. Among these success factors, the key factor - if we had to choose一would have to be Belief.

①It all starts with a thought.

Why is belief a key success factor? It is because when you think hard enough and you yeam for the results of success - it becomes a belief. What happens next? Well, when you believe hard enough it becomes a conviction. When you are convicted it starts a fire in your heart and fuels a positive attitude. That positive atitude drives your action. When you act upon conviction and positive attitude it is almost always success.

②Feel it in your heart.

The key success factor一belief has started a chain reaction for you to succeed in your career whatever that aim may be- a promotion or a smooth completion of a project. When you have that belief, feel it in your heart. It makes you tnuly know what you want. When you know what you want, know that you will act upon it. Do not fear failure. If you tnuly believe in +98 what you want then there is no need to fear failure. The risks of failure will always be there,but failure doesn't exist for someone who doesn't give up.

③Act upon that belief.

How else does the key success factor . - belief functions? When belief transforms into conviction it becomes tough to resist action. Act upon the career dreams you set for yourself.

The toughest part of any success is this key success factor - belief. Seeding that thought,and that belief in the kind of success you define for yourself. When you are able to do it, it becomes a very smooth process. Yes, there will be hard work but that hard work seems effortless when fueled by conviction.

16.According to the passage, if you want to be successful in your company you need to have().




D.all the above

17.()is the key factor for career success, according to the author.

A.A good thought

B.A strong belief

C.A positive attitude

D.A practical action

18.According to the author, when you believe hard enough it becomes ().

A.a conviction

B.a fear

C.an attitude

D.a success

19.Why does the author advise us not to fear the failure? ()

A.Because you can truly believe in what you want in career

B.Because the risks of failure will always be existing

C.Because failure exists even when we don't give up

D.Because you can succeed in career with aims

20.What would be the toughest part of any success, according to the author?()

A.The immediate action with career planning.

B.The clear thought about your career.

C.The strong belief in your career.

D.The hard work in your career.

Why Integrity Matters

What is Integrity?

The key to integrity is consistency--not only setting high personal standards for oneself (honesty, responsibility, respect for others, fairness) but also living up to those standards each day. One who has integrity is bound by and follows moral and ethical standards even when making life&39;s hard choices, choices which may be clouded by stress, pressure to succeed, or temptation.

What happens if we lie, cheat, steal, or violate other ethical standards? We feel disappointed in ourselves and ashamed. But a lapse of integrity also affects our relationships with others. Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional. Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair? Thus, integrity must be one of our most important goals.

Risky Business

We are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision-making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understanding why we acted as we did, and then exploring ways to avoid similar problems in the future.

Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems. We must learn to recognize risks, because if we can&39;t see the risks we&39;re taking, we can&39;t make responsible choices. To identify risks, we need to know the rules and be aware of the facts. For example, one who doesn&39;t know the rules about plagiarism may accidentally use words or ideas without giving proper credit, or one who fails to keep careful research notes may unintentionally fail to quote and cite sources as required. But the fact that such a violation is "unintentional" does not excuse the misconduct. Ignorance is not a defense. "But Everybody Does It"

Most people who get in trouble do know the rules and facts, but manage to fool themselves about the risks they&39;re taking by using excuses: "Everyone else does it," "I&39;m not hurting anyone," or "I really need this grade." Excuses can get very elaborate: "I know I&39;m looking at another&39;s exam, even though I&39;m supposed to keep my eyes on my own paper, but that&39;s not cheating because I&39;m just checking my answers, not copying." We must be honest about our actions, and avoid excuses. If we fool ourselves into believing we&39;re not doing anything wrong, we can&39;t see the real choice we&39;re making--and that leads to bad decisions.

To avoid fooling yourself, watch out for excuses and try this test: Ask how you would feel if your actions were public, and anyone could be watching over your shoulder. Would you feel proud or ashamed of your actions? If you&39;d rather hide your actions, that&39;s a good indication that you&39;re taking a risk and rationalizing it to yourself.

Evaluating Risks

To decide whether a risk is worth taking, you must examine the consequences, in the future as well as right now, negative as well as positive, and to others as well as to yourself. Those who take risks they later regret usually focus on immediate benefits ("what&39;s in it for me"), and simply haven&39;t considered what might go wrong. The consequences of getting caught are serious, and may include a "0" on a test or assignment; an "F" in the class; suspension or dismissal from school; transcript. notation; and a tarnished reputation. In fact, when you break a rule or law, you lose control over your life, and give others the power to impose punishment: you have no control over what that punishment might be. This is an extremely precarious and vulnerable position. There may be some matters of life and death, or highest principle, which might justify such a risk, but there aren&39;t many things that fall in this category.

Getting Away With It--Or Not

Those who don&39;t get caught pay an even higher price. A cheater doesn&39;t learn from the test, depriving him/herself of an education. Cheating undermines confidence and independence: the cheater is a fraud, and knows that without dishonesty, he/she would have failed. Cheating destroys self-esteem and integrity, leaving the cheater ashamed, guilty, and afraid of getting caught. Worst of all, a cheater who doesn&39;t get caught the first time usually cheats again, not only because he/she is farther behind, but also because it seems "easier." This slippery slope of eroding ethics and bigger risks leads only to disaster. Eventually, the cheater gets caught, and the later he/she gets caught, the worse the consequences. Students have been dismissed from school because they didn&39;t get this simple message: Honesty is the ONLY policy that works. Cheating Hurts Others, Too Cheaters often feel invisible, as if their actions "don&39;t count" and don&39;t really hurt anyone. But individual choices have a profound cumulative effect. Cheating can spread like a disease, and a cheater can encourage others just by being seen from across the room. Recent statistics suggest 30% or more of college students cheat. If a class is graded on a curve, cheating hurts others&39; grades. Even if there is no curve, cheating "poisons" the classroom, and others may feel pressured to join in. ("If I don&39;t cheat, I can&39;t compete with those who do.") Cheating also has a destructive impact on teachers. The real reward of good teaching is seeing students learn, but ⑧.a cheater says, "I&39;m not interested in what you&39;re trying to teach; all I care about is stealing a grade, regardless of the effect on others." The end result is a blatant and destructive attack on the quality of your education. Finally, cheating can hurt the reputation of the University, and harm those who worked hard for their degree.

Why Integrity Matters

If cheating becomes the norm, then we are in big trouble. ⑨.We must rely on the honesty and good faith of others every day. If not, we couldn&39;t put money in the bank, buy food, clothing, or medicine from others, drive across a bridge, get on a plane, go to the dentist--the list is endless. There are many examples of the vast harm that is caused when individuals forget or ignore the effect their dishonesty can have. The savings and loan scandal, the stock market and junk bond swindles, and, of course, ⑩.Watergate, have undermined the faith of many Americans in the integrity of political and economic leaders and society as a whole. Such incidents take a tremendous toll on our nation&39;s economy and our individual well-being. For example, but for the savings and loan debacle, there might be funds available to reduce the national debt and pay for education.

In sum, we all have a common stake in our school, our community, and our society. Our actions do matter. It is essential that we act with integrity in order to build the kind of world in which we want to live.

A person of integrity not only sets high moral and ethical standards but also______.

A.sticks to them in their daily life

B.makes them known to others

C.understands their true values

D.sees that others also follow them

What role does integrity play in personal and professional relationships?

A.It helps to create team spirit.

B.It facilitates communication.

C.It is the basis of mutual trust.

D.It inspires mutual respect.

Why must we learn to identify the risks we are going to take?

A.To ensure we make responsible choices.

B.To avoid being overwhelmed by stress.

C.So that we don&39;t break any rules.

D.So that we don&39;t run into trouble.

Violation of a rule is misconduct even if______.

A.it has caused no harm

B.it is claimed to be unintentional

C.it has gone unnoticed

D.it is committed with good intentions

What should one do if he doesn&39;t wish to fool himself?

A.Avoid making excuses.

B.Listen to other people&39;s advice.

C.Make his intensions public.

D.Have others watch over his shoulder.

Those who take risks they regret later on______.

A.will often become more cautious

B.are usually very aggressive

C.value immediate benefits most

D.may lose everything in the end

According to the author, a cheater who doesn&39;t get caught right away will______.

A.pay more dearly

B.become more confident

C.be widely admired

D.feel somewhat lucky

Cheaters in exams don&39;t care about their education; all they care about is how to______

Integrity matters in that all social activities rely on people&39;s______.

Many Americans lost faith in the integrity of their political leaders as a result of______


Ships entering piracy risk areas must be aware of the risk of attack and should take appropriate measures to increase the level of surveillance(监督)and security on board and devise means of responding to attacks.A clear and comprehensive Ship Security Plan and the training of crews in security measures and response techniques are essential.Without clearly defined and rigorously practiced procedures,the risk of an uncoordinated response during the inevitable confusion of an attack increases the danger faced by those on board the ship.While a Ship Security Plan and crew training may not prevent an attack they should help reduce the risks if an attack takes place.

Attacks by pirates or armed robbers pose an immediate threat to the safety of a ship and individual crew members.When responding to attacks,masters and crews should seek to minimize the risk to those on board and maintain effective control over the safe navigation of the ship. Finally,it is important that all incidents of piracy and armed robbery,even minor incidents,are reported in detail to the appropriate authorities as soon as practicable.Accurate knowledge of the type and extent of piracy and armed robbery of ships is valuable for assessing the risk and formulating a comprehensive response.


The passage implies the following except ______.

A.Safety of lives onboard and the control of the safe navigation of the ship are the priority considerations when making decisions in responding to attacks

B.A clear and comprehensive Ship Security Plan can be developed by notifying the appropriate authorities of piracy-related information

C.The risk of an uncoordinated response during the inevitable confusion of an attack could be decreased by clearly defined and well practiced procedures

D.The communication of piracy-related information is a useful mechanism for anti-piracy Actions

Without clearly defined and rigorously practiced procedures,the risk of an uncoordinated response during the inevitable confusion of an attack increases the danger faced by those on board the ship.A.frequently




Which of the following is not mentioned as the measures taken for anti-piracy ___________.A.Risk assessment and Ship Security Plan

B.security alarming system onboard

C.Practices of procedures

D.communication of piracy- or security- related information

Which of the following is correct according to the passage ___________.A.A Ship Security Plan can always define clear and comprehensive procedures

B.Rigorously practiced procedure can always prevent a piracy attack

C.A well-designed Ship Security Plan and the training of crews are significant for anti-piracy

D.A well-designed Ship Security Plan and the training of crews can always prevent the ship from being attacked

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