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提问人:网友bettylu 发布时间:2022-01-06

The man, ______is parked in front of our school, is a prominent politician in this city.A.

The man, ______is parked in front of our school, is a prominent politician in this city.

A.whose red car

B.of whom the red car

C.of whose red car

D.the red car of his

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“The man, ______is parked in front of our school, is a prominent politician in this city.A.”相关的问题
Lanzaro is hopeful that in a few years man can ______A.start to eliminate malariaB.cure pa

Lanzaro is hopeful that in a few years man can ______

A.start to eliminate malaria

B.cure parasitic blood diseases

C.prevent mice from transmitting parasites

D.acquire immunity against malaria

What is the man told he will receive?A.A discountB.A form. to fill outC.A link to a web pa

What is the man told he will receive?

A.A discount

B.A form. to fill out

C.A link to a web page

D.A confirmation message

What is now a John Hancock?A.A governor.B.A man who signs petitions (请愿书).C.A strong pa

What is now a John Hancock?

A.A governor.

B.A man who signs petitions (请愿书).

C.A strong patriot.

D.A person's signature.

Why didn't the man pass the exam?A.He didn't make full preparations.B.He copied Smith's pa

Why didn't the man pass the exam?

A.He didn't make full preparations.

B.He copied Smith's paper.

C.Nobody helped him.

利用以下材料分析什么是变音类型中的同化、异化、弱化和脱落。 电[tian】+报【pau]→电报[tiampau] 面[
mian]貌[mau】→面貌[miammau】 慢[man]慢儿[mar]→慢慢儿[maimar] 爸[pa】爸[pa】→爸爸[paba】 豆[tou】腐[fu]→豆腐[touf】 东[ton日】西[ci]_东西[tonc】

听力原文:M: I' 11 have these shoes. Please tell me how much I owe you.W: They are $40 a pa

听力原文:M: I' 11 have these shoes. Please tell me how much I owe you.

W: They are $40 a pair and three pairs make a total of $120. But today we offer a 10% discount.

Q: How much does the man have to pay?






听力原文:W: I thought Paul might be able to help me figure out this computer program.M: Pa

听力原文:W: I thought Paul might be able to help me figure out this computer program.

M: Paul is about the last person I'd ask if I were you.

Q: What does the man imply about Paul?


A.He is likely to help.

B.He has already asked for help.

C.He doesn't know a lot about computers.

D.He was the last one to use the computer.

听力原文:Woman: Hello. This is Alison in Head Office.Man: Oh, hello.Woman: The CEO has ask

听力原文:Woman: Hello. This is Alison in Head Office.

Man: Oh, hello.

Woman: The CEO has asked me to contact you about the memo you sent everyone yesterday ... where you asked for comments on the bid you've just put together - for Stratford Electronics.

Man: Oh, right.

Woman: Well he's very happy with it on the whole, but does think the introduction is rather lengthy and includes more statistics than are necessary.

Man: No problem, I can shorten it easily.

Woman: And most of the contents of the actual bid are fine, but you do refer to the annual report which won't be out until May.

Man: Oh, right ... I'll get rid of that ... yes. And I was thinking there's ehough with the section on the existing contracts we have, so I could take our the stuff on the new contracts.., the ones we're about to start.

Woman: In fact, he specifically said that he thought mentioning them was a very good selling point.

Man: OK.

Woman: And he'd like you to have something in your concluding remarks about the growth in overseas sales, not just the stuff on domestic markets.

Man: Yes, I was wondering about that.

Woman: And that's all really. Easy to adjust I think.

Man: OK, well thank the CEO for looking at it. It's very helpful.

&8226;Look at the notes below.

&8226;You will hear a PA explaining suggestions for improvements to a document.

Stratford Electronics bid - CEO's comments/amendments

Introduction too long and contains too many (5) ....................

Remove reference to (6) ....................(not yet published).

Part about (7) ....................is a good selling point.

Add information (in final section) re increase in (8) ....................

听力原文:Ladies and Gentlemen,Now we have come to the most exciting and most impressive pa

听力原文:Ladies and Gentlemen,

Now we have come to the most exciting and most impressive part of this island trip, The Elephant Walk. If you are interested, you may choose to ride an elephant to have a tour around. All the elephants here are professionally trained for the purpose. Don't worry if you feel it difficult to climb onto such a gigantic animal; our assistants will be there to help you. Generally speaking, there are four ways to climb onto an elephant. The first is the easiest for the passenger and the most uncomfortable for the elephant. With a command of 'Baitho!' , the elephant kneels. You climb up to the seat by stepping on the top of the front part of either leg, holding onto the ear, and pulling yourself up. The second way is more difficult. Upon the command of 'Utha! Utha!', the elephant lifts either of its front legs and, holding onto the ear, you step onto the leg and are raised up as in a lift. The third is over the backside. The elephant lowers one of its back legs and you simply catch hold of the tail. The fourth, the expert's way, is by the trunk. It looks so elegant and simple. As the trunk is lowered to the ground, you place your foot in the middle and then hold onto both ears. The result is that you are lifted up and over and onto the elephant's back.

According to the man, why shouldn't people be worried about climbing onto an elephant?

A.Because elephants are mild animals.

B.Because elephants are trained to carry goods.

C.Because people have designed safe ways for the climbing.

D.Because people will be aided by professional assistants.

听力原文:Man: Come in, Sarah.Woman: Thanks.Man: Right. We need to discuss some of the issu

听力原文:Man: Come in, Sarah.

Woman: Thanks.

Man: Right. We need to discuss some of the issues raised at the last meeting with your department.

Woman: Yes, there were a lot of questions about computer systems and flexible working hours.

Man: We'll talk about computer systems in a minute, but I think we can leave flexible working hours for the time being. What I'm really very concerned about at the moment, though, is how some staff are working. I'm not at all happy with how long it's taking for some reports on visits to come in. Peter Jones, for instance, hasn't produced a single report on time. The last, on his visit to Berlin was two weeks late. It's not as though they're long reports - they should only take a short time to write.

Woman: I'll certainly warn Peter about getting reports in more quickly but it really comes down to a question of staff training. I think we need to do some workshops on time management.

Man: I agree, but getting consultants in to do the training costs money. It'd be cheaper to use one of our own staff. Have we got anyone who could do it?

Woman: Laura Williams has some management training experience.

Man: She's away on a team building course at the moment, though, isn't she?

Woman: Only 'till next week. I'll speak to her when she gets back. I'm sure she'll be interested.

Man: Now, I'd like to move on to computer systems. As you know, we're going to upgrade our software. The plan was to install it in January but that's proved difficult so it's going in during February because we certainly want it to be ready and running for March.

Woman: Good. I'm worried about the computer skills of some of the staff, though. A few could do with some extra training.

Man: I'm sure you're right. Could we organise that on the premises, do you think?

Woman: Possibly, but it'd be expensive. I know the business college in Park Street has a really good computer section. I've compared their prices with those of the computer training centre at Blackstone and the college prices are far more reasonable.

Man: Let's go for that, then. Will you see to it?

Woman: Certainly. Now, I think this would be a good time to make some office changes before the new software comes in. The Accounts team need a bigger office. At the moment, we've only got five people using the Marketing office on the second floor, so Accounts could take over that office if we moved Marketing to the first floor.

Man: And Human Resources up to the third floor? Yes, that sounds a good idea.

Woman: Great. It'll mean moving a lot of equipment. Accounts keep complaining about some of their equipment. It'd be nice if we could replace it.

Man: We certainly can't replace all of it. What's causing most problems?

Woman: Well, we've had to call technical support in at least once every week for the past two months to deal with the fax machine. The printers were causing trouble but they're working well enough now and everyone complains that the photocopier is slow but it's alright, really.

Man: Right, I'll see what we can do. Now, I have to go in a minute. What do we need to discuss when we meet next week?

Woman: There's the Health and Safety report.

Man: Oh, John Wilkins has already done that.

Woman: Good. What about the programme for the French clients? They're coming at the beginning of next month.

Man: Time is getting short. We'd better deal with that.

Woman: And then what about getting a new PA to replace Louise?

Man: Oh, we can leave that, I think. She isn't going till the end of April now.

Woman: That's good. I thought she was leaving sooner.

•You will hear a discussion between James, the General Manager, and Sarah, the Office Manager, of a company.

•For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

•After you have listened once, replay the recording.

What is James most interested in discussing?

A.computer systems

B.staff performance

C.flexible working hours

听力原文:Man: Good afternoon. It is time for Face to Face. This week, Sonia Kay talks to J
im O'Brien.

Woman: Jim O'Brien heads the UK division of American PC company Hacker. Mr O'Brien, thank you very much for sparing us a few minutes of your busy schedule.

Man: Hello. It's a pleasure. And please call me Jim.

Woman: Well, Jim, can we start by going through a typical day for you?

Man: I usually get up at around 5am. I drive in from my house to the office in London. I get very frustrated sitting in traffic jams so I leave early to beat the rush. I enjoy driving in, it's nice to get away on my own.

Woman: That's certainly an early start!

Man: Yes, well, at 6.30am, I get into the office. I use the time to get through my post and do the things that are difficult to do during the normal working day because of people wanting to see me. Between the hours of 8 and 9 1 take care of any European business which needs doing.

Woman: What a schedule! Do you find it exhausting?

Man: Exhausting, no. But, unfortunately most of my time is spent in meetings now, which doesn't really suit my type of personality. I much prefer the hands-on approach - I would rather be out chatting to people than sitting in the boardroom preparing policies and strategies - but that is a luxury I can't afford.

Woman: Could you tell us how you started with Hacker?

Man: I got into Hacker almost by accident. I was chief executive of a meat trading firm called FMC Harris, which was subject to a hostile take-over. At 9am one morning my boss was fired, and by 9.10am I was ont too. I spent eight weeks with no job, a wife and children to support, and a house to pay for. Then I was approached by Hacker to set up a UK branch for them. I was reluctant at first, but after a trip to Hacker's headquarters in the US to discuss it, I was chasing them!

Woman: It's a big company. Who do you actually work with on a daily basis?

Man: The rest of the management team arrives at around 9am. I work closely with a team of six, including my PA, Alice Lang. She is an integral part of the management system. I was lucky to find her, as it's almost impossible to find the right person for the job. The ideal employee is someone who is willing to work hard and someone who can adapt to the way we work.

Woman: Uh-huh. Right, so let's get you up to lunch-time. After your early start, you must be ready for lunch quite early, too.

Man: Yes, though the actual time varies from day to day. I try to avoid business lunches because I still have the afternoon ahead to contend with. I don't enjoy lengthy meals. So I usually just have a sandwich in the office with Alice.

Woman: And are there any changes planned for the future?

Man: People ask me if I get frustrated or bored, but the job changes constantly. This year we are moving away from wholesale office sales and more into high street retail sales of home computers. This is new ground for Hacker and presents me with a fresh set of challenges.

Woman: Jim, we hear a lot about people working long hours these days. When do you finish work?

Man: I am not the sort of person who enjoys working late. I try to get home by 7. I won't work late at the office sitting behind the desk because I can do something like that equally well at home. But there's no way to avoid entertaining and meeting people in the evening, so two or three nights a week I stay in town. I try to keep work and the weekend totally divorced. The week's devoted to Hacker, but the weekend is devoted to myself and my family.

Woman: Jim, thank you very much. It's been most interesting, and I'm sure our listeners have learnt a lot.

Man: Thank you. I've enjoyed it. And if you need any new computers for your offices ...

Woman: ... we know who to call!

•You will hear a radio presenter interviewing a businessman called Jim O'Brien.

•For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

•After you have l

A.he enjoys driving his car fast.

B.he wants to avoid the heaviest traffic.

C.he lives a long way from his office.

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