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提问人:网友yww2019 发布时间:2022-01-06

March the 8th is Womens' Day.()

March the 8th is Womens' Day.()

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更多“March the 8th is Womens' Day.()”相关的问题
Who is the actor that will perform. in two openings on both March 7th and March 8th?A.Matt

Who is the actor that will perform. in two openings on both March 7th and March 8th?

A.Matt Johnston.

B.Shirley Field.

C.Danny Mack.

D.Staley Ferial.

March 8th is _______ International Women's Day.





We thank you for your letter dated March 8th()our silk blouses of various styles.

A.enquiring for

B.enquiry for

C.enquired for

D.enquire for

听力原文:M: I would like to make a reservation for a flight to Las Vegas for March 8th.W:

听力原文:M: I would like to make a reservation for a flight to Las Vegas for March 8th.

W: Sorry, but all flights to Las Vegas are fully booked on March 8th. Actually, our flights to Las Vegas are all booked up through May 12th. It' s the spring break season, you know. There are some business class seats available for the morning of March 9th.

M: That' s too bad. Could you put my name on the waiting list on both March 8th and 9th? I have to attend a conference in the afternoon of March 9th. By the way, how much is the business class?

W: $320 dollars, sir. It' s twice as expensive as an economy seat.

When was the man originally planning to leave for Las Vegas?

A.On March 8th

B.On March 9th

C.On March 10th

D.On March 12th

听力原文:Hello, Mark. This is Sam Rogers. I'm calling to let you know I agree with the ter

听力原文: Hello, Mark. This is Sam Rogers. I'm calling to let you know I agree with the terms of the contract you sent. I signed it and sent it via overnight courier this afternoon, so you should receive it sometime tomorrow. I'm going to get started on the project immediately, and I'm looking forward to working with you on it. I also wanted to let you know that I'll be in San Francisco from March 2nd through March 8th on unrelated business. But I'd like to get together with you while I'm there to talk about the project, and show you what I'll have completed by then. Let me know if you'll have time during that week to see me. Give me a call back at 312-274-5555 when you have a chance. Thanks.

What does the speaker tell Mark he has done?

A.Sent a signed contract

B.Made copies of the contract

C.Changed the terms of a contract

D.Given the contract to his lawyer

IN 2005 Congress considered an emergency spending bill that designated $81 billion for mil
itary spending and Asian tsunami relief. It passed easily. A politician would have to be mighty confident to vote against humanitarian aid and supporting the troops.

But complaints have steadily grown about a law that came with the spending bill. The Real ID Act of 2005 established national standards for driving licences. By 2008, it said, every state would have to make sure its licences included "physical security features" and "a common machine readable technology". A state would be responsible for verifying that anyone applying for licences is in America legally. Only licences that met the new standards would be accepted by the federal government. An American who wanted to fly commercially, or do anything else for which he needed to identify himself, would end up in a queue at the Department of Motor Vehicles.

The idea was to make life harder for would-be terrorists. But the scheme will certainly make life harder for the states. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reckons that implementing the changes will cost states up to $14.6 billion, with individuals on the line for an additional $8.@5 billion. And the federal government plans to meet only a fraction of the cost.

Critics also argue that the new licences will amount to national identification cards and will contain ton much information about the bearer. Immigration advocates say that the Real ID Act unfairly targets illegal immigrants. And from a security standpoint the act raises as many fears as it allays. Licences that meet the revised standards would be rich of sensitive data. They might prove irresistibly tempting to identity thieves and marketing firms.

On January 25th Maine became the first state to oppose the Act. Its legislature passed a resolution refusing to implement the Real ID Act with nearly unanimous support. On March 8th, Idaho approved a similar bill. Two dozen other states have measures pending that question the act or oppose it outright.

On March 1st the DHS issued guidelines for implementing the Real ID Act that manage to ignore most of these objections. The guidelines allow states a bit more time to implement the act. But they give no quarter on the expensive physical security features and suggest that states deal with privacy concerns on their own. And as the National Governors Association promptly noted, they "do nothing" to address the cost to states.

Which of the following consequence might be caused by the 2005 emergency spending bill?

A.financial support to the construction of international aid groups.

B.an act that has brought to great disputes among different states.

C.prohibitions of US citizens to take commercial flights.

D.against humanitarian aid to countries that were attacked by the Asian tsunami.

Word-of-mouth marketing (WOM marketing) is free advertising triggered by customer experiences.()
1. Why Are There Only 28 Days in February? Thirty ...

1. Why Are There Only 28 Days in February? Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November. All the rest have 31, Except for February, Which got the short stick because it's cold and no one likes it. Well, something to that effect. Some believe February once boasted 29 days and that Augustus Caesar stole a day so he could add it to August, which was named for him. (If there’s a month named after you, why not milk it?) But that’s a myth. Rather, February has 28 days because, to the Romans, the month was an afterthought. In the 8th century BCE, they used the Calendar of Romulus, a 10-month calendar that kicked the year off in March (with the spring equinox) and ended in December. January and February didn’t even exist: Martius: 31 days Aprilius: 30 days Maius: 31 days Junius: 30 days Quintilis: 31 days Sextilis: 30 days September: 30 days October: 31 days November: 30 days December: 30 days Tally up those numbers, and you’ll see a problem—the year is only 304 days long. Back then, winter was a nameless, monthless period that no one cared for much. (Planters and harvesters used the calendar as a timetable. To them, winter was useless and wasn’t worth counting.) So for 61 days out of the year, Romans could ask “What month is it?” and you could correctly answer, “None!” King Numa Pompilius thought that was stupid. Why have a calendar if you’re going to neglect one-sixth of the year? So in 713 BCE, he lined the calendar up with the year’s 12 lunar cycles—a span of about 355 days—and introduced January and February. The months were added to the end of the calendar, making February the last month of the year. But no Roman calendar would be complete without some good old-fashioned superstition mixed in! The Romans believed even numbers were unlucky, so Numa tried to make each month odd. But to reach the quota of 355, one month had to be even. February ended up pulling the short stick, probably because it was simply the last month on the list. (Or as Cecil Adams puts it, “If there had to be an unlucky month, better make it a short one.”) Numa’s calendar ended up looking like this: Martius: 31 days Aprilius: 29 days Maius: 31 days Iunius: 29 days Quintilis: 31 days Sextilis: 29 days September: 29 days October: 31 days November: 29 days December: 29 days Ianuarius: 29 days Februarius: 28 days Of course, a 355-day calendar had its bugs. After a few years went by, the seasons and months would fall out of sync. So to keep things straight, the Romans would occasionally insert a 27-day leap month called Mercedonius. The Romans would erase the last couple days of February and start the leap month on February 24—further evidence no one ever cared much for the month. This caused headaches everywhere. The leap month was inconsistent, mainly because Rome’s high priests determined when it would arrive. Not only did they insert Mercedonius haphazardly, but the priests (being politicians) abused the power, using it to extend the terms of friends and trim the terms of enemies. By Julius Caesar’s time, the Roman people had no clue what day it was. So Caesar nixed the leap month and reformed the calendar again. (To get Rome back on track, the year 46 BCE had to be 445 days long!) Caesar aligned the calendar with the sun and added a few days so that everything added up to 365. February, which by now was at the top of the calendar, kept its 28 days. We can only imagine it’s because Caesar, like everyone before and after him, just wanted it to be March already. 1. How many months were there in the 8th century BCE?





Who was to blame for knocking off the stacks of cartons?A.The author.B.The manager.C.A wom

Who was to blame for knocking off the stacks of cartons?

A.The author.

B.The manager.

C.A woman.

D.The author's mother.

A.He has never been to the auditoriumB.He wants to stop and ask for directionsC.The wom

A.He has never been to the auditorium

B.He wants to stop and ask for directions

C.The woman won't be late

D.The program in the auditorium has already begun

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