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提问人:网友yayagepei 发布时间:2022-01-06

______is known to all, the earth moves around the sun once a year.A.ThatB.AsC.WhatD.It

______is known to all, the earth moves around the sun once a year.





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更多“______is known to all, the earth moves around the sun once a year.A.ThatB.AsC.WhatD.It”相关的问题

根据材料回答9~11题:How long has the author known the barber?[A]Five years. [B]Almost four years. [C]Almost six years.

77Since risk is associated with most projects, the best course of action is to: A.cover al

77 Since risk is associated with most projects, the best course of action is to:

A. cover all project risks by buying appropriate insurance

B. ignore the risks, since nothing can be done about them and move forward with the project in an expeditious manner.

C. avoid projects with clear and present risks

D. eliminate all known risks prior to the execution phase of the project

E. identify various risks and implement actions to mitigate their potential impact

In plant and animal systems, is it the same of the definition and inclusion for essential elements? Why?

A、The definition and inclusion for essential element are not the same in plant and animal systems.

B、Because the trace elements essential for plants are those elements which cannot be substituted by others in their specific biochemical roles and that have a direct influence on the organism so that it can neither grow nor complete some metabolic cycle.

C、In general, B, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Si and Zn are known to be essential for plants, whilst Al, As, Br, F, I, Li, Ni, Rb, Se, Sr, Ti and V are known to be essential for some groups or species. In human and animal systems, trace elements are defined as being essential if depletion consistently results in a deficiency syndrome and repletion specifically reverses the abnormalities.

D、The trace elements fulfilling these requirements are As, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, I, Mn, Mo, Ni, Se, Si, Sn, V and Zn.

Nathaniel Bacon was a man determined to protect his property against Indian raids. He enco
uraged other Piedmont farmers to do likewise. After Governor Berkeley of Virginia had refused to help them, Bacon and his friends banded together and destroyed a group of attackers in April of 16Governor Berkeley declared them traitors, and they assembled a group of some 500 people and marched on Jamestown, the capital, to insist on the governor's assistance. Berkeley later ordered them al arrested. Because of this, the farmers burned Jamestown and took control of the government. The governor fled.

The fight, which was known as Bacon's Rebellion, lasted almost a year. Bacon contracted malaria and died in October of 1676, leaving the farmers at the mercy of Governor Berkeley. Twenty-three of them were hanged at his request.

Approximately how long were Bacon and the Farmers able to fight off the governor?

A.less than 1 year

B.5 years

C.10 years

D.23 years

听力原文:The American soul singer James Brown has died at the age of 73. His agent told th

听力原文: The American soul singer James Brown has died at the age of 73. His agent told the BBC the singer had died in a hospital in Atlanta, where he'd been treated for pneumonia. The man, who became known as the God father of soul, was a former shoeshine boy. He grew up in poverty in the American south, who went on to write and produce some of the most successful anthems of the civil rights movement in the United States in the 1960s. The U.S. civil rights activist Derevent al Shopton paid his respects, "James Brown was not just a guy who'd made a lot of hits, he changed culture for us. He made the common landmark. We've lost more than loves. We have lost the way of life."

According to the news, James Brown ______.

A.used to be a shoemaker

B.grew up in a well-to-do family

C.supported the Civil Rights Movement

D.was the God Father of Blues

To understand the marketing concept, it is only necessary to under stand the difference be
tween marketing and selling. Not too many years ago, most industries concentrated primarily on the efficient production of goods, and then relied on "persuasive salesmanship" to move as much of these goods as possible. Such production and selling focuses on the needs. of the seller to produce goods and then convert them into money.

Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on the wants of consumers'. It begins with first analyzing the preferences and demands of consumers and then producing goods that w/Il satisfy them. This eye-on-the-consumer approach is known as the marketing concept, which simply means that instead of trying to sell whatever is easiest to produce or buy for resale, the makers and dealers first endeavor to find out what the consumer wants to buy and then go about making it available for purchase.

This concept does not imply that business is benevolent or that consumer satisfaction is given priority over profit in a company. There are al ways two sides to every business transaction-the firm and the customer

and each must be satisfied before trade occurs. Successful merchants and producers, however, recognize that the surest route to profit is through understanding and catering to customers. A striking example of tile importance of catering to the consumer presented itself in mid-1985, when Coca Cola changed the flavor of its drink. Tile non-acceptance of the new flavor by a significant portion of the public brought about a prompt restoration of the Classic Coke, which was then marketed alongside the new. King Customer ruled!

The marketing concept discussed in the passage is, in essence,______.

A.the practice of turning goods into money

B.making goods available for purchase

C.the customer-centered approach

D.a form. of persuasive salesmanship

There is no doubt about it: the Earth really is growing warmer. If you live in a city, tha
t is, urban【C1】______ have known for years that swaths of asphalt and concrete tend to【C2】______ the summer heat. As cities have grown,【C3】______ has the temperature problem. This summer, NASA and the Environmental Protection Agency teamed up with several U.S. cities to study urban "heat islands" and【C4】______ ways to bring some【C5】______ . The pilot program【C6】______ satellite, airplane and ground-based date to produce detailed maps of the hot and (comparatively) cool zones in the【C7】______ areas.

Images of Salt Lake City,【C8】______ in late July, document the【C9】______ of the urban heat problem. Some dark rooftops reach a temperature of 160 degrees F.(71 degrees C.). Jeff Luvall,【C10】______ heads the heat island project, notes that use of【C11】______ materials for roofs and parking lots would help【C12】______ solar heat upward. Urban forests also help reduce temperatures,【C13】 ______ the extent of the improvement depends on both the extent and arrangement of the forests. Luvall reports that【C14】______ along streams brings cool air into Salt Lake City; developers who turn these streams into concrete ditches throw away a【C15】______ natural air conditioning system.【C16】______ , scientists continue to fret about the broader, potentially【C17】______ more troublesome problem of global warming. Vice President Al Gore recently cited government data showing that the first half of 1998 was the warmest year【C18】______ record and called on Congress to adopt【C19】______ that would【C20】______ emissions of greenhouse gases.






Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

Bob and Annie had not known each other long before they became eager to get married: Bob because he wanted Annie and she (though she was fond of Bob in her own way) because she could at least lead a life away from her family. When Mrs. Thompson suggested that they marry and live with her in Dover Street until they could get a house of their own, Annie hesitated. Her idea of marriage had been something which brought her a husband and an orderly, well-furnished home all at once. But she soon saw the advantages of this arrangement. She would, first of all, escape from her present life into a house which was quiet and efficiently run, not like her own; and she would be able to go on working so that she and Bob could save up all money more quickly for their own house. She would also get Bob, a good enough husband for any working-class girl: good-natured and ready to be bent to her way whenever it was necessary for her ends.

Things went well until her mother-in-law's death, when Annie had to give up her job and was at home all day. Her father-in-law became just a silent figure in the house and al though Bob became used to him, Annie began to find the old man's constant presence in the house a source of growing annoyance.

"He gets on my nerves, Bob", she said one night when they were alone. "Just sitting there all day and I have to clean up around him. And he hardly says a word from getting up in the morning to going to bed".

"Well, I suppose he has the right to do as he likes", Bob said mildly. "It's his house not ours. We're the lodgers(寄宿者)." But to Annie, now looking after the house as if it were her own, it was beginning to seem the other way about.

Annie wanted to get married because she ______.

A.had known Bob for a long time

B.wanted to leave home

C.was madly in love with Bob

D.had led a lonely life

Caffeine, the stimulant in coffee, has been called“the most widely used psychoactive subst

Caffeine, the stimulant in coffee, has been called

“the most widely used psychoactive substance on Earth .”

Synder, Daly and Bruns have recently proposed that

caffeine affects behavior. by countering the activity in

(5) the human brain of a naturally occurring chemical called

adenosine. Adenosine normally depresses neuron firing

in many areas of the brain. It apparently does this by

inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters, chemicals

that carry nerve impulses from one neuron to the next.

(10) Like many other agents that affect neuron firing,

adenosine must first bind to specific receptors on

neuronal membranes. There are at least two classes

of these receptors, which have been designated A1 and

A2. Snyder et al propose that caffeine, which is struc-

(15) turally similar to adenosine, is able to bind to both types

of receptors, which prevents adenosine from attaching

there and allows the neurons to fire more readily than

they otherwise would.

For many years, caffeine’s effects have been attri-

(20) buted to its inhibition of the production of phosphodi-

esterase, an enzyme that breaks down the chemical

called cyclic AMP.A number of neurotransmitters exert

their effects by first increasing cyclic AMP concentra-

tions in target neurons. Therefore, prolonged periods at

(25) the elevated concentrations, as might be brought about

by a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, could lead to a greater

amount of neuron firing and, consequently, to behav-

ioral stimulation. But Snyder et al point out that the

caffeine concentrations needed to inhibit the production

(30) of phosphodiesterase in the brain are much higher than

those that produce stimulation. Moreover, other com-

pounds that block phosphodiesterase’s activity are not


To buttress their case that caffeine acts instead by pre-

(35) venting adenosine binding, Snyder et al compared the

stimulatory effects of a series of caffeine derivatives with

their ability to dislodge adenosine from its receptors in

the brains of mice. “In general,” they reported, “the

ability of the compounds to compete at the receptors

(40) correlates with their ability to stimulate locomotion in

the mouse; i.e., the higher their capacity to bind at the

receptors, the higher their ability to stimulate locomo-

tion.” Theophylline, a close structural relative of caffeine

and the major stimulant in tea, was one of the most

(45) effective compounds in both regards.

There were some apparent exceptions to the general

correlation observed between adenosine-receptor binding

and stimulation. One of these was a compound called

3-isobuty1-1-methylxanthine(IBMX), which bound very

(50) well but actually depressed mouse locomotion. Snyder

et al suggest that this is not a major stumbling block to

their hypothesis. The problem is that the compound has

mixed effects in the brain, a not unusual occurrence with

psychoactive drugs. Even caffeine, which is generally

(55) known only for its stimulatory effects, displays this

property, depressing mouse locomotion at very low

concentrations and stimulating it at higher ones.

The primary purpose of the passage is to______

A.discuss a plan for investigation of a phenomenon that is not yet fully understood

B.present two explanations of a phenomenon and reconcile the differences between them

C.summarize two theories and suggest a third theory that overcomes the problems encountered in the first two

D.describe an alternative hypothesis and provide evidence and arguments that support it

E.challenge the validity of a theory by exposing the inconsistencies and contradictions in it

francis bacon , one of the most important philosophers of england , was born in london and educated at cambridge university .when he was only 15, he went to france to work for the english ambassador(大使).two years later he went up to england to study law .at the age of twenty - three he was elected to parliament(议会).his ideas about how scientists should study things in nature help to bring about the modern way of thinking , caled the scientific method .

one of the bacon best - known books was his essays .each essay was a short piece of writing in which he tried to give a lesson by discussing sides of a subject such as studying , conversation , friends and healthful living .in many of his books , bacon explained

how scientists should study things as they realy exist in nature and then try to figure out what caused a particular thing to be as it is .later , by doing experiments , the scientist could see that any cause would always have the same result .this method , which is called inductive(归纳)reasoning , is used by al the scientists today , but it was new in bacon 's time .

54.Which of the folowing is true ?()

A.Francis Bacon was the most important philosopher of England .

B .Francis Bacon had good education .

C.Francis Bacon worked for a French ambassador at the age of 15.

D.Francis Bacon stayed in France until he was 23.

55.Francis Bacon was famous for().

A.inventing the scientific method of studying things in nature

B.his books

C.his essays

D.being a member of parliament

56.His essay gave many useful lessons on()



C.friends and healthful living

D.all of the above

57.“ Inductive reasoning ” means().

A.to discover general laws from particular facts or examples

B.to reach a conclusion by reasoning from general laws to a particular case

C.to study things as they used to be

D.to study things in a particular way

58.Which of the following is NOT true ?()

A.Bacon was a learned man .

B.Bacon did a lot for philosophy .

C.the inductive reasoning was widely used both today and in bacon's time

D.Bacon gave scientists much useful advice .

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