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提问人:网友yanweiwei55 发布时间:2022-01-06

—— Oh, no, Frankly speaking, I seldom do online shopping.A、I bought many good deals onl

— Oh, no, Frankly speaking, I seldom do online shopping.

A、I bought many good deals online.

B、Got any good deals?

C、Do you got any good deals?

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“—— Oh, no, Frankly speaking, I seldom do online shopping.A、I bought many good deals onl”相关的问题
听力原文:W: What a busy day! I'm glad you are here. We have to work overtime today. M: Oh,

听力原文:W: What a busy day! I'm glad you are here. We have to work overtime today.

M: Oh, terrible! But frankly speaking, John is an easy boss to work for, isn't he?

W: Absolutely! I have never had a better one. I don't mind doing extra work for John, and his management style. is completely different.

M: Yes. He is creative. He give us a task to do, and let's us decide how to do it.

Who is John in the dialog?

A.The speakers' friend

B.The speakers' colleague

C.The speakers' boss

D.The speakers' student

听力原文:M: Hello, Mrs.Kelly.I'd like to pick up ray test, please.W. Sure. Whose class are

听力原文:M: Hello, Mrs. Kelly. I'd like to pick up ray test, please.

W. Sure. Whose class are you in?

M: Dr. Purcell’s math class.

W: And your name?

M: My last name is Raleigh. R - A - L - E - I - G - H.

W: That's right. Jim Raleigh. Here it is.

M: Thank you. And Terry Young's test too, please.

W: Oh, I’m sorry. I can’t let you take someone else’s test.

M: He's sick, and he can't come in to get it. He's my roommate.

W: I understand. But the privacy act won’t permit it.

M: Really? Maybe you could tell him.

W. Not even then. I can only give a test to the student whose name appears on it. I can’t even give it to a family member.

M: That’s weird.

W. I think so, too, frankly, but that's the law.

M: Okay. I'll tell Terry, thanks anyway.

W: You’re welcome. Tell him I’ll Just keep his test here until he feels better and can come in for it himself.

M: Okay. I’ll do that.

W: Have a nice day, Jim.

M: You too, Mrs. Kelly.

What do the speakers mainly discuss?

A.A sick friend.

B.A math class.

C.School policy.

D.The man's test.

听力原文:M: Hello, Mrs. Kelly. I'd like to pick up my test, please.W: Sure. Whose class ar

听力原文:M: Hello, Mrs. Kelly. I'd like to pick up my test, please.

W: Sure. Whose class are you in?

M: Dr. Purcell's math class.

W: And your name?

M: My last name is Raleigh. R - A - L - E - I - G - H.

W: That's right. Jim Raleigh. Here it is.

M: Thank you. And Terry Young's test - too, please.

W: Oh, I'm sorry. I can't let you take someone else' s test.

M: He's sick, and he can't come in to get it. He's my roommate,

W: I understand. But the privacy act won't permit it.

M: Really? Maybe you could tell him.

W: Not even then. I can only give a test to the student whose name appears on it. I can't even give it to a family member.

M: That's bad.

W. I think so, too, frankly, but that's the law.

M: Okay. I'll tell Terry, Thanks anyway.

W: You're welcome. Tell him I'll just keep his test here until he feels better and can come in for it himself.

M: Okay. I'll do that,

W: Have a nice day, Jim.

M: You, too, Mrs. Kelly.


A.A sick friend.

B.A math class.

C.School policy.

D.The man's test.

听力原文:M: Hello, Mrs. Kelly. I'd like to pick up my test, please.W: Sure. Whoso class ar

听力原文:M: Hello, Mrs. Kelly. I'd like to pick up my test, please.

W: Sure. Whoso class are you in?

M: Dr. Purcell's math class.

W: And your name?

M: My last name is Raleigh. R -A -L-E -I -G-H,

W: That's fight. Jim Raleigh. Here it is.

M: Thank you. And Terry Young's test too, please.

W: Oh, I'm sorry. I can't let you take someone else's test.

M: He's sick, and he can't come in to get it. He's my roommate.

W: I understand. But the privacy act won't permit it.

M: Really? Maybe you could tell him.

W: Not even then. I can only give a test to the student whose name appears on it. I can't even give it to a family member.

M: That's weird.

W: I think so, too, frankly, but that's the law.

M: Okay. I'll tell Terry, thanks anyway.

W: You're welcome. Tell him I'll just keep his test here until he feels better and can come in for it himself.

M: Okay. I'll do that.

W: Have a nice day, Jim.

M: You too, Mrs. Kelly.

What do the speakers mainly discuss?

A.A sick friend.

B.A math class.

C.School policy.

D.The man's test.

TIME B. It's the advertising edition of TIME Magazine directed exclusively to businessmen.

A. not only

B. only

C. professionally

D. frankly

听力原文:W: What a terrific drawing, Mark! I didn't know you could paint.M: Well. I'm just

听力原文:W: What a terrific drawing, Mark! I didn't know you could paint.

M: Well. I'm just learning. It's one piece of work for my oil painting class.

W: It's pretty good for a beginner. I think your teacher will definitely give this painting a full mark.

M: I hope so. (23) But you see, last time I had a dispute with my definitely give this painting a full mark. work at all.

M: Look here in the picture. My teacher insisted that it just needed to fill in with other colors of painting. But I think the sky should be blue.

W: Well. it depends Sometimes it is blue and sometimes it isn't, as sunset can be full reds and purples.

W: (24)How about light brown color?

M: Oh, yeah. Added some light brown to the sky, it will turn out to be full reds and purples. great! You must have taken many painting courses before.

W: Well, (25) I haven't accepted any painting training before. But I'd love to visit art museums. Each time I go abroad, the art center of the destination country is a quite necessary place for my visiting.

M: Wow, then what kind of painting do you like most? Oil painting?

W: Frankly speaking, I prefer using water colors. I don't like the smell of oil paints.


A.The teacher appreciated his painting very much.

B.The teacher advise Mark to change the color.

C.They had a dispute about the choice of color.

D.Mark was severely scolded by the teacher.

作者观点态度题 Whyisn ’t your newspaper reporting any good news All I read about is murder, bribery() , and death. Frankly, I am sick of all thebad news. 10.Thisauthor ’s attitude towardsthe newspaper repo





听力原文:Applicant: Good morning, sir. It's very nice to meet you. I’ve come for an interv

Manager: I see. Good morning. Take your seat, please.

Applicant: Thank yon. I received your letter yesterday, and you told me to come this morning for an interview.

Manager: Oh, so you are Mr. Smith, and you are one of the applicants to have answered our advertisement in the paper for an assistant account. Yes, we do have a vacancy, and I am expecting you.

Applicant: Thank you very much ,sir. Nice office here. I suppose your company's business is very good.

Manager: Well, not bad. May I see your reference materials? Frankly speaking, I'm quite satisfied you’re your qualifications since you have six years' experience in office work. I consider you the right man for this position. By the way, what company are you working with now?

Applicant: Well, I am out of job for the time being. 1 used to work in a Chinese firm whose boss was the sole proprietor. But two months ago the boss went back to China with his family, so the firm was closed down.

Manager: Does it mean that you can come here to work any time on call if we hire you?

Applicant: That's right. By all means.

Manager: I think you understand that we'll have to take you on a three-month probation first.

Applicant: Of course, I understand. I'll do my best, and I think I can do a good job. By the way, what is the salary?

Manager: One thousand and five hundred dollars a month to start with, and in three months' time your salary would be adjusted. And a year from now, you will have two weeks' annual leave.

Applicant: That's great. And when shall I start to work?

Manager: Let's see--today is Friday. You may start working on Monday. What do you say to it?

Applicant: I think it's the best. Thank you very much, sir.

Manager: Good luck to you.

Where did the applicant get the information about the job vacancy?

A.From his friends.

B.From TV advertisement.

C.From advertisement leaflets.

D.From newspaper advertisement.

听力原文:W: They may be proud of their new facilities, but frankly I'm disappointed.The nu

听力原文:W: They may be proud of their new facilities, but frankly I'm disappointed. The nurses are not friendly arid everything seems to be running behind schedule.

M: Not to mention the fact that it's noisy because no one observes visiting hours.

Q: What are they talking about?






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