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提问人:网友renjinwei 发布时间:2022-01-07

Sole proprietorships are predominantly started. It has following characteristics

A、they are easily and cheaply setup.

B、the proprietorship life is limited to the business owner's life.

C、all business taxes are paid as individual tax.

D、All of the above.

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“Sole proprietorships are predominantly started. It has following characteristics”相关的问题
Sole proprietorships concentrate in ___.A、restaurantsB、street corner grocery storesC、flo


B.street corner grocery stores


D.beauty saloons

Which of the following statements is not true?A.Small businesses create more new jobs than

Which of the following statements is not true?

A.Small businesses create more new jobs than do larger businesses.

B.Older businesses create new jobs at a much faster rate than small ones.

C.In general, successful entrepreneurs tend to be reasonable risk-takers.

D.Some of the new corporations are mature businesses that were born as sole proprietorships or partnerships.

—Look at the sentences below and the following introduction about the types of ownership.—

—Look at the sentences below and the following introduction about the types of ownership.

—Which type of ownership does each sentence 1—7 refer to?

—For each sentence 1—7, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

—You will need to use some of the letters more than once.



On the whole, this is not a popular form. of business organization, but it is often used by people in the professions, like doctors, dentists or lawyers, to expand their business. Greater efficiency is possible because people in this sort of association can spend their time doing what they are best at. If one person is sick, then the remaining partner(s) can carry on the work. The main disadvantage is that even with this form. of ownership, the amount of money available to the business may be limited. If people quarrel or disagree over decision making there can be problems and serious delays.


Public (Plc) Companies

These are the largest businesses in the private sector. There is no limit to the number of people holding shares in it and many of the larger companies have their shares listed on the stock exchange. The advantage of big businesses like this is that they find it easier to raise money as banks consider them a 'good risk'. There are strict laws governing the setting-up of this kind of business and each year the company has to publish its accounts. The larger such businesses grow, the more difficult it is to control them. Workers in such businesses may feel that management doesn't understand their problems.


Private (Ltd) Companies

Such businesses are net allowed to sell shares to the public. They must consist of at least two members, but there is no upper limit to the numbers who own the company. The larger size makes it possible for such companies to borrow more money from the banks or from issuing additional shares to its members. The advantage is that such a business is able to offer its members limited liability (responsibility) for debts and losses. Many companies of this type exist in England, Europe and the U. S.


Sole Proprietorships

Sole proprietorships, the most common business form, consist of one person doing business with no legal charter. While they offer the owner great freedom and are easy to form, they also present grave financial risks. General partnerships are merely proprietorships with multiple ewers.

There is no limit to the number of people holding shares in it.

A corporation is a legal entity that exists as distinct from the individuals who cont
rol and invest in it. (72)As a result, a corporation can continue indefinitely through complete changes of ownership leadership, and staffing. Current owners can sell their holdings to other individuals or, if they die, have their assets transferred to heirs. This is possible because a corporation creates shares of stock that are sold to investors. One strength of the corporate business structure is that stockholders have limited liability, as opposed to the unlimited liability of general partners, so they cannot lose more than their initial investment. (73)Investors may also easily buy and sell stocks of public corporations through stock exchange. (74) By offering stock publicly, a corporation enables anyone with some money to buy the stock and become a part-owner of the company. (75) As a result, corporations can more easily raise capital for business expansion than can sole proprietorships and most partnerships.

Stock, in business and finance, is a share of ownership in a corporation. Shares in a corp
oration can be bought and sold, usually on a public stock exchange. Consequently, the owner of shares can realize a profit or capital gain if the stock is sold at a price above what the owner originally paid for it.

Some companies enable stockholders to share in the profits of the company. These payments of corporate profits to stockholders are called dividends. In addition to having a claim on company profits, stockholders are entitled to share in the sale of the company if it is dissolved. They may also vote in person or by proxy on a variety of corporate matters, including the most important matter of who should run the corporation. When the company issues new stock, stockholders have priority to buy a certain number of shares before they are offered for public sale. Stockholders also receive periodic reports, usually quarterly, that provide information regarding the corporation's business performance. Stocks generally are negotiable, which means stockholders have the right to assign or transfer their shares to another individual.

A stockholder is considered a business owner and has the protection of limited liability under United States laws. Limited liability means that a stockholder is not personally liable for the debts of the corporation. The most a stockholder can lose if the company fails is the amount of his or her investment -- what he or she originally paid for the stock. This arrangement differs from that of other forms of business organization, which are known as sole proprietorships and partnerships. These business owners are personally liable for the debts of their businesses.

Corporations have good reasons to issue stocks. They issue stock in order to finance their business activities. This method of raising funds is only available to business firms organized as corporations; it is not available to sole proprietorships and partnerships. The corporation can use the proceeds of a stock offering in a variety of ways. Depending on the type of company, this might involve increasing research and development operations, purchasing new equipment, opening new facilities or improving old ones, or hiring new employees.

An alternative to stock financing is debt financing or the sale of bonds, an interest-bearing loan. This alternative is also available to sole proprietorships and partnerships. With the issuance of a bond a company typically promises to make periodic interest payments to the lender or bondholder as well as pay back the amount of the bond when the term of the bond comes to an end. Thus bonds are evidence of loans while stocks are evidence of ownership. Stocks and bonds are collectively known as securities.

When a corporation first makes stock available for public purchase, it works with an investment banking firm to arrange an initial public offering (IPO). The investment bank acquires the first issue of stocks from the corporation at a negotiated price, and then makes the shares available for sale to its clients and other investors.

A corporation can only have one IPO -- the first time it makes stock available to the public. After its IPO, a company is said to be public. Public corporations that need additional financing for further business development may choose to issue more stock at a later time. This is called a subsequent, or follow-on, offering.

Some corporations may choose not to go public. In this case it is said to be a privately held corporation. A corporation may elect to remain private because it docs not want to share its profits, or it may not want to give up control to shareholders.

Most of the information reported in the daily news media about the buying and selling of stock refers to transactions involving previously issued stock. The daily buying and selling of stock rarely involv




?Read the following extract from an article about small business in U. S. economy and the
questions that follow.

?For each Question 15-20, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

Small Businesses in U. S. Economy

Small business plays a major role in the American economy. More than 990//00 of the nation's 16 million businesses are small. Their effects are felt in number of areas, including financial performance, innovation, job creation, new-business formation, and contributions to big business.

But what is a small business? There are actually many different definitions, but the most widely quoted ones are those of the U. S. Small Business Administration (SBA). To help entrepreneurs, the SBA has drafted definitions to fit virtually every industry. For the sake of simplicity, we will define a small business as one that is independently owned and operated and has relatively little influence over its environment.

In sheer numbers alone, small business far outstrips big business. There is also evidence that suggests that small business outperforms big business financially. On average, for example, small manufacturers earn a higher return on owners' equity than do large manufacturers, for which there are two main reasons. First, in many manufacturing industries, small business can respond more rapidly and at less cost than can big business to the quickening rate of change in products and services, processes and markets. Second, small business has positive impact on the nation's economic performance in terms of gross national product, growth rates, and other indicators.

Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses Play a Major Role in Innovation

Small businesses or individuals working alone invented the personal computer, the transistor radio, the photocopying machine, the jet engine, and the instant photograph. Their ingenuity also gave us the pocket calculator, power steering, the automatic transmission, air conditioning, and even the ballpoint pen. Clearly, we are all better off for the presence of millions of small businesses. Their resourcefulness and ingenuity have spawned new industries and contributed a great many innovative ideas and technological breakthroughs.

Small businesses create more new jobs than do larger businesses. One study suggested that small businesses may create as many as 66 percent of all new jobs in the United States each year. In another study, the U. S. Department of Commerce found that small, young, high technology businesses created new jobs at a much faster rate than did larger, older businesses. Such small businesses require employees with a high degree of scientific or engineering knowledge and thus generate additional demand for them.

New-Business Formation

Another indicator of the importance of small business is the record number of businesses formed each year since 1960. New incorporations hit the 600,000 mark for the first time in 1983. This figure is more than four times the total in 1960. Of course, some of the new corporations are mature businesses that were born as sole proprietorships or partnerships and have only recently incorporated. Nevertheless, many more small businesses are created each year than larger ones.

A final reason for small businesses to have such an enormous impact is their contributions to big business. General Motors, for example, buys from over 25,000 suppliers, most of whom are small businesses.

Small businesses can deliver specialized products more efficiently than can larger businesses. Indeed, big businesses buy more of their inputs from small businesses than from other big businesses. Small businesses also play a key role in distributing and selling the products of larger businesses to consumers.


A.their enormous contributions to big business

B.a great many personal computers in the office

C.hard work, drive, dedication, managerial competence and luck

D.basic managerial competence in the high level of demand

听力原文:M: Starting a partnership in the United States requires little more than drawing
up articles of partnership. No legal charters have to be granted, but the name of the business should be registered with state. However, unlike a proprietorship, a partnership is not easy to dismantle. Selling a partnership interest creates the same effect as the death or withdrawal of a partner. Moreover, it is difficult to place a value on a partner's share of the partnership. No public value is placed on the partnership as there is on publicly owned corporations. When a partner insists on withdrawing, the result may be a forced sale at a price less than the value of the business.

F: Partnerships can provide diverse skills because partners are able to specialize in their areas of expertise. Two or three people ran bring different but complementary skills to an association. For service-oriented partnerships in such fields as law, financial planning, and accounting, this diversity may attract customers because clients may think that the service offered by a diverse team is of higher quality than that provided by one person. While, partners must cooperate to run a business effectively. Often, disagreements over decisions, rewards, and business practices create tension between partners. These conflicts can threaten not only the profits but even the existence of the business. Unfortunately, partners sometimes dissolve their successful business bemuse of these conflicts.

M: Partners have the advantage of combined capital resources, The partnership can draw upon the savings of all partners, and their combined personal wealth makes borrowing easier. Partnerships tend to be larger than sole proprietorships and therefore have greater earning power and better credit ratings. In general partnerships, general partners have unlimited liability for the debts incurred by the business. Should the business fail, each partner's personal wealth maybe legally taken to fulfill the obligations of the venture. If one of the partners makes a decision that costs the company a lose, all of the partners are responsible. Such responsibility for the actions of other partners is enough to make a person think twice before entering into a partnership agreement.

F: If a partnership wishes to keep a particular employee who contributes a valuable skill, it can make that employee a partner. Many accounting and law firms operate on this principle. When employees realize that it is possible to become part-owner of the company, they have incentive to stay with the company and perform. much better on the job. However, there are many situations that can dissolve a partnership. Death, withdrawal, or bankruptcy will end the venture. Also, failure of a partner to fulfill contractual agreements ran cancel the partnership. Of all the forms of business, partnerships average the shortest life span. When the partnership is terminated, the benefits of long-range planning are often lost.

M: Partnership can provide access and exposure to target markets such as leading chefs, restaurants, writers and high-income consumers and also provide access to new markets and distribution channels. Partnership apprentice admits a partner to the partnership, but makes them ineligible for profit sharing for a fixed time. One firm fixes new partners' salaries for the first three years and then begins profit-sharing in the fourth year. Each new partner is as signed or can purchase the same ownership percentage, which can be increased each year by some factors. It allows existing partners to see how new partners perform. before they share in the profits. Animosity, however, may result as young partners work for three years without immediate rewards.

&8226;You will hear five different business people talking about partnerships, one form. of business.

&8226;For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the advantage of partnerships described from the list A—H. For Task Two, choos

The common forms of business organization are proprietorship, partnership, corporation,

The common forms of business organization are proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or limited liability corporation.

A proprietorship is owned by one individual. More than 70% of the businesses in the United States are organized as proprietorships. The popularity of this form. is due to the ease and the low cost of organizing. The primary disadvantage of proprietorships is that the financial resources available to the business are limited to the individual owner,5 resources. Small local businesses such as hardware stores, repair shops, laundries, restaurants, and maid services are often organized as proprietorships.

As a business grows and more financial and managerial resources are needed, it may become a partnership. A partnership is owned by two or more individuals. Like proprietorships, small local businesses such as automotive repair shops, music stores, beauty salons, and clothing stores may be organized as partnerships. Currently, about 10% of the businesses in the United States are organized as partnerships.

A corporation is organized under state or federal statues as a separate legal taxable entity. The ownership of a corporation is divided into shares of stock. A corporation issues the stocks to individuals or other businesses,who then become owners or stockholders of the corporation.

A primary advantage of the corporate form. 15 the ability to obtain large amounts of resources by issuing stock.For this reason,most companies that require large investments in equipment and facilities are organized as corporations.About 20%of the businesses in the United States are organized as corporations.Given that most large companies are organized

As corporations, over 90% of the total dollars of business receipts are received by corporations.Thus,corporations have a major influence on the economy.

Al limited liability corporation combines attributes of a partnership and a corporation in that it 15 organized as a corporation,but it can elect to be taxed as a partnership.Thus,its owners'(or members')liability is limited to their investment in the business,and its income is taxed when the owners report it on their individual tax returns.

Now choose the best sentence(A,B,C or D)for each question.

15.Most businesses in America are organized as proprietorships due to the reason that______.

A. it is owned by one individual

B. it is easy and cheap to organize them

C. the financial resources available to the business are limited

D. small local businesses are organized as proprietorships

16. The difference between a proprietorship and a partnership is that______.

A. a partnership is organized under state or federal statues

B. a proprietorship has the ability to obtain large amounts of resources

C. a partnership has two or more owners while a proprietorship has only one

D. a proprietorship is more welcomed by businesses

17. The corporate form. is quite suitable for companies that______.

A. need large investments in equipment and facilities

B. obtain large amounts of resources

C. have to issue the stocks to others

D. belong to separate legal taxable entities

18. Which of the following organizations has a major influence on the economy?

A. Proprietorships.

B. Partnerships.

C. Corporations.

D. Limited liability corporations.

19. A limited liability corporation has the following features except______.

A. it has the attributes of both a partnership and a corporation.

B. it is organized as a corporation.

C. it can be taxed as a partnership.

D. its owners are liable for all the failures.

20. According to the passage, which of the following is not true?______.

A. Proprietorship, partnership, corporation and limited liability corporation are common forms of business organizations.

B. Most business receipts are received by limited liability corporations.

C. Corporations issue stocks to individuals or businesses, who then become their owners.

D. The owners of limited liability corporations should be taxed.

术语翻译:Sole agency()
O Sole Mio (My Sun) is one of the representative songs of José Carrenras.
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