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提问人:网友stlzlg 发布时间:2022-01-06

听力原文:One of America's most important exports is her modem music. American popular musi

听力原文: One of America's most important exports is her modem music. American popular music is played all over the world. It is enjoyed by people of all ages in all countries. The reasons for its popularity are its fast pace and rhythmic beat. The music has many origins in the United States. Country music coming from the rural areas in the Southern United States is one source. Country music features simple themes and melodies, describing day-to-day situations and feelings of country people. Many people appreciate this music because of the emotions expressed by country music songs. A second origin of American popular music is the Blues. It describes mostly sad feelings reflecting the difficult lives of American blacks. It is usually played and sung by Black musicians but it is popular with all Americans. Rock music. is a newer form. of music. It was first known as rock-and-toll in the 1950s. Since then, there have been many forms of rock music; hard rock, soft rock, pop rock, disco music and others. Many performers of popular rock music are young musicians. New popular songs are heard on the radio several times a day. People heard these songs sung in their original English or sometimes translated into other languages. The words may differ but the enjoyment of music is universal.


A.Its fast pace and rhythms.

B.Its simple themes.

C.Its beautiful melodies.

D.Its features.

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更多“听力原文:One of America's most important exports is her modem music. American popular musi”相关的问题
听力原文:Had you been out of work before you came to America?(A) No, I had been stayed at

听力原文:Had you been out of work before you came to America?

(A) No, I had been stayed at home.

(B) Yes, I had been jobless for 3 months.

(C) Yes, I had worked in America for one year.





听力原文:What is one reason that there are so many different kinds of restaurants in Ameri


A.Because immigrants miss their native cuisine.

B.Because immigrants are fond of cooking.

C.Because immigrants hate American food.

D.Because immigrants want to get rich.

听力原文:The world is going through the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever witn
essed.The process sweeps from hyperactive America to Europe and reaches the emerging countries with unsurpassed might. Many in these countries are looking at this process and worrying "won't the wave of business concentration turn into uncontrollable anticompetitive force?"

One global trend in business is to ______.

A.develop overseas market

B.attract more foreign investment

C.give the consumers more benefits

D.merge with each other and become more competitive

听力原文:The decentralization, diversity, academic freedom and shared governance that have
evolved over the past two centuries have made America's system of higher education one of the most accessible and democratic in the world. Today educators from around the globe are turning to U.S. institutions of higher learning for inspiration.

According to the passage, what has made America's system of higher education a great success?

A.Accessibility, diversity, academic freedom and centralized governance.

B.Diversity, academic freedom, democracy and centralization.

C.Shared governance, diversity, academic freedom and accessibility.

D.Decentralization, diversity, academic freedom and shared governance.

听力原文:US FAMILIES TODAY In the early days of America, the family held together for econ


In the early days of America, the family held together for economic reasons./Father, mother and children all worked together to build the pioneer family or family business./But today, about one out of three marriages ends in divorce,/and more and more of them involve children./ The divorce rate in America is still the highest in the world,/but 75% of the women and 83% of the men who divorce remarry within 3 years./ The children from the broken families join up to produce a new kind of unit called the blended family. / About 18 million children are now living with their step-brothers and sisters in such an arrangement./

Perhaps the most significant trend today is toward the single-parent household./Of all children under 18, 17% are now living with only one parent./Business and government officials are looking for new ways/to help parents meet their family responsibilities as well as to increase their income./


听力原文:Man: Eggs are delicious food and parents have to make sure they are laid in spots
well hidden from hungry thieves. One such careful parent braves the rushing waters of the Iguacu Waterfalls in South America to lay its eggs in a damp crack in the rock face behind the falling water. Accidents are frequent, but evidently the risk is considered worthwhile. In any case, there are no eggs on the menu in this particular part of South America, which is bad news for some!

You switch on the radio in the middle of a programme. What kind of programme is it?

A.A nature programme.

B.A cookery programme.

C.A news programme.

听力原文:Seventeenth-century houses in colonial North America were simple structures that
were primarily functional, carrying over traditional designs that went back to the Middle Ages. During the first half of the eighteenth century, however, houses began to show a new elegance. As wealth increased, more and more colonists built fine houses.

What was one of the main reasons for the change in architectural style. in eighteenth century North America?

A.More architects arrived in the colonies.

B.The colonists developed an interest in classical architecture.

C.Bricks were more readily available.

D.The colonists had more money to spend on housing.

听力原文: America Online and Google have announced an agreement to further strengthen thei
r cooperation.

Under the plan, Google would buy a 5% stake of AOL for one billion dollars. Google had been providing AOL with search technology already, revenues from that partnership account for some 10% of Google's business. With this deal, Google scores a victory against its rival Microsoft. Microsoft has also been trying to obtain a piece of America Online in the Internet search business. Right now, for online business, Microsoft is well lagging behind Google and Yahoo!, and analysts believe that competition in this field is bound to be more heated in the next five to ten years.


听力原文:About half of the workers of America's Delta Airlines have promised to help buy a

听力原文: About half of the workers of America's Delta Airlines have promised to help buy a new $ 30,000,000 airplane for their company. The workers are offering to give 2.5% of the money they earn in one year to buy the huge plane. The employees are doing this because Delta Airlines has kept all its workers on the job. Other airlines have cut wages or jobs because of reduced air travel.

Which of the following statements is true?

A.Half of the American workers have promised to buy a new plane for the Delta Airlines.

B.The workers of Delta Airlines have promised to pay half the money for a new plane.

C.Half of the workers of Delta Airlines have promised to help buy a new plane for their company.

D.Half of the workers of Delta Airlines have bought a new plane for the company.

听力原文: Anne Bancroft won an Oscar in 1963 for her powerfully moving portrayal of Annie
Sullivan, the inspiring teacher of the young Helen Keller in the film The Miracle Worker. It was one of her proudest moments but it was her role as the seductive, bored middle-class housewife, in the Graduate, that worked miracles for her career.

More than filly years ago, this New York-born daughter of Italian immigrants was persuaded by Hollywood studio bosses to change her name to help her career. It was one of the few compromises made by one of America's finest and most artistically uncompromising actresses.

In the film The Miracle Worker Anne Bancroft ______.

A.took the role of Helen Keller.

B.was very proud of her performance

C.worked miracles for her career

D.played the role of a middle-class housewife

听力原文:Well, temperatures are finally staffing to fall in north America with pinches of

听力原文: Well, temperatures are finally staffing to fall in north America with pinches of snow already on the ground in some northern regions of the country. Even so the memory of this past summer's breaking heat and draught are still with most of people.

As our fears that the long predicted greenhouse effect of increased global temperatures and attendant problems may have actually begun. But of course one summer heat wave is not a trend make. Exports at NASA are compiling statistics of summers past and present in order to hatter document the changes, which may or may not be occurring. Some scientists hypothesize that warming trend does exist based on data gathered to variety of methods over the last 100 years.

NASA's chief scientist for global change promotes the study of this phenomenon on the international scale using satellite data and help from other countries to gain a worldwide perspective on the greenhouse effect.


A.North America.

B.Most places of the regions of this country.

C.Some places of the most northern regions of the U.S.A.

D.The most northern regions of North America.

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