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提问人:网友shift2000 发布时间:2022-01-06

听力原文: The Bush administration has laid out its plans for increased defense spending in

the coming fiscal year. But members of Congress appear unimpressed, with some suggesting the proposed increase is too little, too late, and others questioning where the money will come from. It is ironic. Top Pentagon officials, backed by Congress, still boast that America' s armed forces are the best in the world. But at the same time, they argue the US military is in pretty sad shape. The nation' s highest-ranking military officer, General Henry Shelton, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, tells Congress more and more defense money is being spent each year just to maintain weapons systems that he says are not aging gracefully.

Which of the following is proper description for members of Congress' attitude towards Bush administration' plans?

A.Not satisfied.

B.Very satisfied.

C.Still doubtful.


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更多“听力原文: The Bush administration has laid out its plans for increased defense spending in”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Would you please give Mr. Bush a message?W: Sorry. Mr. Bush is having a holida

听力原文:M: Would you please give Mr. Bush a message?

W: Sorry. Mr. Bush is having a holiday in Paris.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The woman can't take the message.

B.Mr. Bush is in his office.

C.The woman is busy working.

D.Mr. Bush will be back soon.

听力原文:M: Would you please give Mr. Bush a message?W: Sorry. Mr. Bush is having a holida

听力原文:M: Would you please give Mr. Bush a message?

W: Sorry. Mr. Bush is having a holiday in Paris.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The woman can' t take the message.

B.Mr. Bush is in his office.

C.The woman is busy working.

D.Mr. Bush will be back soon.

听力原文:Before Mr. Bush came to power, the federal government had a surplus. It was spend
ing less than it received in taxes and there was even speculation that most of the national debt might eventually be repaid.

There is speculation that Mr. Bush would eventually repay all the national debts in his term.



听力原文:President Bush has said the 1972 Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty is a thing of the

听力原文: President Bush has said the 1972 Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty is a thing of the past. Mr. Bush made the statement at the start of his 5-day trip to Europe. Mr. Bush is seeking support from European leaders for his National Missile Defense System. President Bush has met with Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar in Madrid. The two leaders say they support free trade and the expansion of NATO. Mr. Bush has also restated his opposition to a treaty on global warming. The treaty was signed in Kyoto. Japan in 1997. President Bush says the treaty is unfair to the United States.

Q: With whom has Mr. Bush met in Madrid?


A.Spanish Prime Minister.

B.Japanese Prime Minister.

C.British Prime Minister.

听力原文:W: What do you think of my new idea about the paper Prof. Bush assigned me?M: I c

听力原文:W: What do you think of my new idea about the paper Prof. Bush assigned me?

M: I can't come up with a better one. Andy?

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He can't think of a better idea than Andy's.

B.He thinks Andy's idea is new to him.

C.He thinks that he has a better idea.

D.He thinks that it isn't good enough.

听力原文:In his radio address on Saturday, Bush warned that there is likely to be more tou

听力原文: In his radio address on Saturday, Bush warned that there is likely to be more tough fighting to come in Iraq. The president urged Americans to share their confidence in a positive outcome to the war. And he told radio listeners his aim is to defeat members of Saddam Hussein's former regime and foreign and Iraqi terrorists and criminals responsible for the violence. At the same time, the United States is helping train Iraqi security forces so U. S. troops can eventually return home. Bush again turned aside calls in Congress and elsewhere for him to set a deadline for withdrawing U.S. troops.

It seems that ______

A.the American troops are faced with violent fighting in Iraq

B.Americans are confident in a positive outcome to the war

C.radio listeners all agree to Bush's strategy for military success

D.radio listeners agree to Bush's warning of a tough war in Iraq

听力原文:President Bush has left on his first official trip to Europe. His first stop is S

听力原文: President Bush has left on his first official trip to Europe. His first stop is Spain. Ties between the United States and many of its European allies are tense because of differences on environmental and defense issues. Earlier Mr. Bush announced a big increase in American research into the causes of the problem of warming in the atmosphere. He said the research would include ways to correct it without hurting the economy. He again criticized the 1997 Kyoto Global Warming Treaty. He said it is unfair to the United States and does not include other nations that poison the atmosphere like China and India. Many European leaders and environment experts have criticized Mr. Bush's decision to reject the treaty.

Q: Which treaty did Mr. Bush criticize?


A.The 1997 Washington Treaty.

B.The 1997 London Treaty.

C.The 1997 Kyoto Global Warming Treaty.

听力原文:European Commission President Jose Manvel Barroso and other top commissioners are

听力原文: European Commission President Jose Manvel Barroso and other top commissioners are heading to Washington D. C. to urge the Bush administration to make compromises that are necessary to successfully conclude the stalled Doha round of world trade talks.

It is not by chance that these top European diplomats are starting 2007 with a visit Monday to Washington D.C. They want a global trade agreement. They want it now and they believe the Bush administration is standing in the way. The five-year-long Doha round of world trade talks broke down last summer primarily over subsidies to American farmers which the U.S. refused to cut to levels agreeable to Europe. Private negotiating has nudged the issue forward. Peter Power, spokesman for Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson, says the delegation will urge Mr. Bush to make the deal now.

European Commission President and other top commissioners are going to Washington to ask the American government to ______.

A.stick to their promises

B.make compromises

C.help them

D.go on with talks

听力原文:Israelis and Palestinians are mourning their dead. Five people were killed and mo

听力原文: Israelis and Palestinians are mourning their dead. Five people were killed and more than 200 wounded during Tuesday’s 53rd anniversary of what Palestinians call the "great catastrophe"--the creation of Israel and the mass displacement of Palestinians. Violence flared throughout the West Bank and Gaza on Tuesday. Israeli gunfire killed at least four Palestinians as protest marches became clashes with Israeli soldiers near military checkpoints and Jewish settlements. A Jewish settler was also killed and her father was wounded as they drove down a road in the West Bank.

Secretary of State Colin Powell said ________.

A.Egypt may not deserve a proposed $ 2 billion military and fiscal aid package

B.US government would cut its foreign aid to Egypt and the Palestinians

C.the Bush administration is not going to work for Middle East peace

D.the Bush administration would continue its foreign aid to Egypt and the Palestinians

听力原文:President Bush says helping the survivors of the earthquake in Iran is the right

听力原文: President Bush says helping the survivors of the earthquake in Iran is the right thing to do. But he stresses his willingness to ease restrictions so American aid can get into Iran does not indicate a change in the US policy is in the offing. Mr. Bush says there are still conditions that must be met by Tehran.

He says Iran's leader must listen to the voices of those who long for freedom, turn over A1-Qaida terrorists in their custody, and abandon their nuclear weapons program.

The President spoke to reporters that he is hopeful Iran will take the actions necessary to lead to a thaw in relations. The United States broke off diplomatic relations with Iran in late 1979 after militants stormed the US Embassy in Tehran and held dozens of Americans hostages for 444 days.

Bush's offering help for the survivors of the earthquake in Iran ______.

A.indicates a change in the US policy

B.because such an action is a right thing

C.shows that the US wants to strengthen the two countries' relationship

D.is to win the electorate in the US

听力原文:F: Excuse me, Prof. Bush. But I was hoping to talk to you about my class project
for physics.

M: I have a class in a few minutes. Why don't you come to see me during office hours this afternoon?

Q: When will the woman discuss her project with Prof Bush?


A.Right now.

B.In the physics class.

C.After the class.

D.In the afternoon.

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