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提问人:网友yitianbaihu 发布时间:2022-01-06

About one million Americans are diagnosed nnually with skin cancer.A.every yearB.severelyC

About one million Americans are diagnosed nnually with skin cancer.

A.every year



D.every month

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SubwayIf anything truly revolutionized the way New Yorkers live, work and play, it's the s


If anything truly revolutionized the way New Yorkers live, work and play, it's the subway. On any given weekday, 4.5 million people travel on the 6,400 cars that run along 722 miles of track beneath the city's five teeming (热闹的) boroughs. For all their complaints about it-the dirt! The crowding! The noise!—the subway remains nothing short of the miracle it was when the subway opened in 1904.

What was the original impetus behind developing the subway?

Existence on these streets, with the teeming masses, could not be borne any longer. Many areas were very diseased, new immigrants were huddled together. What was needed was the development of the outer boroughs to really occupy the workers, and the people needed to fill the jobs and facilities and services that Manhattan always had.

Was there any resistance to building it?

New York City had all the difficulties that we have today: NIMBY-ism existed even then. We had Tammany Hall we had corruption. But we also had a lot of very high-minded New Yorkers, people who really felt that this city must grow and had the best interests of the city at heart. At the same time electricity was invented. Being a very, very new science it was being very closely adapted for street railways. Then you have this invention of multiple-unit train control, where whole series of cars can run at the same time while piloted by the first-car motorman. That was an incredible thing. Now they had the tools in which they could run underground and not worry about soot ventilation(通风). Then of course you have to pick the route. Just like today, everybody wants it to go somewhere else. It's very interesting to note that the first subway route was a public-private venture, where the city owned the subway and put up the money, some $50 million, which at the time was astronomical(庞大的).

Is the initial economic impact at all quantifiable?

Around 1910, before the subway started going to Brooklyn it was nowhere near a million in population. Within ab6ut 10 years of the opening of the subway systems there, the population goes beyond a million. If you look at the 1930s when it went out to Flushing, there's nothing out there. It's like prairie; it's like going out to Montana. If you look at it after the war, there's not one lot left. Basically, we built an empire based on public transit. This does not happen with the automobile. We did not see this with the maze of highway systems that went up. What we did see was the deterioration of the center core city to the growth of the suburbs. One of the things about a subway car, there's from 40 to 150 people in this ear. I am now going to put every one of them in an automobile: You would have a line of automobiles that would stretch four to five blocks in length. But they all fit in one subway car, they all fit in one bus.

Is subway central to the city even today?

Everything the city of New York depends on the growth of the subway system. About three quarters of people took the train to work today. The idea of public transit is essential, sensible and the key to a healthy city. The ability New York City had on the opening of the subway is that they could physically move 30,000 people from 125th Street to Wall Street in less than 15 minutes. That's incredible. No one was able to do that. When the subway system was able to pull this kind of volume, people said "You know, I think I am going to live in the Bronx. I think I am going to live in upper Manhattan-96th Street doesn't look so far away when you think of it." It was a massive success, it was money spent in the right place. I would say that that $50 million probably brought the tune of trillions of dollars and are still producing trillions of dollars to this day.

Why did people think the subway was an aesthetic wonder?

More than a technological feat, the subway was also




听力原文:UN experts say the number of malnourished people was growing globally and million

听力原文: UN experts say the number of malnourished people was growing globally and millions of people in poor and rich countries alike are dying from diseases related to. poor nutrition. In Geneva, UN governmental and non-governmental experts are meeting to work out new nutritional guidelines. The UN experts say malnutrition does not Just refer to emaciated children dying of hunger. They say malnutrition which means bad nutrition also includes the hundreds of millions of people suffering flora obesity. The United Nations estimates 170 million children globally are affected by under-nutrition. Over 3 million die each year from being underweight. At the same time at least 300 million people am clinically obese. The head of the UN standing committee on nutrition Captain Vateni says among this about one half million people in north America and western Europe die every year from obesity-related diseases. The experts agree problems of malnutrition which include under-nutrition and over-nutrition exist in poor and rich countries alike. They say these problems are increasing because of growing urbanization.

What causes the death of millions of people in both poor and rich countries?

A.Disease related to the SAPS.

B.Diseases related to poor nutrition.

C.Disease related to the bird flu.

D.Disease related to mosquitoes.

Last April, on a visit to the new Mall of America near Minneapolis, I carried with me a sm
all book provided for the reporters by the public relations office. It included a variety of "fun facts" about the mall, such as: 140,000 hot dogs am sold each week, there are 10,000 full-time jobs, 44 sets of moving stairs and 17 lifts, 12,750 parking places, 13,000 tons of steel, and $ I million is drawn weekly from 8 ATMs. Opened in the summer of 1992, the mall was built where the former Minneapolis Stadium had been. It was only a five-minute drive from Minneapolis to St. Paul International Airport. With 4.2 million square feet of floor space--22 times the size of the average American shopping center--the Mall of America was the largest shopping and family recreation center under one roof in the United States.

I knew already that the Mall of America had been imagined by its designers, not merely as a marketplace, but as a national tourist attraction. Eleven thousand articles, the small book informed me, had been written about the mall. Four hundred trees had been planted in its gardens, $625 million had been spent to build it, and 350 stores were already in business. Three thousand bus tours were expected each year along with a half-million Canadian visitors and 200,000 Japanese tourists. Sales were expected to be at $650 million for 1993 and at $1 billion for 1996. Pop singers and film stars such as Janet Jackson and Arnold Schwarzenegger had visited the mall. It was five times larger than Red Square and it included 2.3 miles of hallways and used almost twice as much steel as the Eiffel Tower. It was also home to the nation's largest indoor park, called Knott's Camp Snoopy.

We know from the text that the Mall of America is ______.

A.near an old stadium

B.bigger than most American parks

C.higher than the Eiffel Tower

D.close to an airport

About one million Americans are diagnosed annually with skin cancer.A.every yearB.severely

About one million Americans are diagnosed annually with skin cancer.

A.every year



D.every month

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)Directions: In this part, you will hav

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Pollution: A Life and Death Issue

One of the main themes of Planet under Pressure is the way many of the Earth's environmental crises reinforce one another. Pollution is an obvious example--we do not have the option of growing food, or finding enough water, on a squeaky- clean planet, but on one increasingly tarnished and trashed by the way we have used it so far.

Cutting waste and clearing up pollution cost money. Yet time and again it is the quest for wealth that generates much of the mass in the first place. Living in a way that is less damaging to the Earth is not easy, but it is vital, because pollution is pervasive and often life-threatening.

Air: the World Health Organization (WHO) says three million people are killed worldwide by outdoor air pollution annually from vehicles and industrial emissions, and 1.6 million indoors through using solid fuel. Most are in poor countries.

Water: diseases carried in water are responsible for 80% of illnesses and deaths in developing countries, killing a child every eight seconds. Each year 2.1 million people die from diarrhoeal(痢疾的) diseases associated with poor water:

Soil: contaminated land is a problem in industrialized countries, where former factories and power stations can leave waste like heavy metals in the soil. It can also occur in developing countries, sometimes used for dumping pesticides. Agriculture can pollute land with pesticides, nitrate-rich fertilizers and slurry from livestock. And when the contamination reaches rivers it damages life there, and can even create dead zones off the coast, as in the Gulf of Mexico.

Chronic Problem

Chemicals are a frequent pollutant. When we think of chemical contamination it is often images of events like Bhopal that come to mind. But the problem is widespread. One study says 7~20% of cancers are attributable to poor air end pollution in homes and workplaces. The WHO, concerned about chemicals that persist and build up in the body, especially in the young, says we may "be conducting a large-scale experiment with children's health".

Some man-made chemicals, endocrine (内分泌) disruptors like phthalates (酞酸盐) and nonylphenol--a breakdown product of spermicides (杀精子剂), cosmetics and detergents--are blamed for causing changes in the genitals of some animals. Affected species include polar bears--so not even the Arctic is immune. And the chemicals climb the food chain, from fish to mammals, and to us.

About 70,000 chemicals are on the market, with around 1,500 new ones appearing annually. At least 30,000 am thought never to have been comprehensively tested for theft possible risks to people.

At fast glance, the plastic buckets stacked in the comer of the environmental NGO office look like any others. But the containers are an unlikely weapon in one poor community's fight against oil companies which they say are responsible for widespread ill-health caused by years of pollution. The vessels are used by a network of local volunteers, known as the Bucket Brigade, to gather air samples in neighborhoods bordering oil refineries, as part of a campaign to monitor and document air pollution which they believe is coming from the plants.

In South Africa, as in many developing and newly industrialized countries, legislation on air pollution has failed to keep pace with mushrooming industries. So local residents, like many in poor comm

A.3 million

B.2.1 million

C.1.6 million

D.3.2 million

Which of the following is NOT true?A.During the past two centuries, 19 species of animals

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.During the past two centuries, 19 species of animals have disappeared in Australia.

B.Life on Earth is about 3.5 million years old.

C.By the end of this century about one million species could become extinct.

D.At least 250 million species of animals and plants have lived on Earth.

听力原文:W: Dr Manning, do you have a few minuets. I'd like to ask you about this fossil I

M: Sure Jon. What have you got there?

W: Well, it's some kind of shellfish. I thought is might be a brachiopod, but I am not sure. I found it when I went out hiking last weekend.

M: I think you might be right. It certainly appears to be a brachiopod. But it's easy to confuse them with the bivalve mollusks. Superficially they resemble one another. Both have two shells for example.

W: How can you tell them apart then?

M: Well, there are some minor differences in the shell. A lot of brachiopods have ridge shells like this one. There are other distinctions of course. Internally they are quite different. Mollusks and brachiopods belong to different animal groups, and they have been in competition with one another millions of years ago.

W: How old do you think this one is?

M: It's hard to tell. The earliest brachiopods were from the Paleozoic era, 300 to 500 million years ago. They were quite successful then in terms of number of species. It's not out of the question that your fossil could be that old.

W: Wow, that's amazing. Kind of makes paleontology seem more interesting when you can hold it in your hand.

M: You know that gives me an idea. Would you mind bring this to our next class? The others might find it interesting too.

W: Well, I could. But if you don't already have one in your collection, I thought you might as well keep it.

M: That's very kind of you.


A.Ways to determine the age ora fossil

B.The identity of a fossil the woman found

C.A comparison of two shellfish fossils

D.Plans for a field trip to look for fossils

— I am very sorry. Can I get you another one?— ().A、That’s fine.B、I don’t forgive you.C

— I am very sorry. Can I get you another one?— ().

A、That’s fine.

B、I don’t forgive you.

C、No, forget about it.

D、It’s none of your business.

- Any development about your job-hunting?-().

A. I haven't found one yet.

B. I am satisfied with my jo

C. My old job suits me better.

D. I like to find a highly-paid jo


听力原文:W: Dr Manning, do you have a few minutes? I'd like to ask you about this fossil I

M: Sure. What have you got there?

W: Well, it's some kind of shellfish. I thought it might be a brachiopod, but I am not sure. I found it when I went out hiking last weekend.

M: I think you might be right. It certainly appears to be a brachiopod. But it's easy to confuse them with the bivalve mollusks. Superficially they resemble one another. Both have two shells for example.

W: How can you tell them apart then?

M: Well, there are some minor differences in the shell. A lot of brachiopods have ridge shells like this one. There are other distinctions of course. Internally they are quite different. Mollusks and brachiopods belong to different animal groups, and they had been in competition with one another millions of years ago.

W: How old do you think this one is?

M: Ifs hard to tell. The earliest brachiopods were from the Paleozoic era, 300 to 500 million years ago. They were quite successful then in terms of the number of species. It's not out of the question that your fossil could be that old.

W: Wow, that's amazing. It makes paleontology' seem more interesting when you can hold it in your hand.

M: You know, that gives me an idea. Would you mind bringing this to our next class? The others might find it interesting too.

W: Well, I could. But if you don't already have one in your collection, I thought you might as well keep it.

M: That's very kind of you.


A.Ways to determine the age of a fossil.

B.The identity of a fossil the woman found.

C.A comparison of two shellfish fossils.

D.Plans for a field trip to look for fossils.

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